Mind Games: The Helplessness of Living in this World

I overheard a host on CNN repeating that Ted Cruz had caused the government shutdown.  No, he didn’t.  Harry Reid refused to allow a vote, unless it was his way.  If there couldn’t be a vote, then funding came to an abrupt halt and thus… government shutdown. What part of that don’t people get… or remember?  Or, perhaps in the “entertainment news,” it is merely more of the rewriting of history and convincing people the fake scenario is actually a true one.

How many will believe the fake over the genuine?

Personally, I am quite tired of the mind games and people telling me lies to my face with the insistence that no matter what I know, I am to believe them over my own knowledge, my own witnessing of events and my own remembering.  It’s not like there isn’t video out there that proves my memory goes along with what actually happened.  Yes, it’s true.  We haven’t quite made it to the Orwellian-Land-of-Duh where someone sits in front of a computer screen wiping away actual events from searchable documents and files.   Believe it or not, the truth is still documented for those who care to take a peek or two.

Continue reading at:  American Clarion

The Right Thing to Do!… The Right Thing to Do!… The Right Thing to Do!

Give meI am so sick of hearing, “It’s the right thing to do!”… that I could spit nails and talk to the wall!  The only problem is I’d have to wait in line, because the wall’s pretty packed right now with wall-talkers.

Where do these people get the idea that all their ideas are so ideal and you are just a bad person for not going along?  You would if you were a good person, you know, because it’s the right thing to do.  Nooooo!  No, it’s not always the right thing to do.  Sometimes it would be the biggest and dumbest thing in the world to do.  Sometimes it is simply dumb, but that’s good enough for not wanting to do it.

Women need YOU to pay for their birth control pills because that is the right thing to do.  How’s that?  Women can get birth control for little or nothing at Planned Parenthood, so somebody else is already paying for them.  It’s probably YOU, but at least you don’t know it or remember that tax dollar going into PP’s greedy little pockets.  But if a woman can’t get some free pills, she can’t wait for sex, until she does?

Sex.  Sex.  Sex.

Sex on television.  Sex in commercials.  Sex down the street and up the street and even in the park.  And we aren’t even in Pleasureville where their hair is all blown back to announce to the world what they have been up to.  Geez has any of the desperate for sex crowd ever heard about reading a book every now and then?

Don’t get me wrong…

Sex can be a good thing.  It brings new life.  You know, those adorable little bundles with the tiny little features and those little cries that wake us throughout the night… and the day… and whenever we just get to sleep.  But for sex to be the center of the universe and attached to all things at all times… well… that’s a little… a little… shall we say — sick?

Sex isn’t everything.  It’s simply a small part of the big picture.  It isn’t meant to be people’s purpose in life, though I’ve met a few people who would differ with me on that thought.  Nevertheless, if someone is going into actual withdrawals, because he or she has to wait a few days to get a refill on the birth control pills because YOU didn’t pay for them to be had from somewhere other than the free or low cost place — that someone ought to be asking self what’s up with that.  How do they figure you are responsible for making their sex possible?  Oh, I know… ’cause… It’s the right thing to do.”

The right thing to do is to get back to thinking normal.   Normal meaning realization that there is a world out there that doesn’t center around each of us, immediate gratification is not an entitlement, nor are we entitled to avoid the consequences for our actions and lying is not supposed to be in a politician’s job description.

Me… me… me… is way out of style, but some elites seem to be clinging to the old attitude and trying to groom the younger generations to support and be apart of their whiny little, “You must do what I want because… It’s the right thing to do.”

I want.  I want.  I want.

Me.  Me.  Me.

Give me.  Give me.  Give me.

Tantrum.  Tantrum.  Tantrum.

Stomp a foot.  Stomp a foot.  Stomp another foot.

Lie.  Lie.  Lie.

I get.  I get.  I get.

You pay.  You pay.  You pay.

Know why?… this person might ask?  “Because it’s the right thing to do.”  And this person will probably be thinking on in that crazy little way of thinking, “… and I want my way at all costs because what I want is all that matters.  And because it is all that matters — It’s the right thing to do!”

Oh, I hate that saying.  Is there a space for me at the wall yet?

How Stupid Are We: Pretty Darn Stupid According to Big Government Supporters

stupidIt’s amazing how stupid “big government supporters” think everyone else is.  We are too stupid to make our own decisions about the size of soda we buy, so the government will help us.  They will deny us the 32 oz. option.  Now, that is really going to help all on its own.  Oh, never mind.  That ban is only the beginning.  With the government in control of insurance, they’ll soon be able to tell us what we can’t eat and what we must eat.  Probably tell us how many times a day to go to the bathroom, too.  And, never fear, we will probably receive instructions on the proper way to wipe the bottoms we have somehow been taking care of for years without their help.

Drink water?  What a unique idea.  I’m sure that most of us never once thought about grabbing a glass of water when thirsty.  And how about those water fountains? They aren’t just for decoration?  Well, what do you know about that.  Learn something new every day.

I have a control freak relative that will walk into the kitchen, see someone is doing the dishes and tell that person she (or he) needs to do the dishes.  It is as though the event is not real… not happening… unless “control freak” gives the order for it to be done.  Does my relative sound like anyone you know?  You know… like someone who thinks they know more about our health, health needs and coverage than we — the people who happen to be living our lives — do?

My “control freak” relative got involved where there was no need and really messed things up.  After the blunder, “control freak” walked away and left everyone else to suffer the major consequences involved.  Looks like our government is planning a likewise move.  They screw everything up for us — like cost us perfectly good insurance coverage — then, as it all falls apart, they go, “ooops” and walk away with their coverage still intact.

Many of the elite in government haven’t the slightest clue what it is like to be in our less-elite shoes, so their edg-i-ka-sion is limited to that book larning that was written by others who probably didn’t have the slightest clue either.  So, who are they to suddenly walk into our lives and tell us what to do and when to do it and how to do it, as though we hadn’t been living a life prior to their decision to decide for us?

We may not know everything about everything, but we do certainly know what we need to survive.  We know what is “affordable” in our situations, no matter what amount they decide upon.  Better yet, they talk about all these people that didn’t have insurance because of pre-existing conditions and life-time limits.  So, why didn’t they deal with those problems?  Why didn’t they find a way to get those people covered?

I’m trying not to laugh or cry.  Rather than deal with the “specific” issue at hand, the “control freaks” in government decided that they needed to tell everyone they have to have insurance — including the ones who already had insurance and didn’t need to be told to get it.  (But it wasn’t really REAL until “control freaks” told them they had to.)  And to top it all off… as the government took over to make sure everyone was covered… they caused people who already had coverage to lose it and become uncovered.   Yep!… that’s some progress and a success story to be proud of — NOT!

The government mingled where it had no business mingling and now people, who had made the good decisions for themselves and family, are in one heck of a mess.  Many have lost hours and jobs.  Many have or will be losing coverage.  Many are facing exceedingly high premiums, co-pay and deductibles.  But the government knows best, or so it thinks.

How stupid do they think we are?  Pretty darn stupid.  And just remember this conversation when they tell you that you HAVE TO eat your veggies, how to wipe and how to have sex with your spouse.  Yeah, I know you didn’t know how to do that properly either.  But… never fear… they’ll get you up to speed as soon as they get the glitches fixed in the O-care site.  In the meantime, don’t hold your bladder or your breath.

Poor, poor delusional Harry Reid

2Reid told The Huffington Post that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is smart, but he can’t outmaneuver the 26-year veteran in the halls of Congress.

“He might be able to work a calculus problem better than I can,” Reid said Thursday. “But he can’t legislate better than I can.” ~The Hill – 10/18/13

Someone should tell Harry Reid that what he does, many of us do not call “legislating”.  There are many names for it, but that is not one of them.

Reid said Cruz is a “laughing stock to everybody but him” and said he pitied the GOP if the party saw him as a viable nominee for president in 2016. ~The Hill – 10/18/13

No, Harry Reid, Senator Cruz is not the laughing stock to everyone but him.  As a matter of fact, for you to say that, is to say the American People he stood up for are a laughing stock.  How dare you!

Harry Reid, you have shown yourself.  Your arrogance will be your downfall.  Your Rooster walk will trip you up.  No one is fooled by you, except the uninformed and zoombie troops.  But never fear, many are waking from their blind coma, as the results of your “legislating” hits their lives and pocketbooks.

Laugh and mock this moment away, Harry Reid, because it won’t be long until the elections and that smirk on your face will turn to a blush of embarrassment.  Then you will know that many, many people aren’t happy with you, Harry Reid.  Not happy at all.  They’ll be telling you what they think of your “legislating” and you’ll know it isn’t Senator Ted Cruz they are laughing at.  You’ll know that for sure!

Today’s Logic Moment – 10/17/13

The Question People in DC Apparently Did Not Consider:

blameWho makes negative comments about others and takes action to punish anyone not in lock-step?  Who is it that then projects this attitude, words and behavior onto those who refuse/refused to willing step in the mess with the lock-steppers?


Giggle, Giggle Goes John McCain

love horsesJust a thought…  Maybe instead of gleefully giggling, John McCain ought to look around and see where he’s at.  Ole Mr. Maverick there, appears to have trotted on over to the liberal section of the room and is apparently grazing on their “free” Kool-Aid.

Senator “once upon a time maverick” McCain, many people agree with Ted Cruz about Obamacare and the devastation it is causing.  If you want to worry about “shame”, then perhaps you should be putting it where it belongs.

Shame on everyone involved in pushing through a bill they probably didn’t read, and apparently didn’t understand.

Shame on everyone in Washington, DC that is walking all over the middle and poor classes, while claiming to be their champion.  Champion my southside.

Y’all that are involved in allowing Obamacare to get passed and stay passed — ought to be ashamed of yourselves.  You are fools and that is not one bit funny!

Giggle, giggle all the way to the shame corner!

Today’s Logic Moment – 10/16/13

The Question People in DC Apparently Did Not Consider:

 cancellation stampPeople are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies.  To have like coverage, with the AHC requirements, is being reported as either exceeding higher in premiums and deductibles or not offered by the preferred insurance company.  Like coverage via Obamacare, if one can find out, is apparently a cause for sticker shock.  People are in a desperate position.  Did this administration consider any of these possibilities before plowing through anyone who objected or had concern?  Do they intend to address this devastating mess they created?

Okay DC: What About the Other Americans Who Lost Their Private Sector Jobs?

busyIsn’t this quite delightful!  The government employees will be returning to their jobs after a short break.  They knew they would be.  It was a short-term  hurt.  What about all the other Americans in the private sector, who have lost their jobs, or their hours, and are facing an uncertain future?  They don’t know when they will be getting back to work (or hours returned), if ever they will.  Theirs is a long term nightmare.  Why are they forgotten?  Why are they deemed the non-important?

Obamacare did, and continues to, cost jobs.  If DC can’t see it, then perhaps they need a refresher course in reality.  After all, only they and their oblivious cult followers, are blind to the true plight of the American people all at the hands of Washington, DC politics and politicians.  Thanks for nothing.

I do hope politicians are feeling proud of themselves for their lack of concern and compassion for the families that are suffering as a result of idiotic politics and selfish legacy fights.  That will mean a great deal to them in the hereafter, when they are shown up for the self-centered and selfish individuals that they are.  Oh yes, they will be remembered for the pain and suffering that they needlessly caused.  There will be no mercy given to their memories.  What a true legacy that will be.

So, now that we know Obamacare was slopped together and has done nothing but cost people their jobs, their insurance, their financial well-being, and so on — what are you going to do about it, DC?  How are you going to fix this mess?  Will it be within the next two weeks or so?  (Isn’t that about the time it took you to get the government employees back to work?)  Well, you better get on it then, because the American people aren’t too happy with you and your crazy, selfish plans.  It’s time to do what you are supposed to.  It’s time for you to represent the people — not dictate to them.  It’s time to get the private sector Americans back to work and their good insurance returned!  Get busy!

I thought about writing about today’s events…

redundancyI thought about writing about today’s political events, but quickly realized it would be redundant.  Anyone following the happenings of this current life-mess read it all yesterday or perhaps even several weeks ago.  Oh… yes… there are a few technicalities that might have changed, but the outcome is right back where it started.

Radical liberals are still calling other people names, while whining if they think they’ve been called one.

We have the radical liberals deciding the Confederate flag is a statement of the Tea Party, Republicans & Senator Ted Cruz attitude, but the OFA thinks it is unfair to suggest they are less than sensitive to the disabled after having a sign that says, “Tea-Tards”.  (Like we don’t get the reference to the term – retards.)

Oh, and then there are those radical liberal writers that suggest Tea Party members have all these characteristics that are quite unproven?  Does truth matter at all to the radical liberal?

But it’s all a mess.

One moment it looks like progress is being made.

Never mind.

Then there is ole Harry Reid… you know… the senator that wrongly threw out a rumor during the election year and hoped it would stick?  Harry Reid is blocking any effort the House makes to try to provide funding, yet then tries to blame the Republicans for the failure to fund?

Oh how delicious is that?

The constant is Obama with his rhetoric and wrongful descriptions as he always blames someone — anyone — except Obama!

On and on we go… where we stop… no one knows!  But stop we should!  Stop we must! It’s time to bring sanity back into government and into our lives.  After all, we really aren’t their little zombies, unless we allow ourselves to be.

Time to pay attention!

Time to use our own minds! — the ones not cluttered with irrational thoughts!

As for writing about today’s events — never mind — tomorrow is soon enough!

The White House & Congress: The Home of Court Jesters

court jester and puppetHave the White House and radical liberals of congress begun to believe their own propaganda media?  They certainly don’t seem to have the slightest clue what the ACTUALLY INFORMED PUBLIC is thinking and how they are responding to this childish and unnecessary behavior.  Maybe someone should tell them that the public, beyond their cult, isn’t sympathetic to their message?

The attack on Veterans has outraged Americans — not endeared the president and his followers to the People!

Perhaps the president doesn’t care.  He is after all “The One They All Have Been Waiting For”, is he not?

Whatever is going through the minds of this administration and radical liberals of congress, the People are paying attention and the lapdog media reps are NOT portraying the reaction as it truly is.  This administration and the radical liberals may have some people on their side at this point, but I’m betting many more will desert once they get a good look at their insurance options.  Then… they, too, will have a chance to feel they were deceived and mocked just like those they use to mock.

The White House and Congress seem to have become the home of the court jesters, who spend their time fooling the public into thinking they truly care.  And, dare a representative or a senator actually be concerned and want to work for the People — he or she or they can be assured to be labeled something not pleasant.  Perhaps even to be called one of the “Tea-Tards”, which we all know is likening Tea Party members to retards.  (You know — that politically incorrect term none of us are supposed to use anymore?  Well, unless we are radical liberals.)

Yes, the White House & Congress have become the home of Court Jesters!  “Jest” how unfunny is that?

President Transparency’s Spokesman: No Comment on Secret White House Email Accounts

By: Guy Benson | Jun 04, 2013 @Townhall.com

Since President Obama’s EPA administrator, HHS Secretary, and nominee for Labor Secretary have all been exposed for using pseudonymous email accounts as an end-run around transparency efforts, have any officials inside the White House employed the same trick?  Sorry, the spokesman for the “most transparent administration in history” won’t comment on that:


Continue reading: President Transparency’s Spokesman: No Comment on Secret White House Email Accounts