The Great One Has Spoken!!! ⁦

The Great One Has Spoken!!! ⁦

Interview with John Solomon about his new article in anticipation of the Mueller Report

Interview with John Solomon about his new article in anticipation of the Mueller Report

John Solomon: Obama Administration Spying on Trump Began in January 2016 — Evidence Is Coming

John Solomon: Obama Administration Spying on Trump Began in January 2016 — Evidence Is Coming


Open Letter to Speaker Pelosi

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

It was my intent to write a respectful letter, but before I could get the first sentence typed – I found I had writer’s block.  That’s true.  I couldn’t think of a polite intro.  I definitely couldn’t think of some charming praise to start the wall… I mean ball… rolling.  All I could think of is what I think of you and that’s not a pretty thought to be shared in mixed company.  It really isn’t.

I don’t know what is wrong with you, but I know what you are doing is wrong.  You’re playing politics with the lives of the American people.  You’re playing games to gain power… to keep power… to build power… and to heck with the rest of us.  Problem for you is – we are on to you and have been for some time now.

Contrary to what you have said, since Donald J. Trump became president…

A wall is necessary.  You and your pals said so.  I guess you forgot or think we forgot or hope that we will forget where you stood on the matter pre-Trump.   We haven’t though.  Videos are a wondrous thing, don’t you think? Keeps situations fresh in the memory in spite of all the gaslighting and indoctrination coming from your side of all things. 

Not to be rude, Nancy, but I don’t like you.  I don’t like people like you.  I never will.  Nor will many others.

Know what the problem is, Nancy?

It’s quite obvious that whatever the president is for – you are against.  Yes, it is obvious.  We see that there is no merit in your objections.  Instead, it is just plain ole spite.  It’s plain old Nancy being a control freak and trying to deny Trump anything he wants simply because he wants it.

Not a pretty sight, Nancy.

If you haven’t figured it out yet – we’re tired of you and your ways.  We’re tired of your friends.  We’re tired of your servants.  We’re simply tired of this entire mess you have made.

I’m not sure who you think you are, but self-absorbed individuals, such as yourself, don’t reign forever.  There is always someone sneaking up from behind with the intent of pushing the power hogger out and grabbing the power for self.  Might want to look behind you and around you.  Yes, dear Nancy, they are waiting for the right moment to pounce and remove the queen from the throne she so readily covets.

Do they wait for another one of your public ramblings that make no sense?

Do they whisper behind your back to others and question why you so often forget who the president is?

Have you considered the others?  The ones who may resent you for putting them in a bad position over the wall issue, among other things, simply in defiance of Trump and not because it is the right thing to do?  What happens when they start losing necessary support all because of you and your wrongful decisions?  Yes, what happens then?

This isn’t the Obama years of submission.  People are no longer afraid to speak up.  Hope has returned as we watch Trump accomplish so much in spite of all your wickedness and attempt to stop him at every turn.  We know so much more could be accomplished to make America even better and safer than before, if people like you actually cared about our country and our citizens.  If you cared, you would be working with our president – not trying to destroy him for your greedy, selfish reasons.  If you cared, you, too, could become a hero that helped stop the downward spiral to the pit of destruction.  If only you cared.  If only you weren’t so selfish and blind.  If only…

Foolish as it is – or maybe it is just because of the late hour – I can actually envision you supporting President Trump and the successes that could be.  Yes, I can see Congress returning to sanity and the rule of law.  I can see people working together as was meant to be.  And I can see a calmness and confidence touching the lives of the citizens, too.  Oh, it could be a wondrous thing to behold.  It could actually be.  It could be, if you stopped with your hate of Trump.

Well, it’s all up to you, Nancy, and I don’t count on you.  It’s simply one of those things that I know could be, but I don’t expect to be.  Of course, if you surprise me – I’d be quite delighted.  In the meantime, I just want you to know, Nancy, that I don’t like you as you are.  How about you give me a reason to change my mind?  How about you start by giving Trump, and us, the funding for the wall?

Copyright © 2019 Carrie K. Hutchens

Chuck Schumer: The Man Who Shut Down the Government

It seems that Senator Schumer wants the American citizens to believe it was President Trump that shut down the government over the wall, but it isn’t so.  The blame belongs to Schumer and the other libs that follow his orders, whether blindly or in agreement with the directives issued, because they all have two things in common.  They are a special form of modern day Democrat and they all hate Trump.

It must always be kept in mind that all Democrats are not the same.  Some are actually intelligent, compassionate, and real people like anyone else.  However, too many have stepped off the ledge and plunged into an insanity that threatens not only our society, but our entire country as well.  Schumer seems to be one of the latter.  He seems to be one that demands the irrational and spouts false accusations as though they were the gospel from on high.

Excuse me.  Schumer is not the righteous angel come calling on the Senate Floor.  He is, instead, a politician with apparently no morals.

Yes, I said that.

Yes, I meant that.

I have no love loss for Schumer, Pelosi or any of their other pals that claim a righteousness they have no right to claim.  It’s all a game to them.  Their deceit is obvious.  Watch the videos.  It’s right there for all to see.  No need to take my word.

Some like to claim that Trump lies.  Seems like the pot calling the kettle something or another, under all the circumstances and situations of the 24/7 trash Trump cable shows & hate Trump opinion pieces falsely labeled news by once respected media outlets.

Don’t like Trump?  Fine.  Don’t like him.  But that gives no one the right to lie about him.  It gives no one the right to suggest his supporters are nothing more than ignorant, racist, white supremacist, vile people, though that is what some seem to feel they are free to do.  And why do they feel free to be a part of “by any means necessary” attitude?  Because politicians like Schumer & Pelosi and the media suggest it is.

Schumer, Pelosi, & Pals are apparently still living in the Obama Era, when no one was allowed to question his highness for fear of being labeled a racist.  After all, no one could disagree with the O-man simply because they disagreed – it had to be because of the color of his skin.

Life moves on.

People learn.

People learn in spite of all the noise & propaganda dogging them daily.

Yes, people learn.

Schumer apparently thinks the majority of people believe he is a righteous dude – that or he is hoping beyond all hope the propaganda will work among the zombie following – and that his words will be taken as gospel.  However – he is wrong!

We see the truth.  More and more people are beginning see it too.

While Schumer & Pals cry for the criminal illegal aliens – citizens die without a tear from he & pals.  That’s how it is.  Defy Trump’s wishes & efforts at the expense of the American’s life.  Trump must, after all, be portrayed as the man most wrong, so  they – the deceitful ones – retain their wrongful power!

Yes, he – Trump – must be wrong.  How else can “they” win?

Copyright © 2018 Carrie K. Hutchens

Mueller Effect: Trust Lost

I never thought I would say this, but I no longer have any respect for the FBI, DOJ or anything related to the judicial system.  Perhaps worse – though maybe not – I trust none of them thanks to Mueller & the corrupt individuals involved in the “take down Trump” crowd.

After what we have seen with this Mueller & Pals witch hunt, if someone from the FBI were to ever ask me what time it is – I’ll not answer.  I might be mistaken or my clock might be off.  Nevertheless, they could say I was untruthful with them and charge me with lying to the FBI.  Isn’t that what Mueller & the FBI have shown their present day M.O. to be?

Did General Flynn know he was being interrogated or did he think the FBI was merely asking him some questions?  Didn’t the agents say they did not believe he lied, yet Mueller came in and charged him for lying anyway?

“Perjury Trap” is an interesting thing.  No one is actually safe from it, though some don’t seem to grasp the reality of that fact.  To the contrary, they seem to think that because they tell the truth, they cannot be trapped – but that is not how it works.  All it takes is saying something different from the person the prosecutor chooses to believe.  Then, when arrested… you better have the bucks to pay all the attorney fees to save yourself from the wrongful charge.  Don’t have the bucks?  Then you might be the one taking a plea deal to save yourself from what you are being threatened with.

I’ve seen innocent people take deals because they didn’t have the money to prove themselves innocent.  It happens.

I’ve seen people arrested for things they didn’t do.  It happens.

I’ve seen people lose in court when there was absolutely no way they should.  It happens.

Now, as though the flaws in the system and man aren’t enough, it seems one has to worry about being setup by the FBI, DOJ and perhaps even Mueller & Pals with a “perjury trap?”  This shouldn’t be.  It is time to end the misuse of power.

I can complain all I want, but that doesn’t mean anything will change for the better simply because I have.  It will take someone far more important than I am for that.  Someone that sees… comprehends… and has the power to put a halt to all this madness created by a rogue group of people in charge of a corrupt system. Someone that can halt it or get the ball rolling towards that end.

It is true that I may not be able to make a positive change, but the “take down Trump by any means necessary team”, sure has made a difference in my life.  They have shown me not to trust the FBI, DOJ or judicial system, because I can never know now if that question is legit or a trap for some reason that was never supposed. 

It’s trust lost. 

It’s called the “Mueller Effect!”

Copyright © 2018 Carrie K. Hutchens

Urgent: Open Letter to A.G. Sessions

Dear A.G. Sessions:

I’m not too pleased with you or your department, Sir, and that is saying it nicer than I am thinking it. Far nicer. You see, I’m starting to feel like strong words are necessary. It comes from the sense of being betrayed. That’s right. Betrayed. Betrayed by you and your department.

Are you even remotely aware that while you and your department are doing whatever it is you are doing, you have “literally” left an entire portion of society vulnerable to an insane and volatile citizenry?

Have you paid any attention to the news or the pleas from people like me that have sought your help?

The Mueller investigation is dividing this country. The radical libs seem to think it is their excuse and permission to attack Trump and anyone even suspected of being a supporter. Trump supporters are accused of being Nazis, White Supremacists, homophobic, xenophobic, bigots, racists and anything else they come up with at any given moment.

Maybe you don’t think it is “that” serious. If so, you’re quite wrong. It is serious. It’s beyond serious. It has become dangerous enough to be lethal. Which leaves us with a very important question.

How many Trump supporters must be seriously hurt or die for the situation to finally get your attention?

Maxine Waters said something to the effect, “”If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”

What has been done about her promoting such harassment? After all, what she was calling for can readily lead to violence and I have no doubt she is well aware of that fact.

Kirstjen Nielsen was run out of a restaurant by a group that included Allison Hrabar – an employee of the DOJ.

What have you done to address such inappropriate behavior?

Protesters actually went to Secretary Nielsen’s home.

What have you done about that?

Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant because she works for President Trump. The family was then followed to another restaurant and shouted at.

What have you done about that?

The Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was accosted at a theater.

What have you done about that?

Peter Fonda said that Barron should be yanked from his mom’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles. He further stated they – whatever group he was encouraging – should surround schools of children of ICE agents and scare the ____ out of them.

What have you done about that?

Antifa physically attacks Trump supporters. They falsely claim that Trump supporters are Nazis, White Supremacist, fascists etc and that allegedly makes it okay.

What have you done about that?

Man attacks teen wearing ‘MAGA’ hat is a title that says it all about a recent attack on a kid.

What have you done about that?

A great deal of our media, and numerous politicians, have been guilty of propaganda that ranges from outright lies to sly innuendoes. All of which is wrongful information that is utilized to “incite” the masses of radical, out-of-control Trump haters into a false sense of righteousness and blinding rage.

What have you done about that?

Many people don’t dare wear anything that supports Trump for fear of “literally” being physically attacked.

What have you done about that?

Nothing. Nothing is the answer.

By allowing the Mueller witch hunt to go on, it feeds many of the radical libs’ claims that Trump is guilty of all kinds of things.

Did you know, for example, that numerous people in Trump’s campaign have been indicted for Russian collusion and obstruction? That’s what is being claimed by many. Doesn’t matter that it is not true. And it won’t matter, until Mueller is shut down and these radicals are given a big dose of truth that they can’t ignore.

The media may be covered by freedom of speech and freedom of press, but those two freedoms don’t equal “freedom to lie.” Likewise, politicians aren’t given some special freedom to lie outright or by innuendo. Like anyone else – they are guilty of slander/libel/defamation of character if they lie about someone or something. Add that some of the lies in present day life are inciting a sense that there is a right to respond with violence and/or destroying a person’s life – it’s way beyond time for something to be done to stop this madness.

Where are you?

If you would treat Antifa as the terrorist group it is and file charges – it would be a stunning shock to the group that has thus far been led to believe it has some special right to attack others and destroy property.

If you addressed (and charged) the professors that have encouraged students and others to become Antifa members – or act in such a fashion – for the crimes those students went on to commit – it would shock the world of academia and remind them that we aren’t a communist country, nor are we going to accept their attempt to push such a mindset on the youth in the United States of America.

There’s so much you and your department should be addressing, but you aren’t. It is as though you are totally oblivious to what is transpiring. It’s as though you are completely oblivious of how much the Mueller witch hunt, FBI and DOJ anti-Trump behavior and leaks have created and fed into the wrongful and vicious mindset of the Trump haters. That’s right. The attacks and violence rests at your doorstep and the doorstep of all agencies that have allowed lies to thrive and mutate.

You have the power – and obligation – to reign in the criminal behavior that has occurred and potentially will occur since the Trump haters have been given false cause and permission to hate him and his supporters.

Yes, you have the power and the obligation to stop the coup and reign in the movement of madness that has been set in motion.

What will you do?

A Concerned Citizen

No Justice! No Peace!: It’s Time to Make It So

“No Justice!  No Peace!”?  Sounds like a  plan to me.  After all, actual justice (via the rule of law) would be deporting all the illegal aliens.  Peace would be in not having to hear the insults, attempts at intimidation and rude chants demanding what is not your right to demand.

I’m a compassionate person as are most people.  However, demand I bow to your will simply because that’s what you want and your wants trump mine (in your mind) – I’ll be doing anything but bowing.   And that is where we are today.  You demanding and me refusing to bow along with a great many other people.

Just who do you think you are to make demands and threaten to create havoc if those demands are not met?

I didn’t bring you to the United States and neither did anyone I know.  If you have a problem with the results of being brought here illegally – take it up with those responsible for having made that choice for you.  Be mad at them for putting you in the awkward position in the first place, if you are going to be mad at anyone at all.  Don’t be mad at me for what I had nothing to do with.  That’s justice.

I might have been more interested in your plight, if it weren’t for the attacks suggesting anyone not 100% on your side is a racist.

I might have been more interested in your plight, if people tried to win me over, rather than immediately go into attack mode and attempt to shame, mock and intimidate me.  How dare I not group-think with all the group-thinkers.  Darn!

I can’t know why you are being so aggressive, rather than diplomatic in your approach, but you have lost a great many people by your choice of attitude.  Count me right on that opinion.  I know I am.

The United States owes you nothing simply because you are here.  A fact you need to come to terms with.

People can believe all immigration should be “legal immigration” without being the slightest bit racist.

You don’t like being labeled “illegal”?  Well, many don’t like being falsely accused of being racist either.

Your behavior – you that I am addressing – is liken to slugging someone and then expecting them to be your friend and oh so grateful.  How dare they not wish to welcome you into their home?  How dare they not rush to every hilltop and claim you to deserve all things you wish for simply because you do?

The irony… the big irony… is all that you missed in the rescinding of DACA, as you reacted emotionally, rather than with thought.

President Trump actually did you a favor.

Obama’s Executive Order was unconstitutional.  It’s coverage – your deportation – was always pending and placing you all at the mercy of a court order that could come at any moment.  There was no safety or security to behold.  How could you have missed that little fact?  Shouldn’t that have upset you just a little bit?

Trump rescinded an unconstitutional Executive Order and bumped it over to Congress.  You know, that body of elected officials that draft, propose & pass legislation?  He did you a favor.  If you hadn’t let emotions get the best of you – you might have realized that.

Take note of all those people in Congress that think Trump is simply awful for having rescinded the Executive Order and then ask them what they are going to do about it.  Ask them what legislation they are going to submit (or vote for) to address this problem that has been plaguing all of us.  Yes, all of us.  You aren’t the only ones affected by all that has transpired.

I know it is easy to think you got the short end of the stick, but it isn’t just you.  Lot’s of people have been badly affected by this whole mess.  It’s time that reality be faced.  It’s time that activist, or simple rear-ends that love to stir trouble, stop with all these false accusations and attempts to destroy and demean any that don’t jump on the band wagon of their choice and yours.

It’s time to think with logic, rather than respond with emotion.

Trump did you a favor!

Perhaps it is time for you to figure that out and start acting with respect, rather than tantrum protesting with all the screaming of demands and hurling of insults.  Yes, perhaps it time you stop and think how you got in this position, who didn’t fix it when they could and how insecure your position has been all along.  Then think who has taken steps to bring about a permanent fix.  That would be Trump – the President of the United States!  The man you wrongly curse.

Copyright ©2017 Carrie K. Hutchens

An Open Letter to Trey Gowdy

Dear Representative Gowdy:

It is with great sorrow that I write to you today! Yes, sorrow. I feel as though I am at the execution of my best friend and finding there is nothing I can do to stop the wrongful killing of justice. A killing so wrongful that the cries of the people are relentless and piercing. Can’t you hear them?

You trusted Mueller in spite of the teams he was compiling? How is that possible? Even us lowly voters saw the deck was being stacked and not in a good and fair way, yet you were never suspicious? I don’t understand.

The leaks continue. Leaks that are always meant to harm our president and his administration. Leaks that are meant to take him down and void our vote. You know – the vote of the people. The vote that made Trump the legitimate President of the United States. Does that even matter anymore?

We watch as the liberals lie, cheat and bully in an attempt to de-legitimize the election and take down the president we voted for. We watch as few Republicans do anything to stop this wrongful attempt. We watch as people who claim to believe in the Constitution and our system – just shrug their shoulders and pretend all is working as it is supposed to.

Well, it’s not. It’s not working as it is supposed to.

The FBI director selectively answered questions. He answered when it would look bad on President Trump and claimed he couldn’t answer, if it would look good for him. You know, like the fact that Trump wasn’t under investigation though media & officials made the world think he was.

Lie by omission matters. It matters a great deal.

Rep. Gowdy, I have no doubt you have lived a squeaky clean life, but I bet even you are vulnerable to the evil and corruption that we are witnessing. Yes, I bet that if the media and so many in Congress set out to discredit you, that even your reputation and proven action couldn’t withstand their relentless attacks – not if you were standing against them alone. How would you feel then? How would you feel if it was you, rather than Trump, that was targeted for wrongful destruction?

I’m disappointed that you and a few others that I have trusted are doing so little, if anything to stand up for President Trump.

It’s simple really.

You don’t have to like Trump. That isn’t a requirement. However, if you are to claim you believe in the Constitution… believe in our system… believe in justice and the courts – you must stand up and fight fiercely even for Trump- the man we elected president. Otherwise, there is little hope of anything being right ever again.

Today we helplessly watch the corrupted laugh. We watch it because those in power are either using their power wrongly or not at all. We watch it because those who could make a difference have chosen not to and have closed their ears to our pleas to be the warriors they were sent to Congress to be.


Today we helplessly watch as truth and justice are being devoured in a pit of the wrongfully executed.

We may be helpless to fight the swamp beasts but you are not. Will you help us by helping President Trump?

With Hope that Evil Hasn’t Already Won,
A Legally Registered Voter

Will the Madness of Radical Liberalism Never End

Trump won. It is reality. It doesn’t matter if people like it or not. It doesn’t matter if liberals (some allegedly paid) take to the streets and destroy every city block in every city throughout the US. Nothing is changed. Nothing except the new ways that the liberals try to change the results to fit their reality. New ways like the alleged death threats to members of the electoral college and Dr. Jill Stein’s sudden last minute recount demands to supposedly ensure the integrity of the election. The madness is upon us and only getting more bizarre.

According to The Detroit News article, “Michigan electors cite threats over Trump vote“, (Michael Gerstein – 11/17/16) Michael Banerian has received numerous emails wishing him to change his vote – some even threatening him if he didn’t.

“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,’ ” he said. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”

The Detroit News verified one message containing a death wish and another containing a death threat, in which the person told Banerian he would “put a bullet” in his mouth. Banerian said he deleted the rest of the emails and messages “because as you can imagine they’re clogging up my email.”

Are we to assume the radical liberals misread the memo that suggested the Trump supporters would turn violent and thought it was a call for them to do so? Or… perhaps… it is the radical liberal that is prone to the violence they claim of others.

Banerian is merely one of the victims of the liberal attack. There are others. Simply put – one is too many. It isn’t acceptable behavior by anyone or any side. It needs to be stopped and it needs to be stopped immediately. As a matter of fact – those who threatened violence – should be arrested. Perhaps a visit in the local jail and appearance before a judge will finally lead them to realization that threatening someone’s life is actually a serious matter that gets people in serious trouble – even them.

But who knows.

Modern day radical liberals seem to live in some other universe, where they see themselves entitled to have all things their way at all times.

Truth and integrity seem to be irrelevant.

Intolerance is their way of life as hate is spewed in the name of love and tolerance.

Irrational is a kind description as the liberals stand with those who kill women, children and gays, while calling the conservative a threat and so awful for having offended by word or differing opinion.

The radical liberal can’t seem to accept a loss. Instead, this type of person appears to seek out technicalities to destroy wins they don’t like. Dr. Jill Stein seems to have joined the latter group with her last minute attempts to call for recounts in three states. Not surprising, the three states she picked are ones that Trump won.

Liberals have asked what Trump supporters are scared of. Unbelievable. The radical liberal trying to play innocent, when the death threats, riots and destruction makes quite clear they are not.

The madness is no longer a mere annoyance. It is destroying our country. It is destroying our relationships. It has no path to righteousness, justice or the pursuit of happiness. It is time to stop the movement of insanity and tantrums and return to logic and common sense. With Trump – the one who fairly won the election – we shall have a chance to escape the madness of radical liberalism and return to the United State of America where PC once again stands for Personal Computer.

The madness of radical liberalism is on notice.

Time for change.


Originally published at American Clarion

The curious case of black advocates and MSM hatred for Dr. Ben Carson

By Lloyd Marcus

To you remaining black members of my family who take issue with me being an outspoken black conservative Republican, I ask you ponder the following. Comedian Arsenio Hall was known for his comedic bit, “Things That Make You Go Hmmm…” Well, here are a few facts regarding self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media’s disdain for Dr Ben Carson that make you go hmmm.

Summarizing, Dr Carson’s life is remarkable and inspirational. He grew up fatherless in the hood with his hardworking single mom. She turned off the TV and ordered Ben to read and give her written book reports. Though illiterate, Carson’s mom pretended to read his book reports. This troubled black kid from the hood overcame his demons and grew up to become a world renowned neurosurgeon. A movie was made about Dr Carson’s life titled, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story” starring Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr as Dr Carson.

If Dr Martin Luther King, Jr were alive today, Dr Carson would epitomize his dream of blacks (Negros) being proud dignified contributors to society in America. So why does Black Lives Matter, the mainstream media, the NAACP and the Democratic Party despise and seek to destroy Dr Carson? Since entering the race for the White House, self-proclaimed black advocates and media launched an all-out no-tactic-or-lie-is-too-low campaign to knock Dr Carson out of the race for president.

But guess who supposed advocates for black empowerment rallied behind and transformed into heroic icons of civil rights? The answer is black criminals; Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Keep in mind that the supposed advocates for blacks that I mentioned hate Dr Carson. Shouldn’t that make a thinking black person go hmmm?

The Black Lives Matter movement was founded on the lie that a white cop shot Michael Brown while surrendering with his hands up. Based on the evidence, Brown robbed a convenience store, assaulted the clerk and was shot attacking a cop inside his police car. Brown was trying to take the officer’s gun.

And yet, the mainstream media and Democrats ignored the grand jury’s report and continues to promote the lie that Brown was gunned down by a racist white cop while on his way to his grandma’s house. Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and other so-called black advocates persist in ignoring facts; such as in only 35 years 324,000 blacks have been killed by fellow blacks. As a matter of fact, 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks. Racist white cops “ain’t” the problem y’all.

Drug dealer Freddie Gray had a record as long as your arm. Treyvon Martin was also a prolific thug. So again I ask, why would so-called advocates for black empowerment make saints of black criminals while relentlessly attempting to demonize Dr Carson?

Dr Carson’s path of education, hard work, Christian faith and right choices led him to extraordinary success and possibly even the Oval Office. Martin, Brown and Gray’s criminal choices made them menaces to society and led to their early deaths. Wouldn’t true black advocates encourage black youths to mimic Dr Carson rather that elevating criminals Martin, Brown and Gray to black superstar status?

Common sense tells us that self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media obviously have another agenda other than their stated justice/empowerment for blacks.

The truth is these slime-ball so-called black advocates and media hacks do not give a rats’ derriere about blacks. If they did, they would honestly deal with the self-induced issues plaguing the black community; epidemic school dropouts, drug abuse, black on black crime and out-of-wedlock births. But no, black advocates and media would rather blame conservatives, Republicans and white America.

Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and Democrats want blacks to conclude that Martin, Brown and Gray were the products of being victimized by racist white America; particularly conservatives and Republicans. That is a lie. Life is about choices. Circumstances tend to reveal who you are inside.

My 87 year old black dad also grew up poor and fatherless in the Baltimore hood. As a little boy, Dad chose to earn money shining shoes on weekends at the Greyhound Bus Station. One of his buddies chose crime; two kids in similar circumstances making different choices. Dad was taught responsibility at an early age. I could hear the pride in dad’s voice as he told me how he spent his first earnings. Out of $1.25 he made one weekend, dad paid rent to Aunt Nee, took in a movie with candy and popcorn and purchased a t-shirt. Dad bragged to a friend, “Yeah man, I’m buyin’ my own clothes now.”

I heard through the family grapevine that some relatives are embarrassed by me publicly proclaiming that blacks are not victims of racist America. To them I say, “Sorry guys, but we are not.” My goodness, all one has to do is look around.

Racism along with every other sin will exist until Jesus returns. However, the notion that blacks are suffering, held back, routinely murdered by cops and victimized by “white privilege” is absurd. These narratives are manipulative tools to keep blacks voting for Democrats. Suckered blacks believe voting for Democrats will keep racist white America and Republicans at bay. After 50 years of voting for Democrats, black life continues to spiral downward in cites controlled by Democrats.

Blacks from the hood like my dad and Dr Carson who achieve their American dreams contradict the Democrats’ and mainstream media’s it-sucks-to-be-black-in-America story line. The undeniable truth is the American dream is alive and well for all who choose to go for it. The only real stumbling block for blacks is Obama’s economy.

So why has the mainstream media sacrificed its journalistic principles to help Democrats win black votes? The answer is the media and Democrats are on the same page; socialist/progressive – both desire an America in which the majority is dependent upon and controlled by a tyrannical big government. Oh and both have a bug up their derriere about Christians. Democrats and mainstream media will vehemently deny it, but it is true.

In essence, elitist mainstream media and Democrats want George Orwell’s novel “1984” – a nation of supplicants subservient to Big Brother. These truths should make logical thinkers go hmmm.

© Lloyd Marcus

This article is printed with the permission of the author.


Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”

Leftists use Black Lives Matter to exploit blacks, again

By Lloyd Marcus

Recently, my black brother shared an unfortunate incident. Years ago, police in two unmarked cars blocked his car. They jumped out pointing guns, demanding that he exit his car. My brother immediately raised his hands, but did not exit his car because he was frozen with fear. An officer pulled him out of his car onto the ground. My brother said, “Calm down! I am not resisting!”

After checking him out, the officers realized he was not their suspect. Rather than sending my brother on his way with an apology, the police framed him. My brother had an unopened six pack of beer on the floor. An officer opened one of the beers and said, “You’re under arrest for drunk driving.” The bogus charge did not stick and my brother was released hours later, angry, with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Ironically, my brother’s reason for telling me about the incident was to defend the police in the recent shooting and arrests covered 24/7 on CNN. He said the cops who framed him were a few bad apples which are everywhere in every profession. Amen to that. Jesus had 12 disciples and one was a bad apple. My brother made the point that he was not harmed because he submitted to the police’s authority. He noted that the blacks in the videos shown on TV did not submit to the police.

My brother’s point is correct. In each incident caught on video in which people are second-guessing officer’s behavior, bad outcomes could have been avoided had the persons simply respected authority and complied.

A friend of mine is a veteran Baltimore black cop. He told me upon arriving at a scene, a cop must immediately take control of the situation. If not, the cop could end up dead – stabbed in the back by a weepy girlfriend or mom. The most hazardous part of a police officer’s job is the routine traffic stop; 62 officers killed 2002- 2011.

Democrats, CNN and other liberal bias media have an insidiously evil agenda to convince black America that Republicans, conservatives and police are out to get them. These Leftists would love to feature my brother’s bad boy cops story 24/7; claiming the cops were unequivocally motivated by white racism.

Meanwhile, the Left avoids experiences like mine with police like the plague. In the 80’s, an interracial couple robbed a bank, their description matching my wife, me and our car. Police surrounded our car with guns drawn and ordered us out of our car. We complied. They checked us out, apologized and went on their way. We were stopped on another occasion years later. Again, the officers were respectful and professional.

As a young adult, my cousins wife called me in a panic to their home in the hood. My black cousin had a nervous breakdown. He held their two toddler sons hostage in the basement, threatening to kill himself and their boys. First on the scene were two white cops – one young and fit, the other much older and morbidly obese. Masterfully, the old obese cop gained my cousin’s trust and talked him out of the basement. “C’mon son, I know life gets tough, but you don’t want to do this.” My cousin was arrested, given the mental health assistance he needed and was later released. My cousin is alive, well and a great dad.

Folks, cops kill whites at almost double the rate of blacks. As a matter of fact, blacks are killed by blacks 93% of the time. The Left does not want you to know the biggest threat to black lives is other blacks. Despite the Left’s Black Lives Matter (blame and hate white America) movement, incidents of blacks killing blacks are on the rise.

The Left is ignoring the stunning numbers of blacks murdered in Chicago by blacks.

In July, Baltimore homicides reached its highest in 43 years, up 60%.

The mainstream media deliberately creating the false impression that cops are the biggest threat to blacks is reprehensible. Proving they do not give a rat’s derriere about blacks, the Left refuses to address real issues plaguing black America; multi-generational government dependency; increasing numbers of fatherless households; unprecedented high unemployment under Obama ; epidemic school dropouts; black on black homicides and Leftist encouraged moral and cultural decline.

White guys in white hoods, the Aryan nation nor cops are infiltrating black neighborhoods, victimizing residents and murdering blacks. The Left has been fooling blacks with its blame-everything-on-whitey tactic for decades; keeping blacks voting for their supposed Democrat saviors.

As young as 9 or 10, I realized the blame-everything-on-whitey excuse was a lie. My family lived on the sixth floor of a Baltimore project high-rise building. The elevators were often not working due to vandalism. The stairwells were pitch black due to broken light bulbs and smelled of urine. The crunch sound under foot echoing off the concrete walls was due to broken liquor bottles. I knew whites were not sneaking in at night, peeing in our stairwells.

Not to indict everyone who lived in the projects, some neighbors kept their apartments immaculate. Even as a child, I concluded that poverty (and ghetto) was a mindset rather than simply an absence of money.

The Black Lives Matter movement, “white privilege” and so on are founded on lies. They are despicable tools to exploit blacks’ emotions. These Leftist scams have resulted in what can be described as black terror cells. Police are assassinated, outbreaks of black flash mob attacks and innocent whites assaulted, raped and murdered.

Outrageously, Black Lives Matter thugs threaten to “shut down” the Republican National Convention. Notice the stupid, hateful and racist assumption that white Republicans are a threat to black lives? Imagine if the Tea Party announced a plan to shut down the Democrat National Convention. After recovering from multiple convulsions of pleasure from being given such an opportunity to demonize the Tea Party, Leftist media would bombard the public with 24/7 news coverage; branding the Tea Party racist, sexist and homophobic.

Rest assured, you will not hear any meaningful criticism from the MSM, Democrats or Obama regarding Black Lives Matter thugs arrogantly assaulting free speech. Quite the opposite. Leftists are behind the scene cheering on the Black Lives Matter thugs.

Wake up black America. The Left is playin’ y’all, again.

© Lloyd Marcus

This article is printed with the permission of the author.


Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”

Police dash-cam video debunks professor’s racial profiling claims

Credit: Capital Community College

Credit: Capital Community College

A college professor who accused a Connecticut state trooper of racial profiling saw her claims fail when audiotape of the stop proved she was lying, police said.

According to Fox CT, Minati Roychoudhuri, 32, was driving on a highway on May 9 when she was pulled over in the town of Wethersfield. She was cited for failure to drive in the established lane. A month later, Roychoudhuri sent a letter to the Commissioner of Public Safety claiming that the officer had racially profiled her.

“The policeman asked me if I could speak English and if I knew why he had stopped me. I said, “yes” to speaking English and “no” to why he had stopped me,” she wrote in the letter. “The officer did not give me any reason as to why had stopped me. His asking if I could speak English shows that he had racially profiled me and was not able to give me a concrete reason for stopping me.”

When Roychoudhuri, who teaches at Capital Community College, in Hartford, gave an in-person interview in regards to her letter a week later, she repeated her claims of racial profiling and that the officer did not explain why she was stopped. She also signed a statement that it is a crime for her to make any claims that she does not believe to be true in an effort to mislead a public servant.

Most State Police cruisers, including the one that stopped Roychoudhuri, have video and audio recorders to record all motor vehicle stops. An Internal Affairs investigation examined the dash cam audio.

In the recording, the officer asks if Roychoudhuri knows why she is being stopped. When she says no, the officer is heard saying, “Okay. There’s that big gore area with white lines painted across it and you cut in front of it, in front of me, thinking it’s a lane or something. You have to wait until it’s a dotted white line.”

The investigation concluded that the officer never asked Roychoudhuri if she spoke English and that he clearly explained to Roychoudhuri why she was pulled over. Roychoudhuri was subsequently arrested for giving a false statement in the second degree.

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Police dash-cam video debunks professor’s racial profiling claims