Forget the baseball, I’ll have me a nacho instead!
Category Archives: Blogs
Why Does My “Invisible Friend” Bother You So Much
I can’t help but wonder why my “Invisible Friend” bothers you so very much. It isn’t as though I’m requiring you to talk to him, nor do I drag you to church and force you to sit next to me in the pew pretending you are. So just what is it that so upsets you about me having my “Invisible Friend” that you have to mock and insult and try to take away anything that might remind you that there are many people, who are friends with my “Invisible Friend”?
Do you likewise mock the people who are acting rude and lewd in public, or do you cheer them on and defend their right to flaunt their sexuality all over the place? Oh, that’s right, instead you mock my “Invisible Friend” and me for daring to feel the public display is inappropriate.
Do you likewise mock the Muslims for their Islamic beliefs and for having an “Invisible Friend”, too? I didn’t think so. You wouldn’t dare. You’re too chicken to mock them, because you know some don’t take such mockery lightly and do play for keeps and forever. So, instead, you spend your energy lecturing that everyone should be tolerant and embrace a Mosque being built at the Twin Tower site or some other such place that might be considered an insult to some non-Muslims, while demanding the Ten Commandment tablet be removed immediately from the public square.
I don’t force you to stand with me and talk to my “Invisible Friend”, but you strive to silence my ability to talk with him or about him, except in the shadows hidden from your sight and hearing.
What is it that makes you willing to embrace anything non-Christian and destroy anything that is? What is it that makes you so desperately in need of destroying all the reminders of my “Invisible Friend”? Why not consider it art and mythology and leave it at that? What is it that you fear — that perhaps my invisible friend isn’t a myth after all?
Common Sense vs The Now Common Behavior
It appears that the Holder Fast & Furious contempt case remains on hold, as everyone waits on a judge’s ruling.
So does that mean that Holder is on leave pending the outcome?
If a cashier was caught stealing from his boss, would the boss leave him at the cash register, until a judge ruled on his guilt or innocence?
If a nurse was caught harming patients, would the supervisor keep scheduling the accused to work shifts caring for patients, while waiting on a judge to rule?
If a fast food employee was caught poisoning food, would the boss keep him preparing and serving food, while waiting on a judge to make a decision?
If a police officer was caught stopping cars and robbing the drivers, would the Police Chief keep the officer on traffic duty, as a judge ponders a decision?
If a prosecutor was caught doctoring evidence, would he be allowed to handle cases, while waiting on a judge to rule on his?
Then why is Eric Holder acting as Attorney General and making decisions on who will and won’t be prosecuted for whatever his heart desires, while someone waits on a judge to rule?
Does this then mean that the boss, knowing what Holder has been caught doing, is complicit or is it short-sightedness? Either way, there is a question we all should ask and ponder upon…
Where is the common sense in this now common behavior? Do we simply accept that there is none and go on about our business?
What do you think?
Embarrassed Yet: The People Want to Know
Well, Congress, many things have been left up to you as representatives of “We the People”. Sadly, many of you did it your way in spite of all the outcries and questions that loomed right in front of you. The people weren’t smart enough. The people weren’t aware of all the facts. The people were over-reacting. The politics and political careers out-weighed any of the bad stuff the people might be enduring. And that is only a portion of it all and many of you know it.
It is to the many of you that I address this…
You are in Washington, DC and you didn’t know (or believe) the IRS was targeting the Tea Party or Christian groups?
You didn’t know about the New Black Panthers intimidating voters and that it was ignored?
You didn’t have a clue about Fast & Furious?
You didn’t know that video line was a hoax, when an excuse was thrown out there for the Benghazi attack and the failure to act?
You didn’t know about the spying on journalists?
You didn’t know about problems with NSA, until Snowden announced it to the world?
You didn’t know that Holder was held in contempt?
You didn’t know the president wrongly inserted himself into the Professor Gates & Trayvon Martin cases, stirring racial tension?
You didn’t know that no one was allowed to disagree with the president or his administration least they be called racist?
You didn’t know that Sandy Hook — a tragedy — was utilized for political gain and an attempt to gun grab?
You didn’t know that people were bragging about having voted more than once?
You didn’t know that Henry Reid campaigned against Romney with an untruth when he claimed the candidate hadn’t paid taxes?
Where were you that you didn’t know these and other things that happened on your watch?
The world has been watching.
The world has been paying attention.
The world has been wondering at your lack of integrity and backbone.
Are you embarrassed yet?
You should be!
Mom Doesn’t Quietly Take It
People have gotten way out of hand with their Political Correctness! It’s time to get back to rational thought!
Stop the Bullying: The One-sided Affair
I’m not going to mince words. I’m tired of the radical agenda driven peoples, claiming special consideration for gay teens, while then claiming they are fighting “bullying” of teens. No, you aren’t. You are fighting the bullying of specific groups — not bullying itself.
That’s wrong!
That’s as wrong as the act of bullying.
Let’s have some real discussion here…
Gay teens are bullied? Only gay teens? Yeah, right!
If the supposed grown-ups would fight the act of bullying — then it would be a fight to stop bullying of all. That would include gays. However, when only gays are the protected group of kids — it not only leaves out the other bullied kids, it adds to those who are. It is, after all, a protection at the expense of others. What part of this picture can’t these activists see or comprehend? Or, is it that it doesn’t matter to them? Is it that it doesn’t fit their true agenda of promotion?
It doesn’t matter if gay teens have been bullied for a hundred years — so have the nerds and others — that doesn’t make this wrongness any righter.
A woman said to me that it is a matter of “respect”. Yeah, and people should be taught to be respectful just because they should be respectful. There should be no need to isolate the gays into some special group that everyone must respect, while not demanding the same respect for all others be returned.
I tried to make the point to one person, that teens, who do not believe in open sexuality, should not be forced to “embrace” open homosexuality. They shouldn’t be forced to take part in things such as “Gay Pride Day”, or, if they are, that they are then the ones being bullied. And we don’t get this because?
Oh, it doesn’t fit the true agenda?
From what I have seen of Gay Pride parades, it is a show of perversion — and a demand of that “in your face” perversion being accepted or else — not individuals attempting to show they are like everyone else. Nope! It’s shock and hostility at it’s best.
It appears that teens are being taught they have a “right” to be rude and lewd in public. It appears they are being taught that if someone is offended by the public rude and lewd behavior, that person is an intolerant enemy to be punished. After all, how dare someone think “certain behavior” is inappropriate in public no matter who is involved in the performance?
A man once told me that all he and his activist friends wanted was to be treated equally. Fine, then accept the consequences equally for the “behavior” that is not acceptable in a public setting. Stop doing the “in your face, I dare you to say or do anything” actions, while then crying intolerance because someone was offended. Stop demanding special treatment, especially at the expense of others.
Not everyone likes my hair color or the way I wear it. Are they intolerant? Shouldn’t they be forced to love it? Shouldn’t we have a Carrie’s Hair Day at school each year? That will force everyone to be more tolerant of my hair, won’t it? Ridiculous? Well, so is a day celebrating homosexuality.
It’s one thing to teach teens they are special and to be there for them during those rough years, but quite another to indoctrinate them into the world of hostility and victimhood, and suggesting they now have rights they don’t afford others. They have the right to be intolerant while demanding tolerance. They have a right to behave in public as though they walked out of an XXX rated movie, while in a “G” public setting. That’s wrong! That’s simply wrong!
If I saw a teen (or anyone) being bullied, I would step-in (or call for help) to stop it. I wouldn’t even be thinking “why” the bullying was taking place. That’s because I see bullying as wrong regardless of the victim of it. Not so for some of those I speak of. These so-called righteous activists, seem to think it’s quite okay to bully the Christian teens because they don’t want to take part in something they feel is offensive — a Sex Day at school — while supposedly crying out against bullying.
I don’t see these activists, I speak of, doing the kids any favors at all. They aren’t teaching kids self-respect and how to be respectful to others. They are teaching hate, hostility, victim-hood, lewdness, rudeness, self-centeredness, blindness,deafness, intolerance, disrespect for self and a life centered around “sex”, rather than centered around self and all that the person can be. Sex first — all else later, if ever.
Yes, let’s stop the bullying, some activists say, as though the ONLY victims are, or have ever been, gay teens. Yes, let’s stop the bullying for ALL, unless they happen to be Christian teens (for example), who don’t want to take part in a celebration of sexuality (that has no business being in the school experience anyway). Now, in that case, it is quite okay to bully them, call them names and demand they give up their beliefs or else. Yep, that’s different. It’s also why this is a one-sided affair. An affair that has little to do with an attempt to stop bullying because bullying is wrong in and of itself, but rather — stop the bullying of a select group ONLY, even if it is at the expense of other teens.
Yes, these activists worry so much about the “bullying of teens” and how it so negatively impacts them. Well, if they are gay teens that is. Christian teens being bullied and vilified is, in this one-sided affair, quite a different story. So, I guess this alleged “anti-bullying” movement isn’t really about “anti-bullying” after all, is it?
Write Fearlessly!
A few years into my career as a fulltime freelance writer, I got a phone call from an editor. I had written several books for her in the past, and she liked my work.
“Jim,” she said, “are you sitting down? I have a celebrity autobiography I want you to co-write, and you just won’t believe who you’ll be working with.”
She said the name of a celebrity. She clearly expected me to be thrilled.
I had no idea who this person was.
Nevertheless, I managed to sound properly impressed. After all, it had been a long time since my last paycheck, and I needed the job.
As she explained the project to me, I felt a tingle of dread. I had never written a book like this before. I didn’t know if I could pull it off. But I had to pull it off. I had a family to feed and a mortgage to pay. I took the job.
By the time I flew out to meet with the celebrity, I knew his story inside and out, and I was able to ask hundreds of intelligent interview questions. The guy was very impressed with my knowledge. He never suspected that, just a few weeks earlier, I had never heard of him. It was an enjoyable book to write, and having that book on my résumé helped me line up many more celebrity gigs.
The moral of the story: Take risks. Accept new challenges, even if you aren’t sure you can pull them off. Step into the unknown and write fearlessly. You’ll be glad you did.
As writers, we have many fears, insecurities, and self-doubts. But writers can’t afford to be ruled by fear. We have to be fearless. As Anne Rice said, “If you’re writing, you need courage, you need faith in yourself that’s as strong as any talent you may possess.”
First, we need to overcome self-doubt, the fear that we don’t really have what it takes to be a writer. John Gardner said, “Nothing is harder for the developing writer than overcoming his anxiety that he is fooling himself.” Self-doubt is a universal writer’s affliction. All great writers have doubted themselves. They became great by persistently continuing to write in spite of their doubts.
John Steinbeck battled intense self-doubt while writing The Grapes of Wrath. “My many weaknesses are beginning to show their heads,” he wrote in his journal. “‘I’m not a writer. I’ve been fooling myself.'” Despite Steinbeck’s doubts, the novel he agonized over went on to win the Pulitzer Prize and helped him secure the Nobel Prize for literature. So focus on your dreams and goals, not your doubts. Keep writing.
Second, we need to overcome the fear of exposing our souls to the world. Anne Sexton won the Pulitzer for her deeply personal poems about her struggles with relationships and depression. Yet her fears nearly kept her from becoming a poet. As a student, she was so afraid of exposing her poems to criticism that she couldn’t bring herself to register for a poetry workshop taught by a renowned poet. So she had a friend register for her. The poet at the workshop liked her work and opened doors for her in the publishing world. Within a few years, Anne Sexton became one of the most honored poets in the world. But first she had to conquer her fears.
Novelist Erica Jong once admitted, “I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged. . . . I was afraid to take risks.” Don’t listen to your fears. Take risks. Write bravely.
Third, we need to overcome the fear of getting started. Before Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez could sell 30 million copies of One Hundred Years of Solitude and win the Nobel Prize for literature, he had to work up the courage to write the first line. “All my life,” he said, “I’ve been frightened at the moment I sit down to write.”
I once taught a writer’s workshop and a young woman came to me afterward and said, “I just can’t get started. I know what I want to write about. But when I try to write the perfect opening line, nothing comes to me. Without a great first sentence, I can’t write the rest of the story.”
Let me share with you the advice I gave her. I told her that her fear of starting came from unhealthy perfectionism. Sure, the first sentence is important—but it doesn’t have to be the first thing you write. Why not save your first sentence for last? Write the first draft all the way through—and by the time you’re done, a brilliant opening line may occur to you. Just get the words down any way you can. As Nora Roberts has said, “I can fix a bad page. I can’t fix a blank page.”
If you are a perfectionist, it’s time to give yourself permission to write badly. Loosen up! Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to get it perfect. Have fun with your writing. Play with words. Write quickly—a fast, messy, joyful, exuberant first draft. Sure, it will be filled with typos and some bad sentences—but it will also have energy and compelling honesty. (For more information on how to write brilliantly by writing faster, see my new ebook Writing in Overdrive.) Give yourself permission to write badly, and soon you’ll be writing quickly and brilliantly.
Fourth, we need to overcome the fear of rejection and failure. We fear putting our work in front of editors and readers. We are terrified that they will condemn our work—and us with it.
In 1983, Margaret Atwood rented a fisherman’s cottage on the English seacoast. She went there to write her sixth novel, a complex dystopian tale. She soon discovered that the sheer scope of the project intimidated her. She spent the first six months at that seaside cottage bird-watching, reading bad novels, and suffering from the cold damp weather. Throughout that time, she didn’t write a single sentence.
Finally, frustrated with herself for procrastinating so long, she took action. She began to write. She started by writing fragments of the story. She sketched in characters, wrote a few patches of dialogue. At first, nothing hung together—but at least she was doing something. After a few more months, she finally achieved her goal. She had written the first draft of what would eventually be her most acclaimed and successful novel, The Handmaid’s Tale.
The only way to beat the fear of rejection and failure is to bulldoze your way through it by sheer force of will. You must write. And what do you do when you receive a rejection slip? You write some more!
“It does help,” Neil Gaiman observed, “to have the sort of crazed ego that doesn’t allow for failure. The best reaction to a rejection slip is a sort of wild-eyed madness, an evil grin, and sitting yourself in front of the keyboard muttering ‘Okay, you #&@$%s. Try rejecting this!’ and then writing something so unbelievably brilliant that all other writers will disembowel themselves with their pens upon reading it, because there’s nothing left to write.”
We writers must learn to face our fears and embrace our fears. We must dare to do the thing we fear. We must acknowledge the fear—but take risks anyway. Every time you do something challenging and scary, and you succeed, you ratchet your confidence up another notch. “Do the thing you fear,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson, “and the death of fear is certain.”
So ignore your self-doubt. Discard your perfectionism. Write brilliantly, submit your work, and dare any editor to reject it. Live courageously, and write fearlessly.
Jim Denney is a writer with more than 100 published books to his credit, including the Timebenders science-fantasy series. He has just released an inspiring new Kindle ebook for writers, Writing in Overdrive: Write Faster, Write Freely, Write Brilliantly. He has written books with supermodel Kim Alexis, Star Trek actress Grace Lee Whitney, and two Super Bowl champions, quarterback Bob Griese and “The Minister of Defense,” Reggie White. He has co-written many books with Pat Williams (co-founder of the Orlando Magic), including Leadership Excellence and The Difference You Make. Jim is a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Follow Jim on Twitter at @WriterJimDenney, and follow his blog at
Here to help, Clive?
Raising Funds for Clive!
Thank you & God Bless!
Dark Ravens Rise
Dark ravens rise in mocking flight as snarls do hiss and serpents coil. There is no babe in comfort held. All lies are truth and truth are lies. The cries of old in silence held. A mother’s arms no longer are. A babe in life now twists in death – the hope all gone… no breath to see… cold stillness of pain surpassed … tomorrows to never be.
The naked womb in haunted shame, echoes cries of tortured screams. How often did the baby plead for a mother’s arms to stop the deed and simply give a chance to be?
Did she know?… did she care?… was there a moment she thought to dare and give a chance for this little life to be?
Or… did the lies rise up to snare still another doubting soul in guise of right and righteousness that is not so and few do see?
A right that makes it good to take a little life in glee breeds serpents tongues and crickets shame to sing upon the world of he and all that be.
A tiny soul in limbo rests while memories haunt and deeds devour the inhumane of selfish ways whose dark voices cry in thought of only “me” and “my” and “I”.
There is no rest for tortured ones as they desperately do wander in search… always in search… of what they can not find… nor ever shall, you see. For it was a tiny soul clinging to a cold womb who held the light and sparked the fire of what we call humanity.
Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2013 – All Rights Reserved
In One We Are No More
The picture painted to distort and deceive, it’s nothing such as it ever seems.
The words of old twisted and rushed, say so much and mean so little.
The world of hope a ploy conceived and given as a gem none shall ever see.
No time to beckon. No time to cry. It’s over now. No dreams remain. What was is not and what was not is. The confusion and delusions invade and become, as tomorrow is forgotten and the future becomes void in a clone of only one.
None beyond one.
Only one.
Just one to be and behold.
A spirit rages. It speaks and demands.
Alas, the plan of one is dimming in the light.
We are no more as once we were, but neither are we one as they wished us to be. For there is a gem to see and a gem to be as we become the nightmare of the collective ones, who now have learned — our souls are our own and never for sale, nor a gift given unto them ever this day, nor even beyond.
Yes, our souls are our own, as they, in conclusion and confusion, walk sadly away from us as one and only one, for in their world of singleness there are none beyond one.
Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2013 – All Rights Reserved
Dark Cloaks & Puddles
Anger cloaks me in a dark passion of corrupt thoughts and evil visions untold. No day is absent of dissent and the twisted fate of melting dreams and hope scorched in vile slime of failure.
The sun no longer shines in the brilliance that whispers “One of these days…”
Instead, it is another day… just another day like all others. A day of anxiety. A day of desperation. A day of searching… begging… pleading. Simply a day. Yes, a day simply of shadows and demons and old memories that haunt and beckon my defeat and utter destruction.
Clouds roll in to meet my mood. Thunder rumbles. Lightning flickers. Rain gently begins to sprinkle the thirsting, cracked and parched ground. Its rhythm is soothing as a lullaby to a wee one, with whispers of hope and loving comfort. Birds sing along in delight and bathe happily in little puddles made just for they on this simple day that rests within the harsh ones that have come before and the ones that will come after. But for today… just this day… there are puddles to play in, and a freshness in the air that invites and embraces, as the dark clouds roll on their way with the thunder rumbling somewhere in the distance of someone else’s day.
So little… so little it takes to delight God’s tiny creatures and bring songs of joy to their simple day. A simple day with lessons that beckon and give me pause to remove the cloak of anger at least for today… this simple day… this day of puddles and lullabies and crisp, fresh smells of a new beginning given simply because it was.
Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2013 – All Rights Reserved
Almost Breaking News: Need to raise money to help…
Dear “Truly Appreciated” Reader:
I’m trying to help raise money for someone in need of medical tests, treatment & expenses. If you need help with proofreading or updating your blog, for example, please consider me for the job. Just tell me what you need done and how much you are willing to pay for the project, and I’ll quickly get back to you, as to whether I can accept your offer or not.
Those who wish to simply donate a few dollars can do so here at Carrie’s Take, too.
Life is rough out there, and I know many are struggling to get by, so I
don’t ask for this consideration lightly. Your help, whether by
donation or business offer, will be truly appreciated now and
May Blessings Be Yours Always,
Raising Funds for Clive!
Thank you & God Bless!
When the Information was Wrong: The Inaccurate Public Conviction of George Zimmerman
On February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, life ended for one young man and life forever changed for many more. There is no turning back. There are no second chances. A young man is dead and another young man faces the results of decisions they both made that day.
While we can’t take back how things played out with the Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman encounter or anything that led up to those final moments of life-death changing events, we do have a responsibility of calling the media, our president, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Black Panthers and a few others to account for their irresponsible responses, reporting and race baiting behavior thereafter.
Turns out that, Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic”, is not only nearly as Black in heritage as our president, if not completely so — he was raised under the influence of a half-black grandmother, rather than, a white grandma as Obama was.
Well, who would have thought such to be a possibility while listening to the original reports of it all?
It appears the president and Al & buddies didn’t.
Amazing how some major players of race-baiting have all run from the story, or so it seems.
The media being so irresponsible as to unjustly inflame, is beyond belief.
It used to be that the media sought out the truth and facts, but in the Martin-Zimmerman case, didn’t we see video that supposedly suggested that Zimmerman was not injured, when in fact he was?
Haven’t we often heard that Zimmerman “disobeyed” the dispatcher, when, in fact, the tape has the dispatcher saying something to the effect, “We don’t need you to do that.” and Zimmerman calmly responding, “Okay.” Yes, haven’t we heard that conversation followed by lack of heavy breathing… meaning that Zimmerman was neither running after ,nor walking swiftly, after anyone.? Yet, that bit of misinformation suggesting that Zimmerman disobeyed the dispatcher continues to follow the story. Why?
I can only suppose the “why’s”!
Without there being racism and racial profiling, this may have merely been a tragic story that was nothing more than a misunderstanding between two people. A story that might have been reported briefly and stuffed into the history files of all the other sad things that have happened to people more often than we would like to think. That’s what it could have been. But none of those possibilities mattered as Al Sharpton, the president and all those others jumped in and made a bad situation even worse.
Let’s not forget NBC’s edited version of the 911 tape that makes it appear that Zimmerman is saying that he is suspicious of Martin, because the teenager is black. The tape was edited. That ISN’T how the conversation went. Yet, people are still relying upon that bogus version and holding George Zimmerman guilty because of it.
How does NBC plan on remedying the wrongful results that rest with their wrongful actions?
Once a lie or bad information is out there, it is out there. Some will consider the original information to be gospel and refuse to consider any thought word or deed that counters the holy words of the first to speak and report. Of course, how hard do those reporters, agencies or officials try to correct their original misinformation and even outright lies? Do they repeat their misdeeds and misreporting every few minutes such as they repeat the sensationalized story headlines they create?
Read the full article at the American Clarion where it was originally published:
When the Information was Wrong: The Inaccurate Public Conviction of George Zimmerman
Krauthammer: Higher Education
Control the education – control the information – control the minds!
Fox News’ Ed Henry Asks White House About ‘Three African American’ Suspects in Chris Lane Murder
This is very telling!
Judge Jeanine: “Mr. President, George Bush was MORE Popular In the Arab World
I don’t think Judge Jeanine is very impressed with Obama & his administration!
Mysterious priest miraculously appears, disappears at crash scene
Miracles do happen as angels walk among us!
CBS’ Bob Schieffer Slams ‘Sickening’ Weiner
Remember when politicians at least had to pretend not to take part in perverted acts, if they wished to be accepted by the public?
Krauthammer: Obama ‘Reinjected’ Race Into Zimmerman Controversy
A question to the guilty media & celebrities…
When race isn’t an issue, just say it is anyways!?!?
Rep. Steve King Says It Quite Well
Where is the racial profiling proof?
Why doesn’t the evidence matter?
Time to get back to rational thought!
The question & statement was not ridiculous, Jay Carney
No, Jay Carney, that young man’s question & statement was not ridiculous!