A virus is spreading throughout the world. It affects the comprehension and common sense portion of the brain and leaves its victims dumbed-down and easily herded by the propaganda masters and their political cult. Carrie’s Take strives to provide an antidote to the mind-control and hopefully will stir up memories of long ago when our society demanded truth & honesty in journalism and expected it to be the guardian of facts, rather than PR mouth pieces for self-serving politicians and their personal agendas. ~Carrie K. Hutchens
Well, Congress, many things have been left up to you as representatives of “We the People”. Sadly, many of you did it your way in spite of all the outcries and questions that loomed right in front of you. The people weren’t smart enough. The people weren’t aware of all the facts. The people were over-reacting. The politics and political careers out-weighed any of the bad stuff the people might be enduring. And that is only a portion of it all and many of youknow it.
It is to the many ofyou that I address this…
You are in Washington, DC and you didn’t know(or believe) the IRS was targeting the Tea Party or Christian groups?
You didn’t knowabout the New Black Panthers intimidating voters and that it was ignored?
You didn’thave a clueabout Fast & Furious?
You didn’t knowthat video line was a hoax, when an excuse was thrown out there for the Benghazi attack and the failure to act?
You didn’t knowabout the spying on journalists?
You didn’t knowabout problems with NSA, until Snowden announced it to the world?
You didn’t knowthat Holder was held in contempt?
You didn’t knowthe president wrongly inserted himself into the Professor Gates & Trayvon Martin cases, stirring racial tension?
You didn’t know that no one was allowed to disagree with the president or his administration least they be called racist?
You didn’t knowthat Sandy Hook — a tragedy — was utilized for political gain and an attempt to gun grab?
You didn’t knowthat people were bragging about having voted more than once?
You didn’t knowthat Henry Reid campaigned against Romney with an untruth when he claimed the candidate hadn’t paid taxes?
Where were you that you didn’t knowthese and other things that happened on your watch?
The world has been watching.
The world has been paying attention.
The world has been wondering at your lack of integrity and backbone.