I may not like you!

I may not like you!  Actually, it’s an absolute that I don’t and won’t like you, if you are one of those people who lie about others for personal or political gain!  PERIOD!… COMAS… and EXCLAMATION POINTS!

I’m not sure which is worse… those who think they have a right to use “by any means necessary” tactics to get what they want because they think their cause is so righteous or those who merely like to get what they want because lying and cheating is simply a means to get what they want and there is no righteousness involved.

It doesn’t matter.

If you ever lie about someone, how can you be trusted by anyone? 

How can you be trusted about anything?

Personally, I don’t think you can ever be trusted again because it takes some low-down evilness to lie about a person, who has done nothing, and yet, here you are trying to destroy their life… their livelihood… their future… their hopes & dreams – all for your benefit or entertainment.  You don’t deserve any trust and you certainly aren’t “righteous” by any means!

I often wish we had virtual reality perfected, so people could be put in various situations to see and feel the consequences of their efforts and wishes, or simply for them to see how it would feel if something were done until them that they are trying to have done unto others.  In some cases, it might be an effective tool.  In other cases, it would be a lost cause, unless the person could see “whatever” would have a negative effect on them, because nothing matters, except how it affects them.  They have no conscience.  They have no empathy for others.  They are defective!

Politicians get no pass from me!  For years, I have been saying that there needs to be a law put into place like “false advertising,” “fraud”, and “stealing by deceptive practices” related to election matters & performance of duties associated with the office obtained.  If they get elected on a lie – they should be immediately removed from office.  If they lie as Schiff & Pals have lied against others – they should be removed without the due process they attempted to take away from their target.  Likewise, the victim and the public, as a victim by extension, should be permitted to sue those, who wrongly tried to take away their chosen representative(s) and void their votes.

The media claims the status of a “free press” that is to be a watchdog for the public.  As such, they should then be held to a higher standard.  Suing the media for slander and libel should be much easier than it is at this point.  Furthermore, any media, whether by intent or neglect, that reports a falsehood to take down a duly elected official or candidate – should have its license revoked and forced to immediately close down its operation.  In short, Propaganda Rags should not be rewarded or allowed to sway public opinion in an attempt to achieve their agenda by deceit.

People make mistakes.  People sometimes state things as fact, believing they are, but they aren’t.  People sometimes have more confidence in one expert than another and there is a disagreement about which expert is right.  These are not lies.  These are honest mistakes (without intent to deceive) or merely difference of opinion.

On the other hand…

We do have the intentional liars.  Do I need to name names or can you name them yourself?  You know… the people that repeat debunked claims, as if they are true.  People who repeat the lies over and over, no matter how many times the actual videos or audios are presented to them.  Or, the people who simply pull whatever out of the air on the spur of the moment simply to be able to do a putdown of their target, which seems to usually be President Trump, his administration and supporters.

Can’t they find anything truthful to support their position?

Probably not!

The media… the politicians… the puppet masters… the indoctrinated and simply uncool people, who live life lying about others for personal gain, entertainment or to lift yourself above others – so you think – I don’t like you… I will never like you… I will never forget and most likely – I will never forgive you for the evil and destruction you have attempted or accomplished.

May you be shamed with accountability for all the heartless words and deeds you have showered upon the innocent!

May no one trust or believe you again!

I won’t!

I don’t like you!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

A Socialist? What in the world is wrong with people?

I’m amazed at all the commentary praising Bernie Sanders.  Worse, are those who have thus far voted for him.  What in the world is wrong with people?  Why would anyone want a socialist for President of the United States of America?  Why would anyone wish to live in a socialist country?  Can’t people grasp the reality of what they are supporting and how it would eventually affect them?

A good example of how well socialism works out is Venezuela.  Yet, the socialism champions can’t seem to grasp the devastation and destructive system that is reality and can be verified to be so.  Instead, on they champion as if oblivious to anything that does not match their fairy tale vision of the perfect society with all necessities provided to all people at all times.

Can we say – lack of critical thinking?

Twenty-first century indoctrination?

How can one reach these hateful and sometimes violent zombie-brained warriors before their numbers take the rest of us with them into a nightmarish region of suffering, hopelessness and even the potential of death?

Would a letter work?

Dear Socialist:

Do you truly understand the consequences of your quest?

You think socialism means everyone gets food, housing and medical? 

Think further.

There is a loaf of bread.  Everyone gets to share that loaf.  Do you ever consider the “portion” each would then receive?  Have you considered it might not be enough to sustain health or even life?

You seem to forget, in your little illusion of a world without need, that it doesn’t mean everyone gets all that they need, but rather, that there is “less” for all because all is shared.  And… eventually… that “less” moves into “nothing” left to be shared.

That’s right, dear Socialist Warriors – your illusion will become a nightmare of desperation and hopelessness.  It always ends that way.  It’s the only way it can end.  You, no matter what you think, don’t miraculously have a secret plan that will change the outcome.

Pick up a history book or two. 

It’s time you learn to live in a world of reality and work towards fixing and making the “workable” better, rather than rushing into an “unworkable” system that is nothing more than a fantasy with a deadly ending.

I, too, have thought of how wonderful it would be to fix all things for all people.  However, I’ve also faced the reality that when one pools money and goods – someone has to be in charge of the gathering and distribution.  This “in charge” person and/or group would decide what the people will get and how much they would get.   It’s how it has to work, if all people are to share all things.

Do you socialist champions really want others to decide how many slices of bread you get for the week?  Or how much electricity you are allowed to use?  Think of all the iPhones & other devices that you would no longer be able to use at will.  Someone else would be in charge of all that.  And, when they say, “no more” – there will be nothing you can do to safely fight the decision.  The government – a select few – will be in charge of every part of your life because you made it so.

You don’t get that, do you?

They indoctrinated you well.

Shake yourself.

Give yourself a chance to think for yourself again.

Think about this…

Those who are indoctrinating you, most likely think they will be among the “ruling” group that will be able to make all decisions for the lowly people such as yourself.  Why else don’t they want you to have necessary information and the ability to explore ideas other than their own?  You must, after all, think as they have told you to think, if you wish to be accepted, rather than shunned and perhaps even viciously bullied.

Do consider my words, if you can.

Could such a letter shake the manipulated out of their stupor of indoctrination?  I’m not holding out any hope of such a lightening strike. 

Wrongly perhaps, I often wish we could gather up all the socialist champions and take them to the land of their fantasy, so they can live socialism first hand.  I’m sure it wouldn’t take long before these people – who think they know more than anyone else – would be begging to return to the United States of America and its imperfect capitalism they once wanted to destroy.

Yes, too bad that we can’t give the socialist champions a taste of what they so desperately want, without taking everyone else down the path to a deadly nightmare. 

Maybe one day virtual reality will give us a means to do just that without causing harm to any.  In the meantime, we must fight to save ourselves from death by socialism and deadly destruction by those who are fighting to conquer and rule at our expense, not our benefit.

Bernie Sanders may think himself a savior, rather than the power grabber socialist type.  What he thinks and what his intent is matters not.  Once the door is open, and a socialist wins control, the country moves to the conditions and opportunity to become all the bad things of socialism.  It doesn’t take long.  It doesn’t take imagination.  Proof exists.

Look at Venezuela.

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!