Who Cares What Celebrities Hollywood Is Unhappy With?

I happened upon “15 Celebrities Whose Politics Have Made them Unpopular” and wanted to see if it happened to be the same celebrities on my list.  Instead, I found that it was a list of celebrities that are unpopular in Hollywood because of their conservatism.  I should have guessed.

Hollywood, there is something I would like to share with you.  You don’t pay me enough to watch your stuff.  As a matter of fact, you have never paid me a dime to sit through some of the garbage you have put out.  On the other hand, my money — as well as many other peoples’ money — has (have) supported you.  It  has bought tickets, rented movies and been free advertisement for you.  So, maybe you should be a little more concerned about who is unpopular with us, rather then who doesn’t agree with your radical liberalism.

I don’t require all celebrities to support the people and positions I do.  I respect their right to make their own decisions in these matters.  However, when they start blatantly suggesting that anyone who doesn’t agree with them (or Obama) is a hater or a racist or intolerant or a homophobic or whatever other insult they choose to use — I have a real problem with them.   And yes… they jump right on my list.

Let’s put it this way…

Interior of a Movie TheaterI will never intentionally go to, or begin to view, any movie or show with the celebrities that are on my list.  They are free to believe whatever they want, but they’ve never earned the right to insult me for not agreeing with their radical liberal views and I’ll not reward them for those insults by supporting their careers.

Maybe it is time for Hollywood to stop worrying about who isn’t liberal enough for them and start worrying about who is on our (the public’s’) unpopular list.  After all, what worth is any movie or actor without an audience?

The Liberal Tolerance Once Again Shows Itself For What It Is NOT — Tolerant

I have just finished reading (and sharing)  “Archbishop prays while topless gay activists shout curses and douse him with water” by John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews.com – Wed Apr 24, 2013 16:44 EST).  To say that I am appalled is an understatement of understatements.  To say what I want to say, is not allowed.  It isn’t politically correct – it’s accurate!

If I were someone in the process of considering that supporting gay marriage is “the right thing to do” – the behavior of these “tolerant” activists would have decided me otherwise.  It was rude and totally unnecessary.   It proved nothing more than that these activists are rude, intolerant and perverted.

I don’t see men and women exposing themselves, to sell the world on gun rights.  They present their arguments not their personals.  But then, it seems that gay activists have to shock and try to force people to “embrace & celebrate” their vulgarity and insistence that we all watch their sexuality in action and be delighted that we had the chance to do so.

Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard has class, unlike the topless liberals.

Gay activists have once again proven that while they DEMAND respect, tolerance and acceptance – they have none for others.  Their offerings appear to be the total substance of – shock and perversion.   Perhaps it is time to keep the shirts on and act like one has some respect for self and others, even the ones that don’t agree with them.  Perhaps!  But in the meantime, we are watching the intolerance of the liberal demanding tolerance for self and self beliefs only!

Control Grab: Politics of the Self-Serving

According to the Washington Post article, “Biden, in Connecticut, makes fiery plea for gun control in speech near Newtown”, VP Joe Biden is quoted as saying:

“I can’t imagine how we will be judged as a society if we do nothing,” Biden said. “If you’re concerned about your political survival, you should be concerned about the survival of our children. And guess what? I believe the price to be paid politically should go to those who refuse to act. . . . The American people are with us.”

VP Joe Biden, President Obama

VP Joe Biden, President Obama

Well, I, on the other hand, can’t imagine how we will be judged as a society due to self-serving politicians using the horrific deaths of innocent children to push through their control agendas.  Such politicians should be ashamed of themselves.

It wasn’t a gun owner that killed the little children in Newtown, Connecticut.  It was merely a kid, who took guns that did not belong to him.  A kid that apparently had mental issues.  The latter being what the focus should be on.  What made him capable of such horrors?  What set him off and sent him on the crazed killing spree of innocent ones?  Were there any signs?  Was there any stopping him or was there a tragedy just waiting to happen one way or another?

Law-abiding gun owners did not kill the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary, yet they are being held accountable as if they did.

Biden can’t imagine how our society will be judged if the politicians don’t swiftly restrict the lawful gun owner?  The gun owner that hadn’t a thing to do with the devastation?

Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein

What about the mental illness and illogical thought that is the core to such horrendous and tragic incidents being played out?  That’s where the killings begin, not what law is on the books for the law-abiding citizens that just happen to exist in the same world as those who are prone, or could be prone, to acting out in such an unspeakable fashion.

It bears repeating…

The gun may have been the weapon of choice for some, but never doubt that a troubled mind bent on killing, will find a means and a method.  It’s time to deal with the real problem – the troubled mind – rather than playing politics with tragedies such as the one that played out at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Shame on the politicians who are using the innocent little ones to push through a personal agenda.   One day, reason shall return and you shall be judged within its light.   When that happens, you shall find that fancy words, polls, ads and propaganda will no longer serve you.  The people will be onto you and your motives.  You shall then be scorned and mocked.   Your hopeful legacy shall be invalidated.

Time for Truth & Facts: ABC Allegedly Edits Michelle Obama

true falseInteresting news is that Michelle Obama’s comments were allegedly edited by ABC.

According to Charlie Spiering, Commentary Staff Writer for The Washington Examiner :

In an interview with Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts aired this morning, First Lady Michelle Obama recalled the tragic death of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton who was shot and killed in Chicago after performing during the President’s Inauguration celebration in Washington D.C.

“She was caught in the line of fire because some kids had some automatic weapons they didn’t need,” the First Lady explained. “I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first.”

Chicago police reported, however, that Pendleton was shot by a man who “opened fire with a handgun before fleeing in a waiting car” according to the Associated Press.

Once again, misinformation is given about the type of gun and who was responsible.  It apparently wasn’t an automatic weapon and it wasn’t a kid.  It was a hand gun and it was a man according to the reports Spiering was relying upon.  So, what part of the truth is so difficult to comprehend and take into consideration?  Or, is it that the Obamas and other gun control supporters are merely taking advantage of the crisis at hand and doing a little altering here and there to fit their preferred argument for more restrictions?

The politicians, their wives, the activists and lobbyists should all be held accountable for the misinformation they are trying to spread to gain support for what they personally want, rather than what is necessarily for the good of the people.

It’s time that the “misinformation” be addressed, rather than merely ignoring or editing out inconvenient statements as first done by NBC & now ABC.  It’s time truth and facts get air-time and Running Man like behavior stay in the movies where it belongs.  This is, after all, “real life”, not some action movie meant to entertain for a couple of hours.  On the other hand, the Running Man plot sure seems eerily familiar.

Obama: Another Dr. Phil Fad?

Oprah Winfrey, a few years back, catapulted Dr. Phil into a massive fad that no one could seemingly escape.  His pictures… his books… his everything was everywhere.  It appeared there was no escaping this alleged expert on everything from relationships to diets to how to overwhelm the store aisles with his likeness.  Oh, the world was indeed in love with Dr. Phil and his advice became what some hung onto as though it was God’s own gospel with, “Dr. Phil said …“  Yes, “Dr. Phil said…” was almost as everywhere as his face and his books and his everything.

Obama Nose UpThen Oprah gave us Barack Obama as her golden one for president.  Suddenly his pictures…. his books… his everything was and is everywhere.   He’s supposedly an expert on so many things, but most wouldn’t know about that it would seem.  He has sealed his records, so we only know about what he wants us to know and little more if anything at all.  We’re just supposed to take his word, and his handlers’ words, that all is as presented or alluded to by any and all of them.

It’s amazing how fads can be carefully crafted and presented to be what will make them sell, rather than entirely what they are.  Just how much is truly known about these fads Oprah gave us?   Anything, or is it kind of like assuming Robin was Dr. Phil’s first wife, though she really wasn’t?  Likewise how much about Obama is really not as assumed either?   One can only wonder.

Maybe when the sparkle wears off, we’ll actually see the core, rather than the illusion that was carefully crafted and sold to the eager public hungry for whatever seemed to be lacking in their lives at that particular time.  Or, maybe the public will just move on to their new hero of the day and leave the guru and the so-called messiah to fade into the distant past where people are no longer fascinated and wonder why they ever were.


Comprehension Incomprehenable: What Part of Reality & Facts Don’t Folks Get?


It’s unbelievable! Comprehension incomprehenable.   How many times do the facts have to be given and how many times do they have to be explained before folks get it?  What part of reality and facts fly over their heads?  One can only wonder and hope it isn’t catching.

More Gun Control?Miss New York, Mallory Hagan (according to ABC news) was crowned Miss American 2013, but not before she spit out some astonishing thoughts that do represent too many of the people hanging out in the USA today.

 “In the wake of the Newtown tragedy there has been a lot of talk about gun control,” Champion said, “One solution being proposed is an armed guard in every school. Do you think that would make our schools safer?”

Hagan responded, “I don’t think the proper way to fight violence is with violence.

The presence of an armed guard is not violence in action.  It is a prevention.  However, if someone rushed into a school ready to blow away the kids, would Ms. Hagan prefer that it is a specially trained officer or guard that intercedes or the unarmed school counselor who may have read textbooks by some utopian authors?  Me?  I’ll take the trained armed guard or police officer.

Hagan goes on to say:

I think the proper way is to educate people on guns and the ways we can use them properly. We can lock them up, we can have gun safety classes, we can have a longer waiting period.”

Wait!  She wants to educate someone who is mentally ill on guns and ways to use them properly?  Gun safety classes and longer waiting periods?

I will say this very, very slow.

Ms. Hagan, the shooter at the Sandy Hook school did NOT purchase the weapons he used.  He took the weapons illegally for illegal purposes.  Your theory of educating him on guns, gun safety classes and longer waiting periods does not apply in this tragic case.  In short, your theory — no matter how pretty and delightful it sounds — is totally irrelevant to the facts at hand.

You, Ms. Hagan, and those such as you, keep talking about making new rules or bans that would mostly only apply to the law-abiding citizens anyway.  Can’t you understand that the criminals and mentally ill people don’t give the slightest darn what the rules are, except maybe to find a way around them?  Most of them are simply going to steal the guns or buy them illegally off the street.  So, what part of that don’t you understand?

Reality oriented people keep trying to tell all you “let’s make some more rules for the law-abiding citizens to fight what the criminals and mentally ill are doing” people — that your reaction and solution does not make sense.

Stop and think.

Pervert teenage boy tries to touch a girl improperly in the school hallway.  Girl slaps boy.  Teacher is witness to the incident and is therefore required to go to sexual harassment in the work place classes.

Same thing.  Makes as much sense.

Wrong people are being held accountable and the suggestion they should have classes, requirements and bans that aren’t even relevant to what transpired — is irrational thought and reaction!

The Sandy Hock tragedy had nothing to do with gun laws being too lax.  The shooter didn’t acquire the weapon or weapons legally.  He was a kid with mental problems.  And that is what everybody keeps forgetting or passing over , as they strive to punish the legit gun owners, who had nothing to do with this horrible incident.

Bans and new gun ownership rules and regulations?

What part of the facts don’t some people get?

The Sandy Hook shooter wasn’t a legal gun owner, nor had he applied to be.

Gun Control: Liberals Rush to Use the Tragic Death of Little Children


How pathetic!  Radical liberals are rushing to use the tragic death of little children to push through their gun control agendas?  Are we really to be impressed?

Babies were wrongly killed in Newtown, but it had nothing to do with lax gun control laws.  It had to do with a young man that had some serious mental problems.  A young man that didn’t go buy any gun he used.  He stole them.

So, the question becomes…

Why are the radical liberals going after the rights of “legal gun owners”, for what this young man wrongly did?

They didn’t kill those babies.  Nor did any gun law assist the killer in killing.

So, why are they — the legal gun owners — being called to pay the price for a young man that did wrongly do this monstrous act?  Why are their rights being called into question, when it wasn’t the law that was lax, but merely a young man in mental distress that did something horrendous and happened to use a gun to fulfill what he would have probably fulfilled one way or another anyways?

It’s time for common sense to step in and the radical liberals to be halted in their irrational tracks.

Legal gun owners did not harm the innocent babies in Newtown — it was an irrational young man with mental problems that targeted the little ones and gave the radical liberals a crisis to play upon!  It’s time to take the crisis away from them and put it where it belongs — it’s time to blame the shooter and whatever made him do it!

Just WHO is in Charge Here: The People or Career Politicians


Something is mighty wrong!  Just WHO is in charge?  “We the People” or they — the “Career Politicians“?

We voted for the elected officials with the once upon a time belief they were going to be representing us.  Instead, we keep finding out there are politicians   that voted on ObamaCare without even knowing what was in the bill or how it might adversely affect “the people”.   Did they even care?  After all, they are allowed exclusion from what they are forcing upon us, so it’s no big deal, it appears.

Now, it seems there is possibly a secret discussion going on to push through gun control issues“Secret”?  Secret from us — the ones that are supposed to have our wishes represented?  Secret from us — the people they are supposed to be listening to?

It’s always been questionable, but the “in your face” disregard for the opinion of the citizens, has gotten out of hand.  It has become a statement by appearance & actions that once in office, some of these elected officials think their “ideology” is what is good for us little idiots that voted for them and they will decide for us, since our decider is defective and unenlightened.  So, rather than represent us — they dictate to us and herd us to wherever they think we should be or to whatever they think should be done unto us.

I guess our “decider’s” are defective after all.  We are the idiots that voted for these people with their little personal agendas.  Maybe it’s time we tell them just who is in charge and that it is NOT THEM.  Time to tell them their little games will no longer be tolerated.  Next election, let’s vote for some trustworthy adults who understand they represent the people, not themselves and not whatever “cause” they “personally” support in spite of us!

Yes, next election, let’s take back our authority, vote for servants of the people and retire the career politicians who have forgotten who is supposed to be in charge.  Yes, let’s retire them to the land of ObamaCare and the Gun Free Zones that they created and make sure they, too, get to share in their creations.  Retire and unexempt them to the “real world” and “real results”.  Maybe then they will see who the true idiots really are!

ACLU Declares ObamaCare to be Constitutional?


ACLU doesn’t appear to like people of religion much, especially if it be Christian in nature, so it’s not surprising they claim ObamaCare and its HHS mandate constitutional. This opinion though, is coming from a group that cried discrimination, or some such thing, involving (in the Kansas City area) an ordinance they helped write. Ooops! Change of mind? Time not to sue self? Big hope not many heard about this little boo boo?

I don’t know what came of the situation or how it got swept under the rug of “hush”, but it does prove a point. Just because the ACLU says something is or is not constitutional — does not make it so. It is merely their position and opinion. They, like everyone else, have to go to court and get a ruling. Well, unless they scare some little person or business with the threat of litigation that the later can’t afford. Then, they might win by “bulliness”, not because they actually had a fair and true case.

One thing I would like to hear the ACLU explain…

How is no co-pay for birth control not discrimination against those who have to pay a co-pay for life-saving meds?

If corporations can decide to be democrat or republican or a dem-pub and pick a candidate to donate money to, why can’t a corporation decide whether it wants to be secular or religious? And, if it wants to be religious, why can’t it pick what religion and decide not to contribute to something it totally doesn’t believe in? Like if it doesn’t believe in Obama, it shouldn’t have to donate to him, should it?

The ACLU is nothing more than a group of lawyers with opinions. It is not the say-so’er or decider on any given matter, beyond whether they believe there is a case and wish to handle it or not. They happen to think the HHS mandate is constitutional? Many think otherwise. The ACLU declaration isn’t the rule of law — it’s merely an opinion. Everyone has one — including them.

A Future World Remembered

Atlanta-burns-jpgSome believe the morning sun hides somewhere behind the iron walls of a future world many thought never to be, but none know for sure. It, too, perhaps was destroyed in those days of madness and banned from existence as so many things became outlawed and demonized for the profit of the few. The few who thought they had the answers to all things and blessed with the ability to lift their vile lives to the royalty of the gods.

The moments of the elite scorched the earth and danced in joy, as it watched the masses withered into a broken people struggling desperately to survive one moment to the next. And then it was over.

An army of the faithful fools, who had given the elite their death blow of wealth and power, rose up from the devastation they had blindly carried out and demanded their due. The elite laughed. Did any truly believe their deceitful word to be true and meant?

The laughter was swiftly silenced, as the army of revenge lashed out to crush the ruling ones. Some died in agony, while others fled to face a slow death of their own creation. For in those last moments, locked from their hoards of abundance, they, too, faced the man-made scarcity of necessities they had imposed upon their unwilling subjects. And, as their cries of utter torment reached into the moment of defeat, there was no mercy to embrace or to ease. It was for them what they had so excitedly bestowed upon those restricted from the celebrity of the self-proclaimed enlightenment.

There was no true delight, except by those whose hearts dined on the fruits of revenge, for as the last cry echoed against the walls of deceit and ignorance, the knowledge that only a few might survive was the only thing left abundant. Time was little. Hope was none. There was no sun shining to bid a new day. No sun to scare away the demons and the hopelessness of reality remembered. No sun to cast a shadow to hide the hideous knowledge sucking the life from all.

It could have been different. The madness could have been stopped. If only it had been, before it was too late.

Copyrighted 2012 & 2013 & 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved