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This is What a Real Feminist Looks Like
The Final Point
Fake feminist ignore the women of Iran ??
— 'GITMO' ? BAMA (@President1Trump) January 4, 2018
OAN via Twitter
Nice Work Democrats
Because nothing says you're against racism and oppression like defacing the bust of the guy who ended slavery
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) August 18, 2017
An Open Letter to Trey Gowdy
Dear Representative Gowdy:
It is with great sorrow that I write to you today! Yes, sorrow. I feel as though I am at the execution of my best friend and finding there is nothing I can do to stop the wrongful killing of justice. A killing so wrongful that the cries of the people are relentless and piercing. Can’t you hear them?
You trusted Mueller in spite of the teams he was compiling? How is that possible? Even us lowly voters saw the deck was being stacked and not in a good and fair way, yet you were never suspicious? I don’t understand.
The leaks continue. Leaks that are always meant to harm our president and his administration. Leaks that are meant to take him down and void our vote. You know – the vote of the people. The vote that made Trump the legitimate President of the United States. Does that even matter anymore?
We watch as the liberals lie, cheat and bully in an attempt to de-legitimize the election and take down the president we voted for. We watch as few Republicans do anything to stop this wrongful attempt. We watch as people who claim to believe in the Constitution and our system – just shrug their shoulders and pretend all is working as it is supposed to.
Well, it’s not. It’s not working as it is supposed to.
The FBI director selectively answered questions. He answered when it would look bad on President Trump and claimed he couldn’t answer, if it would look good for him. You know, like the fact that Trump wasn’t under investigation though media & officials made the world think he was.
Lie by omission matters. It matters a great deal.
Rep. Gowdy, I have no doubt you have lived a squeaky clean life, but I bet even you are vulnerable to the evil and corruption that we are witnessing. Yes, I bet that if the media and so many in Congress set out to discredit you, that even your reputation and proven action couldn’t withstand their relentless attacks – not if you were standing against them alone. How would you feel then? How would you feel if it was you, rather than Trump, that was targeted for wrongful destruction?
I’m disappointed that you and a few others that I have trusted are doing so little, if anything to stand up for President Trump.
It’s simple really.
You don’t have to like Trump. That isn’t a requirement. However, if you are to claim you believe in the Constitution… believe in our system… believe in justice and the courts – you must stand up and fight fiercely even for Trump- the man we elected president. Otherwise, there is little hope of anything being right ever again.
Today we helplessly watch the corrupted laugh. We watch it because those in power are either using their power wrongly or not at all. We watch it because those who could make a difference have chosen not to and have closed their ears to our pleas to be the warriors they were sent to Congress to be.
Today we helplessly watch as truth and justice are being devoured in a pit of the wrongfully executed.
We may be helpless to fight the swamp beasts but you are not. Will you help us by helping President Trump?
With Hope that Evil Hasn’t Already Won,
A Legally Registered Voter
The Mooch did his homework.
The Mooch did his homework.
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) July 24, 2017
The Daily Show via Twitter
“…you do not, have not & will not ever speak for me…” – Antonia Okafor
"Let me be clear, leaders of the .@womensmarch, you do not, have not & will not ever speak for me" .@antonia_okafor.
— Kevin W. (@kwilli1046) July 15, 2017
KAREN HANDEL FOR CONGRESS. She will fight for lower taxes, great healthcare strong security-a hard worker who will never give up! VOTE TODAY
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 20, 2017
Dobbs on Russia probe
Dobbs on Russia probe
Judge Astacio arrested, sent to jail until Thursday’s hearing
Katie Hopkins asks…
Dear @BBCNews You showed this protest as real news. Can I have a formal comment please?
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) June 4, 2017
Contact 13 looks at whether overhaul is needed for child welfare system
Full Article & Source:
Contact 13 looks at whether overhaul is needed for child welfare system
UPDATE: Private guardian April Parks behind bars in Las Vegas
At This Point – What Difference Does It Make
Whoever made this Comey/Clinton video did a great job. #FireComey #LockHerUp #MAGA
— Red Nation Rising (@RedNationRising) April 19, 2017
As seen on Twitter
Credit Unknown
Socialist Mop
Ryan: Comey Was Compromised In Investigation [VIDEO]
‘Who Appointed You to the Supreme Court?’: Senator Grills Yates For Defying Trump Travel Ban
VIDEO : Bikers For Trump Will Stand-Up to Antifa Thugs Blocking Free Speech
In Lillie’s Voice: Elder Exploitation
CONTACT 13: Another guardian charged with abuse
LAS VEGAS (KTNV) – Another private guardian was charged with abuse of a vulnerable person on Thursday.
The young victim in the case was the first to come forward and talk with Contact 13 about corruption in the guardianship system.
Jason Hanson’s guardianship case was supposed to end when he became an adult. But Contact 13 discovered the court kept it open for seven years after his 18th birthday. And during that time, several so-called professionals came in and out of his life while the money set aside for his care dwindled away.
Darcy: “Did you get lost in the system or do you think it’s more sinister than that?”
Jason: “I don’t know if I got lost in the system or if it was more underhanded than that. But the system definitely needs to change.”
Article & Source:
CONTACT 13: Another guardian charged with abuse
Save The Snowflakes!
Save The Snowflakes!
Killard House Special School choir singing Hallelujah
God Bless!!!
Official Video Killard House Special School Choir Hallelujah