Just a thought… Maybe instead of gleefully giggling, John McCain ought to look around and see where he’s at. Ole Mr. Maverick there, appears to have trotted on over to the liberal section of the room and is apparently grazing on their “free” Kool-Aid.
Senator “once upon a time maverick” McCain, many people agree with Ted Cruz about Obamacare and the devastation it is causing. If you want to worry about “shame”, then perhaps you should be putting it where it belongs.
Shame on everyone involved in pushing through a bill they probably didn’t read, and apparently didn’t understand.
Shame on everyone in Washington, DC that is walking all over the middle and poor classes, while claiming to be their champion. Champion my southside.
Y’all that are involved in allowing Obamacare to get passed and stay passed — ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You are fools and that is not one bit funny!
Giggle, giggle all the way to the shame corner!