What is wrong with you people?

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Let’s have some honest talk here.

Would you dare say that all Blacks should be wiped out? If not, why not?

Would you dare say that all Muslims should be wiped out? If not, why not?

Would you dare say that all Mexicans and others of Spanish speaking countries should be wiped out? If not, why not?

Then why do you think it is okay to call for all Jews to be wiped out?


Give justification.

You can’t. You honestly can’t.

Hamas is not a race. It’s a group of people just as the KKK is not a
race. And, it looks to me as though if so-called pro-Palestinians were
actually for the Palestinians – they would be against Hamas, a group
that brings them harm.

Hamas attacked and brutally killed babies and children, not to mention
all the other horrendous acts they are reportedly responsible for. They
brought destruction and death in Gaza. Yet, some blame Jews and
Israel? Get real. Use your brains and stop falling for the propaganda
play book material of terrorist and gaslighters.

If…and let’s say “if” … Israel had mistreated anyone in Gaza and
Hamas fought back against the troops – that might be one thing. Going
after civilians, especially babies and children, has absolutely no

So, tell me again, just how you can support a GROUP that attacks,
tortures, rapes and kills, such as Hamas is reported to have done?

Should Hamas decide you and yours should be wiped out because you aren’t
Palestinians or didn’t support them enough or for some other reason –
would you be okay with that? Would it be okay? If not, why not?
You’re supporting them doing it to others. Why wouldn’t it be just as
okay for them to do it to you?

People need to take back their brains and learn to think rationally again.

What is right for one is right for all. What is wrong for one is wrong
for all.

In short, it would OBVIOUSLY be wrong to wipe out all Blacks, Muslims,
Mexicans etc. It is just as wrong to wipe out Israel and all Jews. If
you can’t comprehend that little bit of reality, YOU PEOPLE, need to get
you some de-indoctrination before “Animal Farm” is a story about you and

Think about it. Think about it with your own brains – not the one
filled with the wrongful and hateful propaganda. You might be surprised
what conclusions you come to. You might even, as already suggested, avoid being represented in the “Animal Farm” scenario. It’s up to you.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Pelosi running again brings no sympathy from me…

I wasn’t surprised to see that Pelosi is running again because letting go of power is quite difficult for some.  However, I have no sympathy for those who live in her District, if they vote to keep her.  At that point, in my opinion, they ask for all the woes their district must then continue to endure.  So be it.  No sympathy from me.

Open Letter to Governor Kemp

Dear Gov. Kemp,

Obviously, there was election interference in the 2020 election. There was also a lack of a thorough investigation before the certifications. I still remember ole Barr saying that while there was fraud, there wasn’t enough to change the outcome. How would he know the latter when a “thorough” investigation couldn’t be done in that short a time? Regardless, I can see why President Trump would be a bit upset about how it was all handled and not handled and all the last-minute changes that shouldn’t have been allowed. You don’t change the rules in the middle of the game.

Now, to the matter at hand.

You think Trump should have been on the debate stage? Really?

For one thing, people know his position. We all lived through the results of his policies and the actions he took. Been there. So, why would we need him to tell us what we already should know?

On the other hand…

Do you really think it would be fair if he got up on that debate stage and everyone was allowed to hit him with allegations involving all these indictments, only for him not to be allowed to respond or could be in trouble with the court if he did?

You know, as well as I do, that if Trump refused to answer because of a court order, some libs and other Trump haters would run with the claim that he must be guilty or he would have answered. That’s how some of them play – dirty.

I don’t know about you, but I’m beyond tired of the dirty tricks and outright gaslighting that has been and continues to transpire.

I’m tired of people thinking that it’s okay to do whatever because, after all, it is “only” Trump.

I’m tired of people thinking Trump has no rights, especially the right to be upset when he is wrongly treated and wrongly accused.

Funny, how so many would be upset if treated like Trump, yet thinking it is okay when done to him.

I don’t like those kind of people. Do you?

Just a little trip back in time…

Do you remember when Trump was accused of mocking the “disability” of a reporter? He didn’t. What he did was a gesture representing frustration or of one being flustered which he had used for years. (If he were to mock Serge’s disability it wouldn’t be with that gesture.) That’s right, he didn’t mock the reporter’s disability, but millions were told he did and many still spread that lie to this day. It makes him appear to be something he is not and why many don’t like him. But… oh well… it’s only Trump.

How about when Trump used the “saying”… “blood in her eyes?” Remember how they made up a new meaning for that saying and tried to make it that he insulted Megyn Kelly (a woman) and somehow how it was a reference to menstruation? Boy, was that a reach, but lots of people not growing up with the saying believed the lie. Once again, this paints a picture of Trump that is untrue.

We’ve probably all been lied about at some point in our lives, but the media has never gone after you and me with such intense determination to destroy us, such as they have Trump.

I could name lots of lies told about Trump, but I don’t think I need to. I think just the few mentioned here should be enough to make the point.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve said things like, “I guess I’ll have to go rob a bank.” Of course, I didn’t mean it literally. It was just a way of saying “That’s a lot of money.” However, if I were treated like Trump, your little DA might try to indict me, too.

The point being, that just because someone says something doesn’t mean they mean it the way others are presenting it. That should matter. Others have no right – or shouldn’t have – to try to change the meaning and intent of the person commenting. When they do – they are at the very least – liars or ignorant puppets.

I know for a fact there was election interference in 2020. No doubt, in my opinion, it was enough to change the outcome. I also know there was absolutely no way that a thorough investigation was done when Barr announced there was fraud but not enough to change the results. But see… none of this matters. Too many in the media and powerful places are determined to find fault with Trump and accuse him of things he is not guilty of. Yet, you think he should get on that debate stage when he can’t readily defend himself? You think he should make himself an even bigger target and give a chance for the hate-Trumpers, DOJ, DA, FBI, and pals to twist his words or claim his silence is, and was, a sign of guilt?

I don’t think so.

In my opinion, rather than claim Trump is a loser for not getting on the debate stage, perhaps you should be calling the people losers who are weaponizing their offices, agencies, and positions to go after someone… anyone… and in this case – Trump. As I always say, if someone will do something wrong to one person – they’ll do it to anyone. They can’t be trusted.

Yep. Perhaps you should turn your focus from the debate stage and instead take a real good look at what is actually transpiring. Then ask yourself how you would feel if it were happening to you or yours. You only have to think it, so you don’t have to worry about the media or Trump haters – you can be honest.

Really, how would you feel and react? What would you do if it were you they were after, rather than Trump?

A Concerned Citizen

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Trump Deserves to be Indicted

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Donald J. Trump deserves to be indicted. Just ask people like Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, the gaslighting crew and indoctrinated puppets. On second thought, you won’t have to ask them. They’re busy trying to draw you into what appears to be their cult of, “Let’s take down Trump By Any Means Necessary.”

People may not like Trump for a variety of reasons and tell others why. That’s their right.

People may not want Trump to be president again and argue their position. That’s their right, too.

What is NOT anyone’s right is to lie about the former president, whether by outright lie, half-truths, word/phrase meaning changes, or things taken out-of-context.

What is NOT anyone’s right is to seek indictments by the above means and/or creative application of the law.

Some are laughing and carrying on about what appears to be political indictments because it is Trump. Would they be laughing and carrying on if it were they or one of their family members who had gotten on the wrong side of whoever is in power only to be the recipient of all done to Trump being done unto them?

It’s dangerous to think what is transpiring is okay “simply” because it is Trump. Think. Step back and think. Reality is… if it can happen to “one” person, it can happen to “any” person. No one is safe no matter how much one believes they or theirs are. That’s a simple truth. Grasp it.

Obviously, there was election interference in the 2020 Election. Yes, obviously. Yet, you wouldn’t know it if you listen to the liberal media and others that hate Trump. They seem to conveniently ignore anything and everything that goes against their gaslighting narrative that portrays Trump as the perpetual bad guy.

I don’t know how many times I cursed the media as I listened to them claim Trump was lying about something that I knew for an absolute fact he wasn’t lying about because I saw and heard whatever personally. How dare they call me a liar. How dare they tell the public that I was a liar or a fool if I dare defend the truth because that is what they were doing.

How many times has the media been busy gaslighting and falsely labeling when creating or defending the chosen narrative of the day, especially when it is against Trump and anyone who dare defend him because they were defending the truth – not just the man?

It – what is happening and my writing about it – is redundant.

What is happening to Trump keeps happening to Trump. Over and over and over, attempts are made to lie about the man or twist his words or actions. It’s beyond tiring. It’s beyond wrong.

I’m tired of hearing people change the meaning of words and phrases and then applying their change as if it is the absolute meaning and what someone meant and intended to mean if they use one of them.

I have a good example.

Trump once said something to the effect that Megyn Kelly had blood in her eyes. Next thing one knew, the mob of Trump haters was claiming he was talking about menstruating, etc, etc etc.

Unbelievable. That’s not what the phrase means. No relationship at all.

I, for one, know that saying. Lots of people know what it means. How many spoke up? How many shouted out the truth as loudly as the liars (or misinformed) were shouting the lie?


Why? Because it was only Trump?

People… important people in important positions… lied about Trump and Russia. It was a lie, yet some continue repeating it.

People lied about Trump mocking the disability of a reporter. He didn’t, yet the lie continues by some.

Trump was told the numbers at his inauguration were larger than Obama’s and he repeated it. He, rather than the people that told him, was called a liar. And that is just a tiny fraction of what transpired that is ignored.

Even Fox News failed to assure that the whole truth was told.

Chris Wallace showed a picture of the alleged crowd. It was apparently early in the day before everyone arrived that was coming. Another employee did state at least once that the picture was of early morning and that was it. Fox News, to my knowledge, never made Wallace correct the misrepresentation, much less apologize. His lie was allowed to stand.

Two things.

I don’t remember the channel, but one did announce at least once that the Port Authority, I believe it was, reported that Trump’s crowd was bigger than Obama’s. I remember that because I commented to someone about it.

I have searched and searched for a video of that day, but of all things one might find – guess what I couldn’t find. Something I know happened (was said), because I heard it myself, is either hidden or permanently missing.

(I didn’t know it would become so important to note the channel and reporters, or I would have readily documented it all as it happened.)

CNN, I believe it was, had a live interaction program on their site that day and I spent a great deal of time using it, while the television was also on broadcasting the event. That’s one of the reasons I knew for a fact that Wallace was giving out inaccurate information about the crowd. But as I said, I didn’t see even Fox News stand up and say, “Whoa, that’s not right.”

Of course, this only happened to Trump, so some seem to think it is perfectly okay.

I remember people, including one of Nancy Pelosi’s daughters, trying to find a way to stop Trump from being sworn in. Where are their indictments?

        How Democrats Attempted a 2016 Electoral College Coup

        Despite Objections, Congress Certifies Donald Trump’s Election

        Christine Pelosi would face scrutiny of past comments if she runs for mom’s House seat

I remember people pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court. Where is the investigation of them and the indictments?

I could go on about things I saw and heard personally that were twisted, denied, or re-created into a narrative of lies, but who cares? It only happened to Trump. That’s right. It only happened to Trump so it’s okay. It doesn’t count as wrong. Right?

I don’t think so.

It doesn’t matter if one takes down Trump today because there is always tomorrow. There is always a day of truth that will arrive, even if not as fast as one would like. A day when the gaslighters will be outed for the liars they are. A day when the indoctrinated will realize they were wrongfully programmed or merely move on to the next mission assigned to them by their handlers. A day when the gaslighting media will either become honest or be seen as the fiction-producing programmers they are.

Yes, there will be a day when the truth steps up and refuses to be denied any longer by the masses. Until then, we are exposed to what appears to be an overwhelming crusade to take down Trump by any means necessary – even by intentional and unintentional untruths.

Some say Trump deserves to be indicted. Perhaps, instead, it is their motive, claims and reasoning that should be indicted? After all, we need to ask if we are seeing a guilty man being held accountable or dirty politics gone wild? It is essential that we find and accept the truthful answer to that question and many more. Our Constitutional Republic, well-being, and freedoms depend upon it.

Simply put, as Adrian Monk would say, “I may be wrong, but I don’t think so.”

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Open Letter to Bill Barr

Dear Bill Barr:

You seem to think that “because you said” there was no widespread election fraud that would alter the outcome of the election that everyone, especially President Trump, should take your “opinion” as gospel. Well, I didn’t and I don’t.

You, Sir, apparently were aware of election interference and did nothing, right? What do you call election interference, if not a fraud upon the American people? Votes were cast based on that fraud. So, what were you saying again? There wasn’t widespread election fraud? In your dreams perhaps, but not in reality.

Trump had a right to question the election results. Bill Bar, as Attorney General of the United States, you had a duty to call for, and oversee, a fair and thorough investigation. No way did you. No way could you have done so in the brief time from accusation to your declaration. And just what was your declaration again? Well, there was fraud, just not enough to change the election results.

You, Bill Barr, try to declare yourself to be oh-so righteous and knowing. However, you, Sir, in my opinion, show yourself to be a pompous arse that demands agreement with your views or be cast into the realm of criminal or at the very least – ignorant.

Trump may or may not have lost the election, but he, and we, the American people, had, and continue to have, the right to question and demand proof the results were fair and accurate. To be accused of lying because any believe the election was not fair is an abuse of power, as well as slander and libel by those doing the accusing.

Your dislike for Trump was obvious to me. You seemed to always find fault with him. When you said, “always something” were you EVER referring to the people that were ALWAYS trying to block Trump’s efforts or take him down? What did you do when you knew those 51 were signing a letter that implied a lie? You couldn’t interfere in an election? Isn’t that exactly what you were doing with your silence?

Perhaps you don’t remember Nancy Pelosi’s daughter being involved in trying to stop Trump from being voted in and taking office, but I do. Where are the charges against her and the others that were involved?

Why is Trump the only one being charged and having to prove that either he isn’t guilty or it isn’t a crime to do whatever he did do? Why do others get a free pass to do whatever. That’s justice?

Unlike so many involved in the “get Trump by any means cult,” I happen to believe in fairness to all, including people I can’t stand. And, if I know a lie is a lie being told about someone I dislike, I step up and say so. Can you truthfully say you do?

It’s bad enough that you were aware of the election interference and allowed it to continue, but you can’t stop throwing gas on the fire, can you? You have to keep finding fault with Trump. Everything has to be his fault. It can’t be that others are abusing their office and oaths, right?

I’m ashamed for once having thought you, as attorney general, would ensure that there would be justice and fair play for all. I was obviously wrong. Think not? The treatment of President Trump is an obvious example of just how wrong I was.

In closing, I would like to say one thing that says it all.

I don’t agree with you.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Libs Should be Required to Commit to Same Playing Field

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Since some elected officials and others in authority seem to feel it is appropriate to take away a “level playing field” for girls in sports, let’s force them to accept the same terms for themselves. A trans will receive preferential treatment in all situations because, after all, their lives matter and apparently matter more than their non-trans peers. It is what is stated when bio females are forced to compete (?) against bio males that are by nature far stronger than the average female. Compete is a key term. Is there any fair competition when the female can only lift 75 lbs to the bio male’s 250 lbs or are the females just there in a hopeless situation?

My theory is…

If all these lib people in charge and those libs elected feel it is okay to cheat the bio girls out of their chance to compete against other bio females for scholarships and other awards – then let’s spread the favor around.

A trans person should get credit for three times the votes their non-trans liberal competition receives in elections.

A trans person should always be promoted over the non-trans liberal so they feel accepted and included.

A trans person should always receive all the awards and bonuses because they are matched only with those who have no chance in a fair competition.

Two things can be true at the same time.

One can not wish harm upon a trans person and not wish harm upon a bio female at the same time. Why should the bio-female be the only one to sacrifice opportunities, while the enlightened act as though the ones sacrificing, and their supporters, are being cruel if they dare try to address and explain the unfairness?

Again, I guess the only way to open the eyes of the so-called enlightened is to force them into like situations of sacrifice. Let them have no chance to win no matter what.

It’s one thing to want to be kind and fair to a group of people and quite another to give special treatment to a group at the unfair expense of another group.


What would your opinion be if you were to see a team of 20-year-olds playing a sport against a team of 80-year-olds? Would you think it was a “level playing field?”

Those liberals (and their indoctrinated following) in positions of authority and elected offices need to make up their minds. Either they should agree to live by the same “playing field chances” as they are forcing bio girls to live by or get busy and find another answer that is fair to the bio girls that have worked so hard to have a fair shot at the win and the rewards that come with it.

Fair is fair.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Give Me A Break: Time for the Games to End

by Carrie K. Hutchens

There was a time that race and gender mattered to extreme within the workings and structure of society, but not no more. It has become isolated incidents, rather than life within a white man’s world. As such, having moved so far beyond those days, it is maddening and insulting to hear women, who have failed in their positions, claim that a call for accountability on their part is merely because they are women and/or women of color in America. Are they really suggesting that women are not able and do not have to do their jobs or do them well? Really?

I am a woman that spent most of her working career in a man’s field. I never expected to be treated differently than the men I worked with. I never asked to be excused for my mistakes because, after all, I’m a woman and as a woman – I shouldn’t be held accountable. If I screwed up – I screwed up and it had nothing to do with my race or gender. It had to do with me. It had to do with me – a person – making the mistake. PERIOD!

Likewise, I am sick of being accused of being racist for no other reason than of my skin tone and that I exist. Maybe I even gave an opinion about something that a progressive disagreed with and, of course, many radical libs can’t have that. When they have no legit argument, they go into insult mode and the attempt to destroy. After all, how dare anyone not agree with them?

People should not be “excused” or “protected” or “promoted” because of their race or gender. That is, after all, suggesting that the person is incapable of success in whatever endeavor and being given a free ride. That’s an insult – not a favor.

People should not be “excused” for stealing and assaulting and killing or for over-looking all the stealing and assaulting and killing. That’s irrational – not rational.

Women, of whatever skin tone, should not expect a free ride, but rather, show they are worthy of success in whatever endeavor they pursue. And if they fail – they should accept that their failure is theirs… and not accuse others of holding them accountable just because they are women.

The childish, spoiled brat, mentally-challenged behavior our society is infested with deserves to be frowned upon. It’s time to for the games to end. It is time for accountability.

Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

One Turn: Make the Best of It

by Carrie K. Hutchens

We only have one turn to live our lives here on earth. It’s something I’ve come to think a great deal about, especially when I am dwelling on all my regrets… my mistakes… and all my dreams that will never be because it is too late. And, yes – sometimes it is too late to make dreams come true.

I don’t know when life started slipping by me, but I think I was pretty young. I was always thinking “someday” I will do this or that. “Someday” I hope that I will have a chance to be or to have or to see. Yes, “someday.”

One of my dreams was to go to New York City. That’s never going to happen. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy with all the worry of violent crime that has been transpiring.

I definitely wanted to meet Whoopi Goldberg. That’s before I was stuck in a hospital waiting room with no control over the TV and saw her hatefulness and intolerant political stance on The View. Turns out she was nothing like the person I had imagined her to be. That was indeed a devastating moment.

Bruce Springsteen was another one that let me down. His attitude towards the non-radical liberal burst the bubble of the person I thought he was and gave him one less fan to claim.

Thank goodness that I never wanted to meet Stephen King, cause that man and couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other more than a second. I know because he has popped up on my Twitter feed more than a few times and it wasn’t pretty. Did you know that he worried about Donald Trump not serving in the military, while not serving either? Well, if he did – I couldn’t find any record of it. Know what I call that? A hypocrite who should stick to writing fiction, rather than trying to create a fiction attitude about someone he disagrees with.

Speaking of Donald Trump…

I’d love to meet President Trump, but that is never going to happen either. Maybe someday he’ll send me a note saying “hi” but I’ll not hold my breath. He’s a busy man fighting to Make America Great Again despite all those that are trying to take him down so he can’t take part in such a wondrous movement that he inspired and worked/is working so hard to make happen.

James Woods is another that didn’t let me down. He used to follow me on Twitter and I actually got to tweet a bit with him. Twitter ended that following, as it did many others for many others.

On a bright note…

I said something to upset Cher. I didn’t know she was reading my tweets, until she jumped me. Well, I had enough, so I blocked her. How dare I. Numerous followers of Cher attacked me for daring to disrespect their queen. She, and they, cared that I – a nobody – blocked her? Okay.

(If you are wondering – yes, I blocked her followers, too.)

Yes, I regret that the New York City I dreamed of visiting no longer exists.

I regret that Whoopi and Bruce are not the people I thought them to be, therefore destroying one more dream. But there is more and it is closer to home.

A screenplay writer/producer/director was in town on personal matters and needed someone to type revisions on a script. I was lucky enough to get the job. And, while I typed – he read some of my work. He liked it. He offered me a job. I’d learn the art of screenplays, making movies and attempt to make his screenplays into novels.

I was excited.

My late husband said, “No.” He said that if I went, I went alone. He told me that he could get custody of the children because it would be a new and unproven job in a state I had no ties to. I believed him. I was young. I was stupid. However, I never got the chance to accept or decline the job offer, because it was made by a man that believed in family. Once he found out that my husband would not agree – the offer was rescinded. It was the last time in my life that I would ever have such a chance.

The rest of my life from then to now has been a series of “maybe someday”… somedays that never came and now never will.

I’ll never be the writer I wished to be. I’ve lost most of what I once had and the world has changed too much to care about what I have to say.

It isn’t just that, though that is reason enough, in my book, for a big pity party.

I’ve spent most of my life stuck in survival mode and effort, with all my dreams always shoved behind the stove, not just on the back burner. There have been a few exceptions. Writing for the Dakota Voice and American Clarion (thanks to Bob Ellis) are among them. I even had chance to briefly be a part of writing a few songs and seeing a singer/musician get his music out there. Then the bulb went out and back to all dreams on hold – this time forever.

I’ve wished I could go back and undo parts of my life and imagined how wondrous things could have been if only I could. But I can’t. Nobody can. We only get one turn, no matter how much we wish for an extra one or a redo. So, my advice is to live a good and unselfish life, but one that remembers you a bit, too. As I said, we only get one turn – make the best of yours. I wish I had.

Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

Stop the Lies: There was no Insurrection or Domestic Terrorist Attack by Trump Supporters

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I don’t approve of violence, and while I wish no one had entered the Capitol building on January 6th, it certainly wasn’t a domestic terrorist attack or an insurrection.  Anyone who suggests it was, is either uninformed, an indoctrinated puppet or a sleazy gaslighter that has something to gain from the lie and the continued attack on Trump and his supporters.  Count on it.

I’m quite tired of the Collins, McConnells and all the others in Congress who present themselves as oh so righteous, while being both blind and bullheaded.  Yes, I am giving some of them the benefit of the doubt, though I’m not sure they deserve it.  They’re in Congress, after all, so they must know more than any of us, right?  At least that is how some of them come across as thinking.

Trump did not ask ole Pence to void the electoral votes.  He asked him to delay the count, until thorough investigations could be carried out.  I heard that was a legit request and it is one that should have been honored, not for Trump, but for the voters.  Hear that Pence?  For the “legally registered voters.”

I, for one, don’t want to hear how there was no evidence of voter fraud.  Kind of difficult to gather evidence when no one is bothering to look for any or half-arse doing so, don’t you think?

If a bank employee called and said there was money stolen from the bank, would you likewise merely say there was no evidence?  No, you would expect an investigation would be carried out.  Funds would be compared to what funds were supposed to be there per documentation.  And once that was completed, an investigation would ensue to ascertain who had access and by what means it was possible for any of those people to readily remove the missing money.

By the way, embezzlement can often go on for years before being detected.  But you think in 24 to 48 hours, one can ascertain that, though there was voter fraud, it wasn’t enough to change the outcome of an election?

I have a bridge for sale, as they say.

There are many questionable things that occurred Election Day and night.  Why would anyone blow it off?  Would they do so if it weren’t for the fact that everything odd (suspicious) went against President Trump?

The oh so righteous should especially ask themselves that question.  Does their hatred of Trump blind them to the truth or the desire to seek it?

I think it does.

The problem with thinking, even subconsciously, that it’s okay for cheating to have occurred because it is only Trump – is that once it is done to one – it can be done to anyone and everyone.  It opens the gate.  Yes, it opens the gate to a world of broken rules, cheating, lying and “by any means necessary” behavior.  No one is safe under such a realm – not even the self-righteous Trump hating people in Congress.

I’ll be honest.

Every time someone says things such as, “Trump’s false claims” or “without evidence” – I blow my stack. 

Those people sure have lit a fire under me and not in a good way.  They are calling me a liar.  They are lying to me about me.  They are telling me that what I saw I did not see no matter that I did.    And, of course, they are doing this very thing to everyone else that saw inappropriate behavior and/or discrepancies. This is called “gaslighting” and it is not acceptable behavior under any circumstances – not even by the so-called righteous.

I can truthfully say that if I saw the very same things occurring to a candidate I was totally against – I would feel it as wrong as I do with this situation with Trump and the 2020 Election.  I don’t believe in lying or cheating, even about or towards people I can’t stand.

Call it wrongful behavior.  Call it a criminal act.  But don’t call what transpired on January 6th an insurrection or an act of domestic terror by Trump supporters.  It was neither.  It was merely, by Trump supporters anyways, an attempt to be heard and a rightful call for an investigation prior to confirming as true what was actually questionable.  We voters do, after all, deserve election results that are assured to be true and accurate.  That’s how it is supposed to work.  Did it?

Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

Open Letter to Jessica Tarlov

Dear Jessica:

I am writing in response to your appearance on “The Five” in which parent rebellion against the schools and government was discussed. You said, in part:

 “JESSICA TARLOV, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: There’s so much though. So, Joe Biden thinks the Taliban is worse than Mrs. Montgomery, so just for the record there. We were showing footage split screen there of parents screaming at educators and going to these school board meetings or videos of parents outside of school getting up in the faces of these teachers.”

I’m not saying there’s a violation under the Patriot Act but this is not just like, hey, could you give me a callback, I’m a little concerned about what’s going on — ” (The Five’ on Biden pushing socialism on Americans – This is a rush transcript from “The Five,” October 5, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.)

Wait until the schools and/or government try to take over your child and they TELL YOU how you will raise your son or daughter. Wait until they teach that young one what they want, regardless of, and in spite of, your opinion. As a matter of fact, wait until your opinion isn’t allowed. Although you are more educated and knowledgeable than most of them, wait until you are helpless against the fascists.

Yes, wait until it is you that keep running into a wall, as you try to protect that child from a radical force of people that you find harmful to your child. Wait until no one listens. Wait until you can do nothing. Wait until they take away all your options to fight back. Wait until they make you helpless. Wait until you are deemed a domestic terrorist for simply disagreeing and saying so. Then remember the day that you didn’t condemn them when it was other parents fighting for their children. Wait until you are them.

Yes, wait until you are them and then let’s see how you respond. Let’s see what you say. Let’s see what you do. Let’s see if you regret not stepping in at the onset and be a part of returning education to a learning experience, rather than an indoctrination by power hungry radicals that think they know better than you and have a “right” to decide what is best for your child.

Wait or take another path. Step up now and help stop this wrongful madness. As someone once said, “Be a part of the solution – not the problem.”

Your move, new mother-to-be. Your move.

Carrie K. Hutchens

I Don’t Care

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I don’t care if people accuse me of being pro-cancel culture. It is, after all, the least of what I have been called over the past few years by the gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets that fail to use the brains God gave them, as a tool to process and conclude based on reality, rather then “as told to.”

I used to willingly watch various shows on Fox News, such as “The Five,”       “Outnumbered” and “Greg Gutfeld.” Now I only willingly watch Tucker and Greg’s show, if I watch anything at all.       Why? Because I do not like liars. I do not care to listen to them or watch their stupid facial features meant to call the other person’s comments untrue. Or, how about the Richard Fowler types that take over the segment with their interrupting, talking over everyone and just downright being rude? I don’t need it.

I have often said – and definitely mean – that it is one thing to have differing opinions presented and quite another to allow lies to be spouted and unchecked by people who insist on finishing their incorrect and untrue comments. And there you have it… this is why I won’t watch my once favorite shows on Fox News. Too many Libs get by with repeating over and over and over – things that aren’t true, especially about, but not limited to, Trump and/or his supporters.

I’m not over-protective of President Trump. I have no hesitation to call him out, if he has done or said something wrong.       However, as we all know (or at least those of us that think with our own brains), Trump is always blamed for everything and then some by the MSM & other Trump haters, even when he hadn’t a thing to do with it or NEVER SAID WHAT THEY SAY HE SAID.

I can’t stand liars and do not associate with them in real time. Why would I waste my time in front of a television listening to them and watching those eye-rolls, smirks and shaking heads? I wouldn’t and I don’t and I won’t.

It’s one thing for Fox News, for example, to have Libs or anti-Trumpers on to provide the opposing view-point, but quite another to allow distortions that amount to lies. Fox News should have a rule that only the truth is allowed and if caught lying – the person will be suspended, until they can control their urge to lie about those on the other side of the aisle, including President Trump.

If Libs think my opinion makes me a hypocrite and part of the “cancel culture” – so be it! I don’t care. As a matter of fact, I’ll proudly claim to be a member of the “Cancel Lies & Propaganda Culture!” It is, after all, a culture worth developing and being a part of!

Copyright © 2021 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

Unbelievable: The Stamp of Approval for Lying & Cheating

By Carrie K. Hutchens

It’s difficult for me to understand how people who fight for justice for themselves or others, can then find it acceptable for someone else to be treated unjustly and lied about?  But that is what I see too often transpiring.

In my lifetime, I’ve spent a great deal of energy fighting for others, especially underdogs that seemed to be standing alone against the powerful or at least more powerful than they.  Sometimes I was directly involved in the cases and other times, I was merely someone striving to get the truth out and the attention of others, who were in a position to fight the particular injustice. 

No matter my part, big or small, I was all in on fighting against whatever the injustice was.

I’ve seen innocent people look totally guilty.  Likewise, I have seen guilty people look totally innocent.  Appearance can be absolutely deceiving and often are – especially in today’s insane world, where deceit is accepted if applied to those not agreeing or somehow in the way.  You know, like President Trump.  The man who has often been in the way of what so many have wanted.

I don’t know how many times I have heard people say that Trump lied about things that he did not lie about.  It was a lie that he lied.  In short, numerous times, I have asked people to name the lies they are accusing President Trump of.  Each time, there has either been a response of silence or an allegation of something not true or something he said or did that was taken out of context to give the appearance of something not true.

Yet, some don’t care.

Some don’t care the President has been lied about or treated unfairly because they don’t like him.  The latter supposedly makes it okay.  But it doesn’t.

No one should be treated unfairly or lied about.  If it is wrong – it is wrong no matter who does it or who it is done to.  Liking the person or being the person is, or should be, irrelevant if we truly believe in justice for anyone, including self.

In addition to some thinking it is okay to lie about Trump – it’s amazing how so many are saying there isn’t any evidence to support the Trump Team’s claims without their own evidence that there is no evidence.  These people simply throw their allegations out there – without evidence – with the expectation that their word is all that is necessary.  In a sense, they are right.

Many people only hear news from media that is hostile to President Trump.  Media that doesn’t share much, if anything, that is ever positive involving him.  Therefore, there are many things those viewers aren’t aware of.  As a result, too many too often get dug in and ready to believe anything bad said about Trump and refuse to listen to anything that challenges those beliefs.

I had some contacts that I thought the world of.  I would have sworn that their integrity was beyond reproach and nothing could ever shake it.  Then came Trump and the hatred of him.  Sadly, I watched some become everything I believed they could never be – liars.

Then there are those people, who were treated wrongly, who now seem to think being treated wrongly is wrong, unless it is President Trump, of course.  Somehow, in their minds, he is fair game because they have believed all the lies about him and failed to see all he has done for them.  They just believe what they were fed, while fighting to get the courts and supporters to not believe all the non-truths involved in their case or the case of someone they were fighting for.


Court decisions are not always right or fair.

Investigations are not always thorough, whether by intent or by obstacles blocking those in pursuit of the truth.

Truth assertion is claimed by propaganda artists and truth-tellers alike.

Not all is as it seems.

Major media is not necessarily your friend providing truthful information.  Sometimes… some of them… are nothing more than gaslighters leading you to where they, and their masters, wish you to be, so you can be controlled and think what they want you to think, as obviously they have done with many.

This election should concern us.

Perhaps you were for Joe Biden, but do you really want him to win if he has only won by lying and cheating by any?  If your answer is yes, will you feel it is okay for the next person to win that way as well – especially if it is not a person you are for?  Or, is it only okay if it is done to Trump and your person always wins?

Biden may have won.  How do we know though, as things have and are transpiring?  How can we trust an election that has had Trump votes given to Biden and all the other irregularities?  Shouldn’t we want our elections to be on the up and up?  Shouldn’t we want to know?  Shouldn’t we want to be assured we were right and our vote was, and always is, counted accurately?

 Yes, this election, and many other things, should concern us all.

We should never give the stamp of approval for lying and cheating no matter who it is done to or who it is done by.  Truth and justice only exists when we demand truth and justice for all – including those we don’t even particularly like.  And, yes, that includes President Trump.

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!



Still image from – “Hello Baltimore by Lloyd Marcus the Unhyphenated American” video – 2015

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I’ve met some gaslighters throughout my life-time, but never in the abundance found in present day society.  It’s overwhelming.  It’s maddening.  It’s enough to make a pacifist go ballistic and not so gently put some faces (along with the bodies) in a corner for a major forced time-out.

Oh, and those little indoctrinated puppets that think they are so very smart and righteous make a polite person want to scream all those words we thought we would never use. 

Who raised those brats who have no impulse control and think they have some special right to kick people in the head (attempted murder in my book) and not have anyone fight back?  Who taught them that it was pure and good to run in packs in search of a helpless victim to viciously beat, stomp and kick without mercy?

The feral monsters roaming the streets looking for prey have lost their way – if ever they had it to begin with.  They are nothing more than a plague the masters have released upon society to cause a chaos they blame on the opposition… a chaos they claim they can save us from.

It’s all a game.

A dirty game.

A game only the dishonest and vicious would instigate.

The masters have no conscience, as they seek power and more power and even that isn’t enough – they must have the ultimate power to control all people and all things at all times.

The indoctrinated have no clue.

It’s said quite frequently that Trump supporters are a cult, which would suggest that they mindlessly follow him with no thought of their own.   How wrong those are who say it and those who believe it.  Trump supporters are not of “one mind” or “one thought” and definitely not into “talking points” such as seen on MSM, where it seems everyone is following the same script hour after hour, day after day.

Nope!  You aren’t going to see Trump supporters parroting talking points like good little puppets.  They think and talk for themselves – obviously so.

I’ve never seen or heard of Trump supporters stopping traffic, pulling someone out of the vehicle, beating the heck out of them and kicking the person in the head for the heck of it, but I have seen the feral monsters of the Left do so and so have you, if you follow the chaos on the internet.

All that violence is from the Left… allowed by the Left… and protected by the Left.

(Who encourages them… allows them to do… and bails them out after they have?)

MSM spews the lie that the rioters are the victims (or champions of same) and we are all to blame, and therefore, by insinuation, if not direct claim, that we deserve the violence, destruction, injury and even death at the hands of these so-called victims, aka champions.


Yes, that is right.

I call BS, as you should.

I call it as I should, as you should, as every normal and law-abiding person should.

The feral monsters are obviously physically dangerous and meant to terrify the population.  There seems to be no reasoning with them, once they have their sights on a chosen victim.

Then there are the indoctrinated puppets that get on Twitter, for example, and proclaim they are all knowledgeable and everyone else that doesn’t agree with them are ignorant racist Trump-supporting Walmart shoppers who probably live in trailers and don’t have degrees, because after all, that is what they are told the opposition either is or to accuse them of that anyways.  Alinsky tactics come to mind, as well they should.

The latter indoctrinated puppets are quite dangerous in their own way.

While the feral monsters are meant to gain power and conquer the population by fear, the latter indoctrinated puppets are used for mind control, so to speak.

They sound smart and in control.

They lie.

They say lies well.

They toy with peoples’ minds.

They are gaslighters-in-waiting.

They may not even have a clue they were gaslighted.

Maybe they do.

What they don’t do is refer to history or even current events about how this story has played out elsewhere and will play out here, if they win the game.

They “think” they will be the winners.


They are only tools… only a means.  They are/were never meant to be anything more, should the Left win this battle of the souls.  After all, there are only a few slots at the top of the power grab and only a select few were ever intended to occupy them.

Think a puppet would be given one of those precious slots?

I hate gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets.

(Did I say that already?)

Both try to convince you truth is a lie and lie is a truth.

One is trying to redefine truth into what they say it is for the purpose of taking control.  The other is a fool that has fallen for all the gaslighting and is nothing more than a tool to be tossed aside, should the gaslighter win the game.

The irony…

Only a few slots exist in a realm of dictatorship.

(Did I say that already?)

Not all gaslighters get a slot either, but I guess they haven’t figured that out yet.

I enjoy knowing that I am far smarter than the puppet, since I think for myself, rather than think what someone feeds me to think.

I enjoy being smarter than a gaslighter as well.  I don’t need to make others think they are crazy, so I can win by forcing wrongful thoughts and illusions upon them.

I enjoy not having to chase people down and beat them to death, or near death, for the lack of impulse control and whatever else creates such feral monsters that I am not.

I hate gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets.

Oh yes, I do.

I’m ready for sanity and law and order to return and put them out of business.

It’s time.

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

The Concept: In the Midst of Orwellian Madness

I never thought I would see it, but here we are.  The concept is no longer merely works of fiction.  We are living a present day version of George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm combined.  Who would have thought so many “modern” people could be so very indoctrinated as to fall for the elite’s and elite wannabee’s spiel of lies? 

We’re watching riots.  There is no misunderstanding of what they are.  Buildings and cars are being destroyed and burned.  Citizens and police officers alike are being viciously attacked.  Yet, a multitude of Democrats call it peaceful protesting and suggest the Republicans, Bill Barr and whomever else is trying to prevent people’s right to protest.

Are these Democrats that delusional or do they think we are that stupid and they will be able to convince the rest of us that the lie is the truth and the truth is the lie?

Watching and listening to a portion of the Judicial Committee hearing hosting Attorney General Bill Barr on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, I not only wanted to scream at the power seekers – I did scream at them.  I screamed at them for slinging false allegations and then refusing to give the attorney general an opportunity to respond.  Their behavior was childish, hateful, deceitful and worse – a conspiracy in motion.

I’d say there is no excuse for the behavior of the Democrats on that committee, but there is a reason.  They are trying to grab power not rightfully theirs.  They are attempting to lie their way into that power not earned nor freely given them.  And… obviously… they will try to destroy anyone and anything in the way of that power grab.  That, or they are simply mentally ill and so delusional that they cannot ascertain the difference between their fictional concept floating around in their defective brains & the reality actually transpiring before them.  Either way – they are in the wrong.

Someone in the right need not lie nor deceive to prove their allegation or position is true.  They present facts and give reason why their position should be the accepted one.

These Democrats and Republicans of ill-intent, on the other hand, tend to deceive and deceive some more!

It’s pathetic!

It’s definitely unbelievable that so many regular people are falling for the radical lib lies.  How can that be? Simply use the brain without bias and one should be able to see what has been transpiring.  It’s right there in plain sight.  Unless one is only watching hate-Trump networks and like print material, where only half-truths (full lies) are told and the spin leaves out important information, while at the minimum offering spin, spin, spin.

Friendly reminder:  Protests do not involve looting, destruction and attacks on police and others.  That is RIOTING and criminal behavior.

Back to the liberal narrative…

A journalist I had admired, and liked as a person as well, surprised me a few months ago.  She suggested that President Trump had mocked Serge Kovaleski disability, something that had been debunked years ago.  Being good at her job – she should have known that – or did she and said it anyway to put down Trump?  I don’t know.  I’ll probably never know.  However, I did tweet her about it and sent along a video as a reminder.

To this day, there are people who don’t like Trump because they believe he mocked the reporter’s disability.  As a result, these people despise the president and see (judge) everything he says as does based on the person they believe him to be – not the person he is.  In short, they are against anything he says or does prior to him saying or doing it.

If anyone needs a reminder…

Serge’s disability does not involve flailing.  He has arthrogryposis.

The flailing that Trump did is what he has done for years in reference to people being flustered or frustrated.  He did it in reference to Ted Cruz, too.  Did anyone accuse the president of mocking his disability?  Oh!  That’s right.  Senator Cruz doesn’t have a disability.

What about the lie that President Trump didn’t disavow David Duke, though he has repeatedly done so over the years.  It’s a lie, but it was repeatedly said and to this day, even with video proof out there that it is a lie – there are people who still believe that Trump is pals with Duke.

What about the lie that President Trump said there were good people on both sides and that he was referring to the KKK and White Nationalist?  No!  He was talking about the people that came to protest for and against keeping the statue.  That should have been obvious to anyone actually listening to what he was saying – yet… many are repeating the lie (some on purpose & some unknowingly) and other people are hating Trump and calling him a racist because of the lie – not because he is.

What I do love is when people state for fact that Trump is a liar and lies all the time, yet, when asked, to name the lies – they can’t do it.  Why?  Because most of the people I’ve run into that are making the claim have no idea what the alleged lies are.  They are merely parroting what they have heard or been told to say.

Turns out that one of our fine outlets (sarcasm) was allegedly counting what they considered a lie, as a separate lie every time the president stated it.  In other words, if an economist stated a five dollar bill was worth $5 and Trump repeated it, but their expert said it was worth 5 cents – then, rather than considering two experts were disagreeing – they claimed Trump lied.  And, if he repeated that expert’s claim 100 times, then it was claimed he lied 100 times.

Difference of opinion is another area. 

If Trump has a different opinion than the fine outlet (sarcasm) – he lied.  He’s not allowed not to agree, it would seem.

And then there are the exaggerations merely to make a point.  They are called hyperbole.  You know, statements not meant to be taken literally.  Like when I say, “As I’ve said a millions times” – it’s understood that I really didn’t say whatever a million times, but I’ve said it lots – maybe half a million?    Yet, when President Trump does likewise – it’s called a lie by the fine outlet (sarcasm).

You may wonder what all this has to do with the riots, indoctrination, Animal Farm, 1984, and the Judicial Committee hearing with Bill Barr.


Lies mold perceptions.

Perceptions define reception.

Reception defines reaction.

In short, if you believe one man is truthful and the other is a liar, you will most likely believe the one you consider truthful over the one you consider a liar, right?  But what if your truthful man is mistakenly wrong or actually lying?  What if you are blowing off the man who is actually telling you the truth, because you believe him to be a liar?

That’s the point. 

When one let’s perceptions rule the roost, so to speak, rather than consider anything contrary to what they have been told and encouraged to believe – they have allowed bias to destroy their ability to come to an informed conclusion about anything.  Instead, they become indoctrinated puppets to be used at will – not the smart people they think they are.

Normally, people ask questions they would like the answer to.  So why would anyone, except for the people that create, present and believe all the propaganda suffocating our very existence just now, be so excited that Barr was treated with such disrespect and not allowed to answer the questions posed to him? 

Wasn’t that the whole point after all – to ask and get answers?

Then, though we viewed and heard what transpired, Democrats actually came out and portrayed a scenario that suggested Barr was the rude one and Barr talked over everyone.  Oh, hear me laugh rudely at their audacity to attempt a gaslight moment as I “take my time back.”

I think of the riots and wonder how anyone can actually justify allowing them to happen.  It’s good because why?

It’s justified because of built up anger and oppression?

Does that mean I can go smack Nancy Pelosi around, steal her ice cream and set fire to her expensive refrigerators, because she has so upset me because her decisions affected me badly?

Well, of course not.

Neither is there an excuse for all the riots that are occurring or the people in authority that are allowing the harm to businesses, their cities and their citizens.

What’s wrong with these people?

Why are so many listening to them?  Will they continue to listen once it is their home that is being destroyed and family hurt or killed?

I’ve read Animal Farm & 1984.  It should be required reading for those indoctrinated puppets that have fallen victim to the propaganda of the pigs (not cops) that start out being the heroes only to lose their fairness in the pursuit of power.

Furthermore, no one should want recorded history changed from what it actually was, except for those who feel guilty for what they or their predecessors have done.

Who is trying to remove history?

It certainly isn’t the Republicans or pro-Trump people.

Shouldn’t that give pause?

Shouldn’t it give reason to take a look at what is actually transpiring, rather than what one is being told is the reality they should accept as theirs, though it really isn’t a “reality” at all?

Riots are occurring.

Governors – not Trump – are allowing those riots!

Citizens are being attacked because of the Democrats – not Trump.

Do you really think it is okay for people to be attacked because they happen to be on the street or in their business or homes, while rioters decide to do their wrongful deeds?

Some seem to be all in for the riots, so they can blame Trump, but it isn’t his fault.  Nothing that can be said or done will make it his blame to claim.

Before I close, which I intend to do…

My approach is to prove myself wrong in any situation.  If I can’t – then I am most likely right.

Someone tells me a video proves something?  I watch it with that in mind as a possibility.

Someone tells me someone said something?  I listen with that in mind as a possibility.

I have no problem being wrong, if I am wrong.

I’m like – okay.

What I do have a problem with are people who are indoctrinated puppets, who seem to have a toddler IQ, gaslighter intent, or simply the willingness to follow the pack and spew whatever is the talking point (truth or false) against the other side for the day.


Riots are occurring, which are illegal & officers should be allowed (required) to step in and stop them.

Governors, who stop officers from acting within the law, should be charged with all crimes committed as a result.  In other words, if I am slugged because a governor forbade the officers to enforce the law – that governor should be accountable for the assault on me.

If you don’t agree, I guess someone can come slug you, your kids, mom or dad and that is okay – cause, in your mind, riots are good and anything that happens as a result of the riot is good.

What a stupid thought.

It’s time to take a step back and consider all things based on truth – rather than political illusion and the puppet feed thrown out by the hate vultures to be consumed by the ill-informed.

Riots are wrong.

Kicking people in the head is wrong.

Ganging up on a person is wrong.

Burning down or otherwise destroying someone’s property is wrong.

Lying about someone is wrong.

Lying about what someone said is wrong.

Trying to take over power by deceit and for wrongful purpose is wrong.

What was once wrong, and works of fiction, has become our daily lives because…?

It’s time to take back our sanity and control of our lives!

It’s time to tell the radicals of both parties that we are done with them!

It’s time to seek and focus on the truth!

Trump isn’t the one that has being lying!

It’s time to admit it!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!



So, where are the missing stimulus payments?  One can only wonder, it would seem – and many do.

I’ve been reading the articles and reviewing the IRS site.  I even listened to the IRS recording.  The answers are not there for more than a few people.  (Just read the articles if you are interested or have a doubt.)  Too many people haven’t a clue what the holdup is and haven’t a way to find out.

I personally know one person that should have received his stimulus payment direct deposit on April 29th, but he didn’t.  He doesn’t know why.  None of the possible reasons fit his situation.  He is a Social Security recipient, no one’s dependent, has a legitimate social security number, doesn’t owe child support and certainly doesn’t make anywhere near $75,000.  However, every day the “Get My Payment” says that they don’t have enough information (they’re working on that) or that he is not eligible.

It doesn’t matter that this person is not alone. 

It matters that there is an unsolved mystery that is adversely affecting people. 

It matters that these people have no way of finding out what is transpiring and why they haven’t received the stimulus payment or when they might – if ever.

Is it a glitch, did information fail to transfer properly from the Social Security Administration to the IRS, some other error or just an inconvenient delay because payments were going out to so many and some had to be last?  Only the IRS knows, if anyone does, but perhaps they haven’t a clue either as to why some have and some haven’t received the stimulus payment in a timely and promised fashion.

Maybe the politicians should stop playing politics for a while and worry more about where these missing stimulus payments are and what can be done to help fix whatever is causing the delay. 

It would actually be the right thing to do, put people on the right side of history and give actual meaning – for once – to all those political terms usually thrown around like sand in a dust storm.

It’s time to help those in need, who are still waiting and wondering.

Time to solve the mystery thus far unsolved!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

Lying On My Mind

By Carrie K. Hutchens

Super Tuesday has not only kept “lying on my mind” – it has heightened the intensity of annoyance and threatens to call forth a few yells (or more) at the television set and computer monitor.  How did we ever get to this point of lying as the norm among a group of people that insist they absolutely deserve our trust? 

It’s crazy to say the very least of all things that could be said just now.

I hear – not by choice – ole Bloomberg’s ads and I wonder what planet he is on to so freely lies about President Trump and our country.  Does he think we won’t notice his lies don’t match up to reality? 

It’s mindboggling.

Mike Bloomberg, the nanny-wannabe, is apparently addressing the indoctrinated and uninformed when he makes the lying ads and statements.  Why then, since I’m not one, doesn’t he stay off my computer screen and television set?  I certainly didn’t invite him into my home or office or even the waiting rooms that always seem to have the television sets on the most irritating channels they could pick from.

Are they secretly testing impulse control?

Listening to “The View” in a waiting area, where one may not escape, is quite the challenge.  Lies and insults and more lies and insults.  And all the while, having to politely sit there and wait and wait some more and look at the clock to see how much longer I’ll be forced to endure the lies and insults, while my fumer is fuming on the inside like a volcano ready to explode and fill the room with hot lava of furious mad mean words.

How lucky my impulse control was in exceptional working order.

I fixed the problem of forced “The View” exposure by refusing to take people to any appointment where I’d be required to sit in a waiting room with a television tuned into it.  However, shaking ole Bloomberg hasn’t been so easy.  His ads have been all over the place and invading my space like he thinks he owns it.  Like he thinks I somehow owe him my time, as he spews the lies about President Trump and our country.

I’m not for sale.  My space is not for sale.  But Bloomberg sure has earned my rage with those ads he bought that I have not been able to escape.

Alas, Super Tuesday may have brought relief.

Unable to buy the election thus far – there is a chance that Bloomberg will drop out of the race and fade back into his world where money means everything and honor means nothing and we won’t have to be overwhelmed with his darn ads everywhere.

What a relief.  Oh, did I already mention that?  Okay, then… how about we go with liberation?  And liberation we got!

“Mini Mike” Bloomberg exited the race!

One down and many more to go before I no longer have “lying on my mind,” but today… I celebrate!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

I may not like you!

I may not like you!  Actually, it’s an absolute that I don’t and won’t like you, if you are one of those people who lie about others for personal or political gain!  PERIOD!… COMAS… and EXCLAMATION POINTS!

I’m not sure which is worse… those who think they have a right to use “by any means necessary” tactics to get what they want because they think their cause is so righteous or those who merely like to get what they want because lying and cheating is simply a means to get what they want and there is no righteousness involved.

It doesn’t matter.

If you ever lie about someone, how can you be trusted by anyone? 

How can you be trusted about anything?

Personally, I don’t think you can ever be trusted again because it takes some low-down evilness to lie about a person, who has done nothing, and yet, here you are trying to destroy their life… their livelihood… their future… their hopes & dreams – all for your benefit or entertainment.  You don’t deserve any trust and you certainly aren’t “righteous” by any means!

I often wish we had virtual reality perfected, so people could be put in various situations to see and feel the consequences of their efforts and wishes, or simply for them to see how it would feel if something were done until them that they are trying to have done unto others.  In some cases, it might be an effective tool.  In other cases, it would be a lost cause, unless the person could see “whatever” would have a negative effect on them, because nothing matters, except how it affects them.  They have no conscience.  They have no empathy for others.  They are defective!

Politicians get no pass from me!  For years, I have been saying that there needs to be a law put into place like “false advertising,” “fraud”, and “stealing by deceptive practices” related to election matters & performance of duties associated with the office obtained.  If they get elected on a lie – they should be immediately removed from office.  If they lie as Schiff & Pals have lied against others – they should be removed without the due process they attempted to take away from their target.  Likewise, the victim and the public, as a victim by extension, should be permitted to sue those, who wrongly tried to take away their chosen representative(s) and void their votes.

The media claims the status of a “free press” that is to be a watchdog for the public.  As such, they should then be held to a higher standard.  Suing the media for slander and libel should be much easier than it is at this point.  Furthermore, any media, whether by intent or neglect, that reports a falsehood to take down a duly elected official or candidate – should have its license revoked and forced to immediately close down its operation.  In short, Propaganda Rags should not be rewarded or allowed to sway public opinion in an attempt to achieve their agenda by deceit.

People make mistakes.  People sometimes state things as fact, believing they are, but they aren’t.  People sometimes have more confidence in one expert than another and there is a disagreement about which expert is right.  These are not lies.  These are honest mistakes (without intent to deceive) or merely difference of opinion.

On the other hand…

We do have the intentional liars.  Do I need to name names or can you name them yourself?  You know… the people that repeat debunked claims, as if they are true.  People who repeat the lies over and over, no matter how many times the actual videos or audios are presented to them.  Or, the people who simply pull whatever out of the air on the spur of the moment simply to be able to do a putdown of their target, which seems to usually be President Trump, his administration and supporters.

Can’t they find anything truthful to support their position?

Probably not!

The media… the politicians… the puppet masters… the indoctrinated and simply uncool people, who live life lying about others for personal gain, entertainment or to lift yourself above others – so you think – I don’t like you… I will never like you… I will never forget and most likely – I will never forgive you for the evil and destruction you have attempted or accomplished.

May you be shamed with accountability for all the heartless words and deeds you have showered upon the innocent!

May no one trust or believe you again!

I won’t!

I don’t like you!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

A Socialist? What in the world is wrong with people?

I’m amazed at all the commentary praising Bernie Sanders.  Worse, are those who have thus far voted for him.  What in the world is wrong with people?  Why would anyone want a socialist for President of the United States of America?  Why would anyone wish to live in a socialist country?  Can’t people grasp the reality of what they are supporting and how it would eventually affect them?

A good example of how well socialism works out is Venezuela.  Yet, the socialism champions can’t seem to grasp the devastation and destructive system that is reality and can be verified to be so.  Instead, on they champion as if oblivious to anything that does not match their fairy tale vision of the perfect society with all necessities provided to all people at all times.

Can we say – lack of critical thinking?

Twenty-first century indoctrination?

How can one reach these hateful and sometimes violent zombie-brained warriors before their numbers take the rest of us with them into a nightmarish region of suffering, hopelessness and even the potential of death?

Would a letter work?

Dear Socialist:

Do you truly understand the consequences of your quest?

You think socialism means everyone gets food, housing and medical? 

Think further.

There is a loaf of bread.  Everyone gets to share that loaf.  Do you ever consider the “portion” each would then receive?  Have you considered it might not be enough to sustain health or even life?

You seem to forget, in your little illusion of a world without need, that it doesn’t mean everyone gets all that they need, but rather, that there is “less” for all because all is shared.  And… eventually… that “less” moves into “nothing” left to be shared.

That’s right, dear Socialist Warriors – your illusion will become a nightmare of desperation and hopelessness.  It always ends that way.  It’s the only way it can end.  You, no matter what you think, don’t miraculously have a secret plan that will change the outcome.

Pick up a history book or two. 

It’s time you learn to live in a world of reality and work towards fixing and making the “workable” better, rather than rushing into an “unworkable” system that is nothing more than a fantasy with a deadly ending.

I, too, have thought of how wonderful it would be to fix all things for all people.  However, I’ve also faced the reality that when one pools money and goods – someone has to be in charge of the gathering and distribution.  This “in charge” person and/or group would decide what the people will get and how much they would get.   It’s how it has to work, if all people are to share all things.

Do you socialist champions really want others to decide how many slices of bread you get for the week?  Or how much electricity you are allowed to use?  Think of all the iPhones & other devices that you would no longer be able to use at will.  Someone else would be in charge of all that.  And, when they say, “no more” – there will be nothing you can do to safely fight the decision.  The government – a select few – will be in charge of every part of your life because you made it so.

You don’t get that, do you?

They indoctrinated you well.

Shake yourself.

Give yourself a chance to think for yourself again.

Think about this…

Those who are indoctrinating you, most likely think they will be among the “ruling” group that will be able to make all decisions for the lowly people such as yourself.  Why else don’t they want you to have necessary information and the ability to explore ideas other than their own?  You must, after all, think as they have told you to think, if you wish to be accepted, rather than shunned and perhaps even viciously bullied.

Do consider my words, if you can.

Could such a letter shake the manipulated out of their stupor of indoctrination?  I’m not holding out any hope of such a lightening strike. 

Wrongly perhaps, I often wish we could gather up all the socialist champions and take them to the land of their fantasy, so they can live socialism first hand.  I’m sure it wouldn’t take long before these people – who think they know more than anyone else – would be begging to return to the United States of America and its imperfect capitalism they once wanted to destroy.

Yes, too bad that we can’t give the socialist champions a taste of what they so desperately want, without taking everyone else down the path to a deadly nightmare. 

Maybe one day virtual reality will give us a means to do just that without causing harm to any.  In the meantime, we must fight to save ourselves from death by socialism and deadly destruction by those who are fighting to conquer and rule at our expense, not our benefit.

Bernie Sanders may think himself a savior, rather than the power grabber socialist type.  What he thinks and what his intent is matters not.  Once the door is open, and a socialist wins control, the country moves to the conditions and opportunity to become all the bad things of socialism.  It doesn’t take long.  It doesn’t take imagination.  Proof exists.

Look at Venezuela.

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

Open Letter to the Offended

Dear Easily Offended:

Tell me…

Do you intend to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, or do you have plans to eventually grow up and act and think as an adult?  Watching & listening to you, one has to wonder.

News flash…

Unlike what you have thus far been taught, you are not the center of the Universe to all people within the Universe.  Other people live in this world with you.  Other people have wants and dreams.  Other people have thoughts and preferences.  And, perhaps to your surprise, some other people are totally offended by your seemingly constant state of seeking things to be offended by.

I, for one, am not impressed by your snotty, self-righteous, selfish, baby-brat ways.  I’m especially not impressed by those of you who destroy other people’s property; as though you think you have some right simply because it offends you.  No, you don’t have that right.  It isn’t yours.  Keep your hands off other peoples’ stuff.

Even less impressive are those of you that take it a step further and think you have a right to assault others simply because you don’t agree with them.  You all deserve to have the handcuffs slapped on you & some serious time in a jail cell.  You are nothing more than vicious little criminals.


Hilarious are those of you that claim you are fighting fascism, when in fact – YOU ARE THE FASCISTS!  (If you were as brilliant as you “think” you are – you readily see that to be true.)

To be quite honest, I’m tired of some government officials and radical lefties indoctrinating you and enabling your fascist little bratty easily offended ways.  It’s time you grow up and act like a respectful adult.  Or, do you plan to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, being played like an ignorant puppet by the elite seeking power that you’ll never have?

Just wondering.


A person tired of your inexcusable behavior

Copyright © 2019 Carrie K. Hutchens


By Carrie K. Hutchens

In this mind-blogging era, the media is full of statements of fact that aren’t actually statement of facts.  Some comments are merely opinion, while others come from some fantasy land that only the group-thinkers exist in.  And then, there are the actual Gaslighters, who knowingly say what they want us to believe in spite of the fact that it isn’t true and was never true and will never be true.  Their motto is, “I said it, so it is and anyone who does not believe has something seriously wrong with them.”

I both hate the news and hesitate not to listen.  We need to know what is being said, so we aren’t blindsided down the road and unable to turn back the results of Gaslighting and other lies.  Still, listening to the hosts, reporters and bias politicians that are obviously out to get President Trump, no matter how they have to do it, is maddening.

On November 5, 2019, a reporter – I’ve forgotten his name – said that the transcripts were damning to the President without a breath as to how they might be damning.  I guess we are just supposed to take his word for it, but I don’t.

Bias has a way of affecting our hearing and reading skills.

I’ve noticed that many people that hate President Trump, hate him because of lies – not because he actually did anything to be hated for.  Likewise, they hate Trump supporters because of untruths that have been spread as truth about them.  Hate them and think it is acceptable to destroy those supposed intolerant racist that they have no reason to believe are intolerant racist, except someone said it sometime… somewhere controlled by the Trump-haters.

To this day, people claim that Trump mocked a disabled reporter for his disability.  People hate him for being that type of person.  Problem is… it isn’t true.

People still claim that Trump was lying when he said he was wiretapped, though it was on the front page of the New York Times and Hillary Clinton was saying that Trump’s computer was communicating with a Russian computer.

Some continue to say that Trump never denounced David Duke & other white supremacists, though there is video of him repeatedly doing so over the years and into present day.

In reference to Charlottesville, Trump said something to the effect that there were good people on both sides.  The hate-Trump crowds rushed to claim he was saying white supremacist were good people.  No, he was talking about “regular people” protesters involved in removing/not removing the statute of General Lee.

Trump never said that all Mexicans were criminals.  He was referring to specific illegals – not all Mexicans – but the hate Trump crowds never let that get in the way of their false claims.  Likewise, the ban from certain countries was not a “Muslim Ban”, but to this day, lying politicians and other haters claim it was and is.

Take all the lies away and what would these haters hate Trump for?

He isn’t a racist or xenophobic, which should be obvious to the rational mind.

He hasn’t lied as has been claimed.  And, needless to say, the paper publishing the lie about him lying, should be held accountable.

Trump supporters have been attacked and yet radical-left friendly media has claimed that it is the Trump supporter that is violent, racist and intolerant.  Gaslighting in plain view.

Those who have a stake in people believing the lies, will be annoyed, if not furious, about the truth being told.  Can’t have anyone detoxing the indoctrinated minds and moving them into “think about it” mode. 

Those who are indoctrinated will simply be furious and irrational because that is how their handlers have taught them to react to anything not defined and condoned in the “group-think” state-of-being.

Those who don’t have a stake in promoting the lies, and aren’t indoctrinated, understand what the ongoing lies and media propaganda is meant to do.  It’s obvious. 

First, you destroy a person’s likeability.  (If you don’t like someone – everything they say and do can be irritating and ripe to be questioned.)

Second, you make it seem like the person lies.  (If you believe a person is a liar – first response to anything said will be disbelief.)

Third, lie and lie some more about the person.  Get media to support your position & plant even more lies, as the movement continues its effort to change all the good into something distorted that they can control.  After all, the goal is to make this a country controlled by a few, with zombie followers to do their bidding and keep the few in power over the masses.

Not much to ponder.

It’s that simple.

It’s that obvious.

It’s a mind-boggling era, where otherwise intelligent individuals have fallen for the lies and propaganda and don’t even realize – if they win – they are likewise destined to be one of the masses.  Yes, one of the masses – not one of those in power – not one of those graced with some benefit from their blind and wrongful movement of hate and intolerance for President Trump and his supporters.

Difference between those in need of power and those such as me – we don’t try to destroy people by lie.  We don’t cheat to obtain what we want.  We weigh the evidence regardless of our feelings about the individual.  We believe in truth, justice and fairness for all!  And when we say, “I said it and it is so!” – it really is.

Copyright © 2019 & 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens