Frustrated Father Writes Note in Response to Common Core Assignment ‘On Steroids’

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Frustrated Father Writes Note in Response to Common Core Assignment ‘On Steroids’

In my opinion: Complicated, when unnecessary, is about as stupid as driving clear across town & back to a store a few blocks away because the directions on the internet are from a starting point on the other side of town.

Open the floodgates? Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core

Common core IndianaINDIANAPOLIS – Indiana has become the first of 45 states to opt out of the national education standard known as Common Core, and critics of the controversial K-12 program say the move could “open the floodgates” for others to follow.

Growing criticism over costs imposed by the program, as well as fears that by setting a national education standard, the program has already begun dictating curriculum, has made Common Core an increasingly polarizing issue. Although the program has both Republican and Democrat supporters, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence predicted his state will be the first of many to rethink participation.

“I believe when we reach the end of this process there are going to be many other states around the country that will take a hard look at the way Indiana has taken a step back, designed our own standards and done it in a way where we drew on educators, we drew on citizens, we drew on parents and developed standards that meet the needs of our people,” Pence said.

The Common Core State Standards Initiative, originally drafted by state education superintendents working with the National Governors Association, and since embraced by the Obama administration, seeks to impose a national standard for achievement among K-12 students. Some states began implementation this year, with the majority slated to begin in the fall.

But several states are seeing a backlash against participation, which was typically approved as long as five years ago. Jim Stergios, executive director of the nonpartisan, Boston-based think tank Pioneer Institute, said the Hoosier State’s move could “open the floodgates.”

“Indiana, under [Republican Gov.] Mitch Daniels, was one of the early proponents of Common Core, even the poster child,” Stergios told “By pulling out, it sends a strong signal to other states, particularly red states, that, ‘Hey, if they can do this, then why can’t we?'”

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Open the floodgates? Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core

I can’t believe you made it!

I can’t believe you made it!

Amazing how everyone survived the good ole days when kids were kids, being accountable for one’s own actions was expected, and being able to admit to being wrong — was considered honorable and a sign of strength!
Amazing indeed!
Oh, for the good ole days — may they return and may that return be soon!

Racers running for Tillman Foundation spontaneously honor WWII veteran

SAN JOSE, Calif. — As Joe Bell, 95, sat in front of his house and cheered on runners participating in the 408-K Race to Row, the runners did something off the beaten path. Runners began peeling off one-by-one to honor the World War II Veteran according to affiliate KTLA. Dressed in his full uniform, Bell happily accepted many handshakes.

The video was taken by a member of the San Jose Mercury News and showed the patriotic gesture from a group who was already doing something to honor another patriot, the late Pat Tillman. Tillman was an Army Ranger who was killed while serving. His foundation holds the race and provides educational scholarships to military veterans and their spouses.

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Racers running for Tillman Foundation spontaneously honor WWII veteran

VIDEO: Garbage man hailed for simple act of respect and patriotism

OREGON – A garbage man, who says he was just doing what he was taught to do, is being hailed for his simple act of patriotism after it was caught on video.

Garbage man Jeremy Fischer found an American flag close to the trash which had blown off of a nearby flagpole while he was working on his route. Instead of leaving the flag on the ground where he discovered it, Fischer picked the flag up, and after folding it military style, laid it on the porch of the home.

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VIDEO: Garbage man hailed for simple act of respect and patriotism

About to blow a gasket…

This afternoon, I read,The GOP’s Sham Denunciation of Ted Nugent“, by Earl Ofari Hutchinson and felt like blowing a gasket.

Then I read, “Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. He is a frequent MSNBC contributor. He is an associate editor of New America Media. He is a weekly co-host of the Al Sharpton Show on American Urban Radio Network. He is the host of the weekly Hutchinson Report on KTYM 1460 AM Radio Los Angeles and KPFK-Radio and the Pacifica Network.”

Nevermind.  His opinion isn’t worth a perfectly good gasket.