I may not like you!

I may not like you!  Actually, it’s an absolute that I don’t and won’t like you, if you are one of those people who lie about others for personal or political gain!  PERIOD!… COMAS… and EXCLAMATION POINTS!

I’m not sure which is worse… those who think they have a right to use “by any means necessary” tactics to get what they want because they think their cause is so righteous or those who merely like to get what they want because lying and cheating is simply a means to get what they want and there is no righteousness involved.

It doesn’t matter.

If you ever lie about someone, how can you be trusted by anyone? 

How can you be trusted about anything?

Personally, I don’t think you can ever be trusted again because it takes some low-down evilness to lie about a person, who has done nothing, and yet, here you are trying to destroy their life… their livelihood… their future… their hopes & dreams – all for your benefit or entertainment.  You don’t deserve any trust and you certainly aren’t “righteous” by any means!

I often wish we had virtual reality perfected, so people could be put in various situations to see and feel the consequences of their efforts and wishes, or simply for them to see how it would feel if something were done until them that they are trying to have done unto others.  In some cases, it might be an effective tool.  In other cases, it would be a lost cause, unless the person could see “whatever” would have a negative effect on them, because nothing matters, except how it affects them.  They have no conscience.  They have no empathy for others.  They are defective!

Politicians get no pass from me!  For years, I have been saying that there needs to be a law put into place like “false advertising,” “fraud”, and “stealing by deceptive practices” related to election matters & performance of duties associated with the office obtained.  If they get elected on a lie – they should be immediately removed from office.  If they lie as Schiff & Pals have lied against others – they should be removed without the due process they attempted to take away from their target.  Likewise, the victim and the public, as a victim by extension, should be permitted to sue those, who wrongly tried to take away their chosen representative(s) and void their votes.

The media claims the status of a “free press” that is to be a watchdog for the public.  As such, they should then be held to a higher standard.  Suing the media for slander and libel should be much easier than it is at this point.  Furthermore, any media, whether by intent or neglect, that reports a falsehood to take down a duly elected official or candidate – should have its license revoked and forced to immediately close down its operation.  In short, Propaganda Rags should not be rewarded or allowed to sway public opinion in an attempt to achieve their agenda by deceit.

People make mistakes.  People sometimes state things as fact, believing they are, but they aren’t.  People sometimes have more confidence in one expert than another and there is a disagreement about which expert is right.  These are not lies.  These are honest mistakes (without intent to deceive) or merely difference of opinion.

On the other hand…

We do have the intentional liars.  Do I need to name names or can you name them yourself?  You know… the people that repeat debunked claims, as if they are true.  People who repeat the lies over and over, no matter how many times the actual videos or audios are presented to them.  Or, the people who simply pull whatever out of the air on the spur of the moment simply to be able to do a putdown of their target, which seems to usually be President Trump, his administration and supporters.

Can’t they find anything truthful to support their position?

Probably not!

The media… the politicians… the puppet masters… the indoctrinated and simply uncool people, who live life lying about others for personal gain, entertainment or to lift yourself above others – so you think – I don’t like you… I will never like you… I will never forget and most likely – I will never forgive you for the evil and destruction you have attempted or accomplished.

May you be shamed with accountability for all the heartless words and deeds you have showered upon the innocent!

May no one trust or believe you again!

I won’t!

I don’t like you!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

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The curious case of black advocates and MSM hatred for Dr. Ben Carson

By Lloyd Marcus

To you remaining black members of my family who take issue with me being an outspoken black conservative Republican, I ask you ponder the following. Comedian Arsenio Hall was known for his comedic bit, “Things That Make You Go Hmmm…” Well, here are a few facts regarding self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media’s disdain for Dr Ben Carson that make you go hmmm.

Summarizing, Dr Carson’s life is remarkable and inspirational. He grew up fatherless in the hood with his hardworking single mom. She turned off the TV and ordered Ben to read and give her written book reports. Though illiterate, Carson’s mom pretended to read his book reports. This troubled black kid from the hood overcame his demons and grew up to become a world renowned neurosurgeon. A movie was made about Dr Carson’s life titled, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story” starring Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr as Dr Carson. http://bit.ly/1SnKzLB

If Dr Martin Luther King, Jr were alive today, Dr Carson would epitomize his dream of blacks (Negros) being proud dignified contributors to society in America. So why does Black Lives Matter, the mainstream media, the NAACP and the Democratic Party despise and seek to destroy Dr Carson? Since entering the race for the White House, self-proclaimed black advocates and media launched an all-out no-tactic-or-lie-is-too-low campaign to knock Dr Carson out of the race for president. http://bit.ly/1MVpfJK

But guess who supposed advocates for black empowerment rallied behind and transformed into heroic icons of civil rights? The answer is black criminals; Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Keep in mind that the supposed advocates for blacks that I mentioned hate Dr Carson. Shouldn’t that make a thinking black person go hmmm?

The Black Lives Matter movement was founded on the lie that a white cop shot Michael Brown while surrendering with his hands up. Based on the evidence, Brown robbed a convenience store, assaulted the clerk http://bit.ly/1PSbIsj and was shot attacking a cop inside his police car. Brown was trying to take the officer’s gun. http://bit.ly/1NymQKy

And yet, the mainstream media and Democrats ignored the grand jury’s report and continues to promote the lie that Brown was gunned down by a racist white cop while on his way to his grandma’s house. Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and other so-called black advocates persist in ignoring facts; such as in only 35 years 324,000 blacks have been killed by fellow blacks. As a matter of fact, 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks. http://bit.ly/1NSDXRE Racist white cops “ain’t” the problem y’all.

Drug dealer Freddie Gray had a record as long as your arm. http://bit.ly/1lOh0bM Treyvon Martin was also a prolific thug. http://bit.ly/1NgbZmG So again I ask, why would so-called advocates for black empowerment make saints of black criminals while relentlessly attempting to demonize Dr Carson?

Dr Carson’s path of education, hard work, Christian faith and right choices led him to extraordinary success and possibly even the Oval Office. Martin, Brown and Gray’s criminal choices made them menaces to society and led to their early deaths. Wouldn’t true black advocates encourage black youths to mimic Dr Carson rather that elevating criminals Martin, Brown and Gray to black superstar status?

Common sense tells us that self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media obviously have another agenda other than their stated justice/empowerment for blacks.

The truth is these slime-ball so-called black advocates and media hacks do not give a rats’ derriere about blacks. If they did, they would honestly deal with the self-induced issues plaguing the black community; epidemic school dropouts, drug abuse, black on black crime and out-of-wedlock births. But no, black advocates and media would rather blame conservatives, Republicans and white America.

Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and Democrats want blacks to conclude that Martin, Brown and Gray were the products of being victimized by racist white America; particularly conservatives and Republicans. That is a lie. Life is about choices. Circumstances tend to reveal who you are inside.

My 87 year old black dad also grew up poor and fatherless in the Baltimore hood. As a little boy, Dad chose to earn money shining shoes on weekends at the Greyhound Bus Station. One of his buddies chose crime; two kids in similar circumstances making different choices. Dad was taught responsibility at an early age. I could hear the pride in dad’s voice as he told me how he spent his first earnings. Out of $1.25 he made one weekend, dad paid rent to Aunt Nee, took in a movie with candy and popcorn and purchased a t-shirt. Dad bragged to a friend, “Yeah man, I’m buyin’ my own clothes now.”

I heard through the family grapevine that some relatives are embarrassed by me publicly proclaiming that blacks are not victims of racist America. To them I say, “Sorry guys, but we are not.” My goodness, all one has to do is look around.

Racism along with every other sin will exist until Jesus returns. However, the notion that blacks are suffering, held back, routinely murdered by cops and victimized by “white privilege” is absurd. These narratives are manipulative tools to keep blacks voting for Democrats. Suckered blacks believe voting for Democrats will keep racist white America and Republicans at bay. After 50 years of voting for Democrats, black life continues to spiral downward in cites controlled by Democrats. http://bit.ly/1jnIsey

Blacks from the hood like my dad and Dr Carson who achieve their American dreams contradict the Democrats’ and mainstream media’s it-sucks-to-be-black-in-America story line. The undeniable truth is the American dream is alive and well for all who choose to go for it. The only real stumbling block for blacks is Obama’s economy. http://nws.mx/1Pg3mup

So why has the mainstream media sacrificed its journalistic principles to help Democrats win black votes? The answer is the media and Democrats are on the same page; socialist/progressive – both desire an America in which the majority is dependent upon and controlled by a tyrannical big government. Oh and both have a bug up their derriere about Christians. Democrats and mainstream media will vehemently deny it, but it is true.

In essence, elitist mainstream media and Democrats want George Orwell’s novel “1984” – a nation of supplicants subservient to Big Brother. These truths should make logical thinkers go hmmm.

© Lloyd Marcus

This article is printed with the permission of the author.


Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”