Games on the Hill: The DC Crowd at Play

whistleThe DC Crowd is on the field prancing around, flexing their muscles and making sure their ear-muffs are firmly in place.  Watch out — there it goes — first insult slammed into right field.  Cruz runs wide… back… back… there he goes… he jumps… and it’s a leaping catch right into his corner.

Reid calls it an incomplete and declares no points for Cruz.

Next ball down the center… oh… whoa… look at it go!  Lee jumps up catches it… passes it down the court to Cruz… Cruz does a jump shot… in it goes… a basket in one!  The crowd goes wild!

Reid calls out, “I told you I wasn’t going to let you make that play, so it doesn’t count.”

Volley over the net and no one on the other side to send the ball back.  Instead, they are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the touch down they think they have no hope of stopping.

Reid calls out again, “Time for a break.”

Confused yet at exactly what game the DC Crowd is playing and what the rules actually are?  Most people are.  The rules keep changing depending on the team up-to-bat in would seem.  After all, it appears to be an unquestionable line-drive right down the winning lane and someone in power calls it a “foul ball” and readily dismisses it.  Umpire goes with the power-person and everyone else is standing around going, “Huh?  How did that happen?”

Instant and long term replay doesn’t seem to have much influence over what was versus what is said to have been.  (Kinda Orwellian history in the making.)  So, while the DC Crowd is at play, playing whatever it is they are playing, it’s the other crowd that is being turned away from the stadium gates and left in limbo to pay the price for however these games turn out.

I wonder how much those ear muffs have cost “We the People” thus far?


Pulling the Plug

plugIt is mind blogging how some people are so ready to suggest the plug should be pulled on others. What if the pluggee doesn’t want the plug pulled? Pull it anyway?

There you go. One more down. Who else can we get rid of?

The thought brings to mind a picture of an eager face with a vile grin and some drool running down the chin for good measure. “Oh look, that little old lady in Aisle 4 doesn’t have quality of life. I wouldn’t want to live that way, walking with a limp. Let’s get her. Boy, this legal murder is empowering. Look at me! I have power over life and death. Why didn’t we start doing this before now? Oh, good another one back by the frozen foods. Such a good day for plug pulling.”

Think it can’t ever happen?

Who would have thought we would ever be where we are today? Who would have thought we would be so ready to say that helpless people “aren’t in there”, and thus believe it is simply okay to starve and dehydrate them to death? Who would have thought, but that is where society has arrived at. Society is killing off the weakest without thought to those who have fallen victim to illness, injury, disability or age. It is outrageous at how cold and cruel our society has become.

It is easy to say someone has no hope, when no therapy or attempt has been made to help the person get better. It’s causing the problem and then having the problem be our supportive argument as to why not to take any positive actions.

For those who might not get what I just said, it would be like a husband taking the one and only family car and then blaming the wife for not driving to the grocery store for something he wanted while he was gone with the one and only car that prevented her from being able to drive to the store to get what he wanted while he was gone with the one and only car.

Or, how about a teacher not giving an assignment, but then blaming the class for not completing the assignment not given?

Likewise, people can’t always get better without the tools and treatment being made available to them.

They can’t wheel themselves down the hallway, if they don’t have a wheel chair to wheel.

They can’t do physical therapy if none is offered, nor anyone to tell them how.

They can’t take the necessary medications to cure their illness, if no medication is made available.

They can’t eat or drink if no food or water is provided.

They can’t look out the window if there is no window to look out of.

Simply put, people can’t get better if they aren’t allowed to get better, because all things that will (or might) make them better is denied them.

But none of this appears to matter in this day and age, when the so-called “Enlightened” seem to feel they are the anointed and have the power of a god to make life and death decisions in spite of what the person or family might want.

Listening to the arguments of many is a waste of time. They justify with issues that are irrelevant to the case at hand. I liken their arguments to:

Spot — the dog — pooped in the yard, so Spot’s owners aren’t going to feed the cat bird food.

So, one asks this person what any of that has to do with anything or even with each other, and the person might come back with the righteous question — “What? Are you trying to say that Spot didn’t poop in the yard?”

Or, maybe the response will be, “What? Are you supporting feeding the cat bird food?”

Sometimes I wonder if the irrational is to drive the rational over the edge or wear them down where they give up the fight against this madness. I don’t know, but I do know that I get tired of it and would like to put the irrational in a padded room with all their irrational statements played back to them throughout the day and night and see their reaction to their own words… their own arguments… their own enjoyment at playing these games with others.

I guess I should ask for forgiveness for wishing such on even them, but it doesn’t take away the truth that something really does need to be done to shake up this world and get it (and us) back on track. This craziness has simply gotten all too boring and quite too dangerous for all too many people.

Those who think they are gods and anointed to make choices between life and death for those who aren’t asking for their services, should be demoted to Spot’s poop scoopers and making sure the cat isn’t fed the bird food, while those who respect life — should be the ones moved into the position considered “Enlighten” and given the courtesy of a listen.

Once “non-responsive” is not necessarily forever “unresponsive”.

Unable to speak or move is not necessarily a sign that a person is gone and that the brain is dead.

Those who believe the garbage being spit out in this day and age to suggest otherwise of what I just said, should read the story of Kate Allatt, Mother-of-three left ‘locked in’ by a stroke last year WALKS down the aisle to renew her wedding vows . By Daily Mail Reporter Created 10:15 AM on 25th May 2011. It might just be an eye opener and give a person wonder of what if they were in a situation as she. Would they, too, like the opportunity to return to their life? Or, would they rather Spot eat the bird food and the cat poop in the yard while the bird makes the decision just before he goes to work to consider giving the rat still another loan to pay for his teeth so he can chew up the constitution and any good works that might have once shown us to be compassionate human beings trying to make this world a better place for all?

Pulling the plug on any, should be a something taken very serious and it has nothing to do with what Spot did in the yard today or yesterday or any day before!

It has to do with the issues at hand!

It has to do with a human life we are talking about and deciding about!

What if we are wrong?

Ask Kate Allatt and her family about the consequences of wrong and what might have been if continued!

Ask her if she rather have been unplugged or allowed to walk down the aisle to renew her wedding vows. Her answer might astonish our “enlightened”, but it certainly doesn’t astonish me or the rest of us “unenlightened”.

We know.

We just hope the realization spreads.



Pulling the Plug originally published on Dakota Voice – August 26th, 2011

Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Hot off the keyboard: Press Release of Senator Cruz

puter from clker site 093013Reid Tables Bill to Fund Government, Refuses to Come to Table with Republicans

Contact: / (202) 228-7561
Monday, September 30, 2013

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) released the following statement regarding Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to block consideration of the House-passed Continuing Resolution to avoid a government shutdown.

“Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had the opportunity this afternoon to avert a government shutdown. Instead, he chose to kill the House’s bill to keep government open, a deliberate act to move towards a government shutdown. This is no surprise. After the House acted Saturday night, Sen. Reid refused to call the Senate back to service, instead leaving senators at home on vacation while a shutdown loomed. And he has apparently advised the President not to meet with House and Senate leaders of both parties. Harry Reid wants a shutdown, because, sadly, Democrats are putting politics above the needs of the American people. The New York Times explained why: because, as the Democrats believe “now is the time to break the power of Tea Party Republicans.”

“This is exactly the kind of DC-based thinking that makes Americans disdain Washington, DC. Democrats need to listen to the people and start working for the millions of Americans who are losing their jobs, wages, and healthcare benefits because of Obamacare. This is not a debate over a government shutdown; it’s a debate about how Obamacare is plaguing our economy. I will continue working to make sure the government stays open and Americans receive the same benefits as giant corporations and Congress under Obamacare. Until then, I hope the American people will continue to speak out against this disastrous, train wreck of a law and make DC listen.”