Black Sheriff: Ferguson Desecrates The Legacy Of Martin Luther King

Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke is challenging the radicalized Democrat Party to tolerate, rather than to destroy, dissenting local leaders.

The hard left and Michael Bloomberg want this strong black voice “taken out,” as he describes it in this two part video interview with The Daily Caller. Yet, he recently won his fourth term for sheriff in a liberal Democrat country, winning with higher percentages each time his name has been on the ballot.

With his unique views, this 36-year law enforcement professional has been dubbed “The People’s Sheriff.”

Clarke starts out this video interview by condemning those who would elevate the death of Michael Brown or Trayvon Martin, “people engaged in criminal behavior,” as icons of a new civil rights movement. He says this would “desecrate the legacy of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.”

“None of these people deserved to have been killed, but they were co-conspirators in their own demise.”

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Full Article & Source:
Black Sheriff: Ferguson Desecrates The Legacy Of Martin Luther King

Nonsense Card: Over-the-limit & Declined

Nonsense card 1

I started reading an article at a site that I normally avoid. My reason for avoiding it is that I feel it has over-the-top in leanings and often claiming absolutes that I know to be false. I find that irritating — not amusing. Nevertheless, I started reading and sure enough, by the sixth paragraph — and they weren’t large paragraphs — he says he suspects there are a lot of people who do not like Obama for no other reason than his skin color. The nonsense card in play again. Give me a break!

Obama is in his “second” term of office. If his skin color was such a major issue, he wouldn’t have been elected the first time, much less a second. What part of this does the “skin color” fetish cult not get?

On the other hand, this nonsense card that people have been using for political and personal gain, has been way over-used and is now over-the-limit and being declined. It’s nonsense. People can actually disagree with Obama and his inept team and it not have a single morsel of anything to do with anybody’s skin color. I’m serious. It’s true. It’s reality. Get a grip on it.

People trying to play the nonsense card, need to step back and take a long look at their motives. Are they standing with Obama & Pals because they believe he is right or because they feel they are some new breed of people championing the “skin color” war they perceive in their delusional world? If it is the latter, perhaps it’s time to look around at all the shades of color in high places. This isn’t the 1800’s or 1960’s. We’ve come a long ways from those days — a very long ways!

Is the world cleansed of all discrimination? No, and it never will be. Somewhere… sometime… someone will be discriminated against for some reason. However, discrimination is not wide-spread as has been suggested in the past six years, and especially since Ferguson, MO. Not everything that happens good or bad has to do with race. It can happen for all kinds of reasons. It can happen because of poverty. It can happen because of age. It can happen because of disability. It can happen because of lack of knowledge and/or skills. And… get this… not everything (not to our liking) that happens has anything to do with discrimination of any sort. It can happen for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes a person can be wrong. Sometimes it can happen because of attitude. That’s right. It can happen to a person because the person’s attitude stinks.

People have a right to disagree with Obama & Pals, just like anyone has ever had a right to disagree with any president before. It happens. It happens because it happens. Playing this nonsense card to try to make a disagreement of policy or actions or words into a race issue instead, is an attempt to distract from the possibility the accused is right and Obama might just be wrong. (Sorry to burst a bubble, but Obama can be wrong, too!)

It’s time to get honest. It’s time to deal with real issues and not ones created for political and personal gain. It’s time to stop immediately seeing every disagreement with Obama as a matter of “skin color” and thereby ignoring the possibility there is good cause for disagreement. It’s time the nonsense card be declined and cancelled. Yes, it is definitely time.

The Obama Woes

helping handsI’ve been reading the woes of the Obamas and it’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee or my screen would have been splattered.  You’ve got to be kidding.

Michelle Obama was at Target — dressed like everybody else — and someone asked her to get something off the shelf and that was an act of racism?  Well who would have known?  I mean, shorter people and wheel chair bound individuals have often asked me to help them out by getting an item off a shelf that was out of their reach.  I never knew that meant they were treating me like the help or that they were racists in disguise, instead of just regular people asking for a friendly helping hand .

I’ve also been asked if I worked in various places, where I was likewise a customer.  I didn’t know, until I read the woes of the Obamas that I was being insulted.  Now I know.  Well, not really.

Listening to the Obamas, it is verified that some simply look at the entire world and all things that happen to them (and everyone else) through the eyes of race.  Everything must be due to racism — can’t ever be anything else.  And yet these people cry racism and/or race insensitivity when speaking of others?  I think some have thin skins no matter what shade those skins may be.

Helping someone by getting something off a shelf is being treated like the help?  Heaven help the Obamas if they think their examples represent actual racism or that they were being treated like the help.  It’s called life among people and helping out when one can.  It’s called being part of the “human race“.

DC Top Profilers to Announce New Ban Rules: Exempt Self

Obama and profiling I’ve been reading,Obama’s black cabinet heads spar over racial profiling banand find it quite amusing in a sarcastic sense.  The following is example of the discussion going on up there in Washington, DC.

The new guidelines expand the definition of racial profiling to include religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Most federal agents can’t consider any of those factors, as well as race, during criminal investigations or routine immigration cases away from the border.

As this profiling discussion takes place, I guess these men forgot to take a look at themselves and what has transpired in Ferguson and New York.  Is it not true that investigations are taking place by the federal government because “white” officers, in the line of duty, killed black suspects and were then not indicted by the Grand Jury ?   Would the investigations be taking place or would Al Sharpton and Eric Holder have shown up had it been a black officer or white suspect under the same circumstances?

President Obama and Eric Holder best look in the mirror.  They seem to be regulars when it comes to profiling.  It’s white so it must be guilty of racism and denial of civil rights.

The short of the opinion is…

holder and profiling 2No one may consider race, unless it is the president and attorney general and/or their staff.  They, it appears, may profile and immediately look to make the “white” guy the villain and a racist to boot.  The “white” officer could not have simply been doing his job and trying to effect the arrest of a suspect, who happened to be black.  No, it calls for an investigation to determine if that “white” officer was guilty of civil rights violations or some other federal crime.

Seems quite ironic that the attorney general can readily profile and proceed based upon those preconceived notions about all “white” folk and police officers, but it’s wrong for everyone else.  Does he, the president and others, not get that they themselves actually profile and in doing so are causing grave injustice and devastating harm?

It looks as though these DC Profilers need to look in the mirror and think of how many times they profile.  How many times do they make judgments based upon their perception, rather than the facts?  Maybe they really need to do a soul searching before judging others and making guidelines that could hinder, rather than help.  And just maybe they shouldn’t exempt themselves from the rules and behavior they want to force upon others.  Maybe, of all people, they — the DC Profilers — shouldn’t be exempt after all!

Living in the Past: Dying in the Present

violenceFerguson, Missouri unrest is an “in-your-face” example of a wrong getting wronger and wronger as time goes on.  It shows where living in the past, causes dying and destruction in the present.  If in doubt, think of Michael Brown, Officer Darren Wilson, the looting and the threat of rioting  and bloodshed if the officer isn’t arrested and convicted regardless of whether he is or is not actually guilty of anything beyond being white.

It’s beyond sad that slavery ever took place, but it isn’t a situation unique to the Blacks of the 19th and 20th century.  Slavery has been experienced by many other peoples at various other times throughout history.  (White women and children were considered property of fathers and husbands in early America, too.)  Why then should it be a free pass (according to some) for present day Blacks to do whatever and demand whatever or scream injustice and racism without proof in any given situation?  It shouldn’t be. It serves no good purpose.  It serves no one, but the activists and politicians that profit from keeping the “victim” mentality alive and active, while continually stirring up the hate.

Blacks, according to the activist-minded, supposedly have no future because no one will let them out of the realm of poverty and violence?  Who is no one?  Who teaches and encourages the sense of hopelessness and helplessness?  Who teaches the Black child he or she is “entitled” because of the wrongs of the past? Who teaches that the Black child should take whatever, because the white man will never let him or her succeed?  Who tries to keep the Black voter in line and tells him or her who to vote for?  Who teaches that everything that happens is because of racism on the part of a white person?  Who teaches to hate the people called “white”, simply because they are Caucasian?  Who teaches the child they are neither responsible, nor accountable… because whatever happens… it happens because of what the white man once did?

I’m sorry, I have no sense of “white” guilt.  I wasn’t involved in any of the wrongs done unto the Black community ever.  However, I have been done wrong and targeted to be attacked and even targeted to be killed at the hands of some Blacks.  I don’t blame all Blacks for the actions of some. I blame the people responsible.  What a concept.  Blame those who did the deed, not those who simply look like the deed do’ers.  Maybe it should be a lesson quickly learned by others, especially, but not solely, those in present day Ferguson.

Blacks have no chance, because the white man will hold him down and not let him succeed?  Perhaps those who believe that account of possibilities ought to go talk to Dr. Ben Carson.  Tell him that’s how life is and must be and will always be.  Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t agree.  He is, after all, a shining example that proves there is a way out of the victim-hood.  A way out and a way to a successful end.

It doesn’t matter how the Black man and woman have been wronged in the past.  It doesn’t even matter how Blacks have been wronged by the Ferguson police force in particular.  (That’s another story to be dealt with on its own.)  Right now, what matters… all that matters… is what took place on August 9th between Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson.  Those events and the “facts” … “actual facts”… involved, are all that should be considered — not the declaration of automatic guilt because the officer happens to be white and the young man happens to be Black.  Justice — true justice — should be color blind from all sides involved.

How would the Ferguson community react if the officer was Black and the young man was white and riots were threatened, unless the Black officer was immediately, without an investigation completed, charged, arrested and convicted because whites said so?  It would be a different story then, wouldn’t it?

Rather than let the Al Sharptons of the world stoke the fires meant to invoke emotions of raging hatred and burning revenge with unproven claims of racism, perhaps the community should ignore him and the likes of he and dwell on the actual… real… wrongs and what can be done to correct them.

Rather than threaten bloodshed and riots, if a police officer isn’t indicted — perhaps the community should be waiting on the facts to be established and then let those facts determine the outcome.

Rather than call for justice, with that so-called justice already determined to be the indictment of a police officer, though the investigation remained (and remains) incomplete, perhaps people should actually be seeking the truth and actual justice. Yes, truth and “actual” justice based upon the “actual” facts, rather than revenge for the wrongs real or perceived from the past or other events involving other people.

It doesn’t matter how any officer from the Ferguson police department has ever acted towards anyone or everyone.  What matters… all that matters… in this particular case, is what transpired between one young man — Michael Brown, and Officer Darren Wilson on that fateful day in August.  After all, Officer Wilson is not, and has never been, responsible for the actions of all others.  Any attempt to hold him accountable for the wrongs of others, or the wrongs of the past, does not call for, or offer the hope of,  justice or solutions to evolve.  It only calls for injustice to continue and wrongs to fester.  It keeps people living in the past wrongs with hate that leads to dying in the present.  Is it really worth it?  Or is it time to seek justice because what is “actual justice” can lead to healing and getting the real wrongs righted?  What a concept! 

Anti-gun Missouri Dem. arrested with 9mm pistol, refuses breathalyzer test

Jamilah NasheedEarlier this week, Missouri state Senator Jamilah Nasheed, a Democrat who has sponsored several anti-gun bills, was arrested while protesting in front of the Ferguson Police Department, The Blaze reported Tuesday.  What made the arrest interesting is that Nasheed was carrying a 9mm handgun with extra ammunition.

Authorities also said Nasheed “smelled strongly of intoxicants.”  But Nasheed refused to take a breathalyzer test and maintains she was not intoxicated.

“Sen. Nasheed, along with another male, entered the street, were told numerous times by not only by the St. Louis County commander, but other officers on scene, that they needed to leave the street or they were subject to arrest,” said St. Louis County Police Sgt. Brian Schellman.  “They failed to comply, and they were taken into custody.”

The arrest was conducted without incident, CBS St. Louis said.  Nasheed, however, chanted as she was taken away.  On Tuesday, Nasheed said hers was a “symbolic arrest” to send a “message to the protesters that we can protest peacefully and that we must protest peacefully and that we want justice for Michael Brown.”

But her arrest and news that she was in possession of a firearm brought charges of hypocrisy.  According to attorney Eric Vickers, Nasheed needs the gun for her own protection and Nasheed says she holds a concealed carry permit.  But if Nasheed had her way, other Missourians would not have the same right.

Full Article & Source:
Anti-gun Missouri Dem. arrested with 9mm pistol, refuses breathalyzer test


Justice for Michael Brown? 

Tell us, Senator Jamilah Nasheed, just what kind of justice are you “calling for”?

Vigilante justice?

What has the officer been found guilty of?

Being “white”?

That is, after all, all that has been established as fact thus far!