JOE CONCHA: The 5 biggest losers from Team Trump’s confirmation hearings

Democrats showed this week that they clearly learned nothing from the last election

By Joe Concha

It’s been the theater of the absurd in the Senate this week for President-elect Trump’s Cabinet nominees, with Democrats playing the role of rogue clowns screaming (literally) for attention. 

If you’re just the average political observer, watching this show at home has likely been an annoying, infuriating and sometimes, comical experience. The questioning of Pete Hegseth, Trump’s pick for defense secretary, and Pam Bondi, his nominee for attorney general, has greatly diminished what was once a relatively dignified Senate chamber. 

So, who were the biggest losers of the week in these confirmation hearings? (Click to continue)

Full Article & Source:
JOE CONCHA: The 5 biggest losers from Team Trump’s confirmation hearings

Biden surrenders America for the sixth time

by By Hung Cao

I learned to swim at the U.S. Embassy swimming pool in Niamey, Niger, in 1976. Little did I know, that would lead to a career as a U.S. Navy diver. 

It wasn’t pool parties, picnics or watching movies at the Recreation Center, the only entertainment in a country that didn’t have television, that prompted my 25-year career as a special operations officer. It was the Marines from the Security Guard Detachment that stood watch at the embassy all day, every day. 

Even though they were fun during picnics or dressing up as elves to escort Santa riding on a camel at Christmas, under those smiles were steely-eyed warriors. There was no question that they would put their lives on the line to protect us. I knew I wanted to be like them by standing watch over the country that gave my family a second chance. (Continue Reading)

Full Article & Source:
Biden surrenders America for the sixth time

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald discusses who is really in charge of the government


So, where are the missing stimulus payments?  One can only wonder, it would seem – and many do.

I’ve been reading the articles and reviewing the IRS site.  I even listened to the IRS recording.  The answers are not there for more than a few people.  (Just read the articles if you are interested or have a doubt.)  Too many people haven’t a clue what the holdup is and haven’t a way to find out.

I personally know one person that should have received his stimulus payment direct deposit on April 29th, but he didn’t.  He doesn’t know why.  None of the possible reasons fit his situation.  He is a Social Security recipient, no one’s dependent, has a legitimate social security number, doesn’t owe child support and certainly doesn’t make anywhere near $75,000.  However, every day the “Get My Payment” says that they don’t have enough information (they’re working on that) or that he is not eligible.

It doesn’t matter that this person is not alone. 

It matters that there is an unsolved mystery that is adversely affecting people. 

It matters that these people have no way of finding out what is transpiring and why they haven’t received the stimulus payment or when they might – if ever.

Is it a glitch, did information fail to transfer properly from the Social Security Administration to the IRS, some other error or just an inconvenient delay because payments were going out to so many and some had to be last?  Only the IRS knows, if anyone does, but perhaps they haven’t a clue either as to why some have and some haven’t received the stimulus payment in a timely and promised fashion.

Maybe the politicians should stop playing politics for a while and worry more about where these missing stimulus payments are and what can be done to help fix whatever is causing the delay. 

It would actually be the right thing to do, put people on the right side of history and give actual meaning – for once – to all those political terms usually thrown around like sand in a dust storm.

It’s time to help those in need, who are still waiting and wondering.

Time to solve the mystery thus far unsolved!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

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Open Letter to the Democrats in Congress

Dear Impeachment Obsessed:

The facts are simple!

Ukraine received the approved aid.

Ukraine received the approved aid by the deadline.

End of story.

You have no case.

You have no legit grounds to impeach President Trump.

You only have lies & spin.

It’s time to stop the Alinsky tactics.

It’s time to act with integrity.

It’s time to vote “NO” on impeachment.


An Informed & Angry Voter

The Great One Has Spoken!!! ⁦

The Great One Has Spoken!!! ⁦

The Schumer-Pelosi Shutdown

Dear US Senators & Representatives:

No doubt, you are all thinking that President Trump & Republicans will be blamed for the partial government shutdown, but you are quite wrong.  Eyes are on those of you, who are stubbornly opposing the wall, not because it is a bad idea, but because you just simply can’t give Trump a win.  We, and our numbers are growing, know who you are and we aren’t impressed with your childish behavior.  That’s right –YOUR childish behavior!

It seems too many in politics and media have gotten used to creating and repeating all these “talking points” (often outright lies) and able to brainwash an unsuspecting section of society with them.  Perhaps the tide is changing.  Perhaps the cheating players have finally jumped the shark.  It certainly looks as though that is the case.

This isn’t “1984” playing out at the moment.  You haven’t yet been able to erase and replace all of history.  Most still remains, whether it is taught in liberal classrooms or not.  Likewise, the videos remain.  They show many of you fighting for the very wall you are now opposing.  And, as has been reported by honest media, it’s obvious when you suddenly changed your mind.  You changed it when you discovered Trump was for it.

All this childishness goes, beyond the “talking points” and opposition to the president himself.  Trump supporters are a target of the liberal media, social media and many politicians on a daily basis.  The wrongful insults and accusations are often quite vicious.  There is the doxing and other attempts to stir up people who have the potential of actually doing harm to others.  People who have been indoctrinated and now think they have some special right to destroy those who do not agree with them.

Are you all proud of yourselves?

You have no right to be.

Did you hear about the girl who called police on her father because he took her phone away as punishment?  A phone he had paid for.  Yet, she believed she had a “right” to it and that she could have him arrested and forced to return it to her.  It didn’t quite work out as she thought it would, but it wasn’t for lack of trying and total disregard for her dad.  She was prepared to destroy him.

Keep that story in mind.  It is, after all, the mentality cultivated by the foolish.  A mentality lacking in empathy and reason, and instead, full of selfishness, entitlement and self-righteousness.  All of which, gives many of these individuals the sense they have a right to attack and destroy anyone who does not agree with them or takes from them what they deem theirs.

Parents have been at a disadvantage for some time now thanks to radical liberals and the over-reach of the government.  It can be legal to spank a child, for example, but a state social worker can remove the child due to personal beliefs about spanking.  What happens?  Tells a child that they don’t have to listen to, or worry about, the parents – just call the law on them, if they get in the way.

Have you caught the connection yet?

It looks like some of you are the creators of this vicious out-of-control group within our society.  A group that is a big part of your supporters in all this craziness.

(Perhaps you should keep in mind that you are not safe from “them” any more than the rest of us.  You simply haven’t crossed “them” yet.  But you most likely shall.  Odds are – it’s simply a matter of time.)

It also looks like some of you are “proudly” part of the out-of-control group itself.  A group that thinks it is entitled to lie to get what they want and to destroy any that get in the way.

And then there is Trump – the man… the president – that got in your way!

Looks like…

Some of you, who once saw and defended the legitimate reason for it, suddenly don’t want the wall because Trump does.  Can’t let Trump have a win, right?

So, what happens when your creations don’t want something to happen, for no other reason than they don’t want you to get your way?

Is this how you want the government to run?

Do you really want the children in control?

Trump is right!  We need to build a wall in vulnerable areas.  We need to stop the bad that we can stop and encourage the non-citizens to respect our laws and do the right thing – request entry via the rules.

It’s really that simple.

Time for some to grow-up!

Time for others to grow some courage and act like adults in a room full of children!

Time for a wall and immigration reform!

Time to acknowledge that this is the Schumer-Pelosi shutdown – regardless of any righteous claims they may pretend!


Chuck Schumer: The Man Who Shut Down the Government

It seems that Senator Schumer wants the American citizens to believe it was President Trump that shut down the government over the wall, but it isn’t so.  The blame belongs to Schumer and the other libs that follow his orders, whether blindly or in agreement with the directives issued, because they all have two things in common.  They are a special form of modern day Democrat and they all hate Trump.

It must always be kept in mind that all Democrats are not the same.  Some are actually intelligent, compassionate, and real people like anyone else.  However, too many have stepped off the ledge and plunged into an insanity that threatens not only our society, but our entire country as well.  Schumer seems to be one of the latter.  He seems to be one that demands the irrational and spouts false accusations as though they were the gospel from on high.

Excuse me.  Schumer is not the righteous angel come calling on the Senate Floor.  He is, instead, a politician with apparently no morals.

Yes, I said that.

Yes, I meant that.

I have no love loss for Schumer, Pelosi or any of their other pals that claim a righteousness they have no right to claim.  It’s all a game to them.  Their deceit is obvious.  Watch the videos.  It’s right there for all to see.  No need to take my word.

Some like to claim that Trump lies.  Seems like the pot calling the kettle something or another, under all the circumstances and situations of the 24/7 trash Trump cable shows & hate Trump opinion pieces falsely labeled news by once respected media outlets.

Don’t like Trump?  Fine.  Don’t like him.  But that gives no one the right to lie about him.  It gives no one the right to suggest his supporters are nothing more than ignorant, racist, white supremacist, vile people, though that is what some seem to feel they are free to do.  And why do they feel free to be a part of “by any means necessary” attitude?  Because politicians like Schumer & Pelosi and the media suggest it is.

Schumer, Pelosi, & Pals are apparently still living in the Obama Era, when no one was allowed to question his highness for fear of being labeled a racist.  After all, no one could disagree with the O-man simply because they disagreed – it had to be because of the color of his skin.

Life moves on.

People learn.

People learn in spite of all the noise & propaganda dogging them daily.

Yes, people learn.

Schumer apparently thinks the majority of people believe he is a righteous dude – that or he is hoping beyond all hope the propaganda will work among the zombie following – and that his words will be taken as gospel.  However – he is wrong!

We see the truth.  More and more people are beginning see it too.

While Schumer & Pals cry for the criminal illegal aliens – citizens die without a tear from he & pals.  That’s how it is.  Defy Trump’s wishes & efforts at the expense of the American’s life.  Trump must, after all, be portrayed as the man most wrong, so  they – the deceitful ones – retain their wrongful power!

Yes, he – Trump – must be wrong.  How else can “they” win?

Copyright © 2018 Carrie K. Hutchens

Urgent: Open Letter to A.G. Sessions

Dear A.G. Sessions:

I’m not too pleased with you or your department, Sir, and that is saying it nicer than I am thinking it. Far nicer. You see, I’m starting to feel like strong words are necessary. It comes from the sense of being betrayed. That’s right. Betrayed. Betrayed by you and your department.

Are you even remotely aware that while you and your department are doing whatever it is you are doing, you have “literally” left an entire portion of society vulnerable to an insane and volatile citizenry?

Have you paid any attention to the news or the pleas from people like me that have sought your help?

The Mueller investigation is dividing this country. The radical libs seem to think it is their excuse and permission to attack Trump and anyone even suspected of being a supporter. Trump supporters are accused of being Nazis, White Supremacists, homophobic, xenophobic, bigots, racists and anything else they come up with at any given moment.

Maybe you don’t think it is “that” serious. If so, you’re quite wrong. It is serious. It’s beyond serious. It has become dangerous enough to be lethal. Which leaves us with a very important question.

How many Trump supporters must be seriously hurt or die for the situation to finally get your attention?

Maxine Waters said something to the effect, “”If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”

What has been done about her promoting such harassment? After all, what she was calling for can readily lead to violence and I have no doubt she is well aware of that fact.

Kirstjen Nielsen was run out of a restaurant by a group that included Allison Hrabar – an employee of the DOJ.

What have you done to address such inappropriate behavior?

Protesters actually went to Secretary Nielsen’s home.

What have you done about that?

Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant because she works for President Trump. The family was then followed to another restaurant and shouted at.

What have you done about that?

The Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was accosted at a theater.

What have you done about that?

Peter Fonda said that Barron should be yanked from his mom’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles. He further stated they – whatever group he was encouraging – should surround schools of children of ICE agents and scare the ____ out of them.

What have you done about that?

Antifa physically attacks Trump supporters. They falsely claim that Trump supporters are Nazis, White Supremacist, fascists etc and that allegedly makes it okay.

What have you done about that?

Man attacks teen wearing ‘MAGA’ hat is a title that says it all about a recent attack on a kid.

What have you done about that?

A great deal of our media, and numerous politicians, have been guilty of propaganda that ranges from outright lies to sly innuendoes. All of which is wrongful information that is utilized to “incite” the masses of radical, out-of-control Trump haters into a false sense of righteousness and blinding rage.

What have you done about that?

Many people don’t dare wear anything that supports Trump for fear of “literally” being physically attacked.

What have you done about that?

Nothing. Nothing is the answer.

By allowing the Mueller witch hunt to go on, it feeds many of the radical libs’ claims that Trump is guilty of all kinds of things.

Did you know, for example, that numerous people in Trump’s campaign have been indicted for Russian collusion and obstruction? That’s what is being claimed by many. Doesn’t matter that it is not true. And it won’t matter, until Mueller is shut down and these radicals are given a big dose of truth that they can’t ignore.

The media may be covered by freedom of speech and freedom of press, but those two freedoms don’t equal “freedom to lie.” Likewise, politicians aren’t given some special freedom to lie outright or by innuendo. Like anyone else – they are guilty of slander/libel/defamation of character if they lie about someone or something. Add that some of the lies in present day life are inciting a sense that there is a right to respond with violence and/or destroying a person’s life – it’s way beyond time for something to be done to stop this madness.

Where are you?

If you would treat Antifa as the terrorist group it is and file charges – it would be a stunning shock to the group that has thus far been led to believe it has some special right to attack others and destroy property.

If you addressed (and charged) the professors that have encouraged students and others to become Antifa members – or act in such a fashion – for the crimes those students went on to commit – it would shock the world of academia and remind them that we aren’t a communist country, nor are we going to accept their attempt to push such a mindset on the youth in the United States of America.

There’s so much you and your department should be addressing, but you aren’t. It is as though you are totally oblivious to what is transpiring. It’s as though you are completely oblivious of how much the Mueller witch hunt, FBI and DOJ anti-Trump behavior and leaks have created and fed into the wrongful and vicious mindset of the Trump haters. That’s right. The attacks and violence rests at your doorstep and the doorstep of all agencies that have allowed lies to thrive and mutate.

You have the power – and obligation – to reign in the criminal behavior that has occurred and potentially will occur since the Trump haters have been given false cause and permission to hate him and his supporters.

Yes, you have the power and the obligation to stop the coup and reign in the movement of madness that has been set in motion.

What will you do?

A Concerned Citizen

Another Very Open Letter to the Apathetic Congress

Dear Apathetic Congress:

I’ve had it. Not only have I had it – there’s an over-flow of company crowded into this corner of opinion.

How can you sit there and fail to take action to remove Mueller from his apparent “free to do whatever he wants” position?

Mueller is making a mockery of the rule of law and so are you by your inaction.

In real life, where the rules count more, Mueller would not be allowed to proceed with all these OBVIOUS “in your face” conflicts of interest. And, no doubt, someone would have filed numerous ethic violation complaints on him, Comey & Rosenstein right at the onset. Yet, in your world of political calculation – you turn a blind eye to his inappropriateness and pretend not to hear us. How politician of you!

Maybe in the past, you were able to blow off the silent majority because they didn’t rock the boat too awfully bad, but times have changed. The silent majority is silent no more, as many have told you over the past year or so. They meant it. I mean it. It’s time you realize it.

You, by your inaction, are making a mockery of the rule of law. You are showing us that we have no reason to trust the system ruled over by the Federal government. You are showing us we have no reason to trust you.

The short of the story is…

Mueller should never have been appointed to anything, but he was.

Upon realization that Mueller does have a conflict – he should have been immediately removed.

You have thus far failed to do anything about correcting this error. That is not acceptable. It will never be acceptable.

Should you continue to ignore our rightful complaint about this wrong and wrongful behavior – you will have broken your oath of office and therefore – have no further right to be a member of Congress. Instead, you will be an accessory to any violation and law broken as a result of your failure to take appropriate action.

It’s up to you to do the right thing.

Will you?

Copyright © 2017 Carrie K. Hutchens

A Very Open Letter to U.S. Congress

Dear Members of Congress:

To say I am quite disappointed with you as a body, and with some in particular, would be the ultimate understatement.  You have been shockingly ineffective in all good ways and reeking of betraying, backstabbing, low-blowing, tantrum throwing, shameful individuals walking among you.  Unbelievable.

How many of you knew that President Trump wasn’t under investigation but allowed media to spread the false rumor that he was?  Did you ever step forward and announce to the world that was untrue?  Or did you gleefully allow the public to believe a lie and watch as so many then judged the president based on that falsehood?  Worse, how many of you were part of keeping the false illusion going?  How many of you slyly made suggestive comments knowing how the public would take them due to the previous lie tainting their reactions and opinions?

Shameful doesn’t touch what I perceive of what you all, with exception, have done.  You have been deceitful in so many ways.  Yes, even you, who turned your heads and pretended it had nothing to do with you – are guilty of deceit because you allowed – by your silence – an outright lie or distortion be presented as the truth.

Let’s be simple.

Congressman X and Congresswoman X were at dinner together.  Someone that doesn’t like one or both starts a rumor that they are seeing each other romantically.  You know differently.  You were sitting close enough to hear & knew it was a working dinner.  You also knew there was other staff that had merely gotten up from the table briefly for the restroom, taking a call or whatever reason.  You know and you say nothing.  You are guilty of the rumor as well.  You have allowed it to continue by your silence.

Do I need to spell it out or have you figured out what the example is suggesting? 

Those of you, who have not spread the lie, are still guilty because you know the truth (or suspect it) and have done nothing to put a halt to the outright lies and innuendoes that are meant to taint and destroy the president because you don’t like him either.

How would you feel if your career (or entire life) was destroyed by lies simply because people didn’t like you and they got enough media coverage to make the masses believe that lie?  After all, as we all know, the lie is always SHOUTED OUT and the correction, if any, is a meek whisper hidden amid the pages or reporting.

I can’t remember how many times I have heard some of your members admit there has been no evidence of collusion with the Russians only to follow it by something to the effect – that is why we need an investigation.  Do you know how irrational you sound?

Some have brought up Benghazi hearings.  There is a difference.  We know there was an attack.  We know four people died.  We know certain people lied about the video.  We know someone is responsible.  We know information has been hidden from us.

Do you see the difference yet?

The Benghazi investigation began with an actual incident.  Something actually happened.

The Russian collusion investigation is based on what?  A collusion incident didn’t happen and an investigation ensued.  Instead, an investigation ensued to look for an incident.  If you don’t see the irony in that or understand the danger of such inappropriate use of power – you are part of the danger to our free society.

It’s easy to make an innocent situation look otherwise, if one has a mind to do so.  It’s easy for words to be twisted, taken out of context and dissected to mean something totally different than what the person meant.  Easy.  And you in Congress seem to be among those who are making it even easier. 

Where are you when your president is being openly lied about? 

Where are you when some of your members are shouting that articles of impeachment are being presented?  Just like those members, whom I believe to be acting unethically, you know that many will either be hopefully ignoring facts or ignorant of the facts.  You know, but  you do nothing as the members go on television and get in front of those mics.  You allow them, by silence and lack of action, to make claims untrue and unproven.

Where are you when they try to claim that Trump is mentally ill?  (Fear mongering)  Have you noticed that many, of those throwing that claim out there, actually give the appearance of having some sort of problem themselves?  Many of us have certainly noticed.

Where have you been when members of Congress try to suggest Trump is disrespectful, while they themselves have been and are being disrespectful?

Where have you been?

With exception – you have been allowing the lies, distortions and disrespect to flow through the halls of Congress.  You have been as guilty, if silent, as any member that has lied, twisted words & thrown out innuendoes to suggest a lie.  You have allowed it to be what people think.  So you have allowed it to happen.

I could continue, but will, instead, move on to a few other points.

Should any of you politicians take the time to look beyond your ideology, as well as hate and dislike of OUR president and the opposite party, you might find that Trump has some excellent ideas that can get us out of the mess that politicians have made.  And, though it’s obvious that many of you don’t want Trump to succeed at anything, you might want to think beyond that.  If Trump’s ideas win, or ignite ideas that are winners, you all win too.  People will remember that good happened because you supported and voted for it.  Might want to think about that for a moment, as you think of coming elections.

To all that hate Trump so badly that you will sacrifice something good happening for America and its citizens – you need to resign and go into some other field.  You are disrespecting the duties and office you were sworn to uphold.  You are a liar and a cheat.  A cheat because you are cheating the people you represent of the truth and good results.  A liar because you are suggesting you are doing it for the good of the country and people, when, in fact, you are only doing and saying what you are doing and saying because you do not like Trump and want him to fail at all costs.

Shame on all of you who have put your feelings before those you have been elected to represent!

Shame on all of you who have allowed lies and half-truths (full lies) to be reported far and wide by the liberal leaning networks, publications and people, who are more than happy to provide the platform to spread it all!

Shame on all of you who aren’t man and woman enough to stand up with integrity and respect to end the rash of wrongful attacks and disrespect towards the president!

Shame on all of you who are putting your petty thoughts, feelings and reactions before our country because you didn’t get the president you personally wanted!

Shame on all of you who are looking for some technicality to void the election results because you don’t like them!  (Remember:  If this one can be voided – so can all future ones.  You open the door to chaos.)

I’m so tired of waking up every day to all the lying, sneaking and cheating of many politicians and lots of media – that I could scream loud enough for even you all to hear me.

The behavior of some, for all to see, is outrageous.

It’s pathetic.

It’s worse than having to deal with out-of-control children.

It’s worthy of being expelled as one would be in a normal school setting where ethics and rules matter.

All of you who have acted inappropriately whether by action or inaction – know who you are.  (Your fellow members know, too.)  You all need to do some serious reflection and ask yourself why you ran for office and what it was you wished to accomplish.  If you had, and have, good intent – I hope that you will be able to turn your behavior around.  On the other hand, if it was your intent to get only what you wanted, line your pockets, create chaos or destroy America from within – I hope your fellow members will out you and take steps to make your wrongful efforts ineffective.

To all of you who stand up against wrongful behavior, wrongful attacks on the president and acts to destroy our country regardless of how unpopular it makes you among other members – thank you!  Thank you for striving to be the honorable representative that lives with integrity and truth!  God bless you & may you be rewarded for holding the line in our behalf!

In summary…

Members of Congress, we are watching and listening.  The ball is in your court.  It’s all up to you how you play the game.  However, remember that it is up to us whether you will be on the team for another term.

Good day!

‘Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?’: Senator Grills Yates For Defying Trump Travel Ban

‘Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?’: Senator Grills Yates For Defying Trump Travel Ban

Rep. Trey Gowdy: False statements proved Clinton’s ‘intent’

Rep. Trey Gowdy: False statements proved Clinton’s ‘intent’