Ryan: Comey Was Compromised In Investigation [VIDEO]
Category Archives: Blogs
‘Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?’: Senator Grills Yates For Defying Trump Travel Ban
In Lillie’s Voice: Elder Exploitation
CONTACT 13: Another guardian charged with abuse
LAS VEGAS (KTNV) – Another private guardian was charged with abuse of a vulnerable person on Thursday.
The young victim in the case was the first to come forward and talk with Contact 13 about corruption in the guardianship system.
Jason Hanson’s guardianship case was supposed to end when he became an adult. But Contact 13 discovered the court kept it open for seven years after his 18th birthday. And during that time, several so-called professionals came in and out of his life while the money set aside for his care dwindled away.
Darcy: “Did you get lost in the system or do you think it’s more sinister than that?”
Jason: “I don’t know if I got lost in the system or if it was more underhanded than that. But the system definitely needs to change.”
Article & Source:
CONTACT 13: Another guardian charged with abuse
Save The Snowflakes!
Save The Snowflakes!
Killard House Special School choir singing Hallelujah
God Bless!!!
Official Video Killard House Special School Choir Hallelujah
‘Shame on Her’: Judge Jeanine Calls Out Prosecutor in Freddie Gray Case
Chief White Owl: Injustice Florida Punitive Damages on Wrongful Death for Victims Families
Further Details & Source:
Chief White Owl: Injustice Florida Punitive Damages on Wrongful Death for Victims Families
The Simple Truth About the O.J. Simpson Case
There is one simple truth about the O.J. Simpson case.
If O.J. Simpson is guilty of killing Nicole Brown Simpson & Ron Goldman, it is the fault of the detectives and prosecutors that a guilty man walked free.
If O.J. Simpson is innocent of killing Nicole Brown Simpson & Ron Goldman, it is the fault of the detectives and prosecutors that an innocent man was charged, continues to be viewed as guilty and all the while — the murderer or murderers walk free.
No matter what…
The simple truth about the O.J. Simpson case is that it is the fault of the detectives and prosecutors that the case isn’t closed and the truth isn’t known beyond a shadow of a doubt!
Parents hope age-progression picture of ‘Baby Lisa’ leads to discovery of missing girl
‘Coddled’ Student Activists Complain There’s Not Enough Time for Homework
Senator Ben Sasse’s Maiden Speech on the Senate Floor
The curious case of black advocates and MSM hatred for Dr. Ben Carson
By Lloyd Marcus
To you remaining black members of my family who take issue with me being an outspoken black conservative Republican, I ask you ponder the following. Comedian Arsenio Hall was known for his comedic bit, “Things That Make You Go Hmmm…” Well, here are a few facts regarding self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media’s disdain for Dr Ben Carson that make you go hmmm.
Summarizing, Dr Carson’s life is remarkable and inspirational. He grew up fatherless in the hood with his hardworking single mom. She turned off the TV and ordered Ben to read and give her written book reports. Though illiterate, Carson’s mom pretended to read his book reports. This troubled black kid from the hood overcame his demons and grew up to become a world renowned neurosurgeon. A movie was made about Dr Carson’s life titled, “Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story” starring Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr as Dr Carson.
If Dr Martin Luther King, Jr were alive today, Dr Carson would epitomize his dream of blacks (Negros) being proud dignified contributors to society in America. So why does Black Lives Matter, the mainstream media, the NAACP and the Democratic Party despise and seek to destroy Dr Carson? Since entering the race for the White House, self-proclaimed black advocates and media launched an all-out no-tactic-or-lie-is-too-low campaign to knock Dr Carson out of the race for president.
But guess who supposed advocates for black empowerment rallied behind and transformed into heroic icons of civil rights? The answer is black criminals; Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Keep in mind that the supposed advocates for blacks that I mentioned hate Dr Carson. Shouldn’t that make a thinking black person go hmmm?
The Black Lives Matter movement was founded on the lie that a white cop shot Michael Brown while surrendering with his hands up. Based on the evidence, Brown robbed a convenience store, assaulted the clerk and was shot attacking a cop inside his police car. Brown was trying to take the officer’s gun.
And yet, the mainstream media and Democrats ignored the grand jury’s report and continues to promote the lie that Brown was gunned down by a racist white cop while on his way to his grandma’s house. Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and other so-called black advocates persist in ignoring facts; such as in only 35 years 324,000 blacks have been killed by fellow blacks. As a matter of fact, 93% of blacks are killed by other blacks. Racist white cops “ain’t” the problem y’all.
Drug dealer Freddie Gray had a record as long as your arm. Treyvon Martin was also a prolific thug. So again I ask, why would so-called advocates for black empowerment make saints of black criminals while relentlessly attempting to demonize Dr Carson?
Dr Carson’s path of education, hard work, Christian faith and right choices led him to extraordinary success and possibly even the Oval Office. Martin, Brown and Gray’s criminal choices made them menaces to society and led to their early deaths. Wouldn’t true black advocates encourage black youths to mimic Dr Carson rather that elevating criminals Martin, Brown and Gray to black superstar status?
Common sense tells us that self proclaimed black advocates and the mainstream media obviously have another agenda other than their stated justice/empowerment for blacks.
The truth is these slime-ball so-called black advocates and media hacks do not give a rats’ derriere about blacks. If they did, they would honestly deal with the self-induced issues plaguing the black community; epidemic school dropouts, drug abuse, black on black crime and out-of-wedlock births. But no, black advocates and media would rather blame conservatives, Republicans and white America.
Black Lives Matter, mainstream media and Democrats want blacks to conclude that Martin, Brown and Gray were the products of being victimized by racist white America; particularly conservatives and Republicans. That is a lie. Life is about choices. Circumstances tend to reveal who you are inside.
My 87 year old black dad also grew up poor and fatherless in the Baltimore hood. As a little boy, Dad chose to earn money shining shoes on weekends at the Greyhound Bus Station. One of his buddies chose crime; two kids in similar circumstances making different choices. Dad was taught responsibility at an early age. I could hear the pride in dad’s voice as he told me how he spent his first earnings. Out of $1.25 he made one weekend, dad paid rent to Aunt Nee, took in a movie with candy and popcorn and purchased a t-shirt. Dad bragged to a friend, “Yeah man, I’m buyin’ my own clothes now.”
I heard through the family grapevine that some relatives are embarrassed by me publicly proclaiming that blacks are not victims of racist America. To them I say, “Sorry guys, but we are not.” My goodness, all one has to do is look around.
Racism along with every other sin will exist until Jesus returns. However, the notion that blacks are suffering, held back, routinely murdered by cops and victimized by “white privilege” is absurd. These narratives are manipulative tools to keep blacks voting for Democrats. Suckered blacks believe voting for Democrats will keep racist white America and Republicans at bay. After 50 years of voting for Democrats, black life continues to spiral downward in cites controlled by Democrats.
Blacks from the hood like my dad and Dr Carson who achieve their American dreams contradict the Democrats’ and mainstream media’s it-sucks-to-be-black-in-America story line. The undeniable truth is the American dream is alive and well for all who choose to go for it. The only real stumbling block for blacks is Obama’s economy.
So why has the mainstream media sacrificed its journalistic principles to help Democrats win black votes? The answer is the media and Democrats are on the same page; socialist/progressive – both desire an America in which the majority is dependent upon and controlled by a tyrannical big government. Oh and both have a bug up their derriere about Christians. Democrats and mainstream media will vehemently deny it, but it is true.
In essence, elitist mainstream media and Democrats want George Orwell’s novel “1984” – a nation of supplicants subservient to Big Brother. These truths should make logical thinkers go hmmm.
© Lloyd Marcus
This article is printed with the permission of the author.
The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”
Judge Jeanine Tears Apart Hillary’s ‘Political Pivots’ at the Benghazi Hearing
Full Article, Video & Source:
Judge Jeanine Tears Apart Hillary’s ‘Political Pivots’ at the Benghazi Hearing
Tonight on T.S. Radio: Gina – Advocate for Patients’ Right in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Guest is: Gina – Advocate for patient rights in skilled nursing facility.
Will be discussing SB 1362 -Bill to Amend SS & SB 670 Nursing Home Litigation first half hour of show.
In 2010. Gina’s significant other of 21 years passed away from ovarian cancer and Gina wound up homeless and in great medical need. Gina went through several major surgeries then placed in a Skilled Nursing Facility where her life was saved. Gina was moved from one facility to the one she is in now from 2011.
Gina was appointed Vice President of the Residents Council then voted President of the Resident Council and found herself fighting the powers that be for the residents rights. She began studying the medicaid/medicare laws and rights provided for the residential care in these facilities.
Since then Gina have become increasingly aware of how the nursing homes target these elderly patients from the doctor to the judges that abuse the guardianship program for their own gain. Gina’s intention is to spend the rest of her life helping those targeted by these guardian programs that allow doctors to claim someone incapacitated, and lawyers that go behind the backs of friends and family and judges that grant for profit guardianship and complete control over others lives without telling them.
2015- June. Gina read Marisa Conover’s story regarding her mother and reached out to her. She then hooked me up with TS radio. Marti Oakley and Debbie Dahmer had Gina as one of the Guests on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day -June 15th, 2015 On TS Radio.
5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST … 8:00 pm EST
MU student burns ISIS flag on campus
Why Vester Flanagan, Now Bryce Williams, Was Fired From WDBJ
Baby hurt when officer fires weapon after nearly being run down
Murder? Hmmmph…
“Is he gonna make it?” The woman asked with no real concern in her voice.
Her tone was so matter of fact that she may as well have been asking me about the weather or how my day was going.
“No,” I said. “I mean, I’m not a doctor, but no, there’s no way he’s going to make it.”
“Hmmmph,” was her response.
Hmmmph indeed. I thought to myself.
The man the woman was asking about lay dying next to his bullet riddled Camaro, about thirty yards away. I’d just asked her and the group she was with to step back a little so that I could hang some crime scene tape at yet another homicide scene in the City of St. Louis.
I don’t keep tabs on such things, but I believe that’s around 136 this year, if what I’d read was right. The local newspaper has taken to adding a line indicating the murder count in all of their articles related to murders in the City, and I believe that’s the number I’d read.
It’s that bad now.
Hmmmph bad.
The lady worked for or maybe owned a day care facility for little kids, and there were still kids waiting to be picked up by loved ones as this man was being tended to valiantly, though clearly futily, by EMS personnel.
As so many other people in the City have been recently, he’d just been shot.
His shirt was off and I could see the small puncture hole in his side. It didn’t look like much, and it certainly didn’t do justice to evidencing the violence that the projectile probably did once it passed through his skin.
Those pesky bullets tear through the skin and then ricochet off bone and tear through organs and veins and arteries and whatever else gets in the way before it either passes through the skin again during a violent exit, or nestles itself comfortably somwhere inside the victim’s body.
The lucky ones live to tell about it.
There are probably hundreds of people who’ve been shot or shot at in the City this year who didn’t add to the death tally. Everyday it seems a person is shot.
We’re lucky in the City to have two excellent trauma units at Barnes and SLU Hospitals. I’m always amazed at the number of people who get shot, sometimes multiple times, and live because of the skill of the teams of doctors and nurses in our City.
Many of these people drive themselves or are driven to the hospital without waiting on EMS. When every second counts, that’s probably a good idea.
For those who aren’t so lucky, their life often ends like this man’s near the daycare facility did, face down on a hot piece of concrete in a pool of their own blood in front of curious onlookers who will photograph or video a dying man’s last moments and do Lord knows what with the footage.
“Well what do you expect? This is Goodfellow and Amelia.” The woman said.
She was mostly being rhetorical, but that attitude can’t win the day.
No matter where you live or work, a murder should bring outrage or fear or disbelief, not apathy.
Not Hmmmph.
On the day this man died, two journalists were killed in another part of the country as their killer videotaped their deaths.
Thankfully, there is outrage and grief and disbelief. There are loved ones who will demand action. They will demand legislation. They will demand research. They will at least demand something.
They did not say Hmmmph because that is a queer response to another human’s murder, even if the victim was no angel.
Nobody deserves Hmmmph, but in St. Louis City, that’s where we find ourselves. Unless a person is killed by a police officer, there is no public outrage, only indifference to what has become so common that we just say Hmmmph to the news of another person’s death.
Sadly, this murder that I touched on here isn’t even the most recent one in my City. Late last night, another man was killed on the South Side of the City, shot to death, of course.
Printed with permission of the author:
don of all trades
Hello Baltimore by Lloyd Marcus the Unhyphenated American”
Leftists use Black Lives Matter to exploit blacks, again
By Lloyd Marcus
Recently, my black brother shared an unfortunate incident. Years ago, police in two unmarked cars blocked his car. They jumped out pointing guns, demanding that he exit his car. My brother immediately raised his hands, but did not exit his car because he was frozen with fear. An officer pulled him out of his car onto the ground. My brother said, “Calm down! I am not resisting!”
After checking him out, the officers realized he was not their suspect. Rather than sending my brother on his way with an apology, the police framed him. My brother had an unopened six pack of beer on the floor. An officer opened one of the beers and said, “You’re under arrest for drunk driving.” The bogus charge did not stick and my brother was released hours later, angry, with a bitter taste in his mouth.
Ironically, my brother’s reason for telling me about the incident was to defend the police in the recent shooting and arrests covered 24/7 on CNN. He said the cops who framed him were a few bad apples which are everywhere in every profession. Amen to that. Jesus had 12 disciples and one was a bad apple. My brother made the point that he was not harmed because he submitted to the police’s authority. He noted that the blacks in the videos shown on TV did not submit to the police.
My brother’s point is correct. In each incident caught on video in which people are second-guessing officer’s behavior, bad outcomes could have been avoided had the persons simply respected authority and complied.
A friend of mine is a veteran Baltimore black cop. He told me upon arriving at a scene, a cop must immediately take control of the situation. If not, the cop could end up dead – stabbed in the back by a weepy girlfriend or mom. The most hazardous part of a police officer’s job is the routine traffic stop; 62 officers killed 2002- 2011.
Democrats, CNN and other liberal bias media have an insidiously evil agenda to convince black America that Republicans, conservatives and police are out to get them. These Leftists would love to feature my brother’s bad boy cops story 24/7; claiming the cops were unequivocally motivated by white racism.
Meanwhile, the Left avoids experiences like mine with police like the plague. In the 80’s, an interracial couple robbed a bank, their description matching my wife, me and our car. Police surrounded our car with guns drawn and ordered us out of our car. We complied. They checked us out, apologized and went on their way. We were stopped on another occasion years later. Again, the officers were respectful and professional.
As a young adult, my cousins wife called me in a panic to their home in the hood. My black cousin had a nervous breakdown. He held their two toddler sons hostage in the basement, threatening to kill himself and their boys. First on the scene were two white cops – one young and fit, the other much older and morbidly obese. Masterfully, the old obese cop gained my cousin’s trust and talked him out of the basement. “C’mon son, I know life gets tough, but you don’t want to do this.” My cousin was arrested, given the mental health assistance he needed and was later released. My cousin is alive, well and a great dad.
Folks, cops kill whites at almost double the rate of blacks. As a matter of fact, blacks are killed by blacks 93% of the time. The Left does not want you to know the biggest threat to black lives is other blacks. Despite the Left’s Black Lives Matter (blame and hate white America) movement, incidents of blacks killing blacks are on the rise.
The Left is ignoring the stunning numbers of blacks murdered in Chicago by blacks.
In July, Baltimore homicides reached its highest in 43 years, up 60%.
The mainstream media deliberately creating the false impression that cops are the biggest threat to blacks is reprehensible. Proving they do not give a rat’s derriere about blacks, the Left refuses to address real issues plaguing black America; multi-generational government dependency; increasing numbers of fatherless households; unprecedented high unemployment under Obama ; epidemic school dropouts; black on black homicides and Leftist encouraged moral and cultural decline.
White guys in white hoods, the Aryan nation nor cops are infiltrating black neighborhoods, victimizing residents and murdering blacks. The Left has been fooling blacks with its blame-everything-on-whitey tactic for decades; keeping blacks voting for their supposed Democrat saviors.
As young as 9 or 10, I realized the blame-everything-on-whitey excuse was a lie. My family lived on the sixth floor of a Baltimore project high-rise building. The elevators were often not working due to vandalism. The stairwells were pitch black due to broken light bulbs and smelled of urine. The crunch sound under foot echoing off the concrete walls was due to broken liquor bottles. I knew whites were not sneaking in at night, peeing in our stairwells.
Not to indict everyone who lived in the projects, some neighbors kept their apartments immaculate. Even as a child, I concluded that poverty (and ghetto) was a mindset rather than simply an absence of money.
The Black Lives Matter movement, “white privilege” and so on are founded on lies. They are despicable tools to exploit blacks’ emotions. These Leftist scams have resulted in what can be described as black terror cells. Police are assassinated, outbreaks of black flash mob attacks and innocent whites assaulted, raped and murdered.
Outrageously, Black Lives Matter thugs threaten to “shut down” the Republican National Convention. Notice the stupid, hateful and racist assumption that white Republicans are a threat to black lives? Imagine if the Tea Party announced a plan to shut down the Democrat National Convention. After recovering from multiple convulsions of pleasure from being given such an opportunity to demonize the Tea Party, Leftist media would bombard the public with 24/7 news coverage; branding the Tea Party racist, sexist and homophobic.
Rest assured, you will not hear any meaningful criticism from the MSM, Democrats or Obama regarding Black Lives Matter thugs arrogantly assaulting free speech. Quite the opposite. Leftists are behind the scene cheering on the Black Lives Matter thugs.
Wake up black America. The Left is playin’ y’all, again.
© Lloyd Marcus
This article is printed with the permission of the author.
The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd
Marcus the Tea Party Movement’s most prominent African American, seen on
Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for
proclaiming, “I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”
Krauthammer on Obama’s Divisive Iran Rhetoric: ‘Vintage Obama, New Low’
May people start paying attention!
Krauthammer on Obama’s Divisive Iran Rhetoric: ‘Vintage Obama, New Low’