Right for Me & Thee

IMGA00331Desperation embraces the moment giving chill to hope and igniting the flames of fear to greet the day!  How can this be?  Where did the angels go as I walk alone among the vile destruction laid before me?  Where did they hide as all dreams faded into the night where mocking laughter devoured the chances of tomorrow in a feast of hideous pleasure?

 I look to the sun for guidance through the pit of darkness and find only heavy clouds to burden the moment and forbidding even the faintest of rays to brush against the fleeting breath.  How can this be?  Where has the light gone as I stumble in the pit of evil hearts and deeds slung into the paths given to me as mine and thine?  Where did it hide as hope was stomped into suffocation of their seductive dance of pure deceit?

I cannot know where the light of good has gone, but neither can I flee all that is and has to be.

Slowly… ever so slowly… I look to the heavens, my whisper low and humble, as I beg for His mercy and cry for His army of truth to embrace all of the tears, fears and lonely years bestowed upon this life traveled by me and thee.

Does He hear me?  Shall there be an answer of light or is it too late for my prayers to reach the heavens and His gentle heart?  I cannot know.  Not today.  Not in the dreary moment resting in the depths of evil’s womb, but perhaps tomorrow or in a day.  Yes, perhaps tomorrow shall shine in all the glory of possibilities and blessings touched by His hand of love for me and thee.

Yes, perhaps tomorrow, or even in the moment before, I must believe, for He is the God of all times and His miracles are His to give and are controlled by no man nor evil that walks upon this earth.  He shall say and it shall be whatever is right on this day, as we travel through the harsh battlefield to reach and embrace the wonders of the life given by He just for me and thee!

God bless me and thee and all the wonders that be — even the ones we do not see — as we travel the path and come to believe in the hope and light in the embrace given by He!

(c) 2011 – 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

Tormenting & Unforgiving: This is All There is

destruction 3Anger rages within my being as the truth pours forth and I come to know why life has been so tormenting and unforgiving to me.

So much has been unfair and devastating… no chance did I have to make things right or to grasp the golden ring as it flew by me into the hands of another… always another… never me… not once me… not even a single time was it to be.

I’ve cried the tears of many… and begged and pleaded often… only to have cold backs turned to me and the chuckles echoing into the darkness of my mood.

How dare I ask.  How dare I hope.  How dare I even wonder why.

Then comes the answer.  The answer that has always alluded and deluded all that I ever was and am and might have ever been.  I am a victim.  I am a victim and now I know.  No more questions to be asked.  Just some checks to collect and the promise I’ll never try to be anything more than their little toy to nanny and pump their ruling self-indulging pride.

Oh, they… the saviors that have come to save us victims… the victims of their making… do dance in delight and no doubt  toast us each night, as they enjoy all they have denied those not they.  Alas for they, but not for us, one day their reign of twisted thought and selfish gain, shall lead them to the end of their enjoyed stolen reign.

And at the end of that path…

There shall stand the “new” dictators and designers, who will then appoint them the victims to be taunted and denied.  It will then be they that cry and beg, while backs are turned and chuckles heard, as they become the toys to nanny and pump the rulers self-indulging pride.

Yes, it will be they… and rather than a helping hand given… someone will tell them that they are not only victims, but forever victims with no hope to touch their present or their future.  Someone will tell them, “This is all there is.  Give up and enjoy the crumbs we’ll give to you.  You are, after all, a victim of our enemy and a pawn to be played by us and they.”

In thought of what is to come to be… the rage is no longer left in me.

Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Madness Steals the Morning Light

destructionThe suffocating madness steals the morning light and bids all children to follow into its darkness of the damned.  A darkness cold and blinding to all that is and has ever been.  A darkness mocking and shrill in the deceit it drapes wildly in foul disdain for any truth that hints to bless the day.

Laughter touches the breeze, but only for a brief whisper of eternity.  Only for a moment.  Only until the realization dashes the haunting smile of the herders of delusion.  The herders who awaken in the late of day to realize they, too, are nothing more than the slaughtered self.  The self drained and molded into a one-thought pool of confused and withered illusion of the conquered masses, and not worthy of the pedestal of the elite of deception.

One might mock the awakening of they, the alleged enlightened, if it were not for the destruction and death filling the air of a world once alive, thriving and proud — now crumbled into unrecognizable ruin.  Instead, sadness overwhelms as desperation reigns in a clutch of loss and hopelessness.  There is no more.  The elite of deceit created the chaos to ensure a kingdom of power and control, but now there is nothing left to rule nor decisions to be made by their sliding hand.  The sought after kingdom sucked into the quicksand designed for the lowly, has become the tomb to encase and reward the delusional rulers who could not see the madness in their thoughts and the devastation of their actions.

Once upon a time, the elite of deception believed themselves above all and entitled to all they wished and dreamed to be.  Now, they fight among themselves to merely survive in the crazed world created by their fanatic lies and selfish movement to destroy the society of the people and mold it into their perception of ideal.  An ideal birthed and now out-of-control and devouring without discrimination.  For it has come to be that no one is safe, not even the elite of deception, who set the madness into motion to feed their greed and bless their arrogance.  An arrogance that madness feasted upon in utter delight, leaving behind wild eyes full of hideous terror and agonizing confusion.

Now, the elite of deception slither in the darkness praying to be spared, but it shall not be.  For the monster they created, shall their destruction seek.  As it was empowered by they, it, too, feels entitled to all it wishes and dreams for he.  It is after all — the power of deception and lies, who knows no friends and holds no loyalty to any — not even to they now in the shadows of madness of their own deceit and delusion.  Not even they.

Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Mind Games: The Helplessness of Living in this World

I overheard a host on CNN repeating that Ted Cruz had caused the government shutdown.  No, he didn’t.  Harry Reid refused to allow a vote, unless it was his way.  If there couldn’t be a vote, then funding came to an abrupt halt and thus… government shutdown. What part of that don’t people get… or remember?  Or, perhaps in the “entertainment news,” it is merely more of the rewriting of history and convincing people the fake scenario is actually a true one.

How many will believe the fake over the genuine?

Personally, I am quite tired of the mind games and people telling me lies to my face with the insistence that no matter what I know, I am to believe them over my own knowledge, my own witnessing of events and my own remembering.  It’s not like there isn’t video out there that proves my memory goes along with what actually happened.  Yes, it’s true.  We haven’t quite made it to the Orwellian-Land-of-Duh where someone sits in front of a computer screen wiping away actual events from searchable documents and files.   Believe it or not, the truth is still documented for those who care to take a peek or two.

Continue reading at:  American Clarion

Chicago Wants to Include E-Cigs in Smoking Ban?

Ban Nanny RuleThe truth is out, isn’t it?  The smoking ban isn’t strictly about health issues.  We now have proof that it is about “control” and personal preferences of the elite and very little else.  Of course, that should have been obvious when smoking bans included outdoor space where second hand smoke couldn’t possibly affect an innocent bystander, who wasn’t intentionally walking into the line of smoke, but oh well…  Regardless of our failure to see what was right in front of our faces, we have proof of it now.  Yes, now we have proof of the truth as those who think we are stupid, want to include e-Cigs in the smoking ban.

People don’t like smoking and E-Cigs imitate that?  So what?  Why can’t a person have a little break room or go into a toilet stall and enjoy their pretend cigarette?  How does that harm anyone else?  It doesn’t.  So what is the argument?

Let’s hear it.

This ought to be good.

I can’t wait to be told how I need to be protected from harmful whatever.  Of course, if I find it upsetting to see a mother (whom I don’t know) nurse her baby (without being covered up) while I’m trying to eat — that’s too bad?  It has been decreed we have no right to expect common courtesy in that area of co-existence, because someone thinks it is cool for mom’s to nurse and us to be forced to watch, while nasty for people to smoke where we can simply “see” them doing so.  Yeah, seeing that smoke through a window gives us lots of health issues to be concerned about.

There are smoking bans to save the world, even from fake cigarettes.  What a joke.  Save the world?  How about control the world?  That’s more like it.  And here is Chicago right up in the front of the line.

The Chicago City Council’s Joint Finance & Health Committee, with the support of the Mayor’s Office, is planning to hold a hearing on Monday, January 13, 2014, to discuss an ordinance aimed at banning the indoor use of electronic cigarettes anywhere traditional cigarettes are banned.

The full City Council is being pushed to vote on the ordinance January 15, 2014. If passed, the ordinance would change the city code’s definition of “smoking” to include using an electronic smoking device. It would also ban the use of e-cigarettes in public places such as restaurants and bars.

Nanny this and Nanny that!  It’s a situation that will eventually come home to visit us all in ways that some might not suppose as being a possibility.  Time to wake up.  Time to regain our common sense.  Chicago is a good start.


(Footnote:  I’m a non-smoker who is allergic to smoke.)

The Right Thing to Do!… The Right Thing to Do!… The Right Thing to Do!

Give meI am so sick of hearing, “It’s the right thing to do!”… that I could spit nails and talk to the wall!  The only problem is I’d have to wait in line, because the wall’s pretty packed right now with wall-talkers.

Where do these people get the idea that all their ideas are so ideal and you are just a bad person for not going along?  You would if you were a good person, you know, because it’s the right thing to do.  Nooooo!  No, it’s not always the right thing to do.  Sometimes it would be the biggest and dumbest thing in the world to do.  Sometimes it is simply dumb, but that’s good enough for not wanting to do it.

Women need YOU to pay for their birth control pills because that is the right thing to do.  How’s that?  Women can get birth control for little or nothing at Planned Parenthood, so somebody else is already paying for them.  It’s probably YOU, but at least you don’t know it or remember that tax dollar going into PP’s greedy little pockets.  But if a woman can’t get some free pills, she can’t wait for sex, until she does?

Sex.  Sex.  Sex.

Sex on television.  Sex in commercials.  Sex down the street and up the street and even in the park.  And we aren’t even in Pleasureville where their hair is all blown back to announce to the world what they have been up to.  Geez has any of the desperate for sex crowd ever heard about reading a book every now and then?

Don’t get me wrong…

Sex can be a good thing.  It brings new life.  You know, those adorable little bundles with the tiny little features and those little cries that wake us throughout the night… and the day… and whenever we just get to sleep.  But for sex to be the center of the universe and attached to all things at all times… well… that’s a little… a little… shall we say — sick?

Sex isn’t everything.  It’s simply a small part of the big picture.  It isn’t meant to be people’s purpose in life, though I’ve met a few people who would differ with me on that thought.  Nevertheless, if someone is going into actual withdrawals, because he or she has to wait a few days to get a refill on the birth control pills because YOU didn’t pay for them to be had from somewhere other than the free or low cost place — that someone ought to be asking self what’s up with that.  How do they figure you are responsible for making their sex possible?  Oh, I know… ’cause… It’s the right thing to do.”

The right thing to do is to get back to thinking normal.   Normal meaning realization that there is a world out there that doesn’t center around each of us, immediate gratification is not an entitlement, nor are we entitled to avoid the consequences for our actions and lying is not supposed to be in a politician’s job description.

Me… me… me… is way out of style, but some elites seem to be clinging to the old attitude and trying to groom the younger generations to support and be apart of their whiny little, “You must do what I want because… It’s the right thing to do.”

I want.  I want.  I want.

Me.  Me.  Me.

Give me.  Give me.  Give me.

Tantrum.  Tantrum.  Tantrum.

Stomp a foot.  Stomp a foot.  Stomp another foot.

Lie.  Lie.  Lie.

I get.  I get.  I get.

You pay.  You pay.  You pay.

Know why?… this person might ask?  “Because it’s the right thing to do.”  And this person will probably be thinking on in that crazy little way of thinking, “… and I want my way at all costs because what I want is all that matters.  And because it is all that matters — It’s the right thing to do!”

Oh, I hate that saying.  Is there a space for me at the wall yet?

The Dictators of Non-Compassion: Gary Harvey Case and the Unexpected Twist

Moving forward in the Gary Harvey case to still another holiday…

The Dictators of Non-Compassion: Gary Harvey Case and the Unexpected Twist

Sara & Gary Harvey

Sara & Gary Harvey

How long has it been since Gary Harvey fell down those basement stairs? Some days it seems as though it was only yesterday, but it wasn’t. It was January 21, 2006. It has been nearly seven years and little has changed, since the county took over and began their reign of merciless dictatorship.

Oh, Gary & Sara Harvey have gotten seven years older and he is no longer in the nursing home, but a ward connected to St. Joseph Hospital. Only his location has changed, as the desperate and uncalled for battle goes on with the power hungry feeding upon, demeaning, and controlling this husband and wife.

On December 10, 2010, I wrote:

Amazing! I can actually recycle my article as if it was current and remaining accurate. How often does that happen?

Here it is the holiday season of 2010 and Sara Harvey gets a letter from Bryan Maggs, Chemung County Attorney, stating that her visitations with Gary are suspended immediately. Isn’€™t that the same gift they offered last year? I’€™m so impressed with the repeat gift and the timing –” NOT! ( Wife’€™s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Recycling of Gary Harvey’€™s Holiday Restrictions)

Would anyone be surprised to learn that Sara didn’t get to visit Gary on Christmas Day 2012?

It isn’t often that one can continue to recycle articles and pretty much be assured that there is going to be some excuse… some mistake… some problem raising it’s ugly little head and taking away anything that could be considered special for Gary and Sara, especially during this special holiday season. It isn’t often, unless the articles happen to involve Gary and Sara Harvey, Chemung County and St. Joseph Hospital.

Anyone see a pattern?

Continue reading:  The Dictators of Non-Compassion: Gary Harvey Case and the Unexpected Twist

Wife’s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Recycling of Gary Harvey’s Holiday Restrictions

By on December 10th, 2010

Last year, I wrote the following article.

By Carrie K. Hutchens on November 7th, 2009

Gary Harvey is the brain injured man from New York, who seems to have his own private “death panel” determined to kill him off and to make his and his wife’s life as miserable as possible, until the sentence is carried out.  One might think it could get no worse than it has been.  One should never think such thoughts, lest one (or more) be shown that — for however bad — things can actually get worse!

Though it wasn’t Sara sitting on the so-called ethics committee that determined Gary should be starved and dehydrated to death — the Guardian and County (who actually were involved in the attempted death of an innocent person) — have suggested she is a danger to her husband.

Huh?  Did I miss something there?

Hasn’t a DNR been placed on Gary?  If something does go wrong — that’s it, isn’t it?  Those in charge have made it clear they have no intention of lifting a finger to save his life, but yet, it is Gary’s wife, Sara, that is considered the danger to him?

The Twilight Zone has competition!

Let’s see…

It is the Guardian, County, and So-Called Ethics Committee that decided Gary should die, but Sara needs to be supervised when visiting him?  So, what do they think she is going to do to Gary that they need to protect him from?

Certainly can’t be death!

Certainly can’t be torturing him to death by starvation and dehydration!

So just what are the supervised visits suppose to be accomplishing?  What protection are they allegedly providing?  What are they supposedly preventing?

I’m with you — I don’t know either!

I did get word though, that the bills for these questionable supervised visits are being charged to Gary and he is either out of money or running out of money to pay for them.  What does this mean?  No more visits with his wife?  And this is in Gary’s best interest how?

I don’t know who these people are that think they are looking out for Gary Harvey’s best interests, but I certainly wouldn’t want them in charge of looking out for my best interests under any circumstances.

Isolation is a form of torture.  It causes failure to thrive.  So now, when those in control of Gary didn’t get him starved and dehydrated to death, and have not been able to implement the DNR — they are going to deny him his wife’s visits?  Who are they trying to punish?  Gary for being disabled or Sara for fighting to bring her husband home?

One can only wonder!

Amazing!  I can actually recycle my article as  if it was current and remaining accurate.  How often does that happen?

Here it is the holiday season of 2010 and Sara Harvey gets a letter from Bryan Maggs, Chemung County Attorney, stating that her visitations with Gary are suspended immediately.  Isn’t that the same gift they offered last year?  I’m so impressed with the repeat gift and the timing — NOT!

Shame on these people!

If there was a problem, beyond Sara filing various motions with the court, where are the records of the official meetings where the hospital, county, guardian and all the heavy-weight personnel discussed any issues that might bring her to no visitation at Christmas time once again?

The court system is a strategy thing.  Attorneys do this and attorneys do that… and it is all a major game.  But Sara is not allowed to play back, even when the county and guardian and hospital feel free to do whatever and force her into a courtroom to challenge their inappropriate behavior?

If Gary were at home, and someone reported that his care was inappropriate, Sara would have to answer this challenge.  Why would the county, guardian and hospital think they should be beyond the same challenge?  It is, after all,  allegedly their actual job to be an “expert provider” and to provide excellent care in all ways.

If Gary were at home and Sara was starving & dehydrating him to death, the authorities would pull him from the home, put him in “protective custody” and most likely charge her with all kinds of things, including attempted murder.  Why haven’t the county and guardian and hospital been likewise challenged and charged?  Why hasn’t the court pulled them back in to answer why they tried to kill off someone not terminally ill?

If Gary was home with Sara, she could be challenged for this and for that and for anything someone wished to challenge her with, but she wouldn’t be able to simply write a letter and terminate visitation by all these people that thought she was not providing well.  Why then, can all these people so simply terminate her visits with Gary when they have been challenged?

It’s wrong!

It would be wrong no matter what, but it is really wrong that these people decide to terminate visitation during the holiday season.  It says a great deal about them.  It proves, by their actions, that compassion is not something in their list of priorities, yet they claim to have Gary’s best interest in mind?

How often can one recycle an article?

How often can one recycle an article where all one has to do is change the date?

It should make it quite apparent that something is totally wrong in the Harvey case, for one, and the system needs to get things right, rather than allow all this craziness and bullying to wrong the victim and the family that strives to fight to get it all back right.

It should.

Will It?

I don’t know, but is the holiday season a time to take away the moments a wife and husband have together, especially when holidays together are possibly limited by health issues?

I don’t know, but what can Sara Harvey possibly do to Gary Harvey that warrants supervised visits – that outweighs the county’s attempt to kill him off?

Nevertheless, here it is the holidays again… and Sara’s visits with Gary have been terminated once again!

Merry Christmas!

This article was originally published at Dakota Voice.  It can once again be recycled — holiday visits are off!  This year the doctor said either Sara goes or he goes!  Supposedly the guardians and attorneys can’t find a new doctor to replace him, so they booted Sara from visiting her own husband!  Welcome to the New World of cruelty & the power of government!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.

Old News Breaking

Dear “Truly Appreciated” Reader:

hear ye 2I’m still trying to raise money to help a friend pay for medical tests, treatments, meds & other expenses incurred during a medical setback.  If you need help with proofreading or updating your blog, for example, please consider me for the job.  Just tell me what you need done and how much you are willing to pay for the project, and I’ll quickly get back to you, as to whether I can accept your offer or not.

Those who wish to simply donate a few dollars can do so here at Carrie’s Take, too.

Life is rough out there, and I know many are struggling to get by, so I
don’t ask for this consideration lightly.  Your help, whether by
donation or business offer, will be truly appreciated now and

May Blessings Be Yours Always,


 Thank you & God Bless!


Racism… Racism… Racism

wolfOnce upon a time, as the tale goes, there was a boy that cried wolf when there really wasn’t one.  Then one day, he cried wolf because there really was a wolf, but no one paid any attention because of all the times he had duped them.  (Now replace “wolf” with “racism” or “discrimination”.) 

The moral of the story is simple.  Keep throwing the false allegations out there and one day, when the allegation is true, people aren’t going to believe it because it was never true all the other times.  And that is where we are at today.

How dare anyone disagree with Obama.  To do so was and is alleged to be racism.  Except it wasn’t and isn’t racism to simply disagree with another person.

For people such as Oprah Winfrey to say Obama is a victim of racism is a slap in the face to all who have been the victims of racism, sexism and whatever other form of discrimination that has been unjustly played upon them.  The simple truth is… if there was racism in this country to the degree that Oprah and other Obama followers try to say there is — Oprah would never have been deemed the Queen of Talk Shows and Obama would never have been elected in the first place.  Can’t have it both ways.

On the other hand, since Oprah and these racism allegers dwell on the thought of racism as a motive to all things, might it be that they are the ones that are the actual racists?

I’m sorry if Oprah was ever discriminated against, but I have news for her — so was I.  So were a great many people for various reasons and in various situations.  Though sometimes it is… and though I have been burnt big time…  I don’t look at every negative situation in my life as being the result of the fact that I’m a woman or that I’m a Catholic or that I chose a career in a male dominated field or that I’m not as rich as some think I should be.  Sometimes things happen that haven’t a single thing to do with me personally.  And… sometimes… just sometimes… people actually think I’m wrong and feel they have a right to say so.

People need to grow up and let go of the past and start living in the present!

Yes, there was a time that slavery existed in the US.  It was also a time when women and children were considered property of the husband/father.  Let’s not forget that little bit of history, when we think of all the wrongs done unto a group… any group… of people.  And how about the Native Americans?  They’re part of the history of peoples wronged.  Oh… oh… and we can’t forget the Irish Catholics that were so hated either.  Then there are the Jews that supposedly lied about the Holocaust and were taking over the world via the banks.

The list goes on and on.

Numerous groups of people have found themselves discriminated against at one time or another somewhere or another, but somehow “exceedingly rich” Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama take top billing on the victims’ list?  I don’t think so.

Again… if racism truly existed now days as Oprah and the Obama team try to suggest — she would never have been Queen of Talk Shows & he would never have been elected president — especially over Hillary Clinton.

It’s time to get rid of the false allegations of racism and start dealing in honesty, in reality and in the present where sometimes — disagreement is simply a difference of opinion because people have different opinions — period!

 * * *

If you like your opinion – you can keep it.  Period.

Guilt Without Proof: The Lisa Irwin Story

Baby Lisa at doorOn or about October 4, 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri, ten month old Baby Lisa Irwin was discovered missing from her crib.  It was the beginning of a nightmare that continues to take family, friends, community and law enforcement down winding paths of failed efforts and disappointing leads.

It was October 3rd where the choices made resulted in this sad and frustrating mystery, so that is where we will begin.

Baby Lisa Timeline: New Details About The Hours Before Missing Missouri Infant’s Disappearance

Time Line from Huffington Post – First Posted: 11/03/11 07:11 PM ET Updated: 11/04/11 11:54 PM ET

OCT. 3

2:30 p.m.

Baby Lisa’s father, Jeremy Irwin, returns to his Kansas City home from his day job as an electrician. He has a meal and plays with Baby Lisa, his son and Deborah Bradley’s son, according to KCTV5.

4:30 p.m.

The 10-month-old’s mother, Deborah Bradley, and her brother, Phillip Netz, head to a supermarket to buy baby food and boxed wine. A surveillance camera appears to record the couple as they shop at around 4:45 p.m., KCTV5 reports. Samantha Brando, a next-door neighbor who was visiting family’s home with her 4-year-old daughter, checks on Baby Lisa in her crib. Jeremy Irwin stays at home with the kids, WPTV notes.

5 p.m.

Deborah Bradley finishes shopping and returns home with her brother, according to WPTV.

5:30 p.m.

Jeremy Irwin leaves to take on a night gig doing electrical work at a nearby Starbucks. Deborah Bradley’s brother also departs the home, KCTV5 reports.

6 p.m.

Samantha Brando heads out to purchase more alcohol, according to KCTV5.

6:30 p.m.

Samantha Brando returns and her daughter sees Baby Lisa, according to WPTV. Deborah Bradley puts Baby Lisa in her crib. (The Kansas City Star has Deborah Bradley putting Baby Lisa in her crib at 6:40 p.m. and Samantha Brando returning around 7 p.m.).

The older children play inside while Deborah Bradley and Samantha Brando sit on the front porch, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Between 6:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., Bradley reportedly consumes between five and ten glasses of wine.

10:30 p.m.

Deborah Bradley turns off the lights and goes to sleep. The boys fall asleep in her bed, according to The Kansas City Star. Baby Lisa’s door is closed. Samantha Brando stays on the porch until 11:30 p.m. chatting with another neighbor, KCTV5 reports. She tells authorities she notices nothing out of the ordinary.

OCT. 4

3:30 a.m.

After work keeps him longer than expected, Jeremy Irwin returns home to find the lights on and the screen damaged, according to WPTV (KCTV5 has Jeremy Irwin getting home at 3:45 a.m.). He also notices that the front door is unlocked and a computer room window is open.

Frustrated by the lights being left on when money is tight — and angry about seeing a stray kitten at the foot of the bed — he wakes Deborah Bradley, according to The Kansas City Star.

A groggy Deborah Bradley realizes she hasn’t checked on Baby Lisa, KCTV5 reports. She finds the crib empty. (WPTV reports that Jeremy Irwin is the first to realize Baby Lisa is missing).

Jeremy Irwin runs to Samantha Brando’s house next door, but his neighbors say Lisa isn’t there, WPTV. He realizes that the family’s three cellphones are missing from a counter and dials 911 on a mobile phone he keeps for work.

Officers dispatched to the house are given the following message, according to KCTV5:

[H]e noticed that his 10-month-old daughter is missing and he’s not sure how long she’s been gone. And the screen is busted and he didn’t witness anything.

Baby Lisa at puterI remember well the response to this story and it wasn’t a pretty sight.  Deborah Bradley was immediately judged guilty by arm chair detectives/judges/executioners.  No one dare question their decision of guilt as the bullies piled on and viciously began their furious and self-righteous attacks.  From there — it only got worse.

Deborah Bradley, in particular, could do nothing right in the eyes of the accusing crowd.  Everything she did was suspicious.  They would have done this or that or something else — anything but what she said or did.  The truth of it though — they only think they know what they would do under any given circumstance.  Being in the midst of a traumatic experience can leave us doing and saying things quite to the contrary of what we always supposed our reaction would be.  But you couldn’t get the vigilantes to grasp that little inconvenient fact.

If Deborah Bradley did harm her baby, then Baby Lisa is dead and she will remain dead.  The urgency is over.  Time can be taken to gather evidence and bring mom to justice.  On the other hand, what if Deborah is merely guilty of the bad judgment of drinking too much and not being in any condition to protect her baby from an intruder that stole her away?

The accusing crowd was readily looking for a dead body, not a live baby girl in the arms of an unsuspected abductor.  The distractions may have been enough to allow the person to get away with the crime and with Baby Lisa.  But I’m sure the accusing crowd would never admit to that, even if it were to someday be proven to be absolutely so.

Truth is often stranger than fiction.  It can seem totally unbelievable and even impossible, but there it is.  The unbelievable and impossible ends up being what actually happened.  With that in mind, and not having worked Baby Lisa’s case, I can only have an opinion from reported facts.  It leaves me as an arm chair detective as well.  However, the difference between the accusing crowd and me is that I have an open-mind and I’m ready to let the truth be the truth no matter what it turns out to be.

According to the time line, Deborah goes into her house around 10:30 PM, after visiting and drinking too much.  Allegedly, Samantha Brando, the young lady that has been visiting and drinking with mom, remains either on the Bradley porch or next door for an hour visiting with another neighbor.  She says she noted nothing out of the ordinary and definitely mentions nothing about lights coming back on.

Now, to throw in a new character into this plot.

Megan Wright’s phone was allegedly called from one of Deborah Bradley/Jeremy Irwin’s missing phones either on the evening or night of October 3rd or early morning hours of October 4th.  This, according to statements made by Wright herself.  She alleges she has been told different times by the police.  She also alleges that many people had access to her phone and then maybe it was only one during that particular time period.

So, a call was made to her phone by a phone missing from the Bradley/Irwin household?  Someone else had her phone, but she doesn’t know who for sure?  However, she hunts down her phone and finds all her info deleted and she gets quite upset?  She then goes to the Waffle House around 3 AM because her friend thought it would be a good idea?  And around 3:45 AM, Baby Lisa is discovered missing.  How interesting is that?

Only the police (and parties involved) know when the call was actually made from one of the Bradley/Irwin phones to Megan Wright’s phone.

And, as of right now… only the parties involved know who it was that actually made the call and just who that caller talked to and “why”.  What was that call all about?

Did the call take place while Deborah Bradley was on the porch visiting and drinking too much, or while she was sleeping deeply and perhaps considered passed out?  And why was the call made to Megan Wright’s phone?  Why was the person calling her number?  What did that person want from whoever answered the phone?

Megan Wright volunteers that, when she was little, her mom took her and her brothers to Mexico and left them there.  (We don’t know why they were left or how Megan got back to the US.)  Is this what she thinks happened to Baby Lisa?

So many questions and so few answers.

As I said earlier, truth can be stranger than fiction.  People are unpredictable and don’t go by a strict rule of a story line required by writers.

Could Deborah Bradley have killed her child, and though drunk — found a way to get rid of the evidence, staged a scene of an intruder, while the boys lay sleeping and then lay down to calmly be awakened by her husband?

And, Megan Wright?  She gets her phone back and is so upset by the deletion of info that her friend suggests she go out — which is, of course, during a potential period that Baby Lisa is going missing?

Was one or both setup?… or either one a party to whatever happened that night?

Without proof, Deborah Bradley was assumed to be guilty of killing and disposing of her child.  And rather than out there looking for a live child that may have actually been kidnapped, the accusing crowd was looking for a dead body and a way to send Bradley off to prison for a crime no one knows was even committed.

I’m still wondering just who it was that used the Bradley/Irwin phone to call Megan Wright’s number and why?  Of all nights… why this one in particular? 

Guilt without proof embraces the Lisa Irwin story and leaves many looking only for a dead body, rather than a missing child… a missing Baby Lisa.

Lisa Irwin Age Progressed - Courtesy of National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Lisa Irwin Age Progressed – Courtesy of National Center for Missing & Exploited Children


First published at:   Gary C. King’s True Crime Blog & True Crime Author Gary C. King’s Blog

Destiny and Doom To Behold

serpentThe lies slither to embrace and mock all that is.  No breath of truth remains untainted in the bitter battle between the dimensions of calm sanity and the void of madness out-of-control.

Vile names are cast upon any who dare not believe in the madness or agree in blindness to walk to its end at the cliff’s edge.

How dare there be question or challenge in any thought bayed by the elite of all darkness, for they are the gifts from the Universe and all others the weeds of pure waste.  In this they were taught by the seeds of an arrogance bathed in a self-design of importance and now descending to a void and destruction someday to be true.

Alas!… alas poor soul… for evil does prey upon itself.  Soon you… the champion of all that is evil and untrue… shall no longer be the host, but rather the feast to be devoured and mocked into a torment and nothingness you once deemed a worthy existence for all others but you and yours.

Yes, dear soul — it is now your heaven or your hell that shall be served unto you.  For what you have created for others is now your destiny and doom to behold forever and a day.

 Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2013 – All Rights Reserved

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Obamacare Realities: Pulling things out of the horse’s rump

horse rumpI don’t just pull things out of a horse’s rump and throw it out as truth. I actually read and search and verify, unlike some of the seemingly brainwashed and vicious Obama defenders of today’s society.

Obama said, “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

That came out of Obama’s mouth. His own mouth. His own words. His own promise. I didn’t pull it out of a horse’s rump, but he must have.

Thousands upon thousands of people are getting cancellation notices. Yet, in the mist of all this, Obama Zombies (the fainting following) are swearing that if people have insurance — they won’t have to change. But they are having to change. It’s happening. It’s real. It’s all around. And it isn’t done yet.

Of course, once it is shown by a source other than Fox News that cancellations are in the high numbers, the argument becomes that the policies were lacking in quality coverage. Excuse me, it should be up to the insurance seeker and insured to decide what coverage best meets his or her particular needs and budget. People don’t need the government playing Nanny, especially when it isn’t Nanny that must cough up any and all additional costs associated with these uninvited decisions.

It doesn’t matter. Obama said repeatedly: “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

What happened to that guarantee? Would people have voted for AHC if they had known what Obama said wasn’t true?

Then we have the website issues and Amanda Marcotte saying she wants a screen shot proof or people are lying:

Yes, “she” makes an accusation and then demands others prove her wrong, rather than “her” proving her statement true. It’s not supposed to work that way, but in this flipped universe we are living in, it’s happening way too often.

Amanda says:

Well, Amanda, here’s a screen shot for you:

The Birthing of Crazy Ideas & Misinformation

David GuthAfter the September Navy Yard shooting in DC that killed thirteen people, University of Kansas journalism professor (or associate professor), David Guth, posted the following comment on Twitter:

“The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you.”

Guth was put on administrative leave.

In the following days, I read that some of the staff from UK was defending Guth’s freedom of speech, though they didn’t necessarily agree with what he said.  I likewise agree on the concept of freedom of speech.  However, along with it — he also has the right and obligation to take the responsibility and consequences that come along with saying something so blatantly inappropriate.

Today, I learned that Guth would not be returning this semester and is scheduled for a leave in Spring of 2014.  I shed no tears.  Remember that this was a man teaching “journalism”.  The field that is supposed to investigate and report the truth to readers and viewers.  Yet, this man is blaming the NRA for what happened in the Navy Yard?  Apparently truth and accuracy passed over his head, in his bias against this particular organization.

The NRA (National Rifle Association) neither promotes nor defends gun violence.  So why they are being held accountable whenever a shooting occurs, I have no idea.  Well, maybe I do.  It’s most likely an attempt to turn the nation on them and diminish their influence in the battle of more gun control vs enforcing the laws already in existence.  It’s also possible that people aren’t paying attention and just coming up with crazy ideas from misinformation.  It doesn’t matter.

For a teacher, especially of journalism, to blame an organization that was no way involved in the tragic shooting that cost the lives of 13 people, is bad enough.  (So much for gathering the inconvenient little things called facts.)  But to then wish their children to be the ones killed next?  That’s way over the line and past inappropriate.

Shame on the NRA?  No, Mr. Guth — shame on you!  It’s the vile and cruel attitudes such as you presented that create hatred and intolerance.  It’s your type of attitude that gives birth to the crazy idea that it is okay to provide misinformation and say whatever — when dealing with a person, place, thing or concept not agreed with.  It leads to propaganda — not journalism.  It is hatred and cruelty all bundled up in supposed indignation to indoctrinate and create a generation of zombies.

The NRA did not influence the Navy Yard shootings, but attitudes and words such as Mr. Guth’s might have.

How Stupid Are We: Pretty Darn Stupid According to Big Government Supporters

stupidIt’s amazing how stupid “big government supporters” think everyone else is.  We are too stupid to make our own decisions about the size of soda we buy, so the government will help us.  They will deny us the 32 oz. option.  Now, that is really going to help all on its own.  Oh, never mind.  That ban is only the beginning.  With the government in control of insurance, they’ll soon be able to tell us what we can’t eat and what we must eat.  Probably tell us how many times a day to go to the bathroom, too.  And, never fear, we will probably receive instructions on the proper way to wipe the bottoms we have somehow been taking care of for years without their help.

Drink water?  What a unique idea.  I’m sure that most of us never once thought about grabbing a glass of water when thirsty.  And how about those water fountains? They aren’t just for decoration?  Well, what do you know about that.  Learn something new every day.

I have a control freak relative that will walk into the kitchen, see someone is doing the dishes and tell that person she (or he) needs to do the dishes.  It is as though the event is not real… not happening… unless “control freak” gives the order for it to be done.  Does my relative sound like anyone you know?  You know… like someone who thinks they know more about our health, health needs and coverage than we — the people who happen to be living our lives — do?

My “control freak” relative got involved where there was no need and really messed things up.  After the blunder, “control freak” walked away and left everyone else to suffer the major consequences involved.  Looks like our government is planning a likewise move.  They screw everything up for us — like cost us perfectly good insurance coverage — then, as it all falls apart, they go, “ooops” and walk away with their coverage still intact.

Many of the elite in government haven’t the slightest clue what it is like to be in our less-elite shoes, so their edg-i-ka-sion is limited to that book larning that was written by others who probably didn’t have the slightest clue either.  So, who are they to suddenly walk into our lives and tell us what to do and when to do it and how to do it, as though we hadn’t been living a life prior to their decision to decide for us?

We may not know everything about everything, but we do certainly know what we need to survive.  We know what is “affordable” in our situations, no matter what amount they decide upon.  Better yet, they talk about all these people that didn’t have insurance because of pre-existing conditions and life-time limits.  So, why didn’t they deal with those problems?  Why didn’t they find a way to get those people covered?

I’m trying not to laugh or cry.  Rather than deal with the “specific” issue at hand, the “control freaks” in government decided that they needed to tell everyone they have to have insurance — including the ones who already had insurance and didn’t need to be told to get it.  (But it wasn’t really REAL until “control freaks” told them they had to.)  And to top it all off… as the government took over to make sure everyone was covered… they caused people who already had coverage to lose it and become uncovered.   Yep!… that’s some progress and a success story to be proud of — NOT!

The government mingled where it had no business mingling and now people, who had made the good decisions for themselves and family, are in one heck of a mess.  Many have lost hours and jobs.  Many have or will be losing coverage.  Many are facing exceedingly high premiums, co-pay and deductibles.  But the government knows best, or so it thinks.

How stupid do they think we are?  Pretty darn stupid.  And just remember this conversation when they tell you that you HAVE TO eat your veggies, how to wipe and how to have sex with your spouse.  Yeah, I know you didn’t know how to do that properly either.  But… never fear… they’ll get you up to speed as soon as they get the glitches fixed in the O-care site.  In the meantime, don’t hold your bladder or your breath.

The Dark Idol of Enlightenment

demonIn anger I defy you, oh mighty thief of all good that has ever been.  You are a vile creature, who mocks and insults, for your empty vessel has nothing more to offer the moment either then or now or even yesterday.

I walk away from the ignorance of your ways, but you continue to follow and bay in tune with the idol of your thought core-center.  The noise so maddening, yet to you so sweet and pure.

The sickness flows from your programmed mouth, as your eyes flicker in dullness and a cloud of blinding obedience to the one who feeds the senses of pure hate and vile pleasure.

You suggest to live in enlightenment and I in the dark ages of old.  Yet, it is you whose fire has been extinguished with nothing left of self within or beyond.  Your spirit gone, you now exist obedient to they — the master of the flesh.  A master who knows no loyalty nor mercy.  A master who mocks and devours all who dare to call him friend.  For, he has no friends by intent… only fools who feed the beast in delightful ignorance that they, too, have an expiration date stamped upon their fate and no choices left to make.

Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2013 – All Rights Reserved

My Personal Thoughts: Obama elected because of Oprah

oprah-reaction-to-president-elect-obamaMy personal opinion is that Obama wouldn’t have had a chance of being elected president, if it had not been for the support of Oprah Winfrey.  Nothing to do with his racism — I mean race — but rather, because hardly anyone knew who he was, while hardly anyone hasn’t heard of Oprah.  She brought him into the lime light and gave him name recognition.  Likewise the trust in her was then transferred to being trust in him.  “We can trust Oprah, so we can trust Obama.”

Many people who voted for Obama have buyer’s remorse.  People feel betrayed.  For as bad as any might feel, can you imagine how Oprah feels?  She knew this man and his wife.  She put her reputation on the line for them.  How did that work out for her?  Not so well, it seems.

The stories I have read, suggest that once Obama was elected — he and Michelle pretty much snubbed Oprah.   I guess she was no longer worthy of their friendship.  Well, until it was time to push the unpopular Obamacare that is.  Suddenly, it appears that when Obama needed help pushing his so-called “Affordable” Health Care, Oprah was called upon to assist.  Guess she wasn’t good enough to be their friend in good times, but she definitely appears to be good enough when they need to use her.  Nevertheless… word is … Oprah said, “No!”

Does this now mean that Oprah is a racist, too?

Definitely, I don’t believe Obama had a chance of beating Hillary, much less go on to become president.  Oprah helped make it happen.  Guess she found out what is behind all that rhetoric and it wasn’t a pleasant surprise!

I’m still wondering.  You think Oprah saying, “No!” to the Obama makes her a racist like everyone else that doesn’t agree with him or do his bidding?  Well, I guess it doesn’t matter.  What matters is that she helped elect him president and her reward was a big snub!  It tells us a great deal about the man and his wife in the White House!

Poor, poor delusional Harry Reid

2Reid told The Huffington Post that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is smart, but he can’t outmaneuver the 26-year veteran in the halls of Congress.

“He might be able to work a calculus problem better than I can,” Reid said Thursday. “But he can’t legislate better than I can.” ~The Hill – 10/18/13

Someone should tell Harry Reid that what he does, many of us do not call “legislating”.  There are many names for it, but that is not one of them.

Reid said Cruz is a “laughing stock to everybody but him” and said he pitied the GOP if the party saw him as a viable nominee for president in 2016. ~The Hill – 10/18/13

No, Harry Reid, Senator Cruz is not the laughing stock to everyone but him.  As a matter of fact, for you to say that, is to say the American People he stood up for are a laughing stock.  How dare you!

Harry Reid, you have shown yourself.  Your arrogance will be your downfall.  Your Rooster walk will trip you up.  No one is fooled by you, except the uninformed and zoombie troops.  But never fear, many are waking from their blind coma, as the results of your “legislating” hits their lives and pocketbooks.

Laugh and mock this moment away, Harry Reid, because it won’t be long until the elections and that smirk on your face will turn to a blush of embarrassment.  Then you will know that many, many people aren’t happy with you, Harry Reid.  Not happy at all.  They’ll be telling you what they think of your “legislating” and you’ll know it isn’t Senator Ted Cruz they are laughing at.  You’ll know that for sure!

Giggle, Giggle Goes John McCain

love horsesJust a thought…  Maybe instead of gleefully giggling, John McCain ought to look around and see where he’s at.  Ole Mr. Maverick there, appears to have trotted on over to the liberal section of the room and is apparently grazing on their “free” Kool-Aid.

Senator “once upon a time maverick” McCain, many people agree with Ted Cruz about Obamacare and the devastation it is causing.  If you want to worry about “shame”, then perhaps you should be putting it where it belongs.

Shame on everyone involved in pushing through a bill they probably didn’t read, and apparently didn’t understand.

Shame on everyone in Washington, DC that is walking all over the middle and poor classes, while claiming to be their champion.  Champion my southside.

Y’all that are involved in allowing Obamacare to get passed and stay passed — ought to be ashamed of yourselves.  You are fools and that is not one bit funny!

Giggle, giggle all the way to the shame corner!

Okay DC: What About the Other Americans Who Lost Their Private Sector Jobs?

busyIsn’t this quite delightful!  The government employees will be returning to their jobs after a short break.  They knew they would be.  It was a short-term  hurt.  What about all the other Americans in the private sector, who have lost their jobs, or their hours, and are facing an uncertain future?  They don’t know when they will be getting back to work (or hours returned), if ever they will.  Theirs is a long term nightmare.  Why are they forgotten?  Why are they deemed the non-important?

Obamacare did, and continues to, cost jobs.  If DC can’t see it, then perhaps they need a refresher course in reality.  After all, only they and their oblivious cult followers, are blind to the true plight of the American people all at the hands of Washington, DC politics and politicians.  Thanks for nothing.

I do hope politicians are feeling proud of themselves for their lack of concern and compassion for the families that are suffering as a result of idiotic politics and selfish legacy fights.  That will mean a great deal to them in the hereafter, when they are shown up for the self-centered and selfish individuals that they are.  Oh yes, they will be remembered for the pain and suffering that they needlessly caused.  There will be no mercy given to their memories.  What a true legacy that will be.

So, now that we know Obamacare was slopped together and has done nothing but cost people their jobs, their insurance, their financial well-being, and so on — what are you going to do about it, DC?  How are you going to fix this mess?  Will it be within the next two weeks or so?  (Isn’t that about the time it took you to get the government employees back to work?)  Well, you better get on it then, because the American people aren’t too happy with you and your crazy, selfish plans.  It’s time to do what you are supposed to.  It’s time for you to represent the people — not dictate to them.  It’s time to get the private sector Americans back to work and their good insurance returned!  Get busy!