Trump Deserves to be Indicted

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Donald J. Trump deserves to be indicted. Just ask people like Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, the gaslighting crew and indoctrinated puppets. On second thought, you won’t have to ask them. They’re busy trying to draw you into what appears to be their cult of, “Let’s take down Trump By Any Means Necessary.”

People may not like Trump for a variety of reasons and tell others why. That’s their right.

People may not want Trump to be president again and argue their position. That’s their right, too.

What is NOT anyone’s right is to lie about the former president, whether by outright lie, half-truths, word/phrase meaning changes, or things taken out-of-context.

What is NOT anyone’s right is to seek indictments by the above means and/or creative application of the law.

Some are laughing and carrying on about what appears to be political indictments because it is Trump. Would they be laughing and carrying on if it were they or one of their family members who had gotten on the wrong side of whoever is in power only to be the recipient of all done to Trump being done unto them?

It’s dangerous to think what is transpiring is okay “simply” because it is Trump. Think. Step back and think. Reality is… if it can happen to “one” person, it can happen to “any” person. No one is safe no matter how much one believes they or theirs are. That’s a simple truth. Grasp it.

Obviously, there was election interference in the 2020 Election. Yes, obviously. Yet, you wouldn’t know it if you listen to the liberal media and others that hate Trump. They seem to conveniently ignore anything and everything that goes against their gaslighting narrative that portrays Trump as the perpetual bad guy.

I don’t know how many times I cursed the media as I listened to them claim Trump was lying about something that I knew for an absolute fact he wasn’t lying about because I saw and heard whatever personally. How dare they call me a liar. How dare they tell the public that I was a liar or a fool if I dare defend the truth because that is what they were doing.

How many times has the media been busy gaslighting and falsely labeling when creating or defending the chosen narrative of the day, especially when it is against Trump and anyone who dare defend him because they were defending the truth – not just the man?

It – what is happening and my writing about it – is redundant.

What is happening to Trump keeps happening to Trump. Over and over and over, attempts are made to lie about the man or twist his words or actions. It’s beyond tiring. It’s beyond wrong.

I’m tired of hearing people change the meaning of words and phrases and then applying their change as if it is the absolute meaning and what someone meant and intended to mean if they use one of them.

I have a good example.

Trump once said something to the effect that Megyn Kelly had blood in her eyes. Next thing one knew, the mob of Trump haters was claiming he was talking about menstruating, etc, etc etc.

Unbelievable. That’s not what the phrase means. No relationship at all.

I, for one, know that saying. Lots of people know what it means. How many spoke up? How many shouted out the truth as loudly as the liars (or misinformed) were shouting the lie?


Why? Because it was only Trump?

People… important people in important positions… lied about Trump and Russia. It was a lie, yet some continue repeating it.

People lied about Trump mocking the disability of a reporter. He didn’t, yet the lie continues by some.

Trump was told the numbers at his inauguration were larger than Obama’s and he repeated it. He, rather than the people that told him, was called a liar. And that is just a tiny fraction of what transpired that is ignored.

Even Fox News failed to assure that the whole truth was told.

Chris Wallace showed a picture of the alleged crowd. It was apparently early in the day before everyone arrived that was coming. Another employee did state at least once that the picture was of early morning and that was it. Fox News, to my knowledge, never made Wallace correct the misrepresentation, much less apologize. His lie was allowed to stand.

Two things.

I don’t remember the channel, but one did announce at least once that the Port Authority, I believe it was, reported that Trump’s crowd was bigger than Obama’s. I remember that because I commented to someone about it.

I have searched and searched for a video of that day, but of all things one might find – guess what I couldn’t find. Something I know happened (was said), because I heard it myself, is either hidden or permanently missing.

(I didn’t know it would become so important to note the channel and reporters, or I would have readily documented it all as it happened.)

CNN, I believe it was, had a live interaction program on their site that day and I spent a great deal of time using it, while the television was also on broadcasting the event. That’s one of the reasons I knew for a fact that Wallace was giving out inaccurate information about the crowd. But as I said, I didn’t see even Fox News stand up and say, “Whoa, that’s not right.”

Of course, this only happened to Trump, so some seem to think it is perfectly okay.

I remember people, including one of Nancy Pelosi’s daughters, trying to find a way to stop Trump from being sworn in. Where are their indictments?

        How Democrats Attempted a 2016 Electoral College Coup

        Despite Objections, Congress Certifies Donald Trump’s Election

        Christine Pelosi would face scrutiny of past comments if she runs for mom’s House seat

I remember people pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court. Where is the investigation of them and the indictments?

I could go on about things I saw and heard personally that were twisted, denied, or re-created into a narrative of lies, but who cares? It only happened to Trump. That’s right. It only happened to Trump so it’s okay. It doesn’t count as wrong. Right?

I don’t think so.

It doesn’t matter if one takes down Trump today because there is always tomorrow. There is always a day of truth that will arrive, even if not as fast as one would like. A day when the gaslighters will be outed for the liars they are. A day when the indoctrinated will realize they were wrongfully programmed or merely move on to the next mission assigned to them by their handlers. A day when the gaslighting media will either become honest or be seen as the fiction-producing programmers they are.

Yes, there will be a day when the truth steps up and refuses to be denied any longer by the masses. Until then, we are exposed to what appears to be an overwhelming crusade to take down Trump by any means necessary – even by intentional and unintentional untruths.

Some say Trump deserves to be indicted. Perhaps, instead, it is their motive, claims and reasoning that should be indicted? After all, we need to ask if we are seeing a guilty man being held accountable or dirty politics gone wild? It is essential that we find and accept the truthful answer to that question and many more. Our Constitutional Republic, well-being, and freedoms depend upon it.

Simply put, as Adrian Monk would say, “I may be wrong, but I don’t think so.”

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Biden surrenders America for the sixth time

by By Hung Cao

I learned to swim at the U.S. Embassy swimming pool in Niamey, Niger, in 1976. Little did I know, that would lead to a career as a U.S. Navy diver. 

It wasn’t pool parties, picnics or watching movies at the Recreation Center, the only entertainment in a country that didn’t have television, that prompted my 25-year career as a special operations officer. It was the Marines from the Security Guard Detachment that stood watch at the embassy all day, every day. 

Even though they were fun during picnics or dressing up as elves to escort Santa riding on a camel at Christmas, under those smiles were steely-eyed warriors. There was no question that they would put their lives on the line to protect us. I knew I wanted to be like them by standing watch over the country that gave my family a second chance. (Continue Reading)

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Biden surrenders America for the sixth time

Forgotten Role?

Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter

Ne-Yo scolds parents who let kids make ‘life-changing’ gender decisions as minors: ‘Forgotten’ their roles

Open Letter to Bill Barr

Dear Bill Barr:

You seem to think that “because you said” there was no widespread election fraud that would alter the outcome of the election that everyone, especially President Trump, should take your “opinion” as gospel. Well, I didn’t and I don’t.

You, Sir, apparently were aware of election interference and did nothing, right? What do you call election interference, if not a fraud upon the American people? Votes were cast based on that fraud. So, what were you saying again? There wasn’t widespread election fraud? In your dreams perhaps, but not in reality.

Trump had a right to question the election results. Bill Bar, as Attorney General of the United States, you had a duty to call for, and oversee, a fair and thorough investigation. No way did you. No way could you have done so in the brief time from accusation to your declaration. And just what was your declaration again? Well, there was fraud, just not enough to change the election results.

You, Bill Barr, try to declare yourself to be oh-so righteous and knowing. However, you, Sir, in my opinion, show yourself to be a pompous arse that demands agreement with your views or be cast into the realm of criminal or at the very least – ignorant.

Trump may or may not have lost the election, but he, and we, the American people, had, and continue to have, the right to question and demand proof the results were fair and accurate. To be accused of lying because any believe the election was not fair is an abuse of power, as well as slander and libel by those doing the accusing.

Your dislike for Trump was obvious to me. You seemed to always find fault with him. When you said, “always something” were you EVER referring to the people that were ALWAYS trying to block Trump’s efforts or take him down? What did you do when you knew those 51 were signing a letter that implied a lie? You couldn’t interfere in an election? Isn’t that exactly what you were doing with your silence?

Perhaps you don’t remember Nancy Pelosi’s daughter being involved in trying to stop Trump from being voted in and taking office, but I do. Where are the charges against her and the others that were involved?

Why is Trump the only one being charged and having to prove that either he isn’t guilty or it isn’t a crime to do whatever he did do? Why do others get a free pass to do whatever. That’s justice?

Unlike so many involved in the “get Trump by any means cult,” I happen to believe in fairness to all, including people I can’t stand. And, if I know a lie is a lie being told about someone I dislike, I step up and say so. Can you truthfully say you do?

It’s bad enough that you were aware of the election interference and allowed it to continue, but you can’t stop throwing gas on the fire, can you? You have to keep finding fault with Trump. Everything has to be his fault. It can’t be that others are abusing their office and oaths, right?

I’m ashamed for once having thought you, as attorney general, would ensure that there would be justice and fair play for all. I was obviously wrong. Think not? The treatment of President Trump is an obvious example of just how wrong I was.

In closing, I would like to say one thing that says it all.

I don’t agree with you.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Bill Maher questions why Chicago’s crime wave isn’t addressed: ‘Why are you killing each other?’

By Lindsay Kornick

Bill Maher calls out Chicago crime wave: Its never addressed “Real Time” host Bill Maher discussed the black-on-black crime issue plaguing cities like Chicago and criticized how it isn’t addressed by Democratic leaders.

“Real Time” host Bill Maher called out the lack of attention to high Black-on-Black crime rates in cities such as Chicago during his show on Friday.

Hosting a panel with Brown University economist Glenn Loury and international relations scholar Daniel Bessner, Maher questioned the rise in crime in major cities and why it has not been addressed.

“Like Chicago: Most of the shootings are young Black men killing other young Black men. Is that not correct?” Maher asked.

After Loury confirmed it was true, Maher continued, “Okay, much more than what the cops do. Why doesn’t anybody talk about that? Why aren’t there a hundred giant Black celebrities who would have the respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourselves? Why are you killing each other?”  (Continue Reading)

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Bill Maher questions why Chicago’s crime wave isn’t addressed: ‘Why are you killing each other?’

Utah lawmaker’s home vandalized after he introduced bill to ban transgender surgeries: ‘Trannies bash back’

By Chris Pandolfo

A Utah state lawmaker’s home was vandalized this week with messages that indicate he was targeted because of his opposition to transgender medical treatments for minors.

Messages in red spray-painted on Republican state Sen. Mike Kennedy’s door read “fash” — short for fascist — and “These trannies bash back,” a phrase that uses a slur for transgender people. Kennedy shared a photograph of the vandalism in a post on Facebook.

Earlier this year, Kennedy sponsored SB16, legislation that bans transgender surgeries and puberty blockers for minors. The bill was signed into law by Gov. Spencer Cox in January. (Continue reading)

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Utah lawmaker’s home vandalized after he introduced bill to ban transgender surgeries: ‘Trannies bash back’

Libs Should be Required to Commit to Same Playing Field

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Since some elected officials and others in authority seem to feel it is appropriate to take away a “level playing field” for girls in sports, let’s force them to accept the same terms for themselves. A trans will receive preferential treatment in all situations because, after all, their lives matter and apparently matter more than their non-trans peers. It is what is stated when bio females are forced to compete (?) against bio males that are by nature far stronger than the average female. Compete is a key term. Is there any fair competition when the female can only lift 75 lbs to the bio male’s 250 lbs or are the females just there in a hopeless situation?

My theory is…

If all these lib people in charge and those libs elected feel it is okay to cheat the bio girls out of their chance to compete against other bio females for scholarships and other awards – then let’s spread the favor around.

A trans person should get credit for three times the votes their non-trans liberal competition receives in elections.

A trans person should always be promoted over the non-trans liberal so they feel accepted and included.

A trans person should always receive all the awards and bonuses because they are matched only with those who have no chance in a fair competition.

Two things can be true at the same time.

One can not wish harm upon a trans person and not wish harm upon a bio female at the same time. Why should the bio-female be the only one to sacrifice opportunities, while the enlightened act as though the ones sacrificing, and their supporters, are being cruel if they dare try to address and explain the unfairness?

Again, I guess the only way to open the eyes of the so-called enlightened is to force them into like situations of sacrifice. Let them have no chance to win no matter what.

It’s one thing to want to be kind and fair to a group of people and quite another to give special treatment to a group at the unfair expense of another group.


What would your opinion be if you were to see a team of 20-year-olds playing a sport against a team of 80-year-olds? Would you think it was a “level playing field?”

Those liberals (and their indoctrinated following) in positions of authority and elected offices need to make up their minds. Either they should agree to live by the same “playing field chances” as they are forcing bio girls to live by or get busy and find another answer that is fair to the bio girls that have worked so hard to have a fair shot at the win and the rewards that come with it.

Fair is fair.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Give Me A Break: Time for the Games to End

by Carrie K. Hutchens

There was a time that race and gender mattered to extreme within the workings and structure of society, but not no more. It has become isolated incidents, rather than life within a white man’s world. As such, having moved so far beyond those days, it is maddening and insulting to hear women, who have failed in their positions, claim that a call for accountability on their part is merely because they are women and/or women of color in America. Are they really suggesting that women are not able and do not have to do their jobs or do them well? Really?

I am a woman that spent most of her working career in a man’s field. I never expected to be treated differently than the men I worked with. I never asked to be excused for my mistakes because, after all, I’m a woman and as a woman – I shouldn’t be held accountable. If I screwed up – I screwed up and it had nothing to do with my race or gender. It had to do with me. It had to do with me – a person – making the mistake. PERIOD!

Likewise, I am sick of being accused of being racist for no other reason than of my skin tone and that I exist. Maybe I even gave an opinion about something that a progressive disagreed with and, of course, many radical libs can’t have that. When they have no legit argument, they go into insult mode and the attempt to destroy. After all, how dare anyone not agree with them?

People should not be “excused” or “protected” or “promoted” because of their race or gender. That is, after all, suggesting that the person is incapable of success in whatever endeavor and being given a free ride. That’s an insult – not a favor.

People should not be “excused” for stealing and assaulting and killing or for over-looking all the stealing and assaulting and killing. That’s irrational – not rational.

Women, of whatever skin tone, should not expect a free ride, but rather, show they are worthy of success in whatever endeavor they pursue. And if they fail – they should accept that their failure is theirs… and not accuse others of holding them accountable just because they are women.

The childish, spoiled brat, mentally-challenged behavior our society is infested with deserves to be frowned upon. It’s time to for the games to end. It is time for accountability.

Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner scorched online after execution-style shooting of homeless man

by Danielle Wallace

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner was torched online after a video went viral showing a suspect fatally shoot a homeless man execution-style in broad daylight in the Missouri city. 

Several social media users noted Gardner’s campaign was funded by George Soros, blaming the prosecutor for what they described as a sad state of rampant crime and violence. 

“DISTURBING CONTENT: A man loads a gun and shoots a homeless man in downtown St. Louis just 15 minutes from where I live,” Ryan Cunningham tweeted, sharing the shooting video with his 73,000 followers. “Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Prosecutor, is George Soros funded and often lets people like this go free with no charges.” (Continue Reading)

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St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner scorched online after execution-style shooting of homeless man

Well, Former AG Bill Barr

By Carrie K. Hutchens

Bill Barr, you seem to be intent on telling the world how you thought President Trump was wrong in so many ways. Maybe you can take a breath and tell us, Mr. Righteous, if you investigated the allegations of election fraud and interference, how is it you were unaware of the government involvement in censorship and information suppression? How is it that you missed what certainly appears to be a coordination between government employees, the media, and social media to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and other matters that were deemed to be a threat to the election outcome that the players and their masters apparently were striving for? You know… actual censorship of citizens by the government and actual election interference.

Personally, no matter how many times you claimed it to be, I never for a moment believed an actual investigation ever occurred. A pretend one maybe, but never a real one. It couldn’t have been done that fast and been thorough. Guess you were counting on everyone assuming you have all this integrity, so the world should just take your word. Well, I don’t take your word for anything and you have proven my feelings to be with cause.

You, former AG Bill Barr, are either utterly incompetent or were intentionally blind to what was taking place. Either way, the wrong is on you. And, the proof there wasn’t a thorough investigation is the fact you were supposedly unaware of the wrongs being done right under your nose. Doesn’t matter. Either way, you have egg on your face and I for one will be happy to point out that your pedestal is crumbling, as the wrongs come out into the light.

“One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General” by you? Your title is right. You, the libs, and many in the government have continually twisted what Trump did and said and were always looking to find something to “get him on.” He couldn’t turn around without one of you trying to claim he had done something wrong or said something wrong or maybe he just wasn’t as smooth-talking as is liked by the likes of you and your buddies. But tell us, when did Trump ever try to destroy the lives of you and your fellow Trump haters by lies and half-truths?

Another thing before I close.

You were ready to throw your opinion out there about the Mar-a-Lago raid. You, of course, took the side against Trump. So, tell us… what’s your opinion on the classified documents Biden had and where they were found? Have I missed you running to the mic to jump on that situation? Can you explain why one set of attorneys were allowed to be present during searches, but not the others? Actually, your explanation is worthless. We already know that when it comes to Trump, you are quick to find some kind of fault with him, even when it was obvious whatever was done unto him and he merely reacted in defense.

You should be ashamed.

I, for one, am quite ashamed, even if you aren’t. I’m ashamed that I once believed you were the person you pretend to be. My eyes have been opened though. As I said previously, there couldn’t have been an investigation and not discovered the election interference, information suppression, and censorship that was active right under your nose. And you know what? I’m betting it all did make a difference that changed the election results. Someday, we will know. I look forward to you eating humble pie and having to admit to the world that you were wrong in how you have treated President Trump and the citizens that were affected by the wrongs so easily carried out. Yes, I look forward to that day. May it be soon.

Pennsylvania jury acquits pro-life activist Mark Houck on charges of obstructing abortion clinic access

By Louis Casiano | Fox News

A jury has reportedly acquitted Pennsylvania pro-life activist who was accused of allegedly pushing a Planned Parenthood escort during a clash outside an abortion clinic, Life News reported.

Mark Houck, 48, faced charges that he violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate and interfere with anyone because that person produces reproductive health care. He pleaded not guilty. 

The charge stems from an Oct. 13, 2021 incident in which the Biden Administration alleged Houck assaulted and “forcefully shoved” Bruce Love, a 72-year-old volunteer at a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood.

Photo of pro-life Pennsylvania man Mark Houck with his family. Houck was found not guilty by a Pennsylvania jury of violating a federal abortion interference law. (Thomas More Society)

Houck was arrested in his home by multiple FBI agents in September 2022.

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, celebrated the news of Houck’s acquittal with a tweet. 

“Good. Begs question of the $48 billion we give to DOJ…,” he wrote. 

Shortly after Houck’s arrest last fall, his attorney Peter Breen told Fox News Digital that his client’s arrest was an “outrageous abuse of power” from the Department of Justice that was intended to intimidate pro-life Americans.

“The message from the Biden Department of Justice is pure intimidation against pro-life people and people of faith,” said Breen, senior counsel of the Thomas More Society. “Why in the world would you send this phalanx of officers heavily armed to this family’s home, violate the sanctity of their home, frighten their children? Why would you do that, other than just to send a message?  (Continue Reading)

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Pennsylvania jury acquits pro-life activist Mark Houck on charges of obstructing abortion clinic access 

Ex-Colorado social worker ordered to pay councilwoman millions after allegedly filing false child abuse report

The $3 million judgment against Robin Niceta should ‘send a message’ that her type of misconduct ‘should not be tolerated,’ said the judge

By Emma Colton

Booking photo of former Colorado social worker Robin Niceta. (Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office)

A Colorado judge ordered a disgraced social worker to pay $3 million in damages to an Aurora city councilwoman in a defamation case based on a false child abuse report leveled against the city leader.

“This award is made, in part, ‘to send a message that this kind of conduct cannot and should not be tolerated by anybody,'” Arapahoe County Judge Elizabeth Beebe Volz wrote in her order, which was obtained by Fox News Digital.

Former Arapahoe County social worker Robin Niceta was arrested in May of last year and charged with a felony count of suspicion of attempting to influence a public servant and a misdemeanor count of making a false report about child abuse. The report claimed that Aurora Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky inappropriately touched her own toddler.

The tip was made on Jan. 28, one day after Jurinsky went on a radio show to speak out against then-Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson. She described the city’s top police officer as “trash” who needed to be ousted over allegedly throwing “police officers under the bus,” overseeing the city facing mounting shootings, as well as police staffing shortages.

What Jurinsky did not know during the interview was that the police chief was dating Niceta at the time. Wilson was ultimately fired as Aurora’s police chief over unrelated matters to Niceta, and told Fox News Digital last year that the couple is no longer together, and she wants “nothing to do with [Niceta].”

An investigation was launched after Niceta allegedly filed the anonymous tip, which ultimately cleared Jurinsky of any wrongdoing, but left the councilwoman in a fearful limbo for two weeks that she might lose custody of her son.  (Continue Reading)

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Ex-Colorado social worker ordered to pay councilwoman millions after allegedly filing false child abuse report

Elon Musk: ‘I recommend voting for a Republican Congress’

By Anders Hagstrom | Fox News

Billionaire Twitter CEO Elon Musk endorsed Republicans for the midterm election cycle on Monday, telling voters to cast ballots for a Republican Congress.

Musk’s announcement comes months after he first announced plans to vote Republican earlier this year. He argued Monday that having a government split between two parties is ideal, and noted President Biden’s possession of the White House for Democrats before saying Congress should go to Repubilicans.

“To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic,” Musk wrote.

Musk’s endorsement follows through on his vow to vote Republican in May.

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Elon Musk: ‘I recommend voting for a Republican Congress’

‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star John Schneider explains why Hollywood won’t make patriotic films: ‘You have the power’

Schneider, who famously played Bo Duke in the classic sitcom, is starring in ‘To Die For,’ which honors patriotism and freedom

By Stephanie Nolasco | Fox News

‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star John Schneider explains why Hollywood won’t make patriotic films
The actor is starring in a new film titled ‘To Die For,’ which he said has been resonating with veterans feeling overlooked in America.

John Schneider refuses to back down.

The actor, who famously played Bo Duke in the hit sitcom “Dukes of Hazzard,” is starring in a new patriotic film titled “To Die For,” which was directed and produced independently without major studio backing.

The storyline follows reclusive veteran Quint North (Schneider), who takes a public stand for his personal freedoms after receiving a court order to keep his American flag-flying El Camino truck away from a local high school. The 62-year-old told Fox News Digital the film defends patriotism, freedom of speech and the American flag.

John Schneider's new film, "To Die For," premiered on Oct. 20.
John Schneider’s new film, “To Die For,” premiered on Oct. 20. (Maven Entertainment)

“I had been made aware of an article where a man had been put in jail because he refused to take the flag off the back of his truck,” said Schneider. “I read the article, and it said he had a restraining order against him, so he couldn’t drive within a certain distance from the [local] high school with the flag on his truck… [My wife and I] are big supporters of our military and our law enforcement. And I thought, now is the time to make a movie about this guy. I don’t know about you, but as I drive around the country, I see more and more people with the American flag flying from the back of… their pickup trucks.”


“I wanted to make a movie not about that individual guy, but that kind of guy who is willing to go to jail in order to continue to express his First Amendment right of free speech,” Schneider continued. “The second notion was this movie has got to come out before the midterm elections in 2022… so that it will urge people who are, for some reason, timid or quiet to speak their mind… No matter what, the movie had to come out on Oct. 20 to give enough lead time so that people could see it before voting in November.”

Schneider, a proud conservative and Trump supporter, shared that the film has already made a bold statement among viewers.

Actor and country singer John Schneider also makes his own films.
Actor and country singer John Schneider also makes his own films. (Jim Steinfeldt/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

“A friend of mine said all the right people are aggravated,” he chuckled. “But all the right people are also encouraged and enthused and invigorated by it. So as we say in the car business, ‘It’s firing on all eight.’”

According to the star, “To Die For” was made with a crew of under 10 people over the last 10 months. He also never approached Hollywood directors with the script.

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‘Dukes of Hazzard’ star John Schneider explains why Hollywood won’t make patriotic films: ‘You have the power’

FIRST ON FOX: Crist claims he’s ‘trustworthy’ after his former staff, colleagues endorse DeSantis

Fox News Digital spoke with Crist following his heated debate with DeSantis

By Brandon Gillespie , Andrew Murray | Fox News

Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist on Tuesday described himself as “a trustworthy person” despite a number of his former staffers and colleagues announcing they would be supporting his opponent, incumbent Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, for re-election.

In an interview with Fox News Digital just one day following his fiery debate with DeSantis, the former Republican governor pushed back on the notion that he was untrustworthy for changing his political party affiliation multiple times, arguing that the GOP had left him rather than the other way around.

Crist was a Republican until 2010 before unsuccessfully running for Senate that year as an independent, and then ultimately winning election to Congress in 2016 as a Democrat. He resigned his congressional seat in August after winning the Democratic gubernatorial primary.

“I am a trustworthy person. I follow my heart,” Crist told Fox when asked if his shifting alliances were evidence of political opportunism.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist during the Florida debate in Fort Pierce, Florida, on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022. (Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

“I did change political parties, because my party left me. I didn’t leave it. It started with the rise of the Tea Party, and then it metastasized under Trump, and here’s where we are today, where you got people who are denying elections getting nominated by the Republican Party for offices all over America. It’s a mess,” he added.

In a letter released Tuesday, a number of Crist’s former staffers and colleagues, including his ex-chief of staff George LeMieux and his former lieutenant governor, Jeff Kottkamp, wrote that DeSantis was the “clear” choice for governor.

“The undersigned represent former colleagues and staff of Charlie Crist. Together, we have known Charlie in virtually all phases of his career and public life,” the letter read. 

“The choice this November could not be more clear: we unanimously endorse Governor Ron DeSantis for re-election,” it read.

“Governor DeSantis has delivered for Florida. He has led our state with courage and conviction. He has demonstrated his ability to lead us through difficult times. We stand with Governor DeSantis because the stakes are too high,” it added.

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FIRST ON FOX: Crist claims he’s ‘trustworthy’ after his former staff, colleagues endorse DeSantis


by Carrie K. Hutchens

Dear Radical Lib,

You annoy me and that is saying it politely and mildly. Actually, in truth, you spend a great deal of time making me furious and regretting that I saw or heard what you falsely claim. You see, I have no tolerance for gaslighters or indoctrinated puppets that are so vicious and willing to spread lies about others. BAMN is not a righteous cause. It is anything but. And if you have difficulty comprehending that to be true, perhaps you should spend some time asking yourself how you would feel if someone disagreed with you and, for no other reason than disagreeing, decided they should destroy you by any means necessary. Yes, ask yourself how you would feel if you were wrongly on the other end of it all? And while you ask yourself that question, don’t be smug and think it can’t ever happen to you, because… actually… it could.

I have come to not like a great many people, but I would NEVER lie about any of them. Nor would I stand by and let a lie about them pass, if I knew about it and had chance (means) to respond and set the record straight. That’s how it should be. A disagreement should never be won by lie and neither should an election, court case or any other situation.

Truth and honor should matter to everyone, including the radical lib, but it doesn’t seem to.

Likewise, truth and honor should definitely matter to the media that was once anointed as a special, and honored, group entrusted to hold the government accountable. However, that concept has become a joke as it – the MSM – appears to be little more than a propaganda mill for the Democrats and radical libs.

What a shame when such trusted groups become the distrusted.

To say the very least, I’m tired of the liars and especially tired of the liars calling the truth-tellers liars and trying to wrongly destroy them. It’s old. It’s time it is stopped. It’s time you, the radical libs, are held accountable for your wrongful behavior. With that said, I don’t believe you should be held accountable in a wrongful manner. I don’t suggest you should be doxxed or be cancelled or lied about to get back at you for what you have done. On the contrary, I suggest that only the truth be used to identify your wrongs and that you are treated justly.

It’s more than you have given others, but what should be given to all, including you.

May today be the day you wake up and take steps to be the honorable person you have the ability to become.



Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

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