The insanity of politics is oozing out of the pours of so many that I don’t blame little Abby Evans for suffering frustration over Obama and Romney domination of the air waves.
We hear and read reports that we know are outright lies or at least distortions, yet we can’t do anything about it. Think CNN or MSNBC is going to let us rush onset and show them the truth and demand they report it? No, they certainly aren’t.
Perhaps more annoying is that the hosts seem to think it is just natural and fine for them to do commentaries promoting their side and expecting us to take it as NEWS — objective news. I think they think we are all too stupid and that it is okay to spoon feed us propaganda because they know best. You knew that, didn’t you?
Have we forgotten MSNBC thinking it was just fine for Al Sharpton to jump into the Trayvon Martin case and demonizing George Zimmerman before the investigation was even complete? Anyone else notice how Sharpton went a bit silent after it was discovered that Zimmerman is not a “white” Hispanic (whatever that is supposed to mean), but actually most likely less white than the president?
Politics. Politics and the screaming of discrimination that doesn’t exist to stir the people and get them to rally for whatever the cause. Like… like… Sandra Fluke. Oh, poor women who desperately need contraceptives or it shall be 1950 all over again. The madness. The distortions. The lies.
It boggles the mind.
With my own ears, I heard Obama basically call Romney a liar over his car bankruptcy opinion. However, it was readily proven that Romney was in fact telling the truth. Did that stop Obama from repeating something not true? Nope! He immediately went out on the campaign trail and kept saying it over and over and over again. Knowing what he was saying was not true means one thing — Obama was intentionally lying to try to gain vote.
Some will say that all politicians lie. That’s no excuse. They shouldn’t lie. They shouldn’t be allowed to lie. Maybe it is time to stop giving a free ride in politics and to the politicians who are supposed to be representing us with truth and integrity. It’s our choice.
We can make changes in the behavior of our news media and politicians. All we have to do is refuse to accept the inappropriate behavior and demand truth in reporting, campaigning and representation. If they don’t honor our demands, the media loses viewers (therefore advertisers) and the politicians don’t win the elections. It’s actually quite simple. We just need to make the choice.
Until we demand better, it will go on as is. It will be crazy. It will be politics as usual.
Abby Evans is demanding better. I’m with her.