Open Letter to the Offended

Dear Easily Offended:

Tell me…

Do you intend to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, or do you have plans to eventually grow up and act and think as an adult?  Watching & listening to you, one has to wonder.

News flash…

Unlike what you have thus far been taught, you are not the center of the Universe to all people within the Universe.  Other people live in this world with you.  Other people have wants and dreams.  Other people have thoughts and preferences.  And, perhaps to your surprise, some other people are totally offended by your seemingly constant state of seeking things to be offended by.

I, for one, am not impressed by your snotty, self-righteous, selfish, baby-brat ways.  I’m especially not impressed by those of you who destroy other people’s property; as though you think you have some right simply because it offends you.  No, you don’t have that right.  It isn’t yours.  Keep your hands off other peoples’ stuff.

Even less impressive are those of you that take it a step further and think you have a right to assault others simply because you don’t agree with them.  You all deserve to have the handcuffs slapped on you & some serious time in a jail cell.  You are nothing more than vicious little criminals.


Hilarious are those of you that claim you are fighting fascism, when in fact – YOU ARE THE FASCISTS!  (If you were as brilliant as you “think” you are – you readily see that to be true.)

To be quite honest, I’m tired of some government officials and radical lefties indoctrinating you and enabling your fascist little bratty easily offended ways.  It’s time you grow up and act like a respectful adult.  Or, do you plan to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, being played like an ignorant puppet by the elite seeking power that you’ll never have?

Just wondering.


A person tired of your inexcusable behavior

Copyright © 2019 Carrie K. Hutchens

Urgent: Open Letter to A.G. Sessions

Dear A.G. Sessions:

I’m not too pleased with you or your department, Sir, and that is saying it nicer than I am thinking it. Far nicer. You see, I’m starting to feel like strong words are necessary. It comes from the sense of being betrayed. That’s right. Betrayed. Betrayed by you and your department.

Are you even remotely aware that while you and your department are doing whatever it is you are doing, you have “literally” left an entire portion of society vulnerable to an insane and volatile citizenry?

Have you paid any attention to the news or the pleas from people like me that have sought your help?

The Mueller investigation is dividing this country. The radical libs seem to think it is their excuse and permission to attack Trump and anyone even suspected of being a supporter. Trump supporters are accused of being Nazis, White Supremacists, homophobic, xenophobic, bigots, racists and anything else they come up with at any given moment.

Maybe you don’t think it is “that” serious. If so, you’re quite wrong. It is serious. It’s beyond serious. It has become dangerous enough to be lethal. Which leaves us with a very important question.

How many Trump supporters must be seriously hurt or die for the situation to finally get your attention?

Maxine Waters said something to the effect, “”If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!”

What has been done about her promoting such harassment? After all, what she was calling for can readily lead to violence and I have no doubt she is well aware of that fact.

Kirstjen Nielsen was run out of a restaurant by a group that included Allison Hrabar – an employee of the DOJ.

What have you done to address such inappropriate behavior?

Protesters actually went to Secretary Nielsen’s home.

What have you done about that?

Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant because she works for President Trump. The family was then followed to another restaurant and shouted at.

What have you done about that?

The Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was accosted at a theater.

What have you done about that?

Peter Fonda said that Barron should be yanked from his mom’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles. He further stated they – whatever group he was encouraging – should surround schools of children of ICE agents and scare the ____ out of them.

What have you done about that?

Antifa physically attacks Trump supporters. They falsely claim that Trump supporters are Nazis, White Supremacist, fascists etc and that allegedly makes it okay.

What have you done about that?

Man attacks teen wearing ‘MAGA’ hat is a title that says it all about a recent attack on a kid.

What have you done about that?

A great deal of our media, and numerous politicians, have been guilty of propaganda that ranges from outright lies to sly innuendoes. All of which is wrongful information that is utilized to “incite” the masses of radical, out-of-control Trump haters into a false sense of righteousness and blinding rage.

What have you done about that?

Many people don’t dare wear anything that supports Trump for fear of “literally” being physically attacked.

What have you done about that?

Nothing. Nothing is the answer.

By allowing the Mueller witch hunt to go on, it feeds many of the radical libs’ claims that Trump is guilty of all kinds of things.

Did you know, for example, that numerous people in Trump’s campaign have been indicted for Russian collusion and obstruction? That’s what is being claimed by many. Doesn’t matter that it is not true. And it won’t matter, until Mueller is shut down and these radicals are given a big dose of truth that they can’t ignore.

The media may be covered by freedom of speech and freedom of press, but those two freedoms don’t equal “freedom to lie.” Likewise, politicians aren’t given some special freedom to lie outright or by innuendo. Like anyone else – they are guilty of slander/libel/defamation of character if they lie about someone or something. Add that some of the lies in present day life are inciting a sense that there is a right to respond with violence and/or destroying a person’s life – it’s way beyond time for something to be done to stop this madness.

Where are you?

If you would treat Antifa as the terrorist group it is and file charges – it would be a stunning shock to the group that has thus far been led to believe it has some special right to attack others and destroy property.

If you addressed (and charged) the professors that have encouraged students and others to become Antifa members – or act in such a fashion – for the crimes those students went on to commit – it would shock the world of academia and remind them that we aren’t a communist country, nor are we going to accept their attempt to push such a mindset on the youth in the United States of America.

There’s so much you and your department should be addressing, but you aren’t. It is as though you are totally oblivious to what is transpiring. It’s as though you are completely oblivious of how much the Mueller witch hunt, FBI and DOJ anti-Trump behavior and leaks have created and fed into the wrongful and vicious mindset of the Trump haters. That’s right. The attacks and violence rests at your doorstep and the doorstep of all agencies that have allowed lies to thrive and mutate.

You have the power – and obligation – to reign in the criminal behavior that has occurred and potentially will occur since the Trump haters have been given false cause and permission to hate him and his supporters.

Yes, you have the power and the obligation to stop the coup and reign in the movement of madness that has been set in motion.

What will you do?

A Concerned Citizen

A Goodbye to John

Dear John,

I wish I could tell you that writing this “dear John” letter is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life, but that would not be true. Actually, it delights me. It gives me a chance to shower you with all the pent up emotion your words and actions have created within me.

John… why did you do it?

Didn’t a common sense thought or two ever give you pause… even a little pause?

It seems as though you get all full of yourself, puff out that chest and think you are the most wondrous thing that ever grabbed a couple of slices of bread for that baloney you let slide from those moving lips.

Do you know you lie? Everyone else does. “Does” as in knowing you do.

I remember when it was me being the fool. Me standing up to people saying you were this hero-in-waiting. Oh my. Did I really believe and say all those positive things about you? I truly wish someone could tell me I really didn’t, but there is no one that can.

I was fooled.

Yes, I was fooled or you truly changed between then and now. It doesn’t matter though. Today is what matters. How you are today… what you are doing today… that’s where we are and what counts the most in this moment.

You lied.

I trusted you and you lied.

Not only did you lie and do the opposite of what you promised – you smiled so gleefully about it. You were so proud of yourself. Guess it had to be you proud of you, because no one else was. Everyone else was let down… ticked off… or delighted you played for their team, rather than ours.

Tonight you did the deed that can’t be undone. You proved you only care about you and the prize you think you have won. But, John, your prize is not a pretty one. It’s a lead-weight sinking you. Yes, as you have destroyed the lives of so many people – your life, too, is destroyed.

I’m sorry, John. Sorry you didn’t feel, listen and respond as the hero you thought yourself to be. Had you – people might smile warmly for years to come when they thought of you or heard your name.

Might have, but not now.

You may not believe me tonight, but you will. Eventually, it will all become clear to you and you will regret these moments that you can no longer undo. It will be your legacy.

Yes, you will be remembered. Sadly so.

Now, you shall be remembered for the misery you made happen when it was up to you to make the choice.

It shall be your cloak of shame to embrace throughout eternity.

You did your dirty deed.

Now you shall live with it as you have made others live with your non-mercy!

I haven’t much more to say about my disappointment in you, except that I am. I am very disappointed in you and it is with cause. Luckily, I shall not be at your side or even in some corner whispering support of you. Instead, I’m out of here.

May the nightmares of truth fill your nights and walk with you each day!

Goodbye, John.

Copyright © 2017 Carrie K. Hutchens

“…you do not, have not & will not ever speak for me…” – Antonia Okafor


Will the Madness of Radical Liberalism Never End

Trump won. It is reality. It doesn’t matter if people like it or not. It doesn’t matter if liberals (some allegedly paid) take to the streets and destroy every city block in every city throughout the US. Nothing is changed. Nothing except the new ways that the liberals try to change the results to fit their reality. New ways like the alleged death threats to members of the electoral college and Dr. Jill Stein’s sudden last minute recount demands to supposedly ensure the integrity of the election. The madness is upon us and only getting more bizarre.

According to The Detroit News article, “Michigan electors cite threats over Trump vote“, (Michael Gerstein – 11/17/16) Michael Banerian has received numerous emails wishing him to change his vote – some even threatening him if he didn’t.

“You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,’ ” he said. “I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.”

The Detroit News verified one message containing a death wish and another containing a death threat, in which the person told Banerian he would “put a bullet” in his mouth. Banerian said he deleted the rest of the emails and messages “because as you can imagine they’re clogging up my email.”

Are we to assume the radical liberals misread the memo that suggested the Trump supporters would turn violent and thought it was a call for them to do so? Or… perhaps… it is the radical liberal that is prone to the violence they claim of others.

Banerian is merely one of the victims of the liberal attack. There are others. Simply put – one is too many. It isn’t acceptable behavior by anyone or any side. It needs to be stopped and it needs to be stopped immediately. As a matter of fact – those who threatened violence – should be arrested. Perhaps a visit in the local jail and appearance before a judge will finally lead them to realization that threatening someone’s life is actually a serious matter that gets people in serious trouble – even them.

But who knows.

Modern day radical liberals seem to live in some other universe, where they see themselves entitled to have all things their way at all times.

Truth and integrity seem to be irrelevant.

Intolerance is their way of life as hate is spewed in the name of love and tolerance.

Irrational is a kind description as the liberals stand with those who kill women, children and gays, while calling the conservative a threat and so awful for having offended by word or differing opinion.

The radical liberal can’t seem to accept a loss. Instead, this type of person appears to seek out technicalities to destroy wins they don’t like. Dr. Jill Stein seems to have joined the latter group with her last minute attempts to call for recounts in three states. Not surprising, the three states she picked are ones that Trump won.

Liberals have asked what Trump supporters are scared of. Unbelievable. The radical liberal trying to play innocent, when the death threats, riots and destruction makes quite clear they are not.

The madness is no longer a mere annoyance. It is destroying our country. It is destroying our relationships. It has no path to righteousness, justice or the pursuit of happiness. It is time to stop the movement of insanity and tantrums and return to logic and common sense. With Trump – the one who fairly won the election – we shall have a chance to escape the madness of radical liberalism and return to the United State of America where PC once again stands for Personal Computer.

The madness of radical liberalism is on notice.

Time for change.


Originally published at American Clarion

Voters Guide – Election 2016

Don’t be drawn into the spin!
Seek the facts!
Consider carefully!
November 8th determines our future as a country!


The curious case of black advocates and MSM hatred for Dr. Ben Carson

By Lloyd Marcus

To you remaining black members of my family who take issue with me being an outspoken black conservative Republican, I ask you ponder the following. Comedian Arsenio Hall was known for his comedic bit, “Things That Make You Go Hmmm…” Well, here are a few facts regarding self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media’s disdain for Dr Ben Carson that make you go hmmm.

Summarizing, Dr Carson’s life is remarkable and inspirational. He grew up fatherless in the hood with his hardworking single mom. She turned off the TV and ordered Ben to read and give her written book reports. Though illiterate, Carson’s mom pretended to read his book reports. This troubled black kid from the hood overcame his demons and grew up to become a world renowned neurosurgeon. A movie was made about Dr Carson’s life titled, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story” starring Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr as Dr Carson.

If Dr Martin Luther King, Jr were alive today, Dr Carson would epitomize his dream of blacks (Negros) being proud dignified contributors to society in America. So why does Black Lives Matter, the mainstream media, the NAACP and the Democratic Party despise and seek to destroy Dr Carson? Since entering the race for the White House, self-proclaimed black advocates and media launched an all-out no-tactic-or-lie-is-too-low campaign to knock Dr Carson out of the race for president.

But guess who supposed advocates for black empowerment rallied behind and transformed into heroic icons of civil rights? The answer is black criminals; Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Keep in mind that the supposed advocates for blacks that I mentioned hate Dr Carson. Shouldn’t that make a thinking black person go hmmm?

The Black Lives Matter movement was founded on the lie that a white cop shot Michael Brown while surrendering with his hands up. Based on the evidence, Brown robbed a convenience store, assaulted the clerk and was shot attacking a cop inside his police car. Brown was trying to take the officer’s gun.

And yet, the mainstream media and Democrats ignored the grand jury’s report and continues to promote the lie that Brown was gunned down by a racist white cop while on his way to his grandma’s house. Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and other so-called black advocates persist in ignoring facts; such as in only 35 years 324,000 blacks have been killed by fellow blacks. As a matter of fact, 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks. Racist white cops “ain’t” the problem y’all.

Drug dealer Freddie Gray had a record as long as your arm. Treyvon Martin was also a prolific thug. So again I ask, why would so-called advocates for black empowerment make saints of black criminals while relentlessly attempting to demonize Dr Carson?

Dr Carson’s path of education, hard work, Christian faith and right choices led him to extraordinary success and possibly even the Oval Office. Martin, Brown and Gray’s criminal choices made them menaces to society and led to their early deaths. Wouldn’t true black advocates encourage black youths to mimic Dr Carson rather that elevating criminals Martin, Brown and Gray to black superstar status?

Common sense tells us that self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media obviously have another agenda other than their stated justice/empowerment for blacks.

The truth is these slime-ball so-called black advocates and media hacks do not give a rats’ derriere about blacks. If they did, they would honestly deal with the self-induced issues plaguing the black community; epidemic school dropouts, drug abuse, black on black crime and out-of-wedlock births. But no, black advocates and media would rather blame conservatives, Republicans and white America.

Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and Democrats want blacks to conclude that Martin, Brown and Gray were the products of being victimized by racist white America; particularly conservatives and Republicans. That is a lie. Life is about choices. Circumstances tend to reveal who you are inside.

My 87 year old black dad also grew up poor and fatherless in the Baltimore hood. As a little boy, Dad chose to earn money shining shoes on weekends at the Greyhound Bus Station. One of his buddies chose crime; two kids in similar circumstances making different choices. Dad was taught responsibility at an early age. I could hear the pride in dad’s voice as he told me how he spent his first earnings. Out of $1.25 he made one weekend, dad paid rent to Aunt Nee, took in a movie with candy and popcorn and purchased a t-shirt. Dad bragged to a friend, “Yeah man, I’m buyin’ my own clothes now.”

I heard through the family grapevine that some relatives are embarrassed by me publicly proclaiming that blacks are not victims of racist America. To them I say, “Sorry guys, but we are not.” My goodness, all one has to do is look around.

Racism along with every other sin will exist until Jesus returns. However, the notion that blacks are suffering, held back, routinely murdered by cops and victimized by “white privilege” is absurd. These narratives are manipulative tools to keep blacks voting for Democrats. Suckered blacks believe voting for Democrats will keep racist white America and Republicans at bay. After 50 years of voting for Democrats, black life continues to spiral downward in cites controlled by Democrats.

Blacks from the hood like my dad and Dr Carson who achieve their American dreams contradict the Democrats’ and mainstream media’s it-sucks-to-be-black-in-America story line. The undeniable truth is the American dream is alive and well for all who choose to go for it. The only real stumbling block for blacks is Obama’s economy.

So why has the mainstream media sacrificed its journalistic principles to help Democrats win black votes? The answer is the media and Democrats are on the same page; socialist/progressive – both desire an America in which the majority is dependent upon and controlled by a tyrannical big government. Oh and both have a bug up their derriere about Christians. Democrats and mainstream media will vehemently deny it, but it is true.

In essence, elitist mainstream media and Democrats want George Orwell’s novel “1984” – a nation of supplicants subservient to Big Brother. These truths should make logical thinkers go hmmm.

© Lloyd Marcus

This article is printed with the permission of the author.


Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”

Murder? Hmmmph…

by donofalltrades

bullet hole“Is he gonna make it?” The woman asked with no real concern in her voice.

Her tone was so matter of fact that she may as well have been asking me about the weather or how my day was going.

“No,” I said. “I mean, I’m not a doctor, but no, there’s no way he’s going to make it.”

“Hmmmph,” was her response.

Hmmmph indeed. I thought to myself.

The man the woman was asking about lay dying next to his bullet riddled Camaro, about thirty yards away. I’d just asked her and the group she was with to step back a little so that I could hang some crime scene tape at yet another homicide scene in the City of St. Louis.

I don’t keep tabs on such things, but I believe that’s around 136 this year, if what I’d read was right. The local newspaper has taken to adding a line indicating the murder count in all of their articles related to murders in the City, and I believe that’s the number I’d read.

It’s that bad now.

Hmmmph bad.

The lady worked for or maybe owned a day care facility for little kids, and there were still kids waiting to be picked up by loved ones as this man was being tended to valiantly, though clearly futily, by EMS personnel.

As so many other people in the City have been recently, he’d just been shot.

His shirt was off and I could see the small puncture hole in his side. It didn’t look like much, and it certainly didn’t do justice to evidencing the violence that the projectile probably did once it passed through his skin.

Those pesky bullets tear through the skin and then ricochet off bone and tear through organs and veins and arteries and whatever else gets in the way before it either passes through the skin again during a violent exit, or nestles itself comfortably somwhere inside the victim’s body.

The lucky ones live to tell about it.

There are probably hundreds of people who’ve been shot or shot at in the City this year who didn’t add to the death tally. Everyday it seems a person is shot.

We’re lucky in the City to have two excellent trauma units at Barnes and SLU Hospitals. I’m always amazed at the number of people who get shot, sometimes multiple times, and live because of the skill of the teams of doctors and nurses in our City.

Many of these people drive themselves or are driven to the hospital without waiting on EMS. When every second counts, that’s probably a good idea.

For those who aren’t so lucky, their life often ends like this man’s near the daycare facility did, face down on a hot piece of concrete in a pool of their own blood in front of curious onlookers who will photograph or video a dying man’s last moments and do Lord knows what with the footage.


“Well what do you expect? This is Goodfellow and Amelia.” The woman said.

She was mostly being rhetorical, but that attitude can’t win the day.

No matter where you live or work, a murder should bring outrage or fear or disbelief, not apathy.

Not Hmmmph.

On the day this man died, two journalists were killed in another part of the country as their killer videotaped their deaths.

Thankfully, there is outrage and grief and disbelief. There are loved ones who will demand action. They will demand legislation. They will demand research. They will at least demand something.

They did not say Hmmmph because that is a queer response to another human’s murder, even if the victim was no angel.

Nobody deserves Hmmmph, but in St. Louis City, that’s where we find ourselves. Unless a person is killed by a police officer, there is no public outrage, only indifference to what has become so common that we just say Hmmmph to the news of another person’s death.

Sadly, this murder that I touched on here isn’t even the most recent one in my City. Late last night, another man was killed on the South Side of the City, shot to death, of course.



Printed with permission of the author:
don of all trades

Democratic Rep. Bill Patmon on Planned Parenthood Body Parts Videos

Rep. Bill Patmon notices the little secret of Planned Parenthood.

It isn’t the friend & savior of the Black community!

On the contrary!


Democratic Rep. Bill Patmon on Planned Parenthood Body Parts Videos

See Also:
African-American Ohio Dem: ‘Black Lives Matter Protesters…Should be in Front of Planned Parenthood’

Montel: How Dare We Make a Deal With Iran While Americans Are Still Held?!

Greta Van Susteren slammed the mainstream media for its lack of reporting on the U.S. Marine veteran who has been held in Iran’s worst prison for more than three years.

Montel Williams went “On The Record” earlier this week to ask the public to help raise awareness for Amir Hekmati, the jailed veteran (below, right).
Amir Hekmati

On Thursday, Williams returned to the show to discuss the case again, in light of the announcement by the Obama administration of a framework agreement on Iran’s nuclear program

Hekmati, an Iranian-American, was born in Arizona but held dual citizenship when he flew to Iran to visit his ailing grandmother.

Hekmati was arrested and charged with spying for the United States. He was sentenced to death, but that sentence was reversed and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison on a lesser charge.

Williams said a few days ago that Hekmati is in a dire situation, being whipped and forced to take drugs so that he could be tortured with the withdrawal symptoms.

On Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry said conversations are continuing on the release of American prisoners. Others known to be held include American pastor Saeed Abedini and former FBI agent Bob Levinson.

Williams said he has “no idea” what Kerry meant with that statement.

President Obama declared Thursday that the proposed agreement satisfies the United States’ “core objectives.”

Williams pushed back, asking Greta how Obama could say that while these Americans remain imprisoned.

“Would not getting an American soldier back from the grips of a terrorist country that is torturing him be one of our objectives? So I don’t understand what that meant,” said Williams.

He added that the State Department may think he’s “pompous” for speaking out about this and demanding to know more.

But he said he only wants the administration to provide more information to the public.

“Don’t call me. Tell the American public what you’re doing. Since you and I started talking about this, there have been 18 million impressions of people in America looking at the story. That means America wants to know: how dare we make a deal and even contemplate signing one in a month, without bringing our citizens home? I don’t get it,” he said. (Click to continue reading)

Full Article & Source:
Montel: How Dare We Make a Deal With Iran While Americans Are Still Held?!

I Will Never Forget the Look of Horror on My Sister Terri Schiavo’s Face the Day She Died

By Bobby Schindler

terrischiavo2On March 18, 2005, my sister, Terri Schiavo, began her thirteen day agonizing death after the feeding tube – supplying her food and water – was removed. Terri was cognitively disabled and had difficulty swallowing and therefore needed a feeding tube. Terri was not on any “life support”, nor was she sick or dying. Nonetheless, she received her death sentence ordered by Circuit Court Judge, George W. Greer of Pinellas County Florida.

Greer’s order to remove Terri’s feeding tube was in response to her estranged husband and guardian, Michael Schiavo, requesting permission from the court to kill his disabled wife. This was after Schiavo began cohabitating with his fiancée and stood to inherit Terri’s medical trust fund, which at the time was close to $800,000.

However, more disturbing was that the judge ruled to kill Terri, despite her mother and father pleading with Schiavo, and the court, to allow them to take her home. In fact, a guardian ad litem urged Judge Greer to refuse the dehydration request. Instead, this legally-required protector of Terri was dismissed from the original case by Greer and no replacement was ever appointed.

March 31st marks a very sad day; and this year, it will be the ten year anniversary of Terri’s death. Rush Limbaugh described it this way, “the day our country hit rock bottom”.

Terri’s case divided the nation and it will be discussed in high schools and college medical ethics classrooms for years to come. It is the anniversary of the death of a young woman who simply had a disability and needed basic and ordinary care to live, and a family who wanted to love and care for her just as she was.

With it being the 10 year anniversary, calls from the media have increased. Most of the articles are excoriating Governor Jeb Bush for his defense of Terri when he was the Governor of Florida back in 2005. But I have noticed one question has been asked more than others – “What, if anything, has changed since Terri’s death?”

Yes, things have changed – they’ve gotten worse. Exactly how many persons are being killed like Terri every year is difficult to know, although I think the numbers would shock us. What we do know is that we have a very active and aggressive right to die movement.

There are many dynamics involved to successfully convince our general public that it’s “okay” to dehydrate and starve a human being to death. If I had to point to one of the major accomplishments, it is how the right to die forces have been able to reclassify feeding tubes as “medical treatment”. However, just as effective is how they’ve influenced the masses to buy into the notion that some persons are in fact, not persons. Consequently, these human “non-persons” have no “value” and can be killed.

This should be frightening to read. But it is true. Even more frightening is how this ideology has impacted and been accepted in our culture, in particular, our health care community.

This, along with changes in public policies, now puts life and death decisions in the hands of physicians, hospitals boards and ethics committees – basically strangers – in the place of family members.

After Terri died, my family’s experience, contesting this powerful right to die movement, led us to establish the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, which seeks to raise public awareness of the looming culture of death, and to educate the public about care potentialities. Most importantly, however, is to help families in situations similar to what we experienced – loved ones in danger of being killed, like Terri.

Indeed, the calls from families for help have increased, and increased significantly, as the years have passed.

Why is this? How has the right to die agenda been able to efficaciously shift our attitudes to the point that is has become everyday practice to starve and dehydrate a person to death. The issue may see complex, however it seems to me that the answer is very clear. It is because they lie.


I saw it in my sister’s case and I see it in the stories from the families who call us. And one of the most pathetic lies out there is that killing someone by denying them food and water is a “peaceful” and “painless” experience, and the patently absurd notion that it is a “death with dignity”.

It’s important to differentiate that Terri’s condition, and countless others like her, is quite different from a situation where it may be medically appropriate to withhold food and fluids because a person is actively dying and their bodies are shutting down, no longer able to assimilate their food and hydration.

Terri as seen on day of deathNonetheless, the never-ending propaganda about the peaceable nature of forced dehydration compelled me to make public this image of my sister created from my memory. This (right) is what Terri looked like just before she died. It was horrible to see.

And yet, Schiavo’s attorney falsely told the public during a press conference, just days before Terri’s death, that she looked “beautiful”. This is what they want you to believe, not the harsh truth about the madness of what we permit in the rooms of hospitals, nursing homes and hospices every single day across this country.

These are the hard facts my family and I will have to live with for the rest of my life: After almost two weeks without food or water, my sister’s lips were horribly cracked, to the point where they were blistering. Her skin became jaundice with areas that turned different shades of blue. Her skin became markedly dehydrated from the lack of water. Terri’s breathing became rapid and uncontrollable, as if she was outside sprinting. Her moaning, at times, was raucous, which indicated to us the insufferable pain she was experiencing. Terri’s face became skeletal, with blood pooling in her deeply sunken eyes and her teeth protruding forward. Even as I write this, I can never properly describe the nightmare of having to watch my sister have to die this way.

What will be forever seared in my memory is the look of utter horror on my sister’s face when my family visited her just after she died.

Those pushing this agenda will certainly deny this, they have to. But there was a reason the court ordered that no cameras or video be permitted in Terri’s room while she was being killed. They claimed privacy issues. My family knows otherwise. And they do too.

So when will this heartlessness end? When will the lies end? When will the American people decide this insanity has to stop?

I don’t know. But I do know this – the lies will never end.

Full Article & Source:
I Will Never Forget the Look of Horror on My Sister Terri Schiavo’s Face the Day She Died.

A senseless death…

St. Louis Police Officer Don Re wrote this blog post about the March 11, 2015 shooting death of a 6-year-old boy.

We arrived at the Children’s Hospital Emergency Room at the same time.

He and his partner parked and I pulled up to their left and did the same.

I got out of my car and watched as the officer hurried from his seat and opened the back, driver’s side door.

When the officer grabbed the boy from the back seat of his police Tahoe, I knew almost instantly.

Marcus Johnson

Marcus Johnson

There was a split second though, before instantly I guess, where I didn’t know. For that split second, the officer looked like any dad grabbing his sleeping boy from the car and putting the boy’s head on his shoulder to carry him inside to sleep comfortably in his own bed.

For that split second, it was a sweet moment.

The officer, an around fifty year old white guy, clutched the little boy over his left shoulder gently, but with a clear purpose. The boy was small, a black child with his hair in corn rows and dressed as a typical five or six-year-old dresses.

He reminded me of my own six-year-old son.

The sudden, pained look on the officer’s face and the fact that the boy wasn’t crying or yelling or doing anything other than appearing to be asleep made the split second fantasy fade away fast.

We hurried into the emergency room where we were met by the trauma team and hospital staff. I’m always in awe at how these emergency room doctors and nurses and staff are so able to get to working on a patient so fast.

There was some sliver of hope that the boy would make it, at least that’s what we all wanted to believe.

The truth, and I think we all knew it, was that this boy would never fall asleep in his own bed again. When the officer laid the boy down on the gurney and stood back upright, any wind that may have been in my sails quickly faded to nothing.

His shirt said it all.

STL officer in Marcus Johnson caseWhere the boy’s little heart had laid so close to the officer’s own heart, was a mess that told us things would not end well.

The three of us officers, with nearly fifty years of city police experience under our collective belts, waited not so stoically outside of trauma room two as the doctors and nurses busted their tails to save this little guy.

We paced and exchanged awkward smiles with each other and the nurses and staff who were passing by. There were several times when one or all of us was close to tears, but we held it together.

It was hard for the officer, because he did the best he could and it wasn’t going to be enough. It was hard for me, because I have a son about that age at home and couldn’t imagine anything like this happening to him.

It was awkward because we were all hoping, but we also knew that it was going to take a miracle for that boy to live.

He was not granted that miracle.

Just like that, at a couple of minutes after 8pm, a five-year old boy was gone forever.

The sheet of paper, which I’ve seen way to many times, verified it. It’s the one with a line printed on it. When it’s completely straight, you’ve died. You’ve straight-lined, as they say.

I was done with being in the hospital. I wanted to leave.

To go back to my car, I had to walk past the same group of people who were in the waiting room when we walked past them earlier with the dying boy. Three little boys grabbed at me and asked me if that boy we carried in earlier was dead.

“Did he die, officer? Was that boy dead?” They asked me.

I got no help from their mom, as she was tending to a clearly sick kid of her own.

6-year-old Marcus Johnson Family photo

6-year-old Marcus Johnson Family photo

“Boys, he’s fine. He’s a strong boy, just like you guys.”

I felt bad lying, but it seemed easier than having to explain death to three strange kids all under ten years old.

I went to my car and grabbed a bunch of Dum-Dums from the bag I carry around. Mom was cool with me giving them suckers, and they left me alone about the dead boy they still thought was alive.

I couldn’t tell them that the boy who was about their same age had straight-lined.

Five-year olds shouldn’t straight line.

Why did this one?

Because of gun violence in the city.

The weather was nice so the people were out.

Some people were out with their guns.

Why did this boy have to die?

Was it disrespect?


A woman?


All stupid reasons to fire a gun anywhere near another human being, let alone children, but here we are again, with another child lost to violence.

We tried to save this boy.

The officer showed up and there was a hostile crowd of people, most of whom had nothing to do with the shooting, and most not even sure what they should be angry at. The were just angry because anger is easy. Patience is hard. Kindness in the face of adversity is hard. Understanding is hard.

Some chose to be angry at the police while others were taking video on their phone. Meanwhile, nobody was helping a child as he lay dying on the sidewalk from a bullet that had torn through his little body.

The officer fought through the angry crowd and put a dying boy he didn’t know in his car.

Did he have to do that?


EMS was coming, but they were too far away. It was too risky to wait for them, so we raced that little guy to the hospital in record time. We had all sorts of cars shutting down the route to the hospital, just like we would were a fellow cop shot and in need of medical care. That’s about the highest honor we can give a person, and this boy deserved it.

Still, it didn’t matter on this night.

I truly believe that when it’s your time, it’s your time.

Five years shouldn’t be anyone’s time, but that’s not my call.

It’s queer, but I left hospital and went back in service to handle more calls. I had to handle some subsequent calls with a little dead boy freshly on my mind.

That’s the thing with policing. It never ends. You have to carry on, so I pretended to care about a car accident and a stolen bike when I just wanted to shout in their faces, “AT LEAST YOU DIDN’T DIE AT FIVE YEARS OLD FROM A BULLET THROUGH YOUR CHEST!!! I HAVE NO INTEREST IN YOUR BULLSHIT PROBLEMS RIGHT NOW!”

But that’s not professional.

I’m wrapping this up having finished a six pack of Bud Light Lime and I just kissed all three of my own sleeping kids as well as my wife. I also laid on the ground and wrestled my dogs at 2 am, even though one of them is dying and has no interest in playing, and I have to work in the morning.

I’m still thinking about a boy I never met alive, and hoping he’s in a better place.

I’m looking at my own six year old’s homework folder and wondering if this dead boy has a homework folder in a backpack never to be turned in again. Will his mom see it when she gets home and cry? Did he have a lunch packed for the next day that will still be in the fridge this weekend to remind his family of a lunch that was never taken to school?

Did he go to kindergarten?

Will somebody have to explain to his classmates that they’ll never see this little guy alive again and why?

This is all too sad and it needs to stop.

Someone please figure out how.

Printed with permission of the author:
don of all trades

Living in the Past: Dying in the Present

violenceFerguson, Missouri unrest is an “in-your-face” example of a wrong getting wronger and wronger as time goes on.  It shows where living in the past, causes dying and destruction in the present.  If in doubt, think of Michael Brown, Officer Darren Wilson, the looting and the threat of rioting  and bloodshed if the officer isn’t arrested and convicted regardless of whether he is or is not actually guilty of anything beyond being white.

It’s beyond sad that slavery ever took place, but it isn’t a situation unique to the Blacks of the 19th and 20th century.  Slavery has been experienced by many other peoples at various other times throughout history.  (White women and children were considered property of fathers and husbands in early America, too.)  Why then should it be a free pass (according to some) for present day Blacks to do whatever and demand whatever or scream injustice and racism without proof in any given situation?  It shouldn’t be. It serves no good purpose.  It serves no one, but the activists and politicians that profit from keeping the “victim” mentality alive and active, while continually stirring up the hate.

Blacks, according to the activist-minded, supposedly have no future because no one will let them out of the realm of poverty and violence?  Who is no one?  Who teaches and encourages the sense of hopelessness and helplessness?  Who teaches the Black child he or she is “entitled” because of the wrongs of the past? Who teaches that the Black child should take whatever, because the white man will never let him or her succeed?  Who tries to keep the Black voter in line and tells him or her who to vote for?  Who teaches that everything that happens is because of racism on the part of a white person?  Who teaches to hate the people called “white”, simply because they are Caucasian?  Who teaches the child they are neither responsible, nor accountable… because whatever happens… it happens because of what the white man once did?

I’m sorry, I have no sense of “white” guilt.  I wasn’t involved in any of the wrongs done unto the Black community ever.  However, I have been done wrong and targeted to be attacked and even targeted to be killed at the hands of some Blacks.  I don’t blame all Blacks for the actions of some. I blame the people responsible.  What a concept.  Blame those who did the deed, not those who simply look like the deed do’ers.  Maybe it should be a lesson quickly learned by others, especially, but not solely, those in present day Ferguson.

Blacks have no chance, because the white man will hold him down and not let him succeed?  Perhaps those who believe that account of possibilities ought to go talk to Dr. Ben Carson.  Tell him that’s how life is and must be and will always be.  Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t agree.  He is, after all, a shining example that proves there is a way out of the victim-hood.  A way out and a way to a successful end.

It doesn’t matter how the Black man and woman have been wronged in the past.  It doesn’t even matter how Blacks have been wronged by the Ferguson police force in particular.  (That’s another story to be dealt with on its own.)  Right now, what matters… all that matters… is what took place on August 9th between Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson.  Those events and the “facts” … “actual facts”… involved, are all that should be considered — not the declaration of automatic guilt because the officer happens to be white and the young man happens to be Black.  Justice — true justice — should be color blind from all sides involved.

How would the Ferguson community react if the officer was Black and the young man was white and riots were threatened, unless the Black officer was immediately, without an investigation completed, charged, arrested and convicted because whites said so?  It would be a different story then, wouldn’t it?

Rather than let the Al Sharptons of the world stoke the fires meant to invoke emotions of raging hatred and burning revenge with unproven claims of racism, perhaps the community should ignore him and the likes of he and dwell on the actual… real… wrongs and what can be done to correct them.

Rather than threaten bloodshed and riots, if a police officer isn’t indicted — perhaps the community should be waiting on the facts to be established and then let those facts determine the outcome.

Rather than call for justice, with that so-called justice already determined to be the indictment of a police officer, though the investigation remained (and remains) incomplete, perhaps people should actually be seeking the truth and actual justice. Yes, truth and “actual” justice based upon the “actual” facts, rather than revenge for the wrongs real or perceived from the past or other events involving other people.

It doesn’t matter how any officer from the Ferguson police department has ever acted towards anyone or everyone.  What matters… all that matters… in this particular case, is what transpired between one young man — Michael Brown, and Officer Darren Wilson on that fateful day in August.  After all, Officer Wilson is not, and has never been, responsible for the actions of all others.  Any attempt to hold him accountable for the wrongs of others, or the wrongs of the past, does not call for, or offer the hope of,  justice or solutions to evolve.  It only calls for injustice to continue and wrongs to fester.  It keeps people living in the past wrongs with hate that leads to dying in the present.  Is it really worth it?  Or is it time to seek justice because what is “actual justice” can lead to healing and getting the real wrongs righted?  What a concept! 

Forbidden: The Fool’s Challenge

harrassmentAll you people claiming to advocate for the elderly and disabled, just who do you think you are to challenge judicial decisions, facilities, attorneys, conservators, guardians and fiduciaries?  They are, after all, proven, by their positions, to be above reproach.  How dare you challenge their intent, actions and/or character!

Judges, attorneys, CEO’s and others in charge have proven by the stations they have risen to, to be of perfection… the elite of the world… the all-knowing… and the all honest.  Never do they take advantage of their positions for personal financial gain nor to have a personal agenda in play.  Never do they do anything beneath their position.  To suggest otherwise is to be singled out to be disgraced and to possibly be labelled a threat or even mentally unbalanced.

I’m not sure what has happened to common sense and healthy thought process, but some kind of virus has been on the attack, it would seem.  Facts seem to be subjective or totally irrelevant.  It’s almost as though we are living in the “mad house” out here in the everyday world.  Too many things, arguments and decisions are outright crazy.

We have various Courts that worry about individuals taking advantage of the elderly or disabled, while signing off on outrageous fees for attorneys, appointed guardians and so forth.  What is the difference between the latter and the former?  Oh, is it because the latter is condoned by the courts and protected by some carelessly written law or skillful misinterpretation?  That somehow makes one right and the other wrong?

Worse than the money drain by the courts and appointed anointed-ones is the power to isolate the victims.  (Yes, victims.  What else would you call the people, who suddenly are imprisoned and forced to be and have done unto them what they would not, and do not, want done unto them and theirs?)

How can someone that robs another of companionship, enjoyment, freedom, money, property and simply an existence called living, be considered humane?  Animals are treated better than many of the elderly and disabled thrown into the system, because they could be thrown into the system — even if by a wrongful technicality in the law or by a court that is complicit due to bias or simply doesn’t look beyond the surface or listen to the bothersome advocates or nobodies that dare speak against the supposed “perfect” attorneys, professional guardians and such?  They never lie or steal or do unethical things, now do they?

In recent news, we have heard…

“WASHINGTON — Three central Ohio nursing homes were among 33 in 11 states cited for improper care and billing practices yesterday as part of a $38 million settlement among a major nursing-home company, the U.S. Department of Justice and the state of Ohio.

“The announcement in Washington and Columbus resolved an investigation by the federal government, Ohio and seven other states into charges that Extendicare of Canada provided services at those 33 homes that were “materially substandard” or “worthless” because the company did not provide care to residents that meets federal standards, according to the settlement agreement.”  (Federal investigation finds three local nursing homes lacking )

Now wait a minute.  I thought “all” facilities provided only the best of care and that complainers were just making things up or exaggerating.  They weren’t?

More recent news…

“The Ohio Supreme Court has suspended Akron attorney Rami M. Awadallah from practicing law after ruling that he fraudulently and deceptively represented several of his clients — including some in Lorain County — during court proceedings.”  (Ohio Supreme Court suspends area attorney)

What’s that?  An attorney “fraudulently and deceptively represented several of his clients”?  But… but… but… I thought that was impossible?  I thought “all” attorneys “always” spoke nothing but the truth and “always” acted in the best interest of the client or ward.  He didn’t?  What’s up with this?

More in the news…

“Paul S. Kormanik, a Columbus attorney considered up until two months ago to be legal guardian to more incompetent people than anyone else in the nation, was indicted today on theft charges by a Franklin County grand jury.

Prosecutor Ron O’Brien and Attorney General Mike DeWine will announce the charges this afternoon after the grand jury determined there was sufficient evidence that Kormanik stole about $41,000 from two of his wards.”  (Lawyer indicted for theft from those he was supposed to protect)

An attorney — a legal guardian — was indicted for what?  Stealing?  Stealing from people he was the guardian for?  Oh my!  Bubble buster!

While we are talking about a system lacking perfection and often tilted towards the powerful, though not necessarily the righteous or side with the cleanest of hands, let’s return, for a moment, to discussion involving isolation of the wards.  What judge or guardian or facility could possibly think isolation of a non-violent, non-contagious person is a good thing?

Decades ago, researchers found there is such a thing as “failure to thrive”.  It actually exists.  There is no question.   Why then, would anyone place another person in isolation and risk that person dying due to “failure to thrive”?  Why?  How can it be justified?  It can’t!  Therefore, I believe, anyone involved in isolating a non-violent, non-contagious person, should have to answer why they should not be charged with kidnapping and abuse or even murder, should the person die as a result.

I can think of numerous cases where people have been thrown into isolation and the ironies surrounding it all is out there in a suburb of the Twilight Zone.  Yes, so amazing is it all that I’m surprised a “duh” isn’t permanently imprinted upon both the perps and the out-of-touch — can’t get it — zombie followers that go around drooling false talking points, as though it is gospel, while alleging the truth-tellers are the liars.

 When a ward is put into isolation, who is the threat?  The one that ordered the isolation or the one challenging it?

When a petition is presented to starve & dehydrate a ward, who is the threat?  The person who did the petitioning or the one that fights for life, visitation, rehabilitation and stimulation?

The answers should be quite easy to figure out, but instead, it looks as though too much power and trust has been placed where not deserved.  It would seem, according to recent news, that we can’t always assume the courts and appointed anointed-ones are of perfection and holier than thou after all.  Maybe sometimes they are up to no good and their word isn’t worth what comes out of a donkey’s rump.  And, maybe sometimes people are wrong, but without any ill-intent.  Maybe they just lost sight and are blinded by self-preservation and inability to admit error.  But how do we know?  How do we know, if we don’t inquire and investigate behind the curtain, especially a curtain pulled tightly, as if to keep any from peeking in?

Advocates are necessary in a world that seems to have lost its way.  A world with too many who have come to believe good is evil and evil is good.  People that see the lie as truth and the truth as lie.  People who often admire the wrong-doer and find fault with the victim and the victim’s advocates.  People who aren’t even aware any longer that they might be wrong, because they are somehow “entitled”.  Aren’t they supposed to get more and be treated better than those they treat so poorly?

No?  Who says?  Who dares to challenge the new rule of they who control the lives and assets of vulnerable ones ordered to be incompetent, even though they — the vulnerable — might not be as incompetent or alone as decreed by a court?

Who dares to give challenge?

The advocates, whether they be professional advocates or family or friends or even concerned citizens made aware of someone’s plight — that’s who dares give challenge!

Yes, true advocates are necessary as long as the madness and wrongness reigns.  May the war be quickly won and the vulnerable-victims placed in the hands of those who dare to truly and unselfishly care!

It’s time to challenge!  It’s time to win!  It’s time to give lives back to those who have been violated by a system gone wrong!

Elder abuse by Santa Clara County Public Guardian: PG escorted from building

by Linda Kincaid

 On September 25, 2014, Santa Clara County Public Guardian Don Moody was “escorted from his office” according to San Jose Inside.  Moody is on administrative leave following two consecutive Civil Grand Jury reports of serious deficiencies.

 A grand jury report out this summer—the second in as many years—noted that Moody fails to track the amount of work and number of clients he handles. The people he hires to manage clients’ property don’t go through a thorough background check, the report found. Instead of having a panel of experts determine whether to assume control of a person’s estate, effectively revoking their civil rights, the decision lies with one person. And for years, countless referrals from the court have reportedly fallen through the cracks.

The latest grand jury report was spurred by a complaint that the office mishandled a case in which a client died before being conserved by the county.

The 2013 Civil Grand Jury report noted that written procedures at the Public Guardian’s office were not current.  In some cases, procedures were years out of date.

The 2014 Civil Grand Jury report noted that written procedures at the Public Guardian’s office had current dates, but content was not current.  Procedure 804.0 (slideshow above) concerning “Client Visitors, Phone Calls, Personal Mail” is of special interest given Moody’s history of unlawful imprisonment and isolation of conservatees.

In 2012, the Public Guardian was isolating conservatees from family and friends.  No visitors.  No phone calls.  No mail. The 2013 Civil Grand Jury investigation was initiated in response to a complaint filed by this Examiner.

Conservatee Gisela Riordan was unlawfully imprisoned and isolated at San Jose assisted living facility Villa Fontana for over two years.  Conservatee Lillie Scalia was isolated for a year.   Both women had families who wished to visit them and to care for them.   Moody used his victims’ own funds to pay to the unlawful imprisonment and isolation.

ABC7 I-Team investigated numerous abuses by Moody’s office.  See video above.

Media coverage and citizen advocacy led to passage of Assembly Bill 937 (2013), which clarified that conservatees have the right to receive visitors, phone calls, and personal mail.   Governor Brown signed the bill on August 19, 2013.  The bill amended Probate Code 2351(a) as of January 1, 2014.

2351.  (a) Subject to subdivision (b), the guardian or conservator, but not a limited conservator, has the care, custody, and control of, and has charge of the education of, the ward or conservatee. This control shall not extend to personal rights retained by the conservatee,  including, but not limited to, the right to receive visitors, telephone calls, and personal mail, unless specifically limited by court order.

Procedure 804.0 fails to comply with the legislative intent or the plain language of AB 937.  Conservatees have an immediate right to have visitors.  The Probate Code does not modify the right such that elderly or disabled individuals can only receive visitors after a week’s delay or if the Public Guardian decides to cooperate with the visit.

The plain language of the Code is clear.  Conservatee’s have the right to receive visitors, unless specifically limited by court order.  The 2015 Civil Grand Jury might find Procedure 804.0 to be of interest.

Full Article & Source: 
Elder abuse by Santa Clara County Public Guardian: PG escorted from building