Tag Archives: hypocrites
Giggle, Giggle Goes John McCain
Just a thought… Maybe instead of gleefully giggling, John McCain ought to look around and see where he’s at. Ole Mr. Maverick there, appears to have trotted on over to the liberal section of the room and is apparently grazing on their “free” Kool-Aid.
Senator “once upon a time maverick” McCain, many people agree with Ted Cruz about Obamacare and the devastation it is causing. If you want to worry about “shame”, then perhaps you should be putting it where it belongs.
Shame on everyone involved in pushing through a bill they probably didn’t read, and apparently didn’t understand.
Shame on everyone in Washington, DC that is walking all over the middle and poor classes, while claiming to be their champion. Champion my southside.
Y’all that are involved in allowing Obamacare to get passed and stay passed — ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You are fools and that is not one bit funny!
Giggle, giggle all the way to the shame corner!
Today’s Logic Moment – 10/16/13
The Question People in DC Apparently Did Not Consider:
People are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies. To have like coverage, with the AHC requirements, is being reported as either exceeding higher in premiums and deductibles or not offered by the preferred insurance company. Like coverage via Obamacare, if one can find out, is apparently a cause for sticker shock. People are in a desperate position. Did this administration consider any of these possibilities before plowing through anyone who objected or had concern? Do they intend to address this devastating mess they created?
Okay DC: What About the Other Americans Who Lost Their Private Sector Jobs?
Isn’t this quite delightful! The government employees will be returning to their jobs after a short break. They knew they would be. It was a short-term hurt. What about all the other Americans in the private sector, who have lost their jobs, or their hours, and are facing an uncertain future? They don’t know when they will be getting back to work (or hours returned), if ever they will. Theirs is a long term nightmare. Why are they forgotten? Why are they deemed the non-important?
Obamacare did, and continues to, cost jobs. If DC can’t see it, then perhaps they need a refresher course in reality. After all, only they and their oblivious cult followers, are blind to the true plight of the American people all at the hands of Washington, DC politics and politicians. Thanks for nothing.
I do hope politicians are feeling proud of themselves for their lack of concern and compassion for the families that are suffering as a result of idiotic politics and selfish legacy fights. That will mean a great deal to them in the hereafter, when they are shown up for the self-centered and selfish individuals that they are. Oh yes, they will be remembered for the pain and suffering that they needlessly caused. There will be no mercy given to their memories. What a true legacy that will be.
So, now that we know Obamacare was slopped together and has done nothing but cost people their jobs, their insurance, their financial well-being, and so on — what are you going to do about it, DC? How are you going to fix this mess? Will it be within the next two weeks or so? (Isn’t that about the time it took you to get the government employees back to work?) Well, you better get on it then, because the American people aren’t too happy with you and your crazy, selfish plans. It’s time to do what you are supposed to. It’s time for you to represent the people — not dictate to them. It’s time to get the private sector Americans back to work and their good insurance returned! Get busy!
I thought about writing about today’s events…
I thought about writing about today’s political events, but quickly realized it would be redundant. Anyone following the happenings of this current life-mess read it all yesterday or perhaps even several weeks ago. Oh… yes… there are a few technicalities that might have changed, but the outcome is right back where it started.
Radical liberals are still calling other people names, while whining if they think they’ve been called one.
We have the radical liberals deciding the Confederate flag is a statement of the Tea Party, Republicans & Senator Ted Cruz attitude, but the OFA thinks it is unfair to suggest they are less than sensitive to the disabled after having a sign that says, “Tea-Tards”. (Like we don’t get the reference to the term – retards.)
Oh, and then there are those radical liberal writers that suggest Tea Party members have all these characteristics that are quite unproven? Does truth matter at all to the radical liberal?
But it’s all a mess.
One moment it looks like progress is being made.
Never mind.
Then there is ole Harry Reid… you know… the senator that wrongly threw out a rumor during the election year and hoped it would stick? Harry Reid is blocking any effort the House makes to try to provide funding, yet then tries to blame the Republicans for the failure to fund?
Oh how delicious is that?
The constant is Obama with his rhetoric and wrongful descriptions as he always blames someone — anyone — except Obama!
On and on we go… where we stop… no one knows! But stop we should! Stop we must! It’s time to bring sanity back into government and into our lives. After all, we really aren’t their little zombies, unless we allow ourselves to be.
Time to pay attention!
Time to use our own minds! — the ones not cluttered with irrational thoughts!
As for writing about today’s events — never mind — tomorrow is soon enough!
People have lost their minds…
Exactly when has the NRA ever promoted gun violence? (I’m asking for proven incidents, not something made up in the minds of people, who want to get rid of all guns, except those used to protect them.) Never!
It seems that some people have this intense need to get rid of guns, because guns have been “used” by “some” people to kill or harm. Though knives have also been “used” by “some” to kill and harm, I haven’t seen the wild and crazy anti-gun fanatics attempt to get rid of their set of pocket or kitchens knives. They definitely don’t speak ill of the info-commercial hosts and accuse them of promoting violence — yet… yet… look at all the people who die via being stabbed to death.
Interesting would be to see (in these “over-reacting schools & other public spaces”)…
If a person walked in with a NRA shirt promoting “hunting” (the obtaining of food) and another person walked in with a T-shirt promoting kitchens knives (companies) for preparing food obtained — who would be the most likely to get called out for a so-called and unacceptable “violent message”? I don’t think we have to suppose too much.
Too many people seem to have lost their common sense gene and minds!
“People” are responsible for their actions, not the “object” they utilize to carry that act out. And just because there are people who happen to use guns for their acts of violence, doesn’t mean that the NRA (law-abiding citizens) had a single thing to do with it or has ever once promoted or condoned such behavior by anyone.
To blame the NRA for misuse of weapons by people, who aren’t even members, means that anyone selling or using kitchen knives are likewise responsible for any and all use of kitchen knives and they too should be held accountable for wrongful use of them.
People have indeed lost their common sense and their minds! It’s proven every day!
How dare you own a knife! Are you promoting violence? After all, it is someone’s weapon of choice.
Oh, how deliciously ironic…
“Obama tells congressional leaders he won’t negotiate on shutdown, debt“???… oh, how deliciously ironic. If Obama won’t negotiate on any of those things — or anything — what is he willing to negotiate on?
Things have gotten out of hand. (Actually, they got out of hand long ago.) There was no reason that the Democrats and the President of the United States of America could then (or now) truthfully feel their plan for health care reform was so perfect — so very perfect — so very, very perfect — because they are “all-knowing” — that a little devil’s-advocacy and balance wasn’t in order, rather than a defiant blow-off of everything and anything not-their-way.
No reason, but it happened.
Now we have tons of people losing their jobs, or at least their full-time hours, and definitely their certainty of what tomorrow brings. No longer does the need of the worker matter — the only things that matter are the whims of Obamacare and the dear Democrats & Pals that claim to so care for the people’s well-being.
And, rather than try to explain what they were thinking and why they thought (and continue to think) they were right and meant/mean well — they start in with the name-calling (calm rhetoric) and low blows towards any who do not agree with them, not to mention those special terms …
In recent weeks, however, Obama and his aides and Democratic allies have accused the Republican legislators of being anarchists, suicide-bombers, hostage-takers, arsonists, political terrorists, fanatics, blackmailers, and ideological crusaders.
“What we’re not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest,” Dan Pfeiffer, Obama’s top media adviser, said in a CNN interview this week. ~Obama: I use ‘calm’ rhetoric, unlike ‘hostage takers’ (The Daily Caller — 7:16 PM 10/02/2013)
The irony of the Obama Administration — their willingness to call names (calm rhetoric), refuse to budge and then dare to project their words and behavior on others. So, are we to be impressed and feel more secure in Obamacare and this administration now that we know they are pretty darn good at retaliating, hitting below the belt and name-calling (calm rhetoric)? Sure makes me want to rush out and buy me an Obamacare plan — how about you?
Victims of Government Shutdown vs Victims of Obamacare
There are numerous stories about the employees being affected by the government shutdown and we are only two days into their financial nightmare. Understand that I’m not wishing for, or happy about, anyone losing their income, but wait a minute… the shutdown is only temporary — Obamacare financial losses are long term, if not permanent. Why aren’t those Obamacare affected employees/former employees as important as the government ones?
Listening to everyone carry on about how unfair this all is, the thought “entitlement” keeps coming to mind. It’s as though the government employees are entitled to their jobs, though no one else is entitled to theirs. It’s as though everyone else is considered expendable and simply collateral damage.
I get it.
The news media is headed towards government run organizations.
Government employees are protected, while private sector is destroyed.
Then we come to the government being in complete control of every aspect of our lives and deaths.
Orwellian fiction is fast becoming our 21st Century reality. And so few seem to notice what is happening around them or realize how they themselves are being led to what to believe and not believe. As for now, it is a tragedy that the government employees have lost two days of pay, while a shoulder shrug that so many private sector workers have lost their jobs or the hours they were counting on. Where is the outrage for their long term lack of pay? Where is the fight to get the job killers talking and fighting to get the private sector workers back on the job? Oh, that’s right… the job killers are the ones fighting to keep Obamacare intact regardless of what devastation and destruction it causes.
Government workers = entitled to job and pay.
Private sector workers = expendable and entitled to nothing.
This should be all it takes to open the eyes of the willing-blind. Do you now see by the actual “Victims of Government Shutdown vs Victims of Obamacare” where we have come to be and where we are headed? We should all be more than a bit concerned. Is Obamacare, as is, really worth it?
Pulling the Plug
It is mind blogging how some people are so ready to suggest the plug should be pulled on others. What if the pluggee doesn’t want the plug pulled? Pull it anyway?
There you go. One more down. Who else can we get rid of?
The thought brings to mind a picture of an eager face with a vile grin and some drool running down the chin for good measure. “Oh look, that little old lady in Aisle 4 doesn’t have quality of life. I wouldn’t want to live that way, walking with a limp. Let’s get her. Boy, this legal murder is empowering. Look at me! I have power over life and death. Why didn’t we start doing this before now? Oh, good another one back by the frozen foods. Such a good day for plug pulling.”
Think it can’t ever happen?
Who would have thought we would ever be where we are today? Who would have thought we would be so ready to say that helpless people “aren’t in there”, and thus believe it is simply okay to starve and dehydrate them to death? Who would have thought, but that is where society has arrived at. Society is killing off the weakest without thought to those who have fallen victim to illness, injury, disability or age. It is outrageous at how cold and cruel our society has become.
It is easy to say someone has no hope, when no therapy or attempt has been made to help the person get better. It’s causing the problem and then having the problem be our supportive argument as to why not to take any positive actions.
For those who might not get what I just said, it would be like a husband taking the one and only family car and then blaming the wife for not driving to the grocery store for something he wanted while he was gone with the one and only car that prevented her from being able to drive to the store to get what he wanted while he was gone with the one and only car.
Or, how about a teacher not giving an assignment, but then blaming the class for not completing the assignment not given?
Likewise, people can’t always get better without the tools and treatment being made available to them.
They can’t wheel themselves down the hallway, if they don’t have a wheel chair to wheel.
They can’t do physical therapy if none is offered, nor anyone to tell them how.
They can’t take the necessary medications to cure their illness, if no medication is made available.
They can’t eat or drink if no food or water is provided.
They can’t look out the window if there is no window to look out of.
Simply put, people can’t get better if they aren’t allowed to get better, because all things that will (or might) make them better is denied them.
But none of this appears to matter in this day and age, when the so-called “Enlightened” seem to feel they are the anointed and have the power of a god to make life and death decisions in spite of what the person or family might want.
Listening to the arguments of many is a waste of time. They justify with issues that are irrelevant to the case at hand. I liken their arguments to:
Spot — the dog — pooped in the yard, so Spot’s owners aren’t going to feed the cat bird food.
So, one asks this person what any of that has to do with anything or even with each other, and the person might come back with the righteous question — “What? Are you trying to say that Spot didn’t poop in the yard?”
Or, maybe the response will be, “What? Are you supporting feeding the cat bird food?”
Sometimes I wonder if the irrational is to drive the rational over the edge or wear them down where they give up the fight against this madness. I don’t know, but I do know that I get tired of it and would like to put the irrational in a padded room with all their irrational statements played back to them throughout the day and night and see their reaction to their own words… their own arguments… their own enjoyment at playing these games with others.
I guess I should ask for forgiveness for wishing such on even them, but it doesn’t take away the truth that something really does need to be done to shake up this world and get it (and us) back on track. This craziness has simply gotten all too boring and quite too dangerous for all too many people.
Those who think they are gods and anointed to make choices between life and death for those who aren’t asking for their services, should be demoted to Spot’s poop scoopers and making sure the cat isn’t fed the bird food, while those who respect life — should be the ones moved into the position considered “Enlighten” and given the courtesy of a listen.
Once “non-responsive” is not necessarily forever “unresponsive”.
Unable to speak or move is not necessarily a sign that a person is gone and that the brain is dead.
Those who believe the garbage being spit out in this day and age to suggest otherwise of what I just said, should read the story of Kate Allatt, Mother-of-three left ‘locked in’ by a stroke last year WALKS down the aisle to renew her wedding vows . By Daily Mail Reporter Created 10:15 AM on 25th May 2011. It might just be an eye opener and give a person wonder of what if they were in a situation as she. Would they, too, like the opportunity to return to their life? Or, would they rather Spot eat the bird food and the cat poop in the yard while the bird makes the decision just before he goes to work to consider giving the rat still another loan to pay for his teeth so he can chew up the constitution and any good works that might have once shown us to be compassionate human beings trying to make this world a better place for all?
Pulling the plug on any, should be a something taken very serious and it has nothing to do with what Spot did in the yard today or yesterday or any day before!
It has to do with the issues at hand!
It has to do with a human life we are talking about and deciding about!
What if we are wrong?
Ask Kate Allatt and her family about the consequences of wrong and what might have been if continued!
Ask her if she rather have been unplugged or allowed to walk down the aisle to renew her wedding vows. Her answer might astonish our “enlightened”, but it certainly doesn’t astonish me or the rest of us “unenlightened”.
We know.
We just hope the realization spreads.
Pulling the Plug originally published on Dakota Voice – August 26th, 2011
Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.
Divide & Conquer: A Statement We Desperately Need to Remember
Divide and conquer is what an organized enemy does before going in for the win. It’s perhaps time that “we” take note of what has been happening in our world. We have been divided and we are being defeated at every turn. “We” meaning all of us that are not on the elite pedestal of exemption. “We”, the ones who will be first to feel the results of this run-away train of arrogance, ignorance and lack of empathy for all but their special and chosen groups of whom — “we” are not a member, nor ever shall be.
People are stepping forward and letting it be known that they do not want ObamaCare as it now exists. The voices are not only ignored, but to listen to the MSM, and speeches from Obama down to his lowest communication agent — the citizens are instead quite elated. It’s those bad Republicans that are trying to do mean and dirty things. Just who is it that is not living in reality? Perhaps they hope we will believe it is us, rather than they. And truthfully… if they are able to isolate us — so we can’t or won’t compare notes — they have a very real chance of creating their illusion and presenting it as authentic. That should give one a shiver or two.
Racism does still exist today, just as sexism does. However, it isn’t as it once was. It isn’t the dominate trend — it is the exception. However, there are those who stoke the fires and attempt to make everything about racism or sexism or whatever other “ism” necessary, so as to create an illusion of victimhood that can be utilized to herd the targeted person or group towards whatever belief and action is beneficial to the agitators goal.
Sadly, too many fall for the scam and eagerly follow to whatever hate and discontent they were assigned to be a part of. Yes, assigned to.
Can any actually believe this chaos simply happened on it’s own?
We must remember that the enemy strives to divide so they might easily conquer.
Our world, as it now is, is being driven and directed for the benefit of someone, or someones, who definitely are not looking out for the best interest of “We the People”. Whoever these specific people are — they have proven to be masters of deception, division and defection. Their mastery is our threat — our realization is theirs.
Divide & Conquer — A Statement We Desperately Need to Remember!
Stop Trying to Deal Me Into Your Card Game
All these racism and discriminations claims have gotten a bit old and I truly wish people would stop trying to deal me in. I don’t want to play and I’m not gonna play. Can I make it any clearer than that?
The other day I referred to “rude & lewd in public”. It was immediately assumed I was referring to homosexuals. Does this mean that deep-down, the accuser feels the homosexuals’ behavior is (or is often) “rude & lewd” or did the person immediately have a memory flash of seriously “rude & lewd in public” by some from the homosexual activists of the world? Either way, I don’t care what was behind the accusation — the accuser was way off base.
When I say “rude & lewd in public”, I am specifically referring to people — anyone — who acts “rude & lewd in public”. If I am referring specifically to homosexuals ONLY acting “rude & lewd in public”, I will be very clear about who I am referring to. There won’t be any need to assume or guess or make false accusations. I will say it outright, plain and clear, because I have nothing to hide about my reactions. They are reasonable. Yes, I said — reasonable.
In other words: I do not like nor appreciate being exposed to “rude & lewd”. There are no exceptions. “Rude & lewd” is “rude & lewd”, no matter who the participants are. It’s that simple.
I do not base my likes and dislikes upon the color of a person’s skin or their sexual orientation. I base it upon the person’s attitude and behavior. My life proves this to be so. No Harry Reid or Al Sharpton types can change the truth — they can only change the perception in the minds of people who often don’t think for themselves or are to quick to react to the emotional game so often played upon them.
In the past, I have tried to rationally respond to false allegations, but those days are numbered, if not absolutely done with.
You want to call me a racist — you prove it! I have no obligation to prove your lie to be a lie.
You want to say that I have somehow discriminated against anyone — you better get some creative writers on your team. You might even need a teleprompter or two. Yes, and you might even need some Botox remover to get rid of the “give-away” smile — you sly one, you.
Life can be a wondrous thing.
People can be happy.
Neighbors can enjoy each other.
Family, friends & neighbors can readily be there for one another.
All these things can be, unless we allow “self-serving” activists to continue to divide us with their distortions and lies and expensive public relations campaigns and/or media opportunities.
To falsely accuse people of discrimination is no different than being discriminated against. It is one and the same — just done differently. Both are wrong.
People need to take a step back and really take a good look at this world and what is happening in it. They need to think about the cards dealt to them and do some weighing in on who is truly responsible for things that have happened and are happening that just aren’t right.
I guess the short of my story is…
Maybe more people ought to take notice of the stacked deck and decide that they don’t want to be dealt into the irrational game thrown at us.
Maybe more people ought to take note and decide not to play into the hands of the activists and wanna-bee dictators that seem to love to toy with us all and try to isolate us from one another.
Maybe… just maybe… we ought to throw in the hand they dealt us and start with a fresh deck — one that isn’t tainted and slanted and stacked against us — US — We the People!
I’m in a really bad mood…
Yesterday, I was quite ticked off because I truly don’t like people writing to me and suggesting that those who are somewhat like-minded with me are something I know for a fact they are not! Oh, that really ticks me off. Not that you would ever guess.
But… it didn’t begin there… nor does it end there.
Not long ago, I was suspended from a site. I received one thing that said I needed to agree not to do something anymore. Problem was… I hadn’t done it in the first place. And, for various reasons, I wasn’t about to confess to something I did not do. Like… if I had taken the easy way out just to get back on the site — it would have been on record that I said I wouldn’t do it anymore? Duh, the false confession could later be used against me with someone saying I had admitted to doing it prior, regardless of the fact I really hadn’t ever done the deed (in question) ever.
Let’s put it this way…
I would rather never be on that site again, than to say I did something I did not do!
Needless to say, I don’t believe in false confessions. Oh, did I say that already?
Nevertheless, I wrote to the site in question and they did let me back on, but it sounded as though they still thought I did whatever because their system supposedly said whatever it was it said. On the other hand, I wondered if they had gone and taken a “physical” look, which would have shown what I was saying was true. Maybe they even found out there is a flaw that the bad people figured out and used to their advantage to get rid of the opposition? (The latter being what I think actually happened – the radicals and silencers found the flaw & were using it to their advantage.)
Then we come to today. I started out the day finding I’m suspended from still another place. (I wish I could say who. Maybe later, I will.) Once again, I am at the mercy of a group that can’t (or won’t) tell me specifics, but can hold me accountable for what I have no ability to control, even if it did happen. But what if it didn’t… or what if it was a setup because I had ticked someone off? After all, I do write and I do tick off radical liberals quite often, don’t I?
Might they set me up for punishment?
Naw! They wouldn’t do something like that, would they?
Oh, that ticks me off…
I just love it when people send P.R. (propaganda) mail and call me names or otherwise insult me in their little pep talk aimed at getting money from me , no less. I guess I’m supposed to be one of their Zombie followers or too stupid to get that I’ve been insulted or that insulting me will make me feel I must be wrong and must rush over and become a Zombie, too. Who knows. Who cares? Whatever they are thinking — they are WRONG!
It reads: “We are the largest grassroots movement organizing every day to knock down those roadblocks, one by one.”
They call people in Congress — who are actually representing their constituents — roadblocks?
They are going to knock them down one by one? Really? And just what’s the plan? How are they going to do that? Will they pull a Harry Reid on the roadblock Congress people? You know… throw some “misinformation” out there about the person, in an attempt to challenge his or her credibility?
It goes on…”We have an aggressive plan for the months ahead — that’s because building the kind of organization that can stand up to the powerful interests and the obstruction -focused members of Congress takes a lot of grassroots power.”
Takes a lot of arrogance, too.
The “powerful interests” in this situation happens to be you and me and anyone else that is a citizen. People have spoken and some Congress members are actually doing what they are supposed to be doing — LISTENING & ACTING ON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Then we have this grassroots group that is going to aggressively knock down any of these Congress members who have dared represent their districts… who have dared represent US and our wishes?
Am I to be impressed or something?
Oh… oh… and then they put… “Since we launched ___, we haven’t slowed down. You’re the reason for that…”
Beg pardon?
I’m what?
I think they have mistaken me for someone else. I deserve no credit for their existence or anything they have done or attempted to do, nor do I want any. As a matter of fact, I consider their efforts to be insulting to the American citizens and representative of nothing more than “Bully Power”!
Government isn’t supposed to be a playground with everyone going around, “Let’s pretend this is true…” or “Let’s pretend these are the facts…” or “Let’s pretend I’m the good guy and you are the bad guy…” This is REAL LIFE and REAL LIVE PEOPLE are being affected by decisions being made. Needless to say — the games need to stop! The games need to stop and people need to take a REAL look at what is taking place right in their face!
The “roadblocks” are Congressmen & Women, who are listening and responding to those they are representing. How dare anyone suggest to remove them one by one. That sounds like a threat!
Oh, that ticks me off…
Common Sense vs The Now Common Behavior
It appears that the Holder Fast & Furious contempt case remains on hold, as everyone waits on a judge’s ruling.
So does that mean that Holder is on leave pending the outcome?
If a cashier was caught stealing from his boss, would the boss leave him at the cash register, until a judge ruled on his guilt or innocence?
If a nurse was caught harming patients, would the supervisor keep scheduling the accused to work shifts caring for patients, while waiting on a judge to rule?
If a fast food employee was caught poisoning food, would the boss keep him preparing and serving food, while waiting on a judge to make a decision?
If a police officer was caught stopping cars and robbing the drivers, would the Police Chief keep the officer on traffic duty, as a judge ponders a decision?
If a prosecutor was caught doctoring evidence, would he be allowed to handle cases, while waiting on a judge to rule on his?
Then why is Eric Holder acting as Attorney General and making decisions on who will and won’t be prosecuted for whatever his heart desires, while someone waits on a judge to rule?
Does this then mean that the boss, knowing what Holder has been caught doing, is complicit or is it short-sightedness? Either way, there is a question we all should ask and ponder upon…
Where is the common sense in this now common behavior? Do we simply accept that there is none and go on about our business?
What do you think?
Embarrassed Yet: The People Want to Know
Well, Congress, many things have been left up to you as representatives of “We the People”. Sadly, many of you did it your way in spite of all the outcries and questions that loomed right in front of you. The people weren’t smart enough. The people weren’t aware of all the facts. The people were over-reacting. The politics and political careers out-weighed any of the bad stuff the people might be enduring. And that is only a portion of it all and many of you know it.
It is to the many of you that I address this…
You are in Washington, DC and you didn’t know (or believe) the IRS was targeting the Tea Party or Christian groups?
You didn’t know about the New Black Panthers intimidating voters and that it was ignored?
You didn’t have a clue about Fast & Furious?
You didn’t know that video line was a hoax, when an excuse was thrown out there for the Benghazi attack and the failure to act?
You didn’t know about the spying on journalists?
You didn’t know about problems with NSA, until Snowden announced it to the world?
You didn’t know that Holder was held in contempt?
You didn’t know the president wrongly inserted himself into the Professor Gates & Trayvon Martin cases, stirring racial tension?
You didn’t know that no one was allowed to disagree with the president or his administration least they be called racist?
You didn’t know that Sandy Hook — a tragedy — was utilized for political gain and an attempt to gun grab?
You didn’t know that people were bragging about having voted more than once?
You didn’t know that Henry Reid campaigned against Romney with an untruth when he claimed the candidate hadn’t paid taxes?
Where were you that you didn’t know these and other things that happened on your watch?
The world has been watching.
The world has been paying attention.
The world has been wondering at your lack of integrity and backbone.
Are you embarrassed yet?
You should be!
Mom Doesn’t Quietly Take It
People have gotten way out of hand with their Political Correctness! It’s time to get back to rational thought!
Krauthammer: Higher Education
Control the education – control the information – control the minds!
Fox News’ Ed Henry Asks White House About ‘Three African American’ Suspects in Chris Lane Murder
This is very telling!
CBS’ Bob Schieffer Slams ‘Sickening’ Weiner
Remember when politicians at least had to pretend not to take part in perverted acts, if they wished to be accepted by the public?
Krauthammer: Obama ‘Reinjected’ Race Into Zimmerman Controversy
A question to the guilty media & celebrities…
When race isn’t an issue, just say it is anyways!?!?
The question & statement was not ridiculous, Jay Carney
No, Jay Carney, that young man’s question & statement was not ridiculous!
Wrestling the Bull: Nothing to See Here & Nothing to Worry About
Oh bull, Big Brothers & Sisters, Aunts & Uncles & even watching Cousins, too! Nothing to see and nothing to worry about? Yeah right. I’m sure you would never fib to us, the American citizens. Naw!… you’d never do that. You’d also never target the Tea Party, Conservatives, Christian and Jewish organizations either. Ooops, I guess the sheep is out of the bag on that one with the IRS. Gives us a great deal of reason to trust you — NOT!
I can just hear it.
Yes, we lied to you the other 50,000 times, but we aren’t lying to you now. This time, we are telling the truth. And that is supposed to give confidence — why?
I think the politicians and other government people have been drinking some funny water. Their rationalizing ability seems a bit dizzy and doesn’t stand up too well in the real world of common sense.
Nothing to see here and nothing to worry about? Some would beg to differ! Obviously, no matter how many times the propaganda spins, it’s becoming quite plain that there’s plenty that needs to be seen and a great deal to worry about!