Catholic Hospital in Canada Under Fire for Naming Euthanasia Provider as Palliative Care Director-Why Should We Care?

by Nancy Valko, RN

In a shocking Sep 16, 2023 article from the Catholic News Agency titled Catholic hospital under fire for naming euthanasia provider as palliative care director | Catholic News Agency, Dr. Danielle Kain, a palliative care specialist who is associate professor and division co-chair of palliative medicine at Queen’s University, was appointed to the directorship of palliative care at Providence Hospital in Kingston, Ontario in Canada despite being “is both a staunch proponent and practitioner of euthanasia.”

Providence Hospital is one of 22 health care institutions in Ontario under the sponsorship of Catholic Health Sponsors of Ontario (CHSO). Canada has one of the most expansive assisted suicide laws in the world and is now considering adding people whose sole medical condition is mental illness. (Emphasis added)

The article also states that “Kain has argued that all publicly funded institutions, including Catholic hospitals, should be compelled to offer MAiD (Medical Aid in Dying) She has also expressed support for the Effective Referral Policy: doctors who have conscientious objections to euthanasia must refer patients to MAiD-offering doctors. In a 2016 Twitter post, Kain wrote: “Making an effective referral is not an infringement of rights.” (All emphasis added) (Continue reading)

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Catholic Hospital in Canada Under Fire for Naming Euthanasia Provider as Palliative Care Director-Why Should We Care?

Thomas Sowell explains how he turned from Marxism as a young man to conservatism

By Charles Creitz

Renowned conservative philosopher and economist Thomas Sowell joined “Life, Liberty & Levin” as its first guest of its new two-day-per-week airing to discuss his own personal pivot from Marxism as a youth to a conservative as he grew older.

Host Mark Levin described the rise of Marxist thought in America, particularly from college campuses and younger voters, asking Sowell how he reckoned with that same line of thought as he began to analyze what he was being told.

“I think there’s a very simple explanation that as of the time I became a Marxist: I didn’t know as much as I knew,” Sowell said.

“After several years of study and observing things going on and, facts carried a lot of weight with me, and when the facts kept going in the wrong way, I realized that this (Marxism) was not going to do what it claimed it was going to do.”  (Continue reading)

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Thomas Sowell explains how he turned from Marxism as a young man to conservatism

Progress in the War Against Conscience Rights

by Nancy Valko, RN

As I wrote in my 2016 blog “Conscientious Objection, Conscience Rights and Workplace Discrimination” :

The tragic cases of Nancy Cruzan and Christine Busalacchi , young Missouri women who were claimed to be in a “persistent vegetative state” and starved and dehydrated to death, outraged those of us in Missouri Nurses for Life and we took action.

Besides educating people about severe brain damage, treatment, cases of recovery and the radical change in medical ethics that could lead to the legalization of euthanasia, we also fought for healthcare providers’ rights against workplace discrimination for refusing to participate in deliberate death decisions. We talked to nurses who were threatened with termination.

Although Missouri had some protections against forcing participating in abortion, there were no statutes we could find where health care providers were protected against being forced to participate in deliberate death decisions. We were also told by some legislators that our chance of success was almost nil.

Nevertheless, we persisted and after years of work and enduring legislators watering down our original proposal to include lethal overdoses and strong penalties, Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 404.872.1 was finally signed into law in 1992. It states:

Refusal to honor health care decision, discrimination prohibited, when.

404.872. No physician, nurse, or other individual who is a health care provider or an employee of a health care facility shall be discharged or otherwise discriminated against in his employment or employment application for refusing to honor a health care decision withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment if such refusal is based upon the individual’s religious beliefs, or sincerely held moral convictions.

(L. 1992 S.B. 573 & 634 § 7)

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UK court rules teen with rare disorder incapable of making decisions about care despite begging to live

A UK court has ruled a 19-year-old critically ill female patient with a rare disorder cannot make her own decisions about continuing her medical care, as her family battles her doctors’ desire to stop treatment and pursue end-of-life care.

The teen, whose identity has been anonymized as “ST” by the court, has a rare genetic mitochondrial disease that is progressively degenerative, according to court documents. Her condition is similar to that of Charlie Gard, the infant whose story drew global headlines in 2017. Charlie’s parents lost a bid to bring him to the U.S. for an experimental treatment for his critical condition and he died after the hospital withdrew life-saving care after a months-long high profile legal battle.

Despite previously being a student studying for her A-levels (short for advanced levels), the 19-year-old girl has spent the past year in the ICU, dependent on a ventilator and a feeding tube. She requires regular dialysis due to chronic kidney damage from her disease. “ST” is currently fighting the hospital to be allowed to travel to Canada for an experimental treatment to treat her disease.  (Click to continue reading)

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UK court rules teen with rare disorder incapable of making decisions about care despite begging to live

Florida school board forced to remove dozens of books after parents read ‘graphic’ passages aloud

By Nikolas Lanum

The Indian River County School Board unanimously voted to remove books from school shelves during an August 28, 2023 meeting. (Screenshot/School District of Indian River County)

A Florida school board voted unanimously to remove several dozen books from school shelves after concerned citizens read graphic excerpts from the hotly debated novels.

The board decided to remove the books in question because of a rule signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in May that states parents “shall have the right to read passages from any material that is subject to an objection.”

Under HB 1069, if a school board denies parents the right to read passages considered “pornographic” or “harmful to minors,” the school district must discontinue the use of such materials.  (Click to continue reading)

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Florida school board forced to remove dozens of books after parents read ‘graphic’ passages aloud

Biden surrenders America for the sixth time

by By Hung Cao

I learned to swim at the U.S. Embassy swimming pool in Niamey, Niger, in 1976. Little did I know, that would lead to a career as a U.S. Navy diver. 

It wasn’t pool parties, picnics or watching movies at the Recreation Center, the only entertainment in a country that didn’t have television, that prompted my 25-year career as a special operations officer. It was the Marines from the Security Guard Detachment that stood watch at the embassy all day, every day. 

Even though they were fun during picnics or dressing up as elves to escort Santa riding on a camel at Christmas, under those smiles were steely-eyed warriors. There was no question that they would put their lives on the line to protect us. I knew I wanted to be like them by standing watch over the country that gave my family a second chance. (Continue Reading)

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Biden surrenders America for the sixth time

Proposed Changes to Definition of Death Threaten Brain-Damaged Patients

BROOMALL, Pa., July 21, 2023—The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) and the National Catholic Partnership on Disability urge the Uniform Law Commission not to change its recommendation for the definition of brain death from the irreversible cessation of brain function to the permanent cessation of most brain activity. Such a change in policy would allow living patients with severe brain damage to be declared legally dead.

Under the proposed changes to the Uniform Determination of Death Act, whole brain death would be replaced with partial brain death. Consequently, nonresponsive patients with severe neurological injury could be declared brain dead even if they still exhibit some integrated brain function. Rather than improve the accuracy of clinical protocols, this change would bring them in line with current practices, which have been criticized for their lack of rigor and potential for abuse. Moreover, although motivated by a noble desire to save lives through organ donation, relaxing the existing standard of whole brain death involves an implicit judgment that doctors can violate the physical integrity of these vulnerable patients to benefit other patients whose lives are considered more worth saving.

 Patients with severe neurological injury cannot speak for themselves, and given the complexity of their conditions, it can be very difficult for their family and friends to effectively advocate on their behalf if they do not have medical expertise. Consequently, the medical and legal communities have a special duty to protect these patients by establishing adequate safeguards so that vital organs may not be procured prior to death or be the cause of the donor’s death. In this context, relaxing the criteria for declaring a person brain dead not only could dissuade people from becoming donors but also could have a disastrous effect on trust in the physician-patient relationship.

 To ensure that organ donation remains a selfless gift motivated by genuine love of neighbor, and to support a strong relationship of trust between patients and physicians, the standard for determining brain death must include the complete and irreversible cessation of integrated function in the whole brain. Commenting on the review process, NCBC Staff Ethicist Edward Furton said, “The Uniform Law Commission is about to affirm that current neurological criteria for determining death are too rigorous and need to be relaxed. Instead of calling for their more careful application, the lax standards are to be incorporated into the rule. This will result in the withdrawal of support from those who demand complete confidence that the patient has died before organs are donated.”

The National Catholic Bioethics Center provides education, guidance, and resources to the Church and society to uphold the dignity of the human person in health care and biomedical research, thereby sharing in the ministry of Jesus Christ and his Church. The NCBC envisions a world in which the integral understanding of the human person underlying Catholic teaching on respect for human life and dignity is better understood and more widely embraced in America and worldwide. More information can be found at


Proposed Changes to Definition of Death Threaten Brain-Damaged Patients

Forgotten Role?

Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter

Ne-Yo scolds parents who let kids make ‘life-changing’ gender decisions as minors: ‘Forgotten’ their roles

Bill Maher questions why Chicago’s crime wave isn’t addressed: ‘Why are you killing each other?’

By Lindsay Kornick

Bill Maher calls out Chicago crime wave: Its never addressed “Real Time” host Bill Maher discussed the black-on-black crime issue plaguing cities like Chicago and criticized how it isn’t addressed by Democratic leaders.

“Real Time” host Bill Maher called out the lack of attention to high Black-on-Black crime rates in cities such as Chicago during his show on Friday.

Hosting a panel with Brown University economist Glenn Loury and international relations scholar Daniel Bessner, Maher questioned the rise in crime in major cities and why it has not been addressed.

“Like Chicago: Most of the shootings are young Black men killing other young Black men. Is that not correct?” Maher asked.

After Loury confirmed it was true, Maher continued, “Okay, much more than what the cops do. Why doesn’t anybody talk about that? Why aren’t there a hundred giant Black celebrities who would have the respect of those people saying what are you doing to yourselves? Why are you killing each other?”  (Continue Reading)

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Bill Maher questions why Chicago’s crime wave isn’t addressed: ‘Why are you killing each other?’

Utah lawmaker’s home vandalized after he introduced bill to ban transgender surgeries: ‘Trannies bash back’

By Chris Pandolfo

A Utah state lawmaker’s home was vandalized this week with messages that indicate he was targeted because of his opposition to transgender medical treatments for minors.

Messages in red spray-painted on Republican state Sen. Mike Kennedy’s door read “fash” — short for fascist — and “These trannies bash back,” a phrase that uses a slur for transgender people. Kennedy shared a photograph of the vandalism in a post on Facebook.

Earlier this year, Kennedy sponsored SB16, legislation that bans transgender surgeries and puberty blockers for minors. The bill was signed into law by Gov. Spencer Cox in January. (Continue reading)

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Utah lawmaker’s home vandalized after he introduced bill to ban transgender surgeries: ‘Trannies bash back’

St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner scorched online after execution-style shooting of homeless man

by Danielle Wallace

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner was torched online after a video went viral showing a suspect fatally shoot a homeless man execution-style in broad daylight in the Missouri city. 

Several social media users noted Gardner’s campaign was funded by George Soros, blaming the prosecutor for what they described as a sad state of rampant crime and violence. 

“DISTURBING CONTENT: A man loads a gun and shoots a homeless man in downtown St. Louis just 15 minutes from where I live,” Ryan Cunningham tweeted, sharing the shooting video with his 73,000 followers. “Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Prosecutor, is George Soros funded and often lets people like this go free with no charges.” (Continue Reading)

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St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner scorched online after execution-style shooting of homeless man

Well, Former AG Bill Barr

By Carrie K. Hutchens

Bill Barr, you seem to be intent on telling the world how you thought President Trump was wrong in so many ways. Maybe you can take a breath and tell us, Mr. Righteous, if you investigated the allegations of election fraud and interference, how is it you were unaware of the government involvement in censorship and information suppression? How is it that you missed what certainly appears to be a coordination between government employees, the media, and social media to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and other matters that were deemed to be a threat to the election outcome that the players and their masters apparently were striving for? You know… actual censorship of citizens by the government and actual election interference.

Personally, no matter how many times you claimed it to be, I never for a moment believed an actual investigation ever occurred. A pretend one maybe, but never a real one. It couldn’t have been done that fast and been thorough. Guess you were counting on everyone assuming you have all this integrity, so the world should just take your word. Well, I don’t take your word for anything and you have proven my feelings to be with cause.

You, former AG Bill Barr, are either utterly incompetent or were intentionally blind to what was taking place. Either way, the wrong is on you. And, the proof there wasn’t a thorough investigation is the fact you were supposedly unaware of the wrongs being done right under your nose. Doesn’t matter. Either way, you have egg on your face and I for one will be happy to point out that your pedestal is crumbling, as the wrongs come out into the light.

“One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General” by you? Your title is right. You, the libs, and many in the government have continually twisted what Trump did and said and were always looking to find something to “get him on.” He couldn’t turn around without one of you trying to claim he had done something wrong or said something wrong or maybe he just wasn’t as smooth-talking as is liked by the likes of you and your buddies. But tell us, when did Trump ever try to destroy the lives of you and your fellow Trump haters by lies and half-truths?

Another thing before I close.

You were ready to throw your opinion out there about the Mar-a-Lago raid. You, of course, took the side against Trump. So, tell us… what’s your opinion on the classified documents Biden had and where they were found? Have I missed you running to the mic to jump on that situation? Can you explain why one set of attorneys were allowed to be present during searches, but not the others? Actually, your explanation is worthless. We already know that when it comes to Trump, you are quick to find some kind of fault with him, even when it was obvious whatever was done unto him and he merely reacted in defense.

You should be ashamed.

I, for one, am quite ashamed, even if you aren’t. I’m ashamed that I once believed you were the person you pretend to be. My eyes have been opened though. As I said previously, there couldn’t have been an investigation and not discovered the election interference, information suppression, and censorship that was active right under your nose. And you know what? I’m betting it all did make a difference that changed the election results. Someday, we will know. I look forward to you eating humble pie and having to admit to the world that you were wrong in how you have treated President Trump and the citizens that were affected by the wrongs so easily carried out. Yes, I look forward to that day. May it be soon.

Pennsylvania jury acquits pro-life activist Mark Houck on charges of obstructing abortion clinic access

By Louis Casiano | Fox News

A jury has reportedly acquitted Pennsylvania pro-life activist who was accused of allegedly pushing a Planned Parenthood escort during a clash outside an abortion clinic, Life News reported.

Mark Houck, 48, faced charges that he violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate and interfere with anyone because that person produces reproductive health care. He pleaded not guilty. 

The charge stems from an Oct. 13, 2021 incident in which the Biden Administration alleged Houck assaulted and “forcefully shoved” Bruce Love, a 72-year-old volunteer at a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood.

Photo of pro-life Pennsylvania man Mark Houck with his family. Houck was found not guilty by a Pennsylvania jury of violating a federal abortion interference law. (Thomas More Society)

Houck was arrested in his home by multiple FBI agents in September 2022.

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, celebrated the news of Houck’s acquittal with a tweet. 

“Good. Begs question of the $48 billion we give to DOJ…,” he wrote. 

Shortly after Houck’s arrest last fall, his attorney Peter Breen told Fox News Digital that his client’s arrest was an “outrageous abuse of power” from the Department of Justice that was intended to intimidate pro-life Americans.

“The message from the Biden Department of Justice is pure intimidation against pro-life people and people of faith,” said Breen, senior counsel of the Thomas More Society. “Why in the world would you send this phalanx of officers heavily armed to this family’s home, violate the sanctity of their home, frighten their children? Why would you do that, other than just to send a message?  (Continue Reading)

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Pennsylvania jury acquits pro-life activist Mark Houck on charges of obstructing abortion clinic access 

Ex-Colorado social worker ordered to pay councilwoman millions after allegedly filing false child abuse report

The $3 million judgment against Robin Niceta should ‘send a message’ that her type of misconduct ‘should not be tolerated,’ said the judge

By Emma Colton

Booking photo of former Colorado social worker Robin Niceta. (Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office)

A Colorado judge ordered a disgraced social worker to pay $3 million in damages to an Aurora city councilwoman in a defamation case based on a false child abuse report leveled against the city leader.

“This award is made, in part, ‘to send a message that this kind of conduct cannot and should not be tolerated by anybody,'” Arapahoe County Judge Elizabeth Beebe Volz wrote in her order, which was obtained by Fox News Digital.

Former Arapahoe County social worker Robin Niceta was arrested in May of last year and charged with a felony count of suspicion of attempting to influence a public servant and a misdemeanor count of making a false report about child abuse. The report claimed that Aurora Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky inappropriately touched her own toddler.

The tip was made on Jan. 28, one day after Jurinsky went on a radio show to speak out against then-Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson. She described the city’s top police officer as “trash” who needed to be ousted over allegedly throwing “police officers under the bus,” overseeing the city facing mounting shootings, as well as police staffing shortages.

What Jurinsky did not know during the interview was that the police chief was dating Niceta at the time. Wilson was ultimately fired as Aurora’s police chief over unrelated matters to Niceta, and told Fox News Digital last year that the couple is no longer together, and she wants “nothing to do with [Niceta].”

An investigation was launched after Niceta allegedly filed the anonymous tip, which ultimately cleared Jurinsky of any wrongdoing, but left the councilwoman in a fearful limbo for two weeks that she might lose custody of her son.  (Continue Reading)

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Ex-Colorado social worker ordered to pay councilwoman millions after allegedly filing false child abuse report