The Illusion: Gary & Sara Harvey Supporters Will Fade Away

Vintage Balance ScaleIt would seem that some misguided individuals think that Gary & Sara Harvey supporters will simply fade away in time.  Perhaps some will.  However, it is an illusion and delusion to suppose we all will.  Some of us don’t like bullies and we don’t like injustice so much so that we don’t let go of the stench trail once we get hold of it.  And, believe me, the stench trail in the Harvey case is over-powering.

Who was it that approached the judge with a request to starve & dehydrate Gary to death?  It certainly wasn’t Sara, Gary’s wife.

Who is it that has ordered Gary Harvey into a world of isolation nearly void of any true stimulation?  Certainly not Sara Harvey.

Who is it that is in charge of medical decisions and care as Gary suffers from infection after infection?  Certainly not Sara, the wife who loves him.

Who is it that has benefited financially throughout the guardianship event?  Definitely not Sara Harvey.

Amazing how those who hold the reins and make the decisions, financially benefit (or cause others to receive financial benefit), continue to try to make Sara Harvey the bad person in this reign of terror.  Amazing indeed!

I don’t know who some of these people involved in Gary & Sara’s case think they are, but all-powerful and untouchable they are not.  It may not be today… it may not be tomorrow… but one day… all this cruelty and injustice will become known for what it is and the results of their actions will embrace them in a reward well deserved in the world of Karma and God’s Justice.  The illusions gone — the truth will strip naked the deceit and deceitful for all to see!

The stench is heavy.  The truth is powerful.  It’s time for Justice to take center stage!  And, rather than fade away, many of us intend to be in the audience!

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Gary HarveyTragically, Gary Harvey of Horsehead, NY fell down the basement stairs in January of 2006 and received a traumatic head injury. Since that time, he has either been in a nursing home or in the hospital and is under the guardianship of the county. Ironically, the county, who claims to be looking out for their ward’s best interest, was involved in a so-called ethics committee decision that Gary Harvey should be starved and dehydrated to death. The judge over-ruled the call for execution of an innocent man, though a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) remains in effect. Sara Harvey, Gary’s wife, is desperately fighting to get him home. One can only wonder how much he knows of what is going on around him. The following could be what he is thinking as he lays alone in that room, so isolated from the world he knew and the wife and friends he so loves.