Non – Brain Death Organ Donation

Part One

Nancy Valko 4By Nancy Valko, RN, ALNC

Most people who sign organ donor cards assume that they will be carefully diagnosed as “brain dead” before their organs are donated. That was generally true years ago, but a new non-brain death organ donation procedure was developed in the 1990s even though the language on organ donor cards did not change.

The current non-brain death organ donation policy started with ethics journal articles in the 1990s. At that time, it was called “non-heart beating donation” and promoted as a way to increase the supply of organs for transplant beyond the usual “brain death” organ donations. This was made possible by linking organ donation to withdrawal of treatment decisions from people considered hopelessly ill or dying but who did not meet the criteria for “brain death.”

This change in policy came in the wake of court decisions upholding the right to refuse treatment for incapacitated patients like Nancy Cruzan, a brain-injured woman said to be in a so-called “vegetative state.”

Since Dr. George Isajiw and I presented the following paper (“Non-heart beating organ donation” and the “vegetative state”) in 2004, the term “non-heart beating organ donation” has been changed to “donation after cardiac death” (DCD) and now around 5% of organ donations are from nonbrain death organ donors.[i] The numbers are expected to increase with organ donation policies such as the following: In June 1996, the American Medical Association issued its opinion that non-brain death organ donation was ethical.[ii] Eventually, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Joint Commission) required all hospitals to develop policies for DCD, effective January 2007, while the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) proposed new bylaw amendments requiring all transplant centers and Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) to develop DCD policies by January 1, 2007.[iii]

Moreover, hospitals currently are being asked to report all deaths, imminent deaths and potential organ donor situations to the local organ procurement organization. Years ago, when only brain death criteria could be used, doctors themselves talked to families about organ donation. Now, many hospitals have policies that only trained organ donation representatives talk to families about donation. Such policies are said to increase the number of families consenting to organ donation.

In Part Two, I will discuss other strategies to increase the number of organ donations.

[i] “The Challenge of Organ Donation After Cardiac Death,” Matt Wood, Science Life, 02/20/2014;

[ii] “Opinion 2.157 – Organ Donation After Cardiac Death,” AMA Code of Medical Ethics, issued 06/1996 and updated 06/2005;

[iii] “Donation After Cardiac Death: Analysis and Recommendations from the New York State Task Force on Life &the Law,03/17/2007;

Nancy ValkoNancy Valko, RN, ALNC, has been a registered nurse for 45 years and is a spokesperson for the National Association of Prolife Nurses ( A long-time speaker and writer on medical ethics and other health issues, she has a website at: is also now a legal nurse consultant ( ).

Newsletter for the Pro-Life Healthcare Alliance


This article is printed with permission.

Pay It Forward: Convenience store owner adopts family over the holidays

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A man’s kindness during Christmas had a lasting impact on one family.

The convenience store at 24th and Brooklyn sells canned foods, soda and candy, but the compassion is free.

“We had nothing under the tree, we didn’t decorate our tree or nothing until that day he blessed us,” said Danielle Wrinkle about the store owner, Howard Bettis.

He opened the store because the neighborhood didn’t have one. Rhonda Robinson works there.

“I told Howard she doesn’t have anything for Christmas, and the kids don’t have anything. And just out of the blue he said ‘we are going to adopt them, we are going to adopt them,’” said Robinson.

Full Article, Video & Source:
Pay It Forward: Convenience store owner adopts family over the holidays

Nonsense Card: Over-the-limit & Declined

Nonsense card 1

I started reading an article at a site that I normally avoid. My reason for avoiding it is that I feel it has over-the-top in leanings and often claiming absolutes that I know to be false. I find that irritating — not amusing. Nevertheless, I started reading and sure enough, by the sixth paragraph — and they weren’t large paragraphs — he says he suspects there are a lot of people who do not like Obama for no other reason than his skin color. The nonsense card in play again. Give me a break!

Obama is in his “second” term of office. If his skin color was such a major issue, he wouldn’t have been elected the first time, much less a second. What part of this does the “skin color” fetish cult not get?

On the other hand, this nonsense card that people have been using for political and personal gain, has been way over-used and is now over-the-limit and being declined. It’s nonsense. People can actually disagree with Obama and his inept team and it not have a single morsel of anything to do with anybody’s skin color. I’m serious. It’s true. It’s reality. Get a grip on it.

People trying to play the nonsense card, need to step back and take a long look at their motives. Are they standing with Obama & Pals because they believe he is right or because they feel they are some new breed of people championing the “skin color” war they perceive in their delusional world? If it is the latter, perhaps it’s time to look around at all the shades of color in high places. This isn’t the 1800’s or 1960’s. We’ve come a long ways from those days — a very long ways!

Is the world cleansed of all discrimination? No, and it never will be. Somewhere… sometime… someone will be discriminated against for some reason. However, discrimination is not wide-spread as has been suggested in the past six years, and especially since Ferguson, MO. Not everything that happens good or bad has to do with race. It can happen for all kinds of reasons. It can happen because of poverty. It can happen because of age. It can happen because of disability. It can happen because of lack of knowledge and/or skills. And… get this… not everything (not to our liking) that happens has anything to do with discrimination of any sort. It can happen for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes a person can be wrong. Sometimes it can happen because of attitude. That’s right. It can happen to a person because the person’s attitude stinks.

People have a right to disagree with Obama & Pals, just like anyone has ever had a right to disagree with any president before. It happens. It happens because it happens. Playing this nonsense card to try to make a disagreement of policy or actions or words into a race issue instead, is an attempt to distract from the possibility the accused is right and Obama might just be wrong. (Sorry to burst a bubble, but Obama can be wrong, too!)

It’s time to get honest. It’s time to deal with real issues and not ones created for political and personal gain. It’s time to stop immediately seeing every disagreement with Obama as a matter of “skin color” and thereby ignoring the possibility there is good cause for disagreement. It’s time the nonsense card be declined and cancelled. Yes, it is definitely time.

3-Year-Old Jumps From Burning Home

FOX 29 News Philadelphia | WTXF-TV

BIRMINGHAM, AL–It’s harrowing video from a house fire in Alabama where a young child escaped by jumping from a second story window.

Kerry Jackson is heard in the video, yelling for the child to jump. He caught the dramatic moments before firefighters arrived on camera.

“I really didn’t have an emotion running through me at the time. It was just like I need him, we need him to jump,” said explained.

Jackson’s cousin caught the little boy. They heard another child may be trapped, so they ran to the back. A woman in the video is heard yelling, ‘There’s a child inside.'”

“People’s lives were in danger, people screaming. Everybody in community came together to help one another,” Jackson explained.

Neighbors couldn’t get to one child, but a firefighter did. After giving the child to EMTs, he fell to the ground.

Full Article, Video & Source:
3-Year-Old Jumps From Burning Home

3-Year-Old Jumps From Burning Home

FOX 29 News Philadelphia | WTXF-TV

BIRMINGHAM, AL–It’s harrowing video from a house fire in Alabama where a young child escaped by jumping from a second story window.

Kerry Jackson is heard in the video, yelling for the child to jump. He caught the dramatic moments before firefighters arrived on camera.

“I really didn’t have an emotion running through me at the time. It was just like I need him, we need him to jump,” said explained.

Jackson’s cousin caught the little boy. They heard another child may be trapped, so they ran to the back. A woman in the video is heard yelling, ‘There’s a child inside.'”

“People’s lives were in danger, people screaming. Everybody in community came together to help one another,” Jackson explained.

Neighbors couldn’t get to one child, but a firefighter did. After giving the child to EMTs, he fell to the ground.

Full Article, Video & Source:
3-Year-Old Jumps From Burning Home

The Obama Woes

helping handsI’ve been reading the woes of the Obamas and it’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee or my screen would have been splattered.  You’ve got to be kidding.

Michelle Obama was at Target — dressed like everybody else — and someone asked her to get something off the shelf and that was an act of racism?  Well who would have known?  I mean, shorter people and wheel chair bound individuals have often asked me to help them out by getting an item off a shelf that was out of their reach.  I never knew that meant they were treating me like the help or that they were racists in disguise, instead of just regular people asking for a friendly helping hand .

I’ve also been asked if I worked in various places, where I was likewise a customer.  I didn’t know, until I read the woes of the Obamas that I was being insulted.  Now I know.  Well, not really.

Listening to the Obamas, it is verified that some simply look at the entire world and all things that happen to them (and everyone else) through the eyes of race.  Everything must be due to racism — can’t ever be anything else.  And yet these people cry racism and/or race insensitivity when speaking of others?  I think some have thin skins no matter what shade those skins may be.

Helping someone by getting something off a shelf is being treated like the help?  Heaven help the Obamas if they think their examples represent actual racism or that they were being treated like the help.  It’s called life among people and helping out when one can.  It’s called being part of the “human race“.

New hope for motel kids

moving kids from motel 1Just blocks from “The Happiest Place on Earth,” in one of the richest counties in America, Demond, Ashley, and their four kids have been living in a cramped, run-down motel room for a year and a half. Between the six of them, they share one bed and one small couch. Surprisingly, they aren’t welfare cases; Demond and Ashley both work full-time at Walmart. But like thousands of other families in Orange County alone, they struggle to save enough to pay the first-month/last-month/security deposit that landlords require. And so they’re stuck.

“It eats up all your money so you can’t afford to move,” says Ashley, “Even if you could afford an apartment of your own, with kids, and the rent, you can’t save any money to do anything except stay here.” To compound the problem, Ashley’s mom had an eviction when Ashley was living with her – a fact that shows up on Ashley’s credit history. So Demond and Ashley pay $1300 a month for the dubious privilege of living in a single motel room where the kids aren’t even allowed by the management to play in the parking lot. For Christmas, they’d like nothing more than to get out of the motel and into a stable home.  (Continue Reading)

Full Article, Video & Source:
New hope for motel kids

DC Top Profilers to Announce New Ban Rules: Exempt Self

Obama and profiling I’ve been reading,Obama’s black cabinet heads spar over racial profiling banand find it quite amusing in a sarcastic sense.  The following is example of the discussion going on up there in Washington, DC.

The new guidelines expand the definition of racial profiling to include religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Most federal agents can’t consider any of those factors, as well as race, during criminal investigations or routine immigration cases away from the border.

As this profiling discussion takes place, I guess these men forgot to take a look at themselves and what has transpired in Ferguson and New York.  Is it not true that investigations are taking place by the federal government because “white” officers, in the line of duty, killed black suspects and were then not indicted by the Grand Jury ?   Would the investigations be taking place or would Al Sharpton and Eric Holder have shown up had it been a black officer or white suspect under the same circumstances?

President Obama and Eric Holder best look in the mirror.  They seem to be regulars when it comes to profiling.  It’s white so it must be guilty of racism and denial of civil rights.

The short of the opinion is…

holder and profiling 2No one may consider race, unless it is the president and attorney general and/or their staff.  They, it appears, may profile and immediately look to make the “white” guy the villain and a racist to boot.  The “white” officer could not have simply been doing his job and trying to effect the arrest of a suspect, who happened to be black.  No, it calls for an investigation to determine if that “white” officer was guilty of civil rights violations or some other federal crime.

Seems quite ironic that the attorney general can readily profile and proceed based upon those preconceived notions about all “white” folk and police officers, but it’s wrong for everyone else.  Does he, the president and others, not get that they themselves actually profile and in doing so are causing grave injustice and devastating harm?

It looks as though these DC Profilers need to look in the mirror and think of how many times they profile.  How many times do they make judgments based upon their perception, rather than the facts?  Maybe they really need to do a soul searching before judging others and making guidelines that could hinder, rather than help.  And just maybe they shouldn’t exempt themselves from the rules and behavior they want to force upon others.  Maybe, of all people, they — the DC Profilers — shouldn’t be exempt after all!

Hands Down, Let’s Talk

 handshakeIt’s time to stop the madness.  False allegations and selfish cause do not a solid foundation create.  Instead, the distortion fuels hostility and closes minds to the truth that could lead to door opening conversation and actual solutions and hope for the future.  Why would any not wish for the latter to become today’s reality?

The past is not the present.  Nothing once upon a time can be changed.  It can only be learned from.  And, in studying the blueprint of the past, we have chance to see what went wrong, why it went wrong, and who made it go wrong, so as to give opportunity to understand and to avoid repeating the bad, while then building upon the good and striving to repair the damage once caused and not forgotten.

Various groups of people have been wronged in one way or another.  Sadly, too many rally not against the wrong itself, but rather, to the wrong seen as being done unto them.  Some, simply cannot, or will not, comprehend there are others — other groups of people — who have also been wronged and harmed equally and perhaps even more so.

Women were once property first of their fathers and then their husbands.  Some were beaten and treated as nothing more than servants to use and abuse.  There was a time women couldn’t vote or own property or even have authority over their own children.

Modern day activists often forget about the plight of the women and even the indentured servitude that existed during much of the slavery period.  Some whites were also kidnapped and brought to American against their will and sold into service.  True, their service was supposed to be for a term and then released, if they survived, but it, too, was slavery and treatment could be beyond harsh to violent and deadly.

“The Grapes of Wrath”, though fiction, gives a glimpse of the desperation and deplorable way some people were treated during that period of time known as the Great Depression.  (It also comes in movie form for those who rather not read.)  Yet, it seems it is a horror story lost somewhere between then and now.

This is not to compare who had it worse.  It is merely to remind that life has been unfair, devastating and horrific to many, many individuals and groups of people throughout the years.  To cry foul only for self and blame present day people for things they had nothing to do with, only creates new hostility to go along with the old, and does nothing to solve the actual problems.

Tonight, someone presented me with a picture of a black man hanged.  The picture was from long ago.  Though it is a sad reminder of what once was — and where we (as a society or individually) should never go again — it should not be held as an example and excuse to react as though it is present day behavior, norm or mentality.  It is not!

Many things seem to be forgotten, as present day radical activists spew hate and stoke the fires of discontent and rage with lies, half-truths, and a message blaming the white man for all the ills ever befallen to any of color.  It must, after all, be the white man’s fault or the radical activists face losing relevance and all the benefits associated to that self-made relevance.

How often do you hear a radical activist mention that African tribesmen captured Africans from other tribes and sold them into slavery?

How often do you hear radical activists point out that if it is reasonable to hold all present day whites accountable for some long ago whites owning slaves or condoning slavery, that it would then be likewise reasonable to hold all Africans accountable for some long ago Africans capturing fellow Africans and selling them into that slavery?

How often do you hear a radical activist admit the majority of white men did not own slaves or condone the practice?

How often do you hear the radical activist talk about all the white people, who helped slaves escape and fought to abolish slavery?

How often do you see radical activists pointing to the pictures that give example of the overwhelming number of whites that were involved in the Civil Rights Movement and stood with Martin Luther King, Jr.?

How often do you hear the radical activist remind that the Ku Klux Klan purportedly didn’t just hate blacks — that they hated Jews and Catholics as well?

How often do you hear the radical activist speak of “The Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner” and that it wasn’t just a black man that was killed in Mississippi on June 21, 1964?

Things happened in the past that none of us — regardless of skin shade — had a thing to do with.  We weren’t born yet.   We weren’t there.  We weren’t involved.  We had no ability to influence or stop what might have transpired during that horrendous time.

White society is not perfect — nor is the black community.

All law enforcement officers are not without sin — neither is any segment of society.  Improvement may need to come from the entire community by changing behavior and attitude — rather than single groups of people being asked to excuse and over-look wrongful behavior of some.  It’s a reality that needs to be dealt with and not ignored.  Some examples are glaring.

If a police department trains officers to be more “sensitive” to the community it serves and to be mindful of the plight endured or claimed to be endured, while leaving the community gang, drug and violent ridden — what good result is expected?  The crime will still be there.  The drugs will still be there.  The hate and the violence will still be there.  And, “The Man” will still be considered the common enemy to hate and distrust.

Blaming law enforcement for ticketing or arresting a large number of persons from a specific group, when that group is the majority in the community, is rather brow raising.  Who would they be in contact with most often, if not the majority of people who live in their jurisdiction?  But taking a moment to weigh this bit of deduction is not often exercised or pointed out, because it doesn’t fit into the agenda of many radical activists.  What if people came to realize that they weren’t targeted racially, but rather, confronted for “actions” that they are responsible for?  That would be bad for the radical business.

Before blaming law enforcement for enforcing the law — or claiming they are enforcing it unfairly — people in the various communities need to step back and take a good look at their neighborhood and what is taking place in it.  Are there an overwhelming number of arrests?  If there was a true and fair study by non-radical activists, might it show that the reason there are an overwhelming number of arrests is because there are an overwhelming number of crimes? 

People committing crimes should be the immediate concern of the community, rather than — without proof — crying that the officers unfairly target one group or another.  They are, after all, supposed to target those who break the law, regardless of race, gender, nationality or religion.

Using the wrongs of the past as excuse for inappropriate behavior of the present, does nothing to move towards healing or correcting the actual problems of present day.  Instead, it is an attempt by many of the radical thinkers to put up a smoke screen to keep the truth hidden and the fire burning.  What would happen, after all, if communities did take a good look at self, accept any blame due and came together to define actual problems, followed by fixing and rebuilding and moving ahead to make a better life for all the interested parties?

What would happen?  Might radical activists become useless and left in the past where most of their accusations did once exist?

It’s time to put the hands down.  It’s time to look around at the madness.  It’s time to see who is profiting from the half-truths, false accusations and rage that is being stoked.  It’s time to look at the agitators (claiming to be champions of the cause) and honestly determine if the communities are any better or safer than before, or if agitation only caused more harm and hate to grow and threaten to explode in coming days, months or years?

It’s time to put hands down.  It’s time to really listen.  It’s time to accept responsibility as well as demand accountability.  It’s time to define, plan and work together to create safe communities people are proud to call their own.  It’s time to talk.

Hypocrisy: A Story in Gray

I’ve just finished reading, in part, Black lawmakers against recognition of Virginia tribe , and find it quite ironic and amusing.

Several members of the Congressional Black Caucus are urging the Obama administration to withhold federal recognition of a Virginia Indian tribe because of its history of banning intermarriage with blacks.

In January, the Interior Department proposed recognizing the Pamunkey tribe in southeast Virginia, which would make members eligible for special benefits in education, housing and medical care — and allow the tribe to pursue a casino. A decision on recognition, which would be the first for a Virginia tribe, is due by March 30.

The Congressional Black Caucus members urged Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Attorney General Eric Holder to hold off until the Justice Department investigates any discriminatory practices by the tribe.

Let’s see… the “Congressional Black Caucus” which is made up of only Blacks dares to suggest that others might be discriminating and excluding?

Native Americans were here first.  They have suffered discrimination and yet… here… in the 21st Century, we have the “Black Caucus” not worrying about discrimination in and of itself, it would appear, but only concerned if maybe it might be… or could be… an exclusion of Blacks from something?

My question to the “Congressional Black Caucus” — How many Native Americans, Whites or any other race or nationality are in your caucus?


November 8, 2014


 By Nancy Valko, RN ALNC (Advance Legal Nurse Consultant)
Spokesperson, National Association of Prolife Nurses (

I recently wrote an article “I Lost My Daughter to Suicide: A Nurse’s Response to Brittany Maynard’s Campaign for Assisted Suicide”[1] hoping that there was a small chance of convincing her or other vulnerable people that suicide (assisted or unassisted) is never the answer to any problem.

Now we know that Brittany did kill herself by assisted suicide on Nov. 1 with her family and new husband watching.

Was it worth trying to save Brittany and other suicidal people from suicide?  Will legalizing assisted suicide lead to a better and more compassionate society?


In 2009, after my beautiful, 30 year old daughter Marie died by suicide using a technique she learned from visiting suicide/assisted suicide websites and reading the book “Final Exit”, a fellow medical colleague remarked to me that he even questioned why we tried so hard to save suicide attempters when they “were just going to do it again anyway.”

I ignored the massive insensitivity of that remark and told him that studies have shown that only 10% (or less in some studies) of suicidal people ever go on to complete a suicide.”[2]

I also told him that I don’t regret one minute of the 16 years I spent trying to save my daughter Marie from substance abuse and despair. And although I was often frustrated, heartbroken and even angry at times during those years, I never stopped loving her unconditionally.

When Marie died, some people asked if I was relieved because Marie “was at peace and no longer suffering”. Of course not!  The worst possible outcome for Marie and the rest of her family and friends was suicide.  Although it was hard to watch Marie suffer with her demons, I would have spent the rest of my life trying to save her from suicide.

Personally and professionally as a nurse for 45 years, I have encountered many suicidal people. Some were terminally ill. But I found that even the few who were insistent about killing themselves revealed great fear and ambivalence. The will to live is so strong but these suicidal people were being overwhelmed with desperation, even when they were physically healthy.

I recall reading one woman’s story about how she attempted suicide multiple times but stopped when her brother said that he would stop her from suicide every time and any way he could. She said that his faith in the value of her life-even when she didn’t have it herself-convinced her to finally stop trying to kill herself. Obviously, “No” can be a life-saving word.

As Brittany Maynard admitted herself, she really didn’t want to die but, even though she still felt relatively well while planning her assisted suicide, she was afraid of possible future pain and debilitation.

The Oregon she moved to because of its’ law legalizing assisted suicide was the first state to pass such a law because it was sold to the public by groups like Compassion and Choices as a last resort to help terminally ill people end their lives because of intractable pain.

Ironically, the reality in Oregon now is that the three most frequently mentioned end-of-life concerns cited by people using the law are not about pain but rather “loss of autonomy”, “decreasing ability to participate in activities that made life enjoyable” and “loss of dignity”[3]. There are lots of older people who could make the same complaints about their lives.

Where was Brittany’s assisting doctor when she died and was she even told about the so-called “safeguards” in Oregon’s law such as referrals for psychological or psychiatric counseling before she died?  We will never know, especially because Oregon statistics and reporting on assisted suicide depend on secrecy and the assisting doctors’ willingness to self-report such cases.[4]


The media coverage has been intense ever since Brittany Maynard announced her impending assisted suicide. The mainstream media fed the feeding frenzy by portraying Brittany’s situation as a tragic love story only relieved by Brittany’s stepping forward to act as a spokesperson for Compassion and Choices’ campaign to legalize assisted suicide throughout the US.

Criticism of assisted suicide itself was subdued in media outlets that rarely even reported the AMA’s, ANA’s and other professional organizations’ positions against physician assisted suicide. Some outlets even followed Compassion and Choices’ preference for using “death with dignity” terminology rather than the usual term “physician assisted suicide”. Suicide prevention websites and crisis help lines were never mentioned as a resource for any viewers who might be contemplating suicide themselves.

According to the World Health Organization’s publication “Preventing Suicide-A Resource for Media Professionals”[5], the media should “Avoid language which sensationalizes or normalizes suicide, or presents it as a solution to problems” and “Provide information about where to seek help” among other recommendations. None of that was done in the weeks of reporting when Brittany Maynard was standing on a virtual window ledge while so many people shouted their support for her “right” to jump.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) does not keep statistics on assisted suicide but according to Oregon’s annual reports on assisted suicide, there have been 688 assisted suicides since assisted suicide was legalized there in 1997[6].

In the meantime, more than 38,000 suicides were reported in the US by the CDC in 2010, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death for Americans. The CDC also states that “Suicide costs society approximately $34.6 billion a year in combined medical and work loss costs” and “The average suicide costs $1,061,170”. According to the CDC, “More than 1 million people reported making a suicide attempt in the past year” with “More than 2 million adults reported thinking about suicide in the past year.”[7]

It seems obvious that the health crisis here is the staggeringly large and increasing suicide rate[8], not the lack of enough legalized assisted suicide.

Assisted suicide has now been legalized in 5 states. Three states (Oregon, Vermont and Washington) by legislation and in New Mexico and Montana by court rulings still under dispute. Compassion and Choices has repeatedly fought to legalize assisted suicide in the other 46 states but has lost in public referendums and state legislatures.

Will Brittany Maynard’s tragic story be Compassion and Choices’ self-described “tipping point” in their decades-long quest to convince the public to demand that health care professionals supply lethal overdoses to people who think their lives are (or will be) too terrible and undignified?

As a society, we may think we deserve to decide when our own lives are not worth living and that we then have a right to be dispatched by a medical person. We may think that we deserve a life unencumbered by our own or anyone else’s disability or terminal illness.

But if we do embrace such attitudes, I fear will we soon learn that the damage done to ourselves, our vulnerable fellow human beings and our society is incalculable.


[1] “I Lost My Daughter to Suicide: A Nurse’s Response to Brittany Maynard’s Campaign for Assisted Suicide”. The Public Discourse. Oct 24, 2014. Online at:   Click link here

[2] “Suicide and suicidal behavior”. Medline Plus. Online at:  Click link here

[3] “Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act-2013”.Oregon Public Health. Online at:  Click link here

[4] “Death with Dignity Act”. Oregon Public Health Division. Online at:  Click link here

[5] “Preventing Suicide-A Resource for Media Professionals”. World Health Organization.  Click link here

[6] “Death with Dignity Act”. Latest annual report. Oregon Public Health Division. Online at:  Click link here

[7]“Suicide: Consequences-Suicide and Suicide Attempts Take an Enormous Toll on Society”. CDC. Online at:  Click link here

[8] “Facts and Figures”. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Online at:  Click link here

When will the NAACP truly help their people?

By Lloyd Marcus

Upon reading a post election article in which the NAACP is all fired up about supposed black voter suppression, my response was when will these people ever seriously do something to help black people? Folks, I am sorry, but the NAACP and others in their civil rights syndicate are a despicable bunch. All they really care about is furthering Liberalism and increasing their political power. They are disgusting.

Lloyd Marcus clipart NAACPIn their typical we know we can count on the MSM to help us “play” black voters and portray Republicans as the modern KKK, the NAACP and their race-baiting posse are insisting that the newly elected congress pass a robust Voting Rights Act Amendment.

Yes, heaven knows we black folks desperately need that. Why waste time and resources on fixing trivial things like black on black crime, blacks aborting themselves into extinction, epidemic high school dropouts, black baby daddies outnumbering fathers and record high black unemployment under Obama? Let’s triple down on our efforts to create victim mindsets in blacks and racial hate. That will surely empower and enhance the lives of blacks.

Every time the NAACP and their MSM suck-ups launch another of their deplorable whitey-is-out-to-get-cha narratives such as black voters were disenfranchised during this election, it is shrouded in an we’re-smarter-than-you arrogance. Not only are these vile people feeding us a load of crap, they are superior about it.

Charlie Rangel tried to scare blacks to the polls by saying that the GOP wants to return blacks to slavery in America. This is trash folks. This evil little man is a disgrace.

First lady Michelle Obama tried to bribe blacks with a reward of fried chicken for their vote. Heck, why didn’t Michelle throw in permission for blacks to indulge in an extra large slice of watermelon for dessert? A white politician making the same offer to blacks as Michelle would be tarred, feathered and run out of DC on a rail. When will black Americans wake up and smell the condescension, manipulation and exploitation coming from the Democrats; fronted by black traitorous operatives.

I could go on and on about black traitors in the Democratic Party screwing their own to please their socialist/progressive liberal massas. But why keep repeating what I have written in countless articles?

Let’s talk about the broken promises, unfulfilled and wasted lives resulting from black leaders selling out their own to the Democrats’ enslaving big government programs for 30 pieces of political silver. Real people. Real lives.

My late cousin Poochie (Lawrence) comes to mind. He was the eldest in my Aunt Bummie’s cradle-to-grave welfare household; five fatherless sons. Poochie was the lone survivor who broke free from the government welfare system. Miraculously, Poochie worked his way through college and achieved great success. His four siblings all died young on welfare; drugs, AIDS, serial out of wedlock impregnating and crime. An idol mind truly is the Devil’s workshop.

Urban blacks are finally beginning to smell the betrayal of so-called black advocates, white liberal socialist/progressives, the Democrats and Obama.

A talent agent once told me that he had seen numerous black kids with Michael Jackson talent living in the projects. According to this agent, kids in the projects were doing the moon walk before Michael brought it to the national stage. Fatherless households, drugs, teen pregnancies, quitting school and crime prevents many black youths from fulfilling their God given talents, gifts, potential and dreams.

Meanwhile, black Democrat operatives are running around trying to destroy and silence non-whiny successful blacks; laser focused on delivering blacks to the polls every election cycle scared and angry at whites.

Presuming that blacks are clueless idiotic sheep, the best the Democrats are offering blacks is a promise to stop white cops from shooting them at will, preventing the GOP from reinstating black slavery, lighter sentences when they are caught dealing drugs, free Obama phones, food stamps and more crumbs. Oh, and permission to eat fried chicken, if they are really good.

Black retired gifted neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson gained international fame for his groundbreaking work separating conjoined twins. Carson came from humble beginnings raised by a single mom. What if Carson was amoung the extremely high number of black abortions? Could a brilliant black baby destined to cure Cancer have already been aborted?

Why on earth do blacks in the Democratic Party and Obama celebrate, protect, fund and vehemently defend Planned Parenthood who have a disproportionate high number of offices in black communities?

Blacks kill their babies in higher numbers than other races. Why are so-called black leaders so high on abortion? The answer is socialist/progressives intrenched in the Democratic Party believe babies contribute to destroying the planet. Blacks who supp at the socialist/progressive’s table sacrifice black babies for their seats, keeping massa happy.

So, right on NAACP, push forward with you scheme to shame congress into passing your absurd unnecessary politically calculated Voting Rights Act Amendment.

Meanwhile, black lives are going down the toilet thanks to your failed government programs and refusal to seriously deal with real issues. And may God have mercy on your wretched souls.

© Lloyd Marcus

This article is printed with the permission of the author.


Lloyd Marcus

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”