Reality: Guns Aren’t the Cause


The babies and other victims haven’t even left the morgue yet, and numerous liberals are screaming for more gun control as they bash the right and blame guns.  Politics at its best.  Never waste a crisis.  Play on people’s emotions, rather than their reason.  And, of course, what is more emotional than innocent children being slaughtered?

Guns are not the cause of these massacresThey have merely been the means.  Take the guns away and those bent on mass murder, will simply utilize another means.  What part of this can’t the rabid gun control supporters comprehend?  The gun is not the “cause”, something else is and that is what we should be dealing with.  That’s how one can attempt to stop the senseless slaughter of the innocent.

I remember a case where a mother desperately tried to get her son help.  The system blocked her every attempt.  There was always a reason this agency or that agency couldn’t help.  Always a reason why she couldn’t get him admitted for evaluation.  And then… what she feared… what she had been desperately fighting to prevent happened — he killed himself.

Though it is sad the young man killed himself, luckily he didn’t take others with him.  But he could have.  He could have wiped out a room full of people before ending his own life.  What if he had?  Would one then be blaming the weapon of his choice, or the fact that he needed help and the system blocked him obtaining it?

Rather than decide gun control laws based on the emotional reaction to this vicious slaughter of little ones and their protectors, it should be based upon reason.  Details should be obtained and reviewed.  The “cause”… the real thing that “caused” this young man to do one of the most hideous things imaginable, should be determined and studied, so as to prevent that “cause” from developing in others or make it identifiable so as to have chance to stop the person before he or she “acts out”.

Guns are not the “cause”.  That’s a fact, no matter what the rabid gun control supporters try to argue.  And, until people comprehend that fact and focus on what sets these people off and sends them into a killing frenzy — another frenzy is just waiting to happen.  Next time though, it might be a bomb or a fire or knives.  It could even be a car.  One never knows, because these events are the result of the “cause”, not the weapon of choice.

What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is a hideous nightmare that no child, parent, family or community should have to live through.  May no other community be faced with such devastation.  God Bless the Children and the heroes, who fought to save them.  Likewise, may God Bless and keep those left behind to remember the day Newtown lost its innocence!