Created for us… without us… and forced upon us… in spite of the proven
hazards to the well-being of most of us — the non-exempted!
Tag Archives: Obamacare
Tricked & Manipulated: All the Sheep in a Line to be Sheared
I truly hate it when people attempt to trick or manipulate me. I don’t do it to them and I would appreciate the same courtesy in return. Of course, in this particular time period of the world, it seems the trickery and manipulative behavior is a bit overwhelming and behind almost every bush and peanut tree.
One might laugh and say something about me watching commercials, as I use to frequently do when they were entertaining. Don’t I realize they are an advertising firm’s attempt to manipulate my opinion and make me decide I absolutely need the product in question, whether I truly do or not? Yep! Yep! I realize that to be completely so. However, that’s the difference — I know what commercials are all about. But the government and its agents? Well, that’s a different story all together. We shouldn’t have to be worried about being swayed by the better ad or public relations scheme. Government should be straight forward and fact-filled — not an entertaining ploy .
Should be!… not that it is. Now we have the White House employing entertainers to sell Obamacare? (Does this mean, since these are ads, that we can file false advertisement complaints?)
The government shouldn’t be involved in having a Truth Squad, or whatever it is called, to harass and stalk people who are voicing their opinion. And, I must admit… now that I’m on the subject… I’m more than a bit tired of Orwellian enforcers and blind followers calling me the idiot.
(I’m tired of them calling you an idiot, too.)
The United States of American may not have been perfect, but it wasn’t this mad, selfish, self-centered, immediate gratification demanding and threatening madness we have now. How we got from 2007 to now is a whirl wind of bizarre. This mess created by the radicals and activists is unbelievable and unsustainable. It will eventually bite them in their backyards and it will no longer be their heavenly dream come true.
The problem is…
How do we, as a nation, survive, until “reality” wakes up the coma prone and rabid New World followers? Can we? I believe so.
We are a creative and hardworking people, who have merely been put on hold. Once the common sense ban is lifted and the business & job-killing mercenaries are retired, we can fire up our efforts and rebuild and rebuild some more. In the meantime, we need to help individuals, who might not be able to survive this mess entirely on their own. We’re going to need them too. And, let’s not forget the elderly, disabled and children — all have a part to play in making our country great again.
The moral of the story is…
Don’t fall for the trickery and manipulative rhetoric being spewed by those who want absolute control of every aspect of our lives. Don’t be fooled. These people aren’t looking out for us — they are out for control and profit. After all, they certainly aren’t trying to redistribute their money and assets, or give up their lifestyles, now are they?
Don’t be fooled. Realize what we are seeing right now is one big commercial, as the government and agents try to trick and manipulate us into believing they know what is best for us and we should simply agree to be nice, quiet little sheep!
Baaaaaa Baaaaaa, not I. I shan’t be nice or quiet or simply follow because I’m told I must. What about you? Has the trickery and manipulation become apparent to you, too?
CBS Calls Obamacare Website Launch ‘Nothing Short of Disastrous’
(CBS correspondent Jan Crawford)
Crawford also interviewed Luke Chung, a computer expert
and a supporter of Obamacare, who said, “I would be ashamed
and embarrassed if my organization delivered something like that.”
Maybe that year delay ought to be seriously considered by the administration?
Andrea & the Republican
Oh, how deliciously ironic…
“Obama tells congressional leaders he won’t negotiate on shutdown, debt“???… oh, how deliciously ironic. If Obama won’t negotiate on any of those things — or anything — what is he willing to negotiate on?
Things have gotten out of hand. (Actually, they got out of hand long ago.) There was no reason that the Democrats and the President of the United States of America could then (or now) truthfully feel their plan for health care reform was so perfect — so very perfect — so very, very perfect — because they are “all-knowing” — that a little devil’s-advocacy and balance wasn’t in order, rather than a defiant blow-off of everything and anything not-their-way.
No reason, but it happened.
Now we have tons of people losing their jobs, or at least their full-time hours, and definitely their certainty of what tomorrow brings. No longer does the need of the worker matter — the only things that matter are the whims of Obamacare and the dear Democrats & Pals that claim to so care for the people’s well-being.
And, rather than try to explain what they were thinking and why they thought (and continue to think) they were right and meant/mean well — they start in with the name-calling (calm rhetoric) and low blows towards any who do not agree with them, not to mention those special terms …
In recent weeks, however, Obama and his aides and Democratic allies have accused the Republican legislators of being anarchists, suicide-bombers, hostage-takers, arsonists, political terrorists, fanatics, blackmailers, and ideological crusaders.
“What we’re not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest,” Dan Pfeiffer, Obama’s top media adviser, said in a CNN interview this week. ~Obama: I use ‘calm’ rhetoric, unlike ‘hostage takers’ (The Daily Caller — 7:16 PM 10/02/2013)
The irony of the Obama Administration — their willingness to call names (calm rhetoric), refuse to budge and then dare to project their words and behavior on others. So, are we to be impressed and feel more secure in Obamacare and this administration now that we know they are pretty darn good at retaliating, hitting below the belt and name-calling (calm rhetoric)? Sure makes me want to rush out and buy me an Obamacare plan — how about you?
Pulling the Plug
It is mind blogging how some people are so ready to suggest the plug should be pulled on others. What if the pluggee doesn’t want the plug pulled? Pull it anyway?
There you go. One more down. Who else can we get rid of?
The thought brings to mind a picture of an eager face with a vile grin and some drool running down the chin for good measure. “Oh look, that little old lady in Aisle 4 doesn’t have quality of life. I wouldn’t want to live that way, walking with a limp. Let’s get her. Boy, this legal murder is empowering. Look at me! I have power over life and death. Why didn’t we start doing this before now? Oh, good another one back by the frozen foods. Such a good day for plug pulling.”
Think it can’t ever happen?
Who would have thought we would ever be where we are today? Who would have thought we would be so ready to say that helpless people “aren’t in there”, and thus believe it is simply okay to starve and dehydrate them to death? Who would have thought, but that is where society has arrived at. Society is killing off the weakest without thought to those who have fallen victim to illness, injury, disability or age. It is outrageous at how cold and cruel our society has become.
It is easy to say someone has no hope, when no therapy or attempt has been made to help the person get better. It’s causing the problem and then having the problem be our supportive argument as to why not to take any positive actions.
For those who might not get what I just said, it would be like a husband taking the one and only family car and then blaming the wife for not driving to the grocery store for something he wanted while he was gone with the one and only car that prevented her from being able to drive to the store to get what he wanted while he was gone with the one and only car.
Or, how about a teacher not giving an assignment, but then blaming the class for not completing the assignment not given?
Likewise, people can’t always get better without the tools and treatment being made available to them.
They can’t wheel themselves down the hallway, if they don’t have a wheel chair to wheel.
They can’t do physical therapy if none is offered, nor anyone to tell them how.
They can’t take the necessary medications to cure their illness, if no medication is made available.
They can’t eat or drink if no food or water is provided.
They can’t look out the window if there is no window to look out of.
Simply put, people can’t get better if they aren’t allowed to get better, because all things that will (or might) make them better is denied them.
But none of this appears to matter in this day and age, when the so-called “Enlightened” seem to feel they are the anointed and have the power of a god to make life and death decisions in spite of what the person or family might want.
Listening to the arguments of many is a waste of time. They justify with issues that are irrelevant to the case at hand. I liken their arguments to:
Spot — the dog — pooped in the yard, so Spot’s owners aren’t going to feed the cat bird food.
So, one asks this person what any of that has to do with anything or even with each other, and the person might come back with the righteous question — “What? Are you trying to say that Spot didn’t poop in the yard?”
Or, maybe the response will be, “What? Are you supporting feeding the cat bird food?”
Sometimes I wonder if the irrational is to drive the rational over the edge or wear them down where they give up the fight against this madness. I don’t know, but I do know that I get tired of it and would like to put the irrational in a padded room with all their irrational statements played back to them throughout the day and night and see their reaction to their own words… their own arguments… their own enjoyment at playing these games with others.
I guess I should ask for forgiveness for wishing such on even them, but it doesn’t take away the truth that something really does need to be done to shake up this world and get it (and us) back on track. This craziness has simply gotten all too boring and quite too dangerous for all too many people.
Those who think they are gods and anointed to make choices between life and death for those who aren’t asking for their services, should be demoted to Spot’s poop scoopers and making sure the cat isn’t fed the bird food, while those who respect life — should be the ones moved into the position considered “Enlighten” and given the courtesy of a listen.
Once “non-responsive” is not necessarily forever “unresponsive”.
Unable to speak or move is not necessarily a sign that a person is gone and that the brain is dead.
Those who believe the garbage being spit out in this day and age to suggest otherwise of what I just said, should read the story of Kate Allatt, Mother-of-three left ‘locked in’ by a stroke last year WALKS down the aisle to renew her wedding vows . By Daily Mail Reporter Created 10:15 AM on 25th May 2011. It might just be an eye opener and give a person wonder of what if they were in a situation as she. Would they, too, like the opportunity to return to their life? Or, would they rather Spot eat the bird food and the cat poop in the yard while the bird makes the decision just before he goes to work to consider giving the rat still another loan to pay for his teeth so he can chew up the constitution and any good works that might have once shown us to be compassionate human beings trying to make this world a better place for all?
Pulling the plug on any, should be a something taken very serious and it has nothing to do with what Spot did in the yard today or yesterday or any day before!
It has to do with the issues at hand!
It has to do with a human life we are talking about and deciding about!
What if we are wrong?
Ask Kate Allatt and her family about the consequences of wrong and what might have been if continued!
Ask her if she rather have been unplugged or allowed to walk down the aisle to renew her wedding vows. Her answer might astonish our “enlightened”, but it certainly doesn’t astonish me or the rest of us “unenlightened”.
We know.
We just hope the realization spreads.
Pulling the Plug originally published on Dakota Voice – August 26th, 2011
Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.
Hot off the keyboard: Press Release of Senator Cruz
Reid Tables Bill to Fund Government, Refuses to Come to Table with Republicans
Contact: / (202) 228-7561
Monday, September 30, 2013
WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) released the following statement regarding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to block consideration of the House-passed Continuing Resolution to avoid a government shutdown.
“Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had the opportunity this afternoon to avert a government shutdown. Instead, he chose to kill the House’s bill to keep government open, a deliberate act to move towards a government shutdown. This is no surprise. After the House acted Saturday night, Sen. Reid refused to call the Senate back to service, instead leaving senators at home on vacation while a shutdown loomed. And he has apparently advised the President not to meet with House and Senate leaders of both parties. Harry Reid wants a shutdown, because, sadly, Democrats are putting politics above the needs of the American people. The New York Times explained why: because, as the Democrats believe “now is the time to break the power of Tea Party Republicans.”
“This is exactly the kind of DC-based thinking that makes Americans disdain Washington, DC. Democrats need to listen to the people and start working for the millions of Americans who are losing their jobs, wages, and healthcare benefits because of Obamacare. This is not a debate over a government shutdown; it’s a debate about how Obamacare is plaguing our economy. I will continue working to make sure the government stays open and Americans receive the same benefits as giant corporations and Congress under Obamacare. Until then, I hope the American people will continue to speak out against this disastrous, train wreck of a law and make DC listen.”
Sen. Ted Cruz: Defunding Obamacare is a Fight We Can Win
Rep. Trent Franks says Obama is the Most Dangerous President Ever
See The Blaze article by Sarah Rivette:
Rep. Trent Franks says Obama is the Most Dangerous President Ever
Michelle Malkin Talks Pushing of NEW Bill to Tackle Costs of Obamacare w/ Neil Cavuto
Pelosi said something to the effect, “We have to pass this bill to find out what is in it.”
How’s that working out for us?
Just WHO is in Charge Here: The People or Career Politicians
Something is mighty wrong! Just WHO is in charge? “We the People” or they — the “Career Politicians“?
We voted for the elected officials with the once upon a time belief they were going to be representing us. Instead, we keep finding out there are politicians that voted on ObamaCare without even knowing what was in the bill or how it might adversely affect “the people”. Did they even care? After all, they are allowed exclusion from what they are forcing upon us, so it’s no big deal, it appears.
Now, it seems there is possibly a secret discussion going on to push through gun control issues. “Secret”? Secret from us — the ones that are supposed to have our wishes represented? Secret from us — the people they are supposed to be listening to?
It’s always been questionable, but the “in your face” disregard for the opinion of the citizens, has gotten out of hand. It has become a statement by appearance & actions that once in office, some of these elected officials think their “ideology” is what is good for us little idiots that voted for them and they will decide for us, since our decider is defective and unenlightened. So, rather than represent us — they dictate to us and herd us to wherever they think we should be or to whatever they think should be done unto us.
I guess our “decider’s” are defective after all. We are the idiots that voted for these people with their little personal agendas. Maybe it’s time we tell them just who is in charge and that it is NOT THEM. Time to tell them their little games will no longer be tolerated. Next election, let’s vote for some trustworthy adults who understand they represent the people, not themselves and not whatever “cause” they “personally” support in spite of us!
Yes, next election, let’s take back our authority, vote for servants of the people and retire the career politicians who have forgotten who is supposed to be in charge. Yes, let’s retire them to the land of ObamaCare and the Gun Free Zones that they created and make sure they, too, get to share in their creations. Retire and unexempt them to the “real world” and “real results”. Maybe then they will see who the true idiots really are!
ACLU Declares ObamaCare to be Constitutional?
ACLU doesn’t appear to like people of religion much, especially if it be Christian in nature, so it’s not surprising they claim ObamaCare and its HHS mandate constitutional. This opinion though, is coming from a group that cried discrimination, or some such thing, involving (in the Kansas City area) an ordinance they helped write. Ooops! Change of mind? Time not to sue self? Big hope not many heard about this little boo boo?
I don’t know what came of the situation or how it got swept under the rug of “hush”, but it does prove a point. Just because the ACLU says something is or is not constitutional — does not make it so. It is merely their position and opinion. They, like everyone else, have to go to court and get a ruling. Well, unless they scare some little person or business with the threat of litigation that the later can’t afford. Then, they might win by “bulliness”, not because they actually had a fair and true case.
One thing I would like to hear the ACLU explain…
How is no co-pay for birth control not discrimination against those who have to pay a co-pay for life-saving meds?
If corporations can decide to be democrat or republican or a dem-pub and pick a candidate to donate money to, why can’t a corporation decide whether it wants to be secular or religious? And, if it wants to be religious, why can’t it pick what religion and decide not to contribute to something it totally doesn’t believe in? Like if it doesn’t believe in Obama, it shouldn’t have to donate to him, should it?
The ACLU is nothing more than a group of lawyers with opinions. It is not the say-so’er or decider on any given matter, beyond whether they believe there is a case and wish to handle it or not. They happen to think the HHS mandate is constitutional? Many think otherwise. The ACLU declaration isn’t the rule of law — it’s merely an opinion. Everyone has one — including them.
The “Fiscal Cliff” Fall-Out: No Free Ride for Us
Many of us don’t get to put off paying bills or lift our debt ceiling via threat of throwing a tantrum or simply because we won’t take “no” for an answer. Most of us have to live by strict rules of paying our bills or paying the price for failure to do so. Why then does the government get a free ride on their responsibility and leave us negatively affected by their failure to live up to it?
When the dust settles, will the all-knowing supporters of ObamaCare finally see all that was in that bill that they didn’t read or understand? They, too, should have to shoulder the very same cost the rest of us do and receive medical care equal to the lowliest of citizens. If it is good enough for us — it is good enough for the government people who forced it upon us. It’s time they pay for the choices they make, rather than getting the free ride and leaving us stuck with their grievous and unnecessary mistakes.
Maybe if those failing to represent the people have to share in the results of their carelessness and disregard, they will no longer be so careless and have some regard for the outcome. Maybe then, they will understand the extent and seriousness of the “fiscal cliff” fall-out and come to realize — this isn’t a game! This is real life with real consequences affecting real people!
Game over. Time to stop playing make-believe.
Bobby Schindler Files Petition Requesting to be Gary Harvey’s Guardian
Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo, has filed a petition in the New York Supreme Court – Chemung County asking guardianship of Gary Harvey be turned over to him. How can the County refuse to resign or disagree with the petition? How could they dare say this guardianship transfer would not be in the best interest of Gary Harvey? Legitimately, they can’t.
Should the County fight Bobby Schindler’s effort, then the County (and those involved in the case on their side), shall have been proven to have lied to the court and the community. The County claimed it did not want to be Gary’s guardian, but there was no one else. Now there is. So, if they fight to retain guardianship, that means there is an ulterior motive for doing so. After all, just why would they fight so desperately to retain a ward they didn’t want in the first place or thereafter; have warehoused; and, seem to think is bothersome and time consuming in the isolation and hide the information (from his wife) health care plan they have prepared for him?
Bobby Schindler has an impeccable reputation. He is knowledgeable about TBI (traumatic brain injury). He has first-hand experience in dealing with a family member suffering from TBI. He is compassionate and caring. He is hopeful and realistic. Just what part of all that he is, could the County honestly say is not good enough to be guardian of Gary Harvey? Can we say – none?
Time will tell us what the County will do. Let’s hope they choose the honorable path and agree it is in the best interest of Gary Harvey to appoint Bobby Schindler his guardian. It is, after all, the right thing to do!
President & Congress Not Needed In Gun Control Matters

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden practice their putting on the White House putting green April 24, 2009. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
It’s amazing how the administration hasn’t been able to take responsibility for Fast & Furious and weren’t able to protect our personnel in Benghazi, but now they think they need to take over gun control laws and further dictate to the civilian population? How ironic is that?
Instead of worrying about law abiding citizens having and purchasing firearms, since there are already laws governing same, maybe the president and Congress ought to worry about the budget, the deficit, Benghazi, Fast & Furious and all the other matters they are responsible for and should have been attending to all along. What a concept.
What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is heartbreaking, but it isn’t a gun control issue — it’s a mental health issue! To say otherwise changes nothing. What is, will be, no matter what spin is spun or what lie is spread. Only perception changes and isn’t that exactly what is thought to have led to this heartless massacre of the innocent? Hasn’t it been suggested that perhaps the shooter “thought“ his mother loved these children more than he? So, perhaps it is “false perception” that a task force should be addressing instead of those other issues suggested.
Perhaps we should go even further. Perhaps we should ban and arrest those who make a living creating, building and selling lies in the guise of news. Perhaps we should ban the faulty and self-serving bills that are being rammed down our throats and arrest those who hang out in Washington, DC pretending to be lawmakers and representatives of the people.
Yes, rather than worrying about matters that don’t need the attention of the federal government, the president and Congress need to tend to their own business — assigned by “We the People” and the Constitution of the United States — that it has been neglecting for far too long. Let’s see a responsible budget. Let’s see some responsible discussion about how the deficit can be addressed. Let’s see Obamacare repealed and constitutional laws considered as needed. Let’s see some answers and accountability with the issue of Fast & Furious. And, let’s not forget the Benghazi lies by the president and his Susan Rice. Those are things they need to worry about and address.
One thing I guess some of the Washington, DC crowd needs to be reminded of — we don’t “need” them to survive, but they “need” us to survive a political career. (Job description: to serve and represent the people — not dictate to.) With that in mind, rather than grand standing, playing to the cameras, pursuing their own personal agendas and appointing themselves the ultimate authority to tell us what to eat, what to wear, what to do, when to sleep and what slant to believe — these elected & appointed officials need to get busy doing the jobs they were sent there to do. What? A concept? What a concept indeed.
Calling the Non-Existent Bluff
It would seem many thought potential layoffs were merely a bluff. It was never a bluff. It was explained why layoffs would be necessary in the face of Obamacare and such. Look at all the people who couldn’t seem to comprehend facts and went with the false illusions instead. Enjoy, dulled ones, for your uninformed and misguided votes will come to bite you in the non-existent bluffing rear quite soon. Problem is… the rest of us get to pay your price right along with you. I, for one, am not happy at all.
You stand in line giggling like you’re off to see a rock star, rather than getting ready to do something quite important that is going to affect an entire country for a very long time.
You know the “talking points”, yet are clueless about what has been actually going on in the world.
You want equal pay for women and yet haven’t a clue that Obama wasn’t paying women equally from what has been reported.
You want contraception and think Obama is protecting your access to it, when no one … NO ONE… was ever trying to take it away.
You vote with your “lady parts” and then expect to be taken seriously?
Four people died in Benghazi. Was it due to the administration being inept or worse? Do you even know where Benghazi is? Do you know who died and how? Did you know that help could have been sent, but wasn’t?
Don’t know who Nancy Pelosi is? How’s that possible if you are an informed voter? She played some key roles that make her stand out from the crowd and not necessarily in a positive light.
You don’t know who Harry Reid is? You know, the guy who wrongly used his position to suggest that Romney hadn’t paid taxes though he had.
This is important stuff that you missed, but as long as you got those “talking points” right, I guess you think you are the brightest bulb in the room of same watt bulbs.
Can people outgrow dumbed-down? I certainly hope so. Maybe they’ll invent a cure for it. Oh, they have. I almost forgot. It’s called objective education and critical thinking. Too bad so few decided to take part in the offer. Might have saved us all from the dumbing results to come.
Thanks a lot. Oh, by the way… the potential layoffs… were never an idle bluff. Maybe that little bit of information will catch up with you sooner than later. Let’s see if you are still giggling your way down the welfare line when it’s your time to pay for your dumb vote and there might not be enough help to go around.
Good luck in your little world of same watt bulbs.
Where Do People Get Their Obama Ideas?
I find it rather amusing that less fortunate people assume Obama can relate to their situations. Why would any assume that? Because he is half Black? Because a Black man must have suffered and been through all the trials and tribulations of the less than wealthy? Think again. Check out his life that we do know about. Obama did not live the life of a poor man, even if he didn’t always have all that he wanted when he wanted it.
I ask again…
Why would anyone assume that Obama has the slightest empathy or understanding for the life of those who are struggling to survive or even forced to live paycheck to paycheck?
If Obama truly understood the plight of the unfortunate, he would have been working first on the economy and jobs, with his ObamaCare coming in last. It would have also afforded him and his pals more time to think things through and perhaps come up with something that made more sense and was far more affordable than the mess shoved through against the will of the people. But Obama didn’t care.
When the country was already suffering from serious debt, did that stop the Obama’s from spending millions on vacations? Yet, the less fortunate somehow see him as caring about their desperation? Why because he is half Black? Because a Black man must have suffered and been through all the trials and tribulations of the less than wealthy? Think again.
Obama is not one of the lowly. Watch him. Listen to him. Pay attention. He has never been one of the unfortunate, but he certainly seems to know how to herd them. So far, he has done that quite well. I’m not impressed. Perhaps others shouldn’t be either.
The Rage of Sandy & the Pandering of the Obama’s
Obama is supposed to be sitting in Washington DC keeping a watchful eye on Sandy and the aftermath, is he not? With this in mind, I started noting the emails coming from his camp.
Around 1:31 PM, October 29, 3012, Obama did send out an email offering to let us donate to the Red Cross via his website, however, it wasn’t long until the campaign donation solicitations began arriving. Michelle Obama’s request for donations (for the campaign) was sent at 8:22 PM and talks about the raffle.
After it was mentioned that Romney was more focused on helping the victims of the devastating storm, here comes another email from the Obama campaign which mentions giving to the Red Cross via the Obama website again and a copy of the previous 1:31 PM email. But then comes the 3:26 PM email (on October 30, 2012) that says, “Forward this: How Obamacare helps.” Yep, let’s use the devastation of Sandy to promote Obamacare and Obama’s campaign.
It didn’t stop there.
At 9:09 PM here comes the email, “I’m not going to sugarcoat this:”. Indeed, another email worried about the extra money Mitt Romney and the Republicans raised and soliciting campaign donations.
What happened to the concern for the victims of Sandy? Sure was brief and short lived, was it not? The Obama campaign and donations for it are apparently far more important.
Says a great deal. Says a great deal indeed.
The Liberals & The Phony War On Women
For the thousandth & one(th) time — the Republicans and Conservatives have not declared “War on Women”. However the Liberals claiming such a war exists are clearly declaring war on the sanity of men and women alike. It isn’t real. It’s a political figment used to tick women and their allies off and hopefully sway votes. It’s a cheater’s game. And cheaters can never be trusted, especially to tell the truth about what they are up.
No one is trying to take away contraceptives. They are readily available. All the allegedly bad people are doing is saying they shouldn’t be required to pay for other peoples’ sex lives. This is a war on women? Give me a break.
Viagra is totally free of cost? Then charge a co-pay for it, if that is what is behind women thinking contraceptives should be totally free (or at least charged to their employer), and make everyone happy. Problem solved.
There are people out here that must pay co-pays for life-sustaining meds, but the focus is on making the Catholic and other religious institutions pay for contraceptives that they don’t believe in? Taking away religious freedom is okay as long as the women get their sex freebies? How responsible and sane is that?
No one is trying to deny women sex. The argument that the conservatives are, sounds as though it is coming out of kid’s playbook. “You just don’t love me. You just don’t want me to have any fun.” (Stomping feet comes to mind as well.)
The real argument is that contraceptives can be obtained and there is no attempt to stop it. On the other hand, religious institutions and business owners, who have religious objections, are being told they will have to pay no matter their objections. The so-called enlightened have deemed this to be.
The War isn’t on women. The War is on Religious Freedom!
Women are just being used by the radical liberals & their pals, but they are too into “self” and the load of stuff fed to them to see it. One day though, the truth will come home to haunt and they will see this was just a stripping of freedom and they were the tools to help make that happen. One day, they may be willing to pay those contraceptive co-pays just to undo what was wrongly done. It could very well be too late and there will be no one to blame but those who made it happen.
The Liberals & The Phony War On Women
For the thousandth & one(th) time — the Republicans and Conservatives have not declared “War on Women”. However the Liberals claiming such a war exists are clearly declaring war on the sanity of men and women alike. It isn’t real. It’s a political figment used to tick women and their allies off and hopefully sway votes. It’s a cheater’s game. And cheaters can never be trusted, especially to tell the truth about what they are up.
No one is trying to take away contraceptives. They are readily available. All the allegedly bad people are doing is saying they shouldn’t be required to pay for other peoples’ sex lives. This is a war on women? Give me a break.
Viagra is totally free of cost? Then charge a co-pay for it, if that is what is behind women thinking contraceptives should be totally free (or at least charged to their employer), and make everyone happy. Problem solved.
There are people out here that must pay co-pays for life-sustaining meds, but the focus is on making the Catholic and other religious institutions pay for contraceptives that they don’t believe in? Taking away religious freedom is okay as long as the women get their sex freebies? How responsible and sane is that?
No one is trying to deny women sex. The argument that the conservatives are, sounds as though it is coming out of kid’s playbook. “You just don’t love me. You just don’t want me to have any fun.” (Stomping feet comes to mind as well.)
The real argument is that contraceptives can be obtained and there is no attempt to stop it. On the other hand, religious institutions and business owners, who have religious objections, are being told they will have to pay no matter their objections. The so-called enlightened have deemed this to be.
The War isn’t on women. The War is on Religious Freedom!
Women are just being used by the radical liberals & their pals, but they are too into “self” and the load of stuff fed to them to see it. One day though, the truth will come home to haunt and they will see this was just a stripping of freedom and they were the tools to help make that happen. One day, they may be willing to pay those contraceptive co-pays just to undo what was wrongly done. It could very well be too late and there will be no one to blame but those who made it happen.
Betrayal: The Slants to Buy Obama Votes
I just watched Obama’s ad called, “Dangerous – Obama for America TV Ad” where a woman says, in part, “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would get rid of Planned Parenthood funding. And allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. Both backed proposals to outlaw abortions…even in cases of rape and incest.”
Does she feel no shame? Or, is it that she is brainwashed to such an extent that she really believes this pile of “slant the truth” to make an untruth and upset the voters?
Let’s throw in cancer. Rosanne Barr did as well. She said she hoped people that ate at Chick-fil-A got cancer, after the owner dared… just dared… to say he believed in traditional marriage. (You know… that law which remains the law in the majority of the states?) Oh yeah, cancer is a good scare tactic and wishing it on someone is a horrendous thing to do. But hey… look who is using it to try to sway opinion their way.
On the other hand, so what if there’s a chance Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would/will succeed in defunding Planned Parenthood on the federal level? Planned Parenthood has other sources of income. They just wouldn’t get as much “easy” money that they haven’t truly earned. Boo hoo.
Contraceptives are available. No one is trying to take them away. However, the lib side does appear to be trying to take away freedom of religion per a mandate that isn’t even necessary.
Basic health care? Lady in the ad, no one is trying to take away basic health care for women. That is a campaign illusion. You are an illusion. Your worry is an illusion. You have betrayed women… you have betrayed the truth… as you took, and continue to take, part in slants to buy Obama votes.
Is the betrayal worth whatever you were promised?