No, Joe, you didn’t make me proud

Joe Biden, I found your behavior at the VP debate to be rude and obnoxious.  I found nothing amusing and definitely nothing to be proud of.

Personally, I like to hear both sides and make my own decisions about what I hear.  I don’t appreciate people, like you, Joe, who try to distract, make it impossible for me to hear, or simply interrupt and take the conversation away from the very thing I wanted the answer to.

Of course, I guess that all works for Obama and you, Joe.  Apparently, you aren’t interested in the American people “hearing” the answers and therefore allowed a chance of making up their own minds.  No, you seem to want to make up our minds for us by signaling what you think is amusing or serious and, therefore, just how you suppose we should react to whatever the topic is at hand.

You’re wrong, Joe.

As a Catholic, I find you even more offensive than your mere inappropriate behavior at the debate.  How dare you say there is no attack on religious freedom?  Do you think we (most of us) are so stupid that we don’t get it?  Is that what you are having so much trouble not laughing your fool head off about?

Well, Joe, I have a secret for you — we do get it.  We know where you and your Obama leader stand.  You stand against the Catholic Church you claim to be a part of.  You stand against religious freedom, if it is Christian — especially Catholic.  Then, you mock any who dare suggest this is obviously so?

I’m not impressed, Joe.

That’s right, Joe, I’m really not impressed.  Just who is your God and what is your religion, when you think it is quite okay to support so many things that go against the teachings of the church you claim to be a part of?

When did you suddenly think it was okay to tell the rest of us that it was (and is) okay to believe in your “new” view of the Catholic religion in the “new” political style?  You know… politicians deciding what the Catholic Church should (and does) stand for and then all the while ignoring the Pope, Bishops and real church beliefs?

I don’t know when you got there, Joe, but I do think you have a few surprises in store for you and I’m not so sure you will be laughing and mocking, when it’s time for you to be evaluated by the One with the most important and ultimate vote.

Good luck.


The Dangers of Trusting Claire McCaskill

Todd Akin made a statement relying upon outdated scientific material.  He said that pregnancy from a rape was rare because of what a woman’s body does during the trauma of a “legitimate rape.”  People pounced on the allegation that women rarely get pregnant from a rape and the term of “legitimate.”

Perhaps Candidate Akin should have verified his information, but at least he didn’t pull that belief out of nowhere and put it out there to simply support his position.  He was going on an actual scientific study that had once been put out there as verified fact.  He had every reason to believe his information was accurate.  When he found out differently — he admitted so.

As for the term “legitimate rape”… people knew what he meant, or should have.  He wasn’t trying to downplay the horrors of rape or insult victims.   He said that pregnancy resulting from rape was rare, not that it never happened.  Therefore, it shouldn’t have been considered another case of the victimizing the victim.  At worse, it was merely poorly chosen words in this nit-pick society we have become.

Akin may have relied upon outdated material, but it was once the current medical findings.  He may have used the wrong adjective and set the world on fire.  However, it was Claire McCaskill that has shown her true colors over this matter.

On August 21st and updated September 4, 2012, KCTV5 reported:

> U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill said Tuesday that her GOP opponent should be given the benefit of the doubt about his unfortunate choice of words.

The Kansas City news channel quoted McCaskill as saying:

> “Congressman Akin and I disagree on some things, but he is sincere,” McCaskill said. “And while I disagree with what he said, he has now, just in the last few hours, really apologized for what he said.”

Claire McCaskill was being fair and calling for others to be as well, right?

On September 26, 2012, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, published “Todd Akin moves forward as Claire McCaskill deepens attack with ‘legitimate rape’ ad”, which says in part:

> McCaskill, meanwhile, wasted no time in opening up on Akin over his controversial comments last month on rape and pregnancy, now that she can do so without fear of driving him off the ballot and getting a new opponent.

> “Todd Akin said only some rapes are legitimate,” an announcer says in a McCaskill ad, marking her campaign’s first real foray into an issue that has rocked the national political landscape. “What will he say next?”

Claire McCaskill said her opponent really apologized and should be given the benefit of the doubt.  Well, apparently she meant “only” until she was sure he wasn’t going to bow out of the race.  Now, she seems to want us to doubt him and the misstatement has become something for her to attack him for.

Akin may have said it poorly, but at least he said what he believed to be true.  McCaskill?  Well, it looks like what she says is not always what she believes, but hey, this is politics, isn’t it?  Fight dirty and hope the people are too dumbed-down to see what is going on right in front of them.

Oh, and next time Claire tells you something, you might want to wait a few days and find out what she is saying then.  After all, the Akin situation does show the dangers of trusting Claire McCaskill, the honorable appearing candidate today, but the real politician tomorrow — not so much so.

The Liberals & The Phony War On Women

For the thousandth & one(th) time — the Republicans and Conservatives have not declared “War on Women”.  However the Liberals claiming such a war exists are clearly declaring war on the sanity of men and women alike.  It isn’t real.  It’s a political figment used to tick women and their allies off and hopefully sway votes.  It’s a cheater’s game.  And cheaters can never be trusted, especially to tell the truth about what they are up.

No one is trying to take away contraceptives.  They are readily available.  All the allegedly bad people are doing is saying they shouldn’t be required to pay for other peoples’ sex lives.  This is a war on women?  Give me a break.

Viagra is totally free of cost?  Then charge a co-pay for it, if that is what is behind women thinking contraceptives should be totally free (or at least charged to their employer), and make everyone happy.  Problem solved.

There are people out here that must pay co-pays for life-sustaining meds, but the focus is on making the Catholic and other religious institutions pay for contraceptives that they don’t believe in?  Taking away religious freedom is okay as long as the women get their sex freebies?  How responsible and sane is that?

No one is trying to deny women sex.  The argument that the conservatives are, sounds as though it is coming out of kid’s playbook.  “You just don’t love me.  You just don’t want me to have any fun.”  (Stomping feet comes to mind as well.)

The real argument is that contraceptives can be obtained and there is no attempt to stop it.  On the other hand, religious institutions and business owners, who have religious objections, are being told they will have to pay no matter their objections.  The so-called enlightened have deemed this to be.

The War isn’t on women.  The War is on Religious Freedom!

Women are just being used by the radical liberals & their pals, but they are too into “self” and the load of stuff fed to them to see it.  One day though, the truth will come home to haunt and they will see this was just a stripping of freedom and they were the tools to help make that happen.  One day, they may be willing to pay those contraceptive co-pays just to undo what was wrongly done.  It could very well be too late and there will be no one to blame but those who made it happen.

The Liberals & The Phony War On Women

For the thousandth & one(th) time — the Republicans and Conservatives have not declared “War on Women”.  However the Liberals claiming such a war exists are clearly declaring war on the sanity of men and women alike.  It isn’t real.  It’s a political figment used to tick women and their allies off and hopefully sway votes.  It’s a cheater’s game.  And cheaters can never be trusted, especially to tell the truth about what they are up.

No one is trying to take away contraceptives.  They are readily available.  All the allegedly bad people are doing is saying they shouldn’t be required to pay for other peoples’ sex lives.  This is a war on women?  Give me a break.

Viagra is totally free of cost?  Then charge a co-pay for it, if that is what is behind women thinking contraceptives should be totally free (or at least charged to their employer), and make everyone happy.  Problem solved.

There are people out here that must pay co-pays for life-sustaining meds, but the focus is on making the Catholic and other religious institutions pay for contraceptives that they don’t believe in?  Taking away religious freedom is okay as long as the women get their sex freebies?  How responsible and sane is that?

No one is trying to deny women sex.  The argument that the conservatives are, sounds as though it is coming out of kid’s playbook.  “You just don’t love me.  You just don’t want me to have any fun.”  (Stomping feet comes to mind as well.)

The real argument is that contraceptives can be obtained and there is no attempt to stop it.  On the other hand, religious institutions and business owners, who have religious objections, are being told they will have to pay no matter their objections.  The so-called enlightened have deemed this to be.

The War isn’t on women.  The War is on Religious Freedom!

Women are just being used by the radical liberals & their pals, but they are too into “self” and the load of stuff fed to them to see it.  One day though, the truth will come home to haunt and they will see this was just a stripping of freedom and they were the tools to help make that happen.  One day, they may be willing to pay those contraceptive co-pays just to undo what was wrongly done.  It could very well be too late and there will be no one to blame but those who made it happen.

Teacher Missed History Class: Compares Romney/Ryan to KKK

Surprise!  Surprise!  Teacher is confused or missed required history classes in her pursuit of a teaching degree and compares Romney/Ryan to KKK?  Or, perhaps it is just a sign of the times.  Radical Islam to be tolerated.  Christianity not so much so.  Koran good.  Bible bad.  Liberalism = perfectionalism.  Conservatism = acceptable focus of insult & intolerance.

According to Lee Brodie’s article, “Teacher Ridicules Student for Romney T-Shirt” (CNBC –

Many Republicans can’t help but wonder if a student wearing a pro-Obama T-Shirt in a Philadelphia school would have been subject to the kind of humiliation that Samantha Pawlucy was forced to endure.
The 16-year old sophomore, who attends Charles Carroll High School, told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, that she was humiliated by a teacher for wearing a T-shirt in support of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

She said the teacher compared her to the worst racists in history — the Ku Klux Klan.

How ridiculous is this?

The KKK was not founded by the conservatives.  It is a product of the Democrats.  Yes, the Democrats — the very same people that fought civil rights and provided and fought for the murder of thousands of babies from the Black community via Planned Parenthood.  So, where did this confused teacher get the idea that a Romney/Ryan t-shirt is equal to the Ku Klux Klan?

Where oh where does any liberal idea come from?  Nobody knows.  It was just there one day and becomes fact, even if it isn’t and no matter how many history classes confirm the error of thought.

Yes, indeed, it appears this teacher must have missed history classes and went to the “Blame Bush” class instead, where transference becomes a virtue as long as that transference is being placed upon the Conservative or anything not considered PC that day.

Walking Into A Wall: Living With the Liberal Perspective

Walking into a wall would be more pleasant and less of a slam than trying to live with the out-of-control liberal perspective that is tainting the world and daily in our face with lies and distortions.  Yet, while we would be trying on a strait jacket if we picked walking into the wall, it’s considered normal and sane to silently endure the liberal politicians and media game of in our face lying and telling us what we heard or saw is not what we really heard and saw?

It’s a dizzy and strange thought that we are to know something is a lie and yet accept it as the truth because it is the present popular thing to do according to they.

One day we are told it — whatever it might be — will never happen.  It is simply wrong to even consider it and the other side is definitely wrong for suggesting it.

Next day we are told it — whatever it was — has happened because it was “the right thing to do” and it was done in spite of the other side trying to block it.

Okay.  Does that then mean that yesterday was erased from the calendar or is it verifiable evidence that there is a segment of our society that seems to suffer from delusions and disconnect from the rational reality realm the rest of us live in?

Excuse me.  I think I’ll go check out the nearest wall.  Care to join me?

Betrayal: The Slants to Buy Obama Votes

I just watched Obama’s ad called, “Dangerous – Obama for America TV Ad” where a woman says, in part, “Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would get rid of Planned Parenthood funding. And allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. Both backed proposals to outlaw abortions…even in cases of rape and incest.”

Does she feel no shame?  Or, is it that she is brainwashed to such an extent that she really believes this pile of “slant the truth” to make an untruth and upset the voters?

Let’s throw in cancer.  Rosanne Barr did as well.  She said she hoped people that ate at Chick-fil-A got cancer, after the owner dared… just dared… to say he believed in traditional marriage.  (You know… that law which remains the law in the majority of the states?)   Oh yeah, cancer is a good scare tactic and wishing it on someone is a horrendous thing to do.  But hey… look who is using it to try to sway opinion their way.

On the other hand, so what if there’s a chance Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would/will succeed in defunding Planned Parenthood on the federal level?  Planned Parenthood has other sources of income.  They just wouldn’t get as much “easy” money that they haven’t truly earned.  Boo hoo.

Contraceptives are available.  No one is trying to take them away.  However, the lib side does appear to be trying to take away freedom of religion per a mandate that isn’t even necessary.

Basic health care?  Lady in the ad, no one is trying to take away basic health care for women.  That is a campaign illusion.  You are an illusion.  Your worry is an illusion.  You have betrayed women… you have betrayed the truth… as you took, and continue to take, part in slants to buy Obama votes.

Is the betrayal worth whatever you were promised?