Tears Unheard


Carrie K. Hutchens

WhippoorwillI walk tonight wondering why this day is no more than yesterday.  Where has the hope hidden upon the path so dark and lonely?  Is there anyone?  Is there anyone near?  Is there anyone to hear?  Do my tears touch the ears of any or do they fade into aloneness somewhere along the roughed trail of hopes forbidden and too often stolen?

I pause.

I search the shadows.

Nothing touches the moment in hope or chance of a tomorrow beyond what has ever been.

Silence calls out in a whisper not heard.

Sunlight fades into blinding darkness.

No birds sing.  No crickets dance.  It’s all as if the world has stopped with dreams no more as nightmares soar.

As I begin to sink into the failed moment of twisted thought and hope forever lost, a Whippoorwill calls out into the dusk to sing of the dawn to be.

The little Whippoorwill refuses to see the darkness and sings of all the wonders in the sky above, with twinkling stars to dance in delight and the moon to smile upon the night.

The path, no longer frozen in the isolation of despair, bids me follow the songs of the nightly choir.  The choir so often unheard, but always there to assure we are never truly alone or in a void untouched by a God ever present.

Darkness may engulf us and reek of vile intent at the hands of man, but it shall never do so at the hands of He who loves us and bids us hear the choir He created to comfort and lead to delight.  A choir to remind us — we are never truly alone and our tears are always heard!

(c) 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

Truth: Has it lost its value and its worth?

truth liesIn this day and age, it seems that truth has lost its value!  Which leaves to question — is it really worth anything anymore?  Isn’t it only the liars, who get ahead and have a chance to grab the golden ring and stuff their pockets full of wealth and all things good?  Isn’t it only the liar that wins and the truth that nearly always loses?

There have been my moments when I felt truth was a lost cause.

Truth seemed to stop mattering, as bullies began to invade in masses as if from a foreign bully-land that no one had known existed.

Truth seemed to stop mattering, as liars threw out the lies and the world ran with them, rather than care about what the “un-exciting” or “inconvenient” truth really was.

Truth seemed to stop mattering, as technicalities, lack of counsel or activist judges gave reward to the lie and damned the truth as if it were something totally irrelevant.

Truth seemed to stop mattering when so many journalists became propaganda spreaders, rather than the excellent investigative reporters they had once set their goals to become.

Truth seemed to stop mattering when it got in the way of agendas and self-reward.

Yes, truth seemed to stop mattering for so many reasons, but it really didn’t.  It still matters.  It matters far more than some might think at any given time.

Truth is steadfast.  It does not sway with the winds.  Nothing ever makes a truth an untruth, contrary to what some might wish us to believe.

On the other hand, liars are like criminals.  They steal results and opinions.  They wrongly assault people’s reputations and by their lies lay claim to results, property, money and rewards not due them.  They might even destroy lives beyond repair, but “hey”, if they get what they want — that’s all that counts, right?


Truth is solid because it is what it is.  Lies are without true substance.  There is nothing to anchor them on or to.  Eventually, it all plays out and the truth is proven to be the truth and the lie proven to be the lie.  It’s just a matter of when.  That’s all.

Truth is priceless.  And, if you die being “only” an honest person, you will have died being one of the wealthiest to have ever been.  No one will ever be able to actually take your truth away, and no one will ever be able to make the lies reality.  You will die knowing you are on the right side of history and more importantly — on the right side of God!


Let Me Say This Very Slowly: Rude is Rude “Period”

Rude Free Zone 5I get so tired of people being rude and when called on it, start trying to point figures at the opposition.  So what if the other side has rude people — that changes nothing.  That doesn’t make the person less rude.  That doesn’t suddenly make a rude statement un-rude or ok-rude.   Instead, it sounds like a bunch of little kids caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing and trying to throw blame and attention elsewhere.  “Johnny did it first.”  “April did it more.”

Let me say this very slowly…

I don’t judge rude by who is doing the rude.  Rude is rude no matter who says or does it.

I don’t give free passes to one set of people, while holding another set accountable for the same thing.

So, don’t whine to me about what Bush or his administration or any Republican might have said or done two terms ago.  Changes nothing.  Gives no free pass to this administration or any radical liberal running around insulting anyone and everyone, who doesn’t happen to agree straight down the line with his/her/their beliefs or demands.  Rude is rude no matter who is doing the rude.

And just in case my message was missed…

Let me say this very slowly — rude is rude “period.”  Count on it.  You see, I don’t say things I don’t mean.  And I don’t do “rude” thinking it is going to win a debate for me.  I use facts, logic and common sense.  Rude Radicals & their Zombie Followers ought to try it some time.  It might give “surprising” and “refreshing” new meanings.

Older Breaking News

Dear “Truly Appreciated” Reader:

hear ye 2I’m still trying to raise money to help a friend pay for medical bills, meds & other expenses incurred during a medical setback.  If you need help starting or updating your blog, for example, please consider me for the job.  Just tell me what you need done and how much you are willing to pay for the project, and I’ll quickly get back to you, as to whether I can accept your offer or not.

Those who wish to simply donate a few dollars can do so here at Carrie’s Take, too.

Life is rough out there, and I know many are struggling to get by, so I don’t ask for this consideration lightly.  Your help, whether by donation or business offer, will be truly appreciated now and forevermore!

May Blessings Be Yours Always, ~Carrie


 Thank you & God Bless!



What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?

truth liesIs lying supposed to be the new fad?  One would think so with how so many are playing loose with the truth at a minimum and outright-blatantly lying at the not-so-minimum.  Personally, I’m tired of all this lying and want to know what the non-truthers have against the truth?  I mean, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?

I don’t know about anyone else, except my closet friends, but I don’t like or trust non-truthers.  No one can or should trust them.  After all, if they will non-truth about one thing or person to get their way — they will be prone to non-truth about anything and anyone to get their way next time, too.

Once upon a time, I was intimidated and threatened in an effort to get me to lie about another person.  I refused, but I also said something very true that I hope they remember to this day.  “If I will lie for you now, what makes you think I won’t lie about you later for someone else?”

People, who will lie about others, can’t be trusted.

People, who insinuate non-truths about others or things, likewise cannot be trusted.

People, who lie about polls or say false things to get elected or to get what they want passed — can’t be trusted either.

It’s all the same.  It’s all wrong.

It’s cheating to win and then bragging about the win won unfairly, as though there was reason for praise.

You supporters of the non-truths are no better than the outright liar.  If you didn’t support and excuse and look the other way, the non-truthers wouldn’t be able to pull off all these wrongful wins they are racking up.  But then… today… you seem to see it as a win for your side and it’s kewl stuff to win however your side has to win, right?

Non-truthers aren’t the most loyal kids on the block.  Watch out for when you get in the way or become useless to them or you might find yourself at the other end of their non-truth.  Might not seem so righteous or rightful then, but who will care anymore than you cared for what was happening to those before you?

What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?  Never mind, I think the rest of us know that answer.  The truth would cost you the game and you would no longer enjoy wrongful wins.  After all, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?  Well, shouldn’t you?

Hogwash from another alleged professor…

Brent Terry, a professor at Eastern Connecticut State University was caught on audio telling his Introduction to Creative Writing class that Republicans will close colleges if they prevail in 2014 and that they are “racist, misogynist, money-grubbing people” who want to suppress the liberal vote.

Full Article & Source:
Professor: Republicans are ‘Racist, Misogynist, Money-Grubbing People’


To Brent Terry —

Here is your mirror 2

Right for Me & Thee

IMGA00331Desperation embraces the moment giving chill to hope and igniting the flames of fear to greet the day!  How can this be?  Where did the angels go as I walk alone among the vile destruction laid before me?  Where did they hide as all dreams faded into the night where mocking laughter devoured the chances of tomorrow in a feast of hideous pleasure?

 I look to the sun for guidance through the pit of darkness and find only heavy clouds to burden the moment and forbidding even the faintest of rays to brush against the fleeting breath.  How can this be?  Where has the light gone as I stumble in the pit of evil hearts and deeds slung into the paths given to me as mine and thine?  Where did it hide as hope was stomped into suffocation of their seductive dance of pure deceit?

I cannot know where the light of good has gone, but neither can I flee all that is and has to be.

Slowly… ever so slowly… I look to the heavens, my whisper low and humble, as I beg for His mercy and cry for His army of truth to embrace all of the tears, fears and lonely years bestowed upon this life traveled by me and thee.

Does He hear me?  Shall there be an answer of light or is it too late for my prayers to reach the heavens and His gentle heart?  I cannot know.  Not today.  Not in the dreary moment resting in the depths of evil’s womb, but perhaps tomorrow or in a day.  Yes, perhaps tomorrow shall shine in all the glory of possibilities and blessings touched by His hand of love for me and thee.

Yes, perhaps tomorrow, or even in the moment before, I must believe, for He is the God of all times and His miracles are His to give and are controlled by no man nor evil that walks upon this earth.  He shall say and it shall be whatever is right on this day, as we travel through the harsh battlefield to reach and embrace the wonders of the life given by He just for me and thee!

God bless me and thee and all the wonders that be — even the ones we do not see — as we travel the path and come to believe in the hope and light in the embrace given by He!

(c) 2011 – 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

HS English Teacher Slams Common Core Standards in Resignation Letter

In a viral blog post, a Colorado public school teacher resigned from her position as a high school English teacher in protest to Common Core standards. Pauline Hawkins wrote in part:

“I can no longer be a part of a system that continues to do the exact opposite of what I am supposed to do as a teacher – I am supposed to help them think for themselves, help them find solutions to problems, help them become productive members of society. Instead, the emphasis on Common Core Standards and high-stakes testing is creating a teach-to-the-test mentality for our teachers and stress and anxiety for our students. Students have increasingly become hesitant to think for themselves because they have been programmed to believe that there is one right answer that they may or may not have been given yet. That is what school has become: A place where teachers must give students “right” answers, so students can prove (on tests riddled with problems, by the way) that teachers have taught students what the standards have deemed are a proper education.”

Full Article & Source:
HS English Teacher Slams Common Core Standards in Resignation Letter

Madness Steals the Morning Light

destructionThe suffocating madness steals the morning light and bids all children to follow into its darkness of the damned.  A darkness cold and blinding to all that is and has ever been.  A darkness mocking and shrill in the deceit it drapes wildly in foul disdain for any truth that hints to bless the day.

Laughter touches the breeze, but only for a brief whisper of eternity.  Only for a moment.  Only until the realization dashes the haunting smile of the herders of delusion.  The herders who awaken in the late of day to realize they, too, are nothing more than the slaughtered self.  The self drained and molded into a one-thought pool of confused and withered illusion of the conquered masses, and not worthy of the pedestal of the elite of deception.

One might mock the awakening of they, the alleged enlightened, if it were not for the destruction and death filling the air of a world once alive, thriving and proud — now crumbled into unrecognizable ruin.  Instead, sadness overwhelms as desperation reigns in a clutch of loss and hopelessness.  There is no more.  The elite of deceit created the chaos to ensure a kingdom of power and control, but now there is nothing left to rule nor decisions to be made by their sliding hand.  The sought after kingdom sucked into the quicksand designed for the lowly, has become the tomb to encase and reward the delusional rulers who could not see the madness in their thoughts and the devastation of their actions.

Once upon a time, the elite of deception believed themselves above all and entitled to all they wished and dreamed to be.  Now, they fight among themselves to merely survive in the crazed world created by their fanatic lies and selfish movement to destroy the society of the people and mold it into their perception of ideal.  An ideal birthed and now out-of-control and devouring without discrimination.  For it has come to be that no one is safe, not even the elite of deception, who set the madness into motion to feed their greed and bless their arrogance.  An arrogance that madness feasted upon in utter delight, leaving behind wild eyes full of hideous terror and agonizing confusion.

Now, the elite of deception slither in the darkness praying to be spared, but it shall not be.  For the monster they created, shall their destruction seek.  As it was empowered by they, it, too, feels entitled to all it wishes and dreams for he.  It is after all — the power of deception and lies, who knows no friends and holds no loyalty to any — not even to they now in the shadows of madness of their own deceit and delusion.  Not even they.

Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Frustrated Father Writes Note in Response to Common Core Assignment ‘On Steroids’

Full Article, Video & Source:
Frustrated Father Writes Note in Response to Common Core Assignment ‘On Steroids’

In my opinion: Complicated, when unnecessary, is about as stupid as driving clear across town & back to a store a few blocks away because the directions on the internet are from a starting point on the other side of town.