Walking Into A Wall: Living With the Liberal Perspective

Walking into a wall would be more pleasant and less of a slam than trying to live with the out-of-control liberal perspective that is tainting the world and daily in our face with lies and distortions.  Yet, while we would be trying on a strait jacket if we picked walking into the wall, it’s considered normal and sane to silently endure the liberal politicians and media game of in our face lying and telling us what we heard or saw is not what we really heard and saw?

It’s a dizzy and strange thought that we are to know something is a lie and yet accept it as the truth because it is the present popular thing to do according to they.

One day we are told it — whatever it might be — will never happen.  It is simply wrong to even consider it and the other side is definitely wrong for suggesting it.

Next day we are told it — whatever it was — has happened because it was “the right thing to do” and it was done in spite of the other side trying to block it.

Okay.  Does that then mean that yesterday was erased from the calendar or is it verifiable evidence that there is a segment of our society that seems to suffer from delusions and disconnect from the rational reality realm the rest of us live in?

Excuse me.  I think I’ll go check out the nearest wall.  Care to join me?

Senator Patty Murray & Ladies of Like-Mind, Your Spins Are Demeaning

My first response to Todd Akin’s “ladylike” comment was — you have got to be kidding!  Grown-up women in politics can’t grasp they are ladies as opposed to the guys being called gentleman or acting gentlemanly?  It’s got to be a slam?  It’s got to be demeaning?

This world, and especially politics & some politicians, have lost their common sense and comprehension skills, it would seem.  They blow up little stuff to such an extent that it is difficult to get excited or know when something actually major or inappropriate did take place.  And, instead of being upset with Akin, I’m upset with the childish cries of people such as Senator Patty Murray (D-Washington) who think the national party ought to scream that Akin is a bad boy and used the demeaning term “ladylike.”  How dare he?

I would like the Democrats to repudiate your comments, Senator Murray, because I find your remarks to be insulting and demeaning to women, who earn their votes, jobs and promotions without having to resort to stupid spins that have nothing to do with anything of importance.  It’s your behavior and reaction that makes women look bad, not some man saying some woman didn’t act as ladylike as she once had.

And, if Claire McCaskill is worried about the “ladylike” comment and having to rely upon spins to get votes — she isn’t the candidate of the past, who suggested she is person enough to stand strong for Missourians.  Instead, the citizens of Missouri would always have to wonder when she might get her little feelings hurt and have to focus her attention on getting others to repudiate whatever and make the big, bad man apologize and go away!

Murray & Ladies of Like-Mind, your willingness to spin is both demeaning and a suggestion that “some” politicians are simply too weak to do the tough job.  Are you suggesting Claire McCaskill is one of them?

Obama Lies & Then Expects Trust & Idolization?

I may be one of a few, if the Obama leaning polls are correct, but I’m tired of the lies coming from the president and his administration.  Likewise, I’m tired of the mainstream media that insists we blindly trust, automatically block out the lies we catch Obama & Playmates in, and dutifully take part in idolization of their “The One.”  Sorry Pals & Playmates, I’m not playing nor am I donating to your playground!

Obama & Playmates know darn good and well what Romney meant and that he wasn’t referring to 47% being on Obama’s Welfare Roll, but does the truth matter to them?  No, it’s time to spin the truth into something unrecognizable for political gain.

How many times did Obama lie and say that the death of Ambassador Stevens and the three staff members was the result of a movie?  How many times did he apologize for the movie that actually wasn’t at fault?  How much taxpayer money did he use for ads over in the Muslim world denouncing the not-responsible movie?  Yet, we are to trust and idolize him and his Playmates?  I don’t think so!

Just what is it they are thinking, especially when they tell us we didn’t hear or see what we think we saw and heard, even though we did?  Are we considered too stupid to comprehend what is truth and what is a lie or are we considered totally irrelevant?  Obama & Playmates do, after all, have his followers of ignorance.  (Listen to:  “You Can’t Make This Crap Up Alert: Howard Stern Exposes Stupidity of Obama Backers.”)  Are they plentiful enough to erase our informed opinions?  It’s something to worry about.

I don’t know how many followers of ignorance Obama & Playmates have, but I know that I’m not one of them.  My trust is saved for the truth-teller and I blindly idolize no man or woman that walks upon this earth, no matter what Obama & Playmates and the mainstream media insist upon.