Neighbor hailed a hero after rescuing toddlers from burning apartment

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. – Neighbors at one Independence apartment complex are calling 50-year-old Michael Thomas a “hero.” FOX 4′s Robert Townsend talked to Thomas about how he rescued two toddlers just in the nick of time!

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Neighbor hailed a hero after rescuing toddlers from burning apartment

HS English Teacher Slams Common Core Standards in Resignation Letter

In a viral blog post, a Colorado public school teacher resigned from her position as a high school English teacher in protest to Common Core standards. Pauline Hawkins wrote in part:

“I can no longer be a part of a system that continues to do the exact opposite of what I am supposed to do as a teacher – I am supposed to help them think for themselves, help them find solutions to problems, help them become productive members of society. Instead, the emphasis on Common Core Standards and high-stakes testing is creating a teach-to-the-test mentality for our teachers and stress and anxiety for our students. Students have increasingly become hesitant to think for themselves because they have been programmed to believe that there is one right answer that they may or may not have been given yet. That is what school has become: A place where teachers must give students “right” answers, so students can prove (on tests riddled with problems, by the way) that teachers have taught students what the standards have deemed are a proper education.”

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HS English Teacher Slams Common Core Standards in Resignation Letter

Madness Steals the Morning Light

destructionThe suffocating madness steals the morning light and bids all children to follow into its darkness of the damned.  A darkness cold and blinding to all that is and has ever been.  A darkness mocking and shrill in the deceit it drapes wildly in foul disdain for any truth that hints to bless the day.

Laughter touches the breeze, but only for a brief whisper of eternity.  Only for a moment.  Only until the realization dashes the haunting smile of the herders of delusion.  The herders who awaken in the late of day to realize they, too, are nothing more than the slaughtered self.  The self drained and molded into a one-thought pool of confused and withered illusion of the conquered masses, and not worthy of the pedestal of the elite of deception.

One might mock the awakening of they, the alleged enlightened, if it were not for the destruction and death filling the air of a world once alive, thriving and proud — now crumbled into unrecognizable ruin.  Instead, sadness overwhelms as desperation reigns in a clutch of loss and hopelessness.  There is no more.  The elite of deceit created the chaos to ensure a kingdom of power and control, but now there is nothing left to rule nor decisions to be made by their sliding hand.  The sought after kingdom sucked into the quicksand designed for the lowly, has become the tomb to encase and reward the delusional rulers who could not see the madness in their thoughts and the devastation of their actions.

Once upon a time, the elite of deception believed themselves above all and entitled to all they wished and dreamed to be.  Now, they fight among themselves to merely survive in the crazed world created by their fanatic lies and selfish movement to destroy the society of the people and mold it into their perception of ideal.  An ideal birthed and now out-of-control and devouring without discrimination.  For it has come to be that no one is safe, not even the elite of deception, who set the madness into motion to feed their greed and bless their arrogance.  An arrogance that madness feasted upon in utter delight, leaving behind wild eyes full of hideous terror and agonizing confusion.

Now, the elite of deception slither in the darkness praying to be spared, but it shall not be.  For the monster they created, shall their destruction seek.  As it was empowered by they, it, too, feels entitled to all it wishes and dreams for he.  It is after all — the power of deception and lies, who knows no friends and holds no loyalty to any — not even to they now in the shadows of madness of their own deceit and delusion.  Not even they.

Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Frustrated Father Writes Note in Response to Common Core Assignment ‘On Steroids’

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Frustrated Father Writes Note in Response to Common Core Assignment ‘On Steroids’

In my opinion: Complicated, when unnecessary, is about as stupid as driving clear across town & back to a store a few blocks away because the directions on the internet are from a starting point on the other side of town.

Open the floodgates? Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core

Common core IndianaINDIANAPOLIS – Indiana has become the first of 45 states to opt out of the national education standard known as Common Core, and critics of the controversial K-12 program say the move could “open the floodgates” for others to follow.

Growing criticism over costs imposed by the program, as well as fears that by setting a national education standard, the program has already begun dictating curriculum, has made Common Core an increasingly polarizing issue. Although the program has both Republican and Democrat supporters, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence predicted his state will be the first of many to rethink participation.

“I believe when we reach the end of this process there are going to be many other states around the country that will take a hard look at the way Indiana has taken a step back, designed our own standards and done it in a way where we drew on educators, we drew on citizens, we drew on parents and developed standards that meet the needs of our people,” Pence said.

The Common Core State Standards Initiative, originally drafted by state education superintendents working with the National Governors Association, and since embraced by the Obama administration, seeks to impose a national standard for achievement among K-12 students. Some states began implementation this year, with the majority slated to begin in the fall.

But several states are seeing a backlash against participation, which was typically approved as long as five years ago. Jim Stergios, executive director of the nonpartisan, Boston-based think tank Pioneer Institute, said the Hoosier State’s move could “open the floodgates.”

“Indiana, under [Republican Gov.] Mitch Daniels, was one of the early proponents of Common Core, even the poster child,” Stergios told “By pulling out, it sends a strong signal to other states, particularly red states, that, ‘Hey, if they can do this, then why can’t we?'”

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Open the floodgates? Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core

I can’t believe you made it!

I can’t believe you made it!

Amazing how everyone survived the good ole days when kids were kids, being accountable for one’s own actions was expected, and being able to admit to being wrong — was considered honorable and a sign of strength!
Amazing indeed!
Oh, for the good ole days — may they return and may that return be soon!