Exactly when has the NRA ever promoted gun violence? (I’m asking for proven incidents, not something made up in the minds of people, who want to get rid of all guns, except those used to protect them.) Never!
It seems that some people have this intense need to get rid of guns, because guns have been “used” by “some” people to kill or harm. Though knives have also been “used” by “some” to kill and harm, I haven’t seen the wild and crazy anti-gun fanatics attempt to get rid of their set of pocket or kitchens knives. They definitely don’t speak ill of the info-commercial hosts and accuse them of promoting violence — yet… yet… look at all the people who die via being stabbed to death.
Interesting would be to see (in these “over-reacting schools & other public spaces”)…
If a person walked in with a NRA shirt promoting “hunting” (the obtaining of food) and another person walked in with a T-shirt promoting kitchens knives (companies) for preparing food obtained — who would be the most likely to get called out for a so-called and unacceptable “violent message”? I don’t think we have to suppose too much.
Too many people seem to have lost their common sense gene and minds!
“People” are responsible for their actions, not the “object” they utilize to carry that act out. And just because there are people who happen to use guns for their acts of violence, doesn’t mean that the NRA (law-abiding citizens) had a single thing to do with it or has ever once promoted or condoned such behavior by anyone.
To blame the NRA for misuse of weapons by people, who aren’t even members, means that anyone selling or using kitchen knives are likewise responsible for any and all use of kitchen knives and they too should be held accountable for wrongful use of them.
People have indeed lost their common sense and their minds! It’s proven every day!
How dare you own a knife! Are you promoting violence? After all, it is someone’s weapon of choice.