The “Fiscal Cliff” Fall-Out: No Free Ride for Us


Many of us don’t get to put off paying bills or lift our debt ceiling via threat of throwing a tantrum or simply because we won’t take “no” for an answer.  Most of us have to live by strict rules of paying our bills or paying the price for failure to do so.  Why then does the government get a free ride on their responsibility and leave us negatively affected by their failure to live up to it?

When the dust settles, will the all-knowing supporters of ObamaCare finally see all that was in that bill that they didn’t read or understand?  They, too, should have to shoulder the very same cost the rest of us do and receive medical care equal to the lowliest of citizens.  If it is good enough for us — it is good enough for the government people who forced it upon us.  It’s time they pay for the choices they make, rather than getting the free ride and leaving us stuck with their grievous and unnecessary mistakes.

Maybe if those failing to represent the people have to share in the results of their carelessness and disregard, they will no longer be so careless and have some regard for the outcome.  Maybe then, they will understand the extent and seriousness of the “fiscal cliff” fall-out and come to realize — this isn’t a game!  This is real life with real consequences affecting real people!

Game over.  Time to stop playing make-believe.

Bobby Schindler Files Petition Requesting to be Gary Harvey’s Guardian


Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo,  has filed a petition in the New York Supreme CourtChemung County asking guardianship of Gary Harvey be turned over to him.  How can the County refuse to resign or disagree with the petition?  How could they dare say this guardianship transfer would not be in the best interest of Gary Harvey?  Legitimately, they can’t.

Should the County fight Bobby Schindler’s effort, then the County (and those involved in the case on their side), shall have been proven to have lied to the court and the community.  The County claimed it did not want to be Gary’s guardian, but there was no one else.  Now there is.  So, if they fight to retain guardianship, that means there is an ulterior motive for doing so.  After all, just why would they fight so desperately to retain a ward they didn’t want in the first place or thereafter; have warehoused; and, seem to think is bothersome and time consuming in the isolation and hide the information (from his wife) health care plan they have prepared for him?

Bobby Schindler has an impeccable reputation.  He is knowledgeable about TBI (traumatic brain injury).  He has first-hand experience in dealing with a family member suffering from TBI.  He is compassionate and caring.  He is hopeful and realistic.  Just what part of all that he is, could the County honestly say is not good enough to be guardian of Gary Harvey?  Can we say – none?

Time will tell us what the County will do.  Let’s hope they choose the honorable path and agree it is in the best interest of Gary Harvey to appoint Bobby Schindler his guardian.  It is, after all, the right thing to do!

The Truth or Not From Senator Reid


Senator Reid had to get on television today, December 27, 2012, claiming we are headed for the fiscal cliff drop-off and, of course, it is all Rep. Boehner’s fault, when it isn’t simply all the Republicans’ fault. It couldn’t be a bit of liberal or Democrat fault in there, too, for they are the all enlightened and all-knowing, it would seem. And, this is not to mention that it is fine for the president to go on vacation in Hawaii and the Democrats to go home for Christmas, but how dare the Republicans do likewise. Them thar Republicans is bad folks fer doing what them Democrats done did, too. We all know how that works. The goose gets by with everything and the gander gets blamed for it in the world of politics and political posturing.

Reid told us that Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for years and demanded that he prove he did. He even used the Senate floor to do this campaign gesture to make Romney look like a tax evader. However, Romney did pay taxes and ole Reid got by with making false allegations. But now we are to believe him. We are to believe that what Reid is saying today is true, even if what he said during the campaign wasn’t. It must be true — it came out of his mouth — right? Wrong, because the deceitful and false comments came out of there as well.

The truth or not from Senator Reid — how can we ever know?

Deceit Chuckles in Amusement

Deceit Chuckles 122312

Deceit cries out in hysterical laughter as it watches its pawns so obediently slither among the unsuspecting, spewing venomous lies and stoking ferocious hatred and insidious distrust. Oh, how pleased deceit has become and ever so proud of his willing pupils. Even he is amazed at the number and the ease with which they wish to please him and gain his utmost approval. It delights him so. Delights him so indeed.

The blind followers snidely proclaim their superior knowledge while looking down upon all who have not joined the cult of deceit. Oh yes, they do dance in taunting delight and dare any to challenge their diseased words and vile motives of ruin. It is their mission. It is their passion. It is their doom. Yet, they are oblivious to all but he — their god of deceit and his rising reign.

Deceit chuckles, as he watches in amusement, knowing his feast is going to be even bigger and better than he could have ever imaged. The souls will be fattened and delicious and the master of all deceit will know no hunger nor boredom during the celebration soon to be. A celebration where the entertainment will not be the ones that did not follow, but rather, those who followed so faithfully and easily. It shall be they that bring delight and amusement to the table and laughter shall mock them and call them fool. Oh yes, it shall be they and yet they do not see. Not yet. Not now. But soon. Soon the truth shall be revealed to they who lived in untruth, and in that moment, they shall see that it was they who were being led to this table to be devoured not honored — they who shall be left in shame and defeat — they who shall cry for mercy to find none exists — they who will claim they were promised a just reward. Deceit will smile! No words need be said.

Copyrighted 2012 & 2013 & 2014 by Carrie K. Hutchens

All Rights Reserved

President & Congress Not Needed In Gun Control Matters


President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden practice their putting on the White House putting green April 24, 2009. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

It’s amazing how the administration hasn’t been able to take responsibility for Fast & Furious and weren’t able to protect our personnel in Benghazi, but now they think they need to take over gun control laws and further dictate to the civilian population?  How ironic is that?

Instead of worrying about law abiding citizens having and purchasing firearms, since there are already laws governing same, maybe the president and Congress ought to worry about the budget, the deficit, Benghazi, Fast & Furious and all the other matters they are responsible for and should have been attending to all along.  What a concept.

What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is heartbreaking, but it isn’t a gun control issue — it’s a mental health issue!  To say otherwise changes nothing.  What is, will be, no matter what spin is spun or what lie is spread.  Only perception changes and isn’t that exactly what is thought to have led to this heartless massacre of the innocent?  Hasn’t it been suggested that perhaps the shooter “thought his mother loved these children more than he?  So, perhaps it is “false perception” that a task force should be addressing instead of those other issues suggested.

Perhaps we should go even further.  Perhaps we should ban and arrest those who make a living creating, building and selling lies in the guise of news.  Perhaps we should ban the faulty and self-serving bills that are being rammed down our throats and arrest those who hang out in Washington, DC pretending to be lawmakers and representatives of the people.

Yes, rather than worrying about matters that don’t need the attention of the federal government, the president and Congress need to tend to their own business — assigned by “We the People” and the Constitution of the United States — that it has been neglecting for far too long.  Let’s see a responsible budget.  Let’s see some responsible discussion about how the deficit can be addressed.  Let’s see Obamacare repealed and constitutional laws considered as needed.  Let’s see some answers and accountability with the issue of Fast & Furious.  And, let’s not forget the Benghazi lies by the president and his Susan Rice.  Those are things they need to worry about and address.

One thing I guess some of the Washington, DC crowd needs to be reminded of — we don’t “need” them to survive, but they “need” us to survive a political career.  (Job description:  to serve and represent the people — not dictate to.)  With that in mind, rather than grand standing, playing to the cameras, pursuing their own personal agendas and appointing themselves the ultimate authority to tell us what to eat, what to wear, what to do, when to sleep and what slant to believe — these elected & appointed officials need to get busy doing the jobs they were sent there to do.  What?  A concept?  What a concept indeed.

Reality: Guns Aren’t the Cause


The babies and other victims haven’t even left the morgue yet, and numerous liberals are screaming for more gun control as they bash the right and blame guns.  Politics at its best.  Never waste a crisis.  Play on people’s emotions, rather than their reason.  And, of course, what is more emotional than innocent children being slaughtered?

Guns are not the cause of these massacresThey have merely been the means.  Take the guns away and those bent on mass murder, will simply utilize another means.  What part of this can’t the rabid gun control supporters comprehend?  The gun is not the “cause”, something else is and that is what we should be dealing with.  That’s how one can attempt to stop the senseless slaughter of the innocent.

I remember a case where a mother desperately tried to get her son help.  The system blocked her every attempt.  There was always a reason this agency or that agency couldn’t help.  Always a reason why she couldn’t get him admitted for evaluation.  And then… what she feared… what she had been desperately fighting to prevent happened — he killed himself.

Though it is sad the young man killed himself, luckily he didn’t take others with him.  But he could have.  He could have wiped out a room full of people before ending his own life.  What if he had?  Would one then be blaming the weapon of his choice, or the fact that he needed help and the system blocked him obtaining it?

Rather than decide gun control laws based on the emotional reaction to this vicious slaughter of little ones and their protectors, it should be based upon reason.  Details should be obtained and reviewed.  The “cause”… the real thing that “caused” this young man to do one of the most hideous things imaginable, should be determined and studied, so as to prevent that “cause” from developing in others or make it identifiable so as to have chance to stop the person before he or she “acts out”.

Guns are not the “cause”.  That’s a fact, no matter what the rabid gun control supporters try to argue.  And, until people comprehend that fact and focus on what sets these people off and sends them into a killing frenzy — another frenzy is just waiting to happen.  Next time though, it might be a bomb or a fire or knives.  It could even be a car.  One never knows, because these events are the result of the “cause”, not the weapon of choice.

What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is a hideous nightmare that no child, parent, family or community should have to live through.  May no other community be faced with such devastation.  God Bless the Children and the heroes, who fought to save them.  Likewise, may God Bless and keep those left behind to remember the day Newtown lost its innocence!


Most Americans Support Obama’s Plan?

I’m a little perplexed.  I read in one of the many articles (from other sources) about the fiscal cliff that most Americans support Obama’s plan.  What plan?  He hasn’t presented a plan.  He has only presented a vague suggestion of making cuts.  So, is this another one of those Pelosi moments, where we have to wait until it is passed to find out exactly what Obama has in mind?

The only “absolute” that I have read and heard reported is that Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy.  Is that it?  Is that really all that the plan covers and everything else is baiting?  I can’t help but wonder.  Nevertheless, I would like to know who these people are that are supporting a non-existent or “secret” plan that they know nothing about.  Is this what we call Zombie followings?  One can only wonder and I wonder even more…

Where are these Zombie followers that MSM claims to be most Americans?  I haven’t met a single one.  I find that strange.  If there are so many, how is it that I know none?  That’s right — none!  Not one!  Zero!

As always, it is interesting that the MSM (main stream media) makes bold statements and I can find nothing in real life to support their claim.  Am I so lucky as to live in an area of educated people who are lacking in Zombie-ness or are we getting fed another line of propaganda as the “information control personnel” attempt to recruit more Zombies who simply “think” they are joining the multitude?

I wonder if “most Americans” know they support the invisible Obama plan or if they, too, are wondering where all these people are, since they know none either.  I’m betting they are wondering who these people are as well.  Maybe it’s time we ask louder and demand proof (beyond unreliable polls), rather than taking the MSM and Obama’s word as gospel on these important matters.  Maybe it’s time to return to journalism and investigative reporting.  Where’s the plan and who are these people that hold the title of “most Americans”?

Journalism: Once A Defender of Truth & Facts

There was a time when young people grew up with the dream of being the best journalist and investigative reporter ever to have been.  A dream of saving a people, a community, or even the world with truth and facts that no one else had been able to uncover before he or she had pursued the answers and wrong-doing hidden by injustice and overwhelming falsehood.  It would be such an honor to be that good and to do that much good.  But that time seems to be no more.

It seems many so-called journalists are nothing more than propaganda writers and hosts.  What else can they be called?  The objectivity is missing.  Opinion pieces are being presented as truth and facts, when often… they are lacking in both.  And the so-called news of the day, sounds like a reality show that fashioned itself after the “Running Man“, where those in authority via either government or corporations decide who is guilty and who is innocent and who will appear to be either.


Where is the fire?  Where is the passion to seek out the facts and to share them with the world?  Where is the love for truth and honor?  Where has it all gone?

If the dreams of being the best of the best have become ones of being the best liar or slanter or propaganda promoter of them all — we are truly a world lost and journalism no longer has any meaning resembling what it once was.  It means, from here on out, we will never know if what we hear is truth or merely the opinion someone wishes us to believe as truth and fact.   Never again will any dream be our own.  It will always be a dream defined for us and demanded as something we accept as our truth.

The “So-Called” Racist Word List that Makes Me “Angry”

This world went totally nuts while many of us apparently weren’t looking closely enough!

I’ve been in job related positions where people had to be identified by race per the rules, and every person in the same job as me, no matter their race, followed the race defining requirement as well.  It certainly wasn’t my idea, nor single race activity or focus.  We all checked the appropriate box to acknowledge “everyone’s” race, no matter what it was with no regard to what ours was.

You see… it had to do with necessary race-facts  — not race insults, but I bet there are some who would try to say differently, because they think the entire world and every breath taken revolves around race (racism) and gender (sexism), rich and poor and whose got the best car or dresses the finest, and lives in the urban area or maybe the suburbs, owns a company or belongs to a union and follows Obama or follows anything not Pelosi-like.

People can believe differently and still not be racists or sexists or radicals from either side.  They can actually be mere people with opinions.  Opinions that might actually make sense or spark a fantastic idea,  if allowed to be voiced and not immediately yelled down or ignored or called racist or sexist ideas and comments as too often it appears the Pelosi & Chris Matthews’ side does to anyone not in line perfectly with their opinions.

“Angry” is a racist word?  Really?!?!?  What fantasy world did that come from?

Not agreeing with Obama, as Chris Matthews’ has the tingle up his leg, is being racist?  Give me a break.  What is it then when I don’t agree with John McCainMcCainism or is it that I simply don’t agree with John McCain?

People need to step back and see how ridiculous things have become and decide enough is enough.

Get angry (racist according to some) and say, this is it.  Let’s start acting like intelligent adults and stop with the childish games, name calling and bullying.  Let’s protect the books, our history and our integrity, and burn the “so-called” racist word list instead.  It is, after all, about as important and reliable as a tingle up Chris Matthews’ leg anyways.

Local Politics & the Alleged Compassionate Hospital


Welcome to St. Joseph Hospital of Elmira, New York, where they claim on their website:

St. Joseph’s Hospital, a Catholic health facility, is a voluntary not-for-profit community general hospital founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester in cooperation with the physicians and citizens of Elmira, NY. The St. Joseph’s Hospital community, by maintaining a deep respect for the dignity of each person, strives to heal, as Jesus did, in mind, body and spirit, all who come to us.

“Maintaining a deep respect for the dignity of each person”… except for Gary Harvey.

Oh, I’m so sure Jesus would be quite proud of the staff of the hospital, the guardian group of people and attorneys involved in the Harvey case.  Of course, I wouldn’t be counting on him having picked out everyone’s heavenly spot yet.

It was Thanksgiving Day and Sara Harvey had made the arrangements to visit her husband.  She and the guard arrived only to be told that the hospital hadn’t received an okay.  Guard is not authorized if visit is not authorized, but the dignity people continued with their refusal.

(Cliff Note:  A guard is required because Sara is supposedly a danger to her husband because she supposedly didn’t follow medical advice.  The hospital, guardians et al petitioned the court to starve & dehydrate Gary to death, but she is the danger.  Irony at its best.)

So, while all the important people, who should have made sure the visit was authorized and those who could have given the okay after the failed communication, enjoyed their Thanksgiving meals with the ones of their choice, Gary was denied a mere visit from his wife.  The wife that loves him… talks to him… reads to him.  Instead, he, a person who has always loved holidays and spending them with the wife he loves — got to lay there alone in the isolation that is his life.

What a group of people…

Local politics of control at its best with the dignity people so proud of their compassionate behavior — the refusal of a simple visit on a special holiday!  But then… it was only Gary & Sara Harvey!

Sexism: The Unforgivable Offense

Life is full of injustice, but all claims of injustice are not necessarily so.  One of the claims that gets me steamed the quickest is for someone to scream “sexism” because someone dared to challenge a female type’s behavior, actions or words, or fail to give her a job that doesn’t even exist.

One of my favorite stories to tell is about the time I was in the back, when I heard a woman screaming in the front office.  Of course, I went rushing up there to find out what was going on.  There was this out-of-control woman screaming discrimination and threatening to sue.  Okay.

The man she was screaming at, said something to the effect, “There she is.”

The woman gave me an ugly smug look and said she was not talking about a secretary.

He said, ” She is the owner.”

With that, the woman turned and huffed her little rear on out of the office.

I’ve never forgotten that moment.

The woman had come in and asked to apply for a job.  All she was told was that there were no openings at the moment, but if she would leave, or drop off, her resume she would be considered when something did open up.  She went ballistic claiming she was being discriminated against because she was a woman etc. etc. etc.  He kept trying to tell her that wasn’t the case because… , but she was too busy yelling to listen.

I wouldn’t have hired that woman under any circumstances after the tantrum I witnessed.

As a female law enforcement officer, I never asked to be excused from responsibility for my actions because the big bad male officers were picking on little ole me.  If I screwed up — “I” as a law enforcement officer screwed up.  If I were held accountable, it was as a “law enforcement officer” and not a single thing to do with my gender.  So, I don’t take too kindly to women trying to claim a right to a position, while then claiming special treatment rights that forbid accountability expectations, or they are the victims of discrimination and sexism.

Discrimination also includes the expectation of being held to a lesser standard than anyone else in the same position.

Sexism also includes the expectation of being held to a lesser standard than anyone else in the same position.

The unforgivable offense of sexism and discrimination is to claim it when none exists and thus makes the “claimer” guilty of the claim instead.  It becomes an unfair ploy.  There is no excuse!

Absurd: The Liberal Mentality

I’m never disappointed when it comes to the liberal mentality.  It’s always absurd.  I simply shouldn’t stay in the same room, when it starts rolling off the tongues or keyboards of the lost souls of absurdity fellowship.

Perhaps it is from being in law enforcement or because I like to be on the side of truth — I check out information, rather than spout propaganda and call it facts.  Furthermore, I don’t throw allegations around as though they are snowflakes during a blizzard, though I often see that done by the absurd liberals.  Defamation of character is a serious matter, even when carefully written in hopes of defining it as opinion.  It is, at all times an injustice to the victim and the reader who happens upon it.  There is no honorable excuse.

Obama was wrong about Romney’s position on the car manufactures taking bankruptcy.  Though that was proven, Obama continued to say it as though it were the truth.  Whereas he may have initially been misinformed, once informed — it became an outright lie.

Obama’s team knew darn good and well who Soptic was and all about his story.  Cutter lied about it.  Cutter got caught.

Obama and his operatives lied about Benghazi.  Why?  If waiting for an investigation to be completed, all one would have to say is there is no comment, until it is.  So, instead, they make up some crazy stuff and blame a video?  That doesn’t even make sense.  So, what really was the reason for lying?

People died in Benghazi.  Obama went to Vegas.

It truly bothers me when people do things and then accuse others of having done it instead.  I do not associate with people such as this.  Once any are identified as this type, I do not take their ramblings seriously ever again. After all, I do take offense at people telling others, as an example, that yellow is orange and that one is to accept that as fact or the person is some irrational type and called a bad name.  The one demanding the incorrect acceptance should be called the name.  The person should be called — mentally disturbed.

Reactions to, and opinion of, the facts can vary from one side to the other and all the space in between the two, but the facts are one thing that stay written in stone.  No spin… no lie… ever changes the actual fact.  Rewriting history doesn’t make the lie the truth.  It is.  It always will be what it is, no matter the efforts to make it otherwise.  Truth is truth.  A lie is a lie.  Fact is fact.

Obama’s win came after a campaign of deceit and an intentional effort to pit people against each other.  To have liberals, which does not include all Democrats, unable to take the wrongful win gracefully and with the ability to simply shut up, makes the win even more irritating.  Worse, is when Romney is labeled as having done an Obama that he did not do.

Romney was not my pick, nor was Obama.  However, if I were to pick between the two, it certainly wouldn’t have been the one that lied to my face or tried to rewrite history, while I was quite aware of the original and fact-filled version that actually was.

I guess the liberal absurdity portrayed in 1984 and Animal Farm weren’t simply fiction for pleasure.  Looks as though it, and they, were a prophecy now trying to become reality.

A Lesson to Learn?

Is there a lesson to be learned that we have thus far failed to learn?  Perhaps.

Tolerance is an interesting word and used in so very many different ways.  It can be used to suggest one should not be so quick to judge.  Be tolerant of the slow worker.  Be tolerant of the blind who cannot hurry along such as we might like.  Be tolerant of the slow learner.  But I don’t think tolerance is considered a virtue when it comes to being tolerant of the perverts and perversions.

Some liberals, which are not what all Democrats are, seem to think anything non-traditional should be tolerated and welcomed.  Little do they know what door they are walking into.

Some things that are presently being tolerated make the tolerators look like complete imbeciles.  Some religions and cultures do not welcome nor tolerate outsiders.  It’s their way or no way.

Some religions and cultures do not tolerate free sex for the women.  Free sex brings with it a possible horrendous death penalty.

Some religions and cultures do not tolerate same sex marriage or same sex relationships or even being a same sex thinker.  It, too, holds threat of death and unspeakable torture.

Yet, these proud tolerators in the Liberal arena somehow think those religions and cultures will be so grateful as to give them a free pass out of gratitude.  No they won’t.

What fools these liberal tolerators are.  Fools that won’t listen.  Fools that know better than the rest of us.  Fools that think they are so enlightened and above the rest.

One lesson these tolerators will quickly learn is that the higher they set themselves above the rest of the people (and falsely suppose what they have no right to suppose), the further they have to fall.  The higher the cliff… the further the fall… and the harsher the smack.  That’s physics 101 — math before Obama.

Where Do People Get Their Obama Ideas?

I find it rather amusing that less fortunate people assume Obama can relate to their situations.  Why would any assume that?  Because he is half Black?  Because a Black man must have suffered and been through all the trials and tribulations of the less than wealthy?  Think again.  Check out his life that we do know about.  Obama did not live the life of a poor man, even if he didn’t always have all that he wanted when he wanted it.

I ask again…

Why would anyone assume that Obama has the slightest empathy or understanding for the life of those who are struggling to survive or even forced to live paycheck to paycheck?

If Obama truly understood the plight of the unfortunate, he would have been working first on the economy and jobs, with his ObamaCare coming in last.  It would have also afforded him and his pals more time to think things through and perhaps come up with something that made more sense and was far more affordable than the mess shoved through against the will of the people.  But Obama didn’t care.

When the country was already suffering from serious debt, did that stop the Obama’s from spending millions on vacations?  Yet, the less fortunate somehow see him as caring about their desperation?  Why because he is half Black?  Because a Black man must have suffered and been through all the trials and tribulations of the less than wealthy?  Think again.

Obama is not one of the lowly.  Watch him.  Listen to him.  Pay attention.  He has never been one of the unfortunate, but he certainly seems to know how to herd them.  So far, he has done that quite well.  I’m not impressed.  Perhaps others shouldn’t be either.

Republican Scare Tactics or Common Sense Inquiry?

I can’t believe some of the comments that come from the liberal mouths of madness.  Their thoughts miss the dots and they are all over the place with claims they throw out, but don’t provide support for.  Mostly, they claim the other side is guilty of what they themselves are doing or saying or thinking.  It’s simply amazing.  So, are there truly Republican scare tactics going on involving voter fraud or is common sense inquiry justified and what is actually transpiring?

According to Human Events, witnesses at an Ohio voting station were concerned because there were a great many non-English speaking Somalis arriving in groups to vote.  Apparently, only those supporting the Democrat candidates and positions were advising and providing slate cards.  I’d say that is a legitimate reason for concern.  Were the Democrat supporters assisting the voters in how to vote the voter’s choice, telling them how to vote or even misleading them into voting contrary to their wishes?

It isn’t scare tactics by any, including the Republicans, to have concerns about non-English conversations at a voting station, especially if the potential voters seem to need directives on who to vote for — not just how to vote for their choice.

People who vote in our elections are required to be United State citizens.  What part of that doesn’t the liberal mind comprehend?  The concept of “required” because it doesn’t fit their immediate agenda and effort?

According to the liberal minds that I have been witness to, especially recently, the Republicans are required to abide by all rules, regulations and politically correct requirements as per whatever happens to be considered PC at any given moment, while the liberals are supposedly allowed to skip all that and do what feels good and gets them whatever they want whenever they want it.  Rules don’t count when it is liberals involved, it would seem.

Liberals would be the first to scream, if it were Republicans or Conservatives speaking to voters in an unfamiliar language and offering directions on how to vote the non-democrat or non-liberal way.  That’s a fact and they needn’t try to deny it.

Non-English should not be allowed at a voting station, unless both sides are available to make sure the person is both qualified to vote and that the conversation is a legit explanation of how to vote the person’s choice — not simply how they were directed to vote because they were easy prey.

Scare tactics?  Sometimes it is common sense to ask questions and be concerned.  Sometimes the concern is based on very real reason for concern.  Sometimes people really are involved in breaking all the rules and need to be called on it.  Sometimes it is actually common sense inquiry that really needs to be inquired about.  Sometimes it really is!

It’s Crazy: It’s Politics

The insanity of politics is oozing out of the pours of so many that I don’t blame little Abby Evans for suffering frustration over Obama and Romney domination of the air waves.

We hear and read reports that we know are outright lies or at least distortions, yet we can’t do anything about it.  Think CNN or MSNBC is going to let us rush onset and show them the truth and demand they report it?  No, they certainly aren’t.

Perhaps more annoying is that the hosts seem to think it is just natural and fine for them to do commentaries promoting their side and expecting us to take it as NEWS — objective news.  I think they think we are all too stupid and that it is okay to spoon feed us propaganda because they know best.  You knew that, didn’t you?

Have we forgotten MSNBC thinking it was just fine for Al Sharpton to jump into the Trayvon Martin case and demonizing George Zimmerman before the investigation was even complete?  Anyone else notice how Sharpton went a bit silent after it was discovered that Zimmerman is not a “white” Hispanic (whatever that is supposed to mean), but actually most likely less white than the president?

Politics.  Politics and the screaming of discrimination that doesn’t exist to stir the people and get them to rally for whatever the cause.  Like… like… Sandra Fluke.  Oh, poor women who desperately need contraceptives or it shall be 1950 all over again.  The madness.  The distortions.  The lies.

It boggles the mind.

With my own ears, I heard Obama basically call Romney a liar over his car bankruptcy opinion.  However, it was readily proven that Romney was in fact telling the truth.  Did that stop Obama from repeating something not true?  Nope!  He immediately went out on the campaign trail and kept saying it over and over and over again.  Knowing what he was saying was not true means one thing — Obama was intentionally lying to try to gain vote.

Some will say that all politicians lie.  That’s no excuse.  They shouldn’t lie.  They shouldn’t be allowed to lie.  Maybe it is time to stop giving a free ride in politics and to the politicians who are supposed to be representing us with truth and integrity.  It’s our choice.

We can make changes in the behavior of our news media and politicians.  All we have to do is refuse to accept the inappropriate behavior and demand truth in reporting, campaigning and representation.  If they don’t honor our demands, the media loses viewers (therefore advertisers) and the politicians don’t win the elections.  It’s actually quite simple.  We just need to make the choice.

Until we demand better, it will go on as is.  It will be crazy.  It will be politics as usual.

Abby Evans is demanding better.  I’m with her.

The Allegations of Racism

Earlier, I read a column suggesting that Republicans are racist.  I became quite annoyed.  Okay, I became far more than annoyed at the careless allegations being so freely and wrongly thrown around for what appeared to be a self-serving motive to promote Democrats and demonize Republicans.

I have known a great many Democrats and Republicans in my life.  Never do I knowingly associate with racists no matter what skin shade they might happen to be, because I don’t like racists.  Never have and never will.  And, contrary to the opinion of the author of the piece that annoyed me so, the majority of racists I have ever known have been Democrats, not Republicans.  That’s right!  Democrats.

The difference between that author and me is that I don’t assume all Democrats are made out of a single mold, nor do I think Republicans are either.  Libs on the other hand, I’m not so sure about.  Their craziness seems to come from a singular mindset and no one knows what they are going to come up with next.

Back to racism though.

The Democrats are the ones that started up the KKK and encouraged what was to become Planned Parenthood, not for the good of women, but to get rid of as many of the unacceptables as they could.  The KKK didn’t like Blacks or Catholics or Jews or anyone who supported any who were.  So, just how can people now claim the Democrats are not racists and trying to protect the Blacks from the mean ole Republicans?  You know, the Republicans that fought for Civil Rights and such as the Democrats fought against it.

Some true history needs to be read, rather than simply reading these outlandish claims that are anything but representative of the truth.

Authors such as the one I am referring to, can propaganda it all they want, but it’s not our obligation to believe these horrendous fables simply because they do.  It is our obligation to seek out the truth and be willing to accept it once it is found.

Just like it is a lie that Republicans are trying to take away women’s contraceptives, it is a lie that they, as a group, are racists.

Public Relations is meant to sway people to think and act in a particular way.  Propaganda is PR on steroids, with no concern about truth in advertising.  It is meant, or most often used, to promote a known lie and to obtain a goal by whatever means is necessary.

False accusations of racism against the Republicans (as a whole) are just that.  It is propaganda.  It’s a known lie.  That is something that should matter to us all.  It’s time to say, “No more!  No more lies!”

The Desperation of the Obama Libs

You have to be kidding.  The Obama libs are at play again with their spins and distortions and righteous indignation.  Have they no honor?  Is it really their motto that all is fair in love, war and politics?  It would seem to be from all that has been transpiring.

Richard Mourdock a Republican Senate candidate from Indiana is not allowed to say that he is Pro-Life and believes life is precious or he is painted as a warrior against women?  Oh, but one can say it is fine and dandy to leave a living baby alone to die, if the mother intended an abortion and we are to all jump up and down in support of such cruelty?  Watch me not give praise or a jump of joy.

I listened to what Mourdock said and he did not say that he or God intended or supported rape in the slightest.  He wasn’t supporting the vicious act — he was merely saying that he feels life is precious and a gift from God even in such horrid situations.  Guess what!… many people actually feel life is precious as well.  Got a spin for that?

The Obama campaign is so desperate that it is looking for any word or phrase to spin?  It sure seems as though that is the case.  I’m not impressed.  I see the Obama campaign as pathetic, rude and childish.  If I had ever considered voting for the Obama — that has all changed now.  I would never vote for anyone that feels it is okay to take other people’s comments out of context and obviously distort what was intended.  People like that can’t be trusted.

Tell us again what Obama’s stance in on late term abortion and leaving babies to die?  I’d say Obama & Playmates have an ongoing “War on Innocent Life”, whether it be babies, elderly or you and me — the once unsuspecting!


People Bored With Obama & Team?

It doesn’t matter how many thrill at the sight and sound of Obama, his brilliance of 2008 continues to fade with the lies and distortions and childish attacks on his opponent.  One has to wonder — doesn’t he get it?  Most likely, he doesn’t or the campaign would have changed paths long ago.

Spin as the Obama team (and participating media) might in their attempt to rewrite history, too many people saw and heard the video being blamed for the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and the other three victims in the Libya attack.  And, too many people were listening for two weeks after and heard the reports over and over insisting it was a mob protest (that got out-of-hand) resulting from that little known video.  Then there were the paid (paid by the taxpayers) ads assuring the Middle East that the United States government had nothing to do with… yes, with that little known video Obama and Hillary wanted to blame.

Obama sat there at the debate so cocky and saying he declared the embassy attack a terrorist attack.  “Get the transcript.”  Oh yes… let’s try to twist what was said and use a play upon words.  However,  too many people know that an “act of terror” is not necessarily a terrorist act and Obama didn’t declare anything a terrorist attack as he is now claiming.  If he did, why was everyone, including him continuing to blame the video and putting out public service ads?  He can’t have it both ways — not any longer.  Americans are paying attention and many aren’t liking what they see and hear.

Massive crowds used to gather to hear the Obama speak.  The crowds have massively thinned.  Massive amounts of people are tired of hearing the lies and distortions and the transferences so common among the Obama team.  It’s all gotten quite old.  And the truth is… many, many have become bored with Obama & Team.

Time to move on.

No, Joe, you didn’t make me proud

Joe Biden, I found your behavior at the VP debate to be rude and obnoxious.  I found nothing amusing and definitely nothing to be proud of.

Personally, I like to hear both sides and make my own decisions about what I hear.  I don’t appreciate people, like you, Joe, who try to distract, make it impossible for me to hear, or simply interrupt and take the conversation away from the very thing I wanted the answer to.

Of course, I guess that all works for Obama and you, Joe.  Apparently, you aren’t interested in the American people “hearing” the answers and therefore allowed a chance of making up their own minds.  No, you seem to want to make up our minds for us by signaling what you think is amusing or serious and, therefore, just how you suppose we should react to whatever the topic is at hand.

You’re wrong, Joe.

As a Catholic, I find you even more offensive than your mere inappropriate behavior at the debate.  How dare you say there is no attack on religious freedom?  Do you think we (most of us) are so stupid that we don’t get it?  Is that what you are having so much trouble not laughing your fool head off about?

Well, Joe, I have a secret for you — we do get it.  We know where you and your Obama leader stand.  You stand against the Catholic Church you claim to be a part of.  You stand against religious freedom, if it is Christian — especially Catholic.  Then, you mock any who dare suggest this is obviously so?

I’m not impressed, Joe.

That’s right, Joe, I’m really not impressed.  Just who is your God and what is your religion, when you think it is quite okay to support so many things that go against the teachings of the church you claim to be a part of?

When did you suddenly think it was okay to tell the rest of us that it was (and is) okay to believe in your “new” view of the Catholic religion in the “new” political style?  You know… politicians deciding what the Catholic Church should (and does) stand for and then all the while ignoring the Pope, Bishops and real church beliefs?

I don’t know when you got there, Joe, but I do think you have a few surprises in store for you and I’m not so sure you will be laughing and mocking, when it’s time for you to be evaluated by the One with the most important and ultimate vote.

Good luck.


The Dangers of Trusting Claire McCaskill

Todd Akin made a statement relying upon outdated scientific material.  He said that pregnancy from a rape was rare because of what a woman’s body does during the trauma of a “legitimate rape.”  People pounced on the allegation that women rarely get pregnant from a rape and the term of “legitimate.”

Perhaps Candidate Akin should have verified his information, but at least he didn’t pull that belief out of nowhere and put it out there to simply support his position.  He was going on an actual scientific study that had once been put out there as verified fact.  He had every reason to believe his information was accurate.  When he found out differently — he admitted so.

As for the term “legitimate rape”… people knew what he meant, or should have.  He wasn’t trying to downplay the horrors of rape or insult victims.   He said that pregnancy resulting from rape was rare, not that it never happened.  Therefore, it shouldn’t have been considered another case of the victimizing the victim.  At worse, it was merely poorly chosen words in this nit-pick society we have become.

Akin may have relied upon outdated material, but it was once the current medical findings.  He may have used the wrong adjective and set the world on fire.  However, it was Claire McCaskill that has shown her true colors over this matter.

On August 21st and updated September 4, 2012, KCTV5 reported:

> U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill said Tuesday that her GOP opponent should be given the benefit of the doubt about his unfortunate choice of words.

The Kansas City news channel quoted McCaskill as saying:

> “Congressman Akin and I disagree on some things, but he is sincere,” McCaskill said. “And while I disagree with what he said, he has now, just in the last few hours, really apologized for what he said.”

Claire McCaskill was being fair and calling for others to be as well, right?

On September 26, 2012, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, published “Todd Akin moves forward as Claire McCaskill deepens attack with ‘legitimate rape’ ad”, which says in part:

> McCaskill, meanwhile, wasted no time in opening up on Akin over his controversial comments last month on rape and pregnancy, now that she can do so without fear of driving him off the ballot and getting a new opponent.

> “Todd Akin said only some rapes are legitimate,” an announcer says in a McCaskill ad, marking her campaign’s first real foray into an issue that has rocked the national political landscape. “What will he say next?”

Claire McCaskill said her opponent really apologized and should be given the benefit of the doubt.  Well, apparently she meant “only” until she was sure he wasn’t going to bow out of the race.  Now, she seems to want us to doubt him and the misstatement has become something for her to attack him for.

Akin may have said it poorly, but at least he said what he believed to be true.  McCaskill?  Well, it looks like what she says is not always what she believes, but hey, this is politics, isn’t it?  Fight dirty and hope the people are too dumbed-down to see what is going on right in front of them.

Oh, and next time Claire tells you something, you might want to wait a few days and find out what she is saying then.  After all, the Akin situation does show the dangers of trusting Claire McCaskill, the honorable appearing candidate today, but the real politician tomorrow — not so much so.

Offensive Thoughts or Political Games?

I’ve just read, “Ark. GOP calls candidates’ statements ‘offensive'”, via Yahoo news and I just don’t know what my reaction should be towards Rep. John Hubbard, the title or article itself, but I do know what my reaction is in the over-all scheme of it all.

A quote from that piece regarding Rep. John Hubbard is:


Hubbard wrote in his 2009 self-published book, “Letters To The Editor: Confessions Of A Frustrated Conservative,” that “the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise.” He also wrote that African-Americans were better off than they would have been had they not been captured and shipped to the United States.

Okay, that could sound pretty bad —  or not — especially if we don’t know the rest of what he wrote.

Sometimes bad things have to happen to create and allow for good things, or to turn a person down a different and most wondrous path they would have never otherwise traveled.

Is that what this man meant and was trying to say?

Was he trying to say that slavery was a horrendous thing, but if we couldn’t stop it (because we are here and it was then), at least some good came of it?  Was he trying to simply point out the blessings, while not condoning the horrors?

Obviously, we’ll not know what was on his mind or in his book unless we read it or ask him, or maybe even give him a chance to explain what he was trying to say.  Yet, we are to take brief quotes, (without further explanation or context clarification), as ones that defines this Representative and whether he is worthy of a vote?

I don’t think so!

I would like some more information before I decide who is the bad guy or gal in this scenario.

In short:  This smells like politics at its worst, rather than some hidden secret revealed just in time, and I think everyone should refuse to play.

Voting is not a game!  It’s time to stop acting like it is.